Amazing how unaware we are with Climate Change... Lets take part in the Whole Earth Summit...

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
with the Whole Earth Summit event starting today, it is here we invite all to juggle the reality + invite you to join in with these folks.

     for our neuro networks are just not their for reality in real time on a global perspective. not to mention many of us locally. meanwhile many are gaining at the expense of many being in the fog or many so called leaders leading folks astray.

    so this gives us yet another perspective to add to + rethink as together we can co_evolve + resolve the truth to set us all straight.

if you register at you will then have access.

see Facebook;


4:00 - 5:00pm - HOSTS Janell Kapoor & Stacey Murphy: Vision, Inspiration, Collaboration & Action

5:00 - 5:15pm - Vandana Shiva: Seed & Food Sovereignty

5:15 - 6:15pm - Raj Patel & Nikki Silvestri: Love, Purpose & the Food Movement

6:15 - 6:30pm - Cantave Jean-Baptiste: Haitian Seedbanks & Community Security

6:30 - 7:30pm - Brad Lancaster & Geoff Lawton: Regenerative Action & Abundance

7:30 - 7:45pm - Marla Spivak: Honeybee Allies

7:45 - 8:45pm - Joel Salatin & Peter Bane: Growing Sovereignty

8:45 - 9:00pm - Mark Lakeman: Activating City & Planet Repair

9:00 - 10:00pm - Jason McLennan & David McConville: Desiging Living Buildings & Systems



4:00 - 5:00pm - Bill McKibben & Hunter Lovins: Energy & Capital

5:00 - 5:15pm - Majora Carter: Urban Revitalization

5:15 - 6:15pm - Lonny Grafman & Rob Avis: Appropriate Technology & Community

6:15 - 6:30pm - Johnny Weiss: Solar & Renewable Energy

6:30 - 7:30pm - Sepp Holzer & Dr. Dieter Duhm: Healing Water, Healing Love

7:30 - 7:45pm - Allan Savory: Holistic Land Management

7:45 - 8:45pm - Jacquie Berger & Anna Lappe: Food Systems: Global to Local

8:45 - 9:00pm - Karen Washington: Urban Farming Movement

9:00 - 10:00pm - Charles Eisenstein & Vicki Robin: Transformational Leadership



4:00 - 5:00pm - Grandmothers Mona, Rita, & Flordemayo: Vision & Action for a Healed Earth

5:00 - 5:15pm - Bill Twist: Awakening the Dreamer

5:15 - 6:15pm - Starhawk & Rob Hopkins: Practical Action for the Commons

6:15 - 6:30pm - Sacha Stone: Human Sovereignty Movement

6:30 - 7:30pm - Nina Simons & Terry Tempest Williams: The Art of Engagement

7:30 - 7:45pm - Susun Weed: Wild Food as Medicine

7:45 - 8:45pm - Gemma Bulos & Osprey Orielle Lake: Women, Water & Climate Change

8:45 - 9:00pm - Rachel Parent: Kid’s Right to Know

9:00 - 10:00pm - Ryan Eliason & Ocean Robbins: Food Revolution & Social Entrepreneurship

This FREE & ONLINE summit is dedicated to you, your community, and life on earth for generations to come. If you have any questions at all, please contact our support team at

For the earth!

Janell Kapoor & Stacey Murphy
Co-Pilots, Whole Earth Summit

we will try to review each speaker, + add positive not waste energy on negative, but be real from our perspective + take part, so lets see if each is real with global perspective of what we can do now..
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Re: Amazing how unaware we are with Climate Change...

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Lou, if nothing to do add some of your thoughts + links here.

the comments after this article are interesting, i thought you would enjoy them along with others;

Response from Lou a friend whom i respect. for he has survived, as many have not, as a Vietnam medic, as well personal tragedies as many experience, along with his good participation in his local community, + the work he is presently do_in to help humanity understand about what we can do for our health + how we create our own cancers with the way we think + act + can change it.

thank you Lou for taking the time to share some very real pointers;

Ackbar sez, (this article) "it's a trap", if not otherwise intimidating, and vacuous.

Carbon dioxide is one piss poor, global warming gas when compared even to even mundane water vapor (twice as potent & quite more abundant), but it do make honest, wondrously fine food for hungry plants, as anyone with a real, frame greenhouse would know. In fact bushes will suck it all up and starve if not provided with ventilation or further source.

Carbon dioxide is not pollution. Smoke is pollution. Clean be better.
Your local green thing would probably ask to have you breath in its direction, if it could.

Ultimately all animals are recyclers, we do not create organic biomass, plants do. Wouldn't it make sense to feed them well?

Global warming via carbon dioxide is a high profile lie. There are other gargantuous, extreme and variable climatic factors, such as the sun. Our human spittle should not be ignored in any overwhelming comparison, though.

Carbon is the easiest of all organic elements to control, and so far, the only one that can be readily controlled. Sheesh, every present sources known, is owned or mapped, just but not by you.

Denigrate yourself with guilt.
Demonize life's essentials, while they are being controlled.
Believe and build by our parasitic corporate philosophies.
And all will be well, if you don't ask the impertinent.

industrialized organics
        the parasites delight…

Don't forget:
"Fill the masses with a cacophony of contradictory lies, we make our own truths, we rule.
There are too many of you, anyway…, screw reality, screw mother nature, we are your ruling cancer"

Personally i r looking for another planet. Not optimistic, tho.

Maybe kinda flip, apologies, & in review apologies for all the writing/reading errors. Me weird dialectics r one thing, but did make a number of readability errors. Need to fire the secretary.

Fully expected the source, of the article, to be pro nuc, so did cursory review on his list of postings for perspective.

With no nuc either way, foremost anti fossil fuel, pro solar, no obvious listings on the other green "renewables", his agenda then, is promoting climate change as an immediate criticality, with focus on dirty carbon fuels.

Could have approached my response with citations exposing the co2 greenhouse warming as misinterpretations, however the article lent me excuse to be empty, particularly since writing is a huge ass pain. So i gave it a more obvious streetwise, organic approach. Hope this comes thru & u aren't too let down by terseness.

As far as the thing i have no clue. Fact is i r skeptical of any/all large organizations. My thinking is that, by nature, folk are inherently localized, tribal creatures. Anything larger is ambitious, and ambition should always be surveilled within confines of observable trust. Way too many gangsters, parasites and sell outs out there.

That said, climate change, over population, nuc puke and ecology are not the premiere issues. Gangsters, parasites and sell outs, are. They are the ones that rape and pollute the planet on an industrial scale. They are the ones that want to control all and be blameless. Same old story, different millennia, way higher stakes technology.

No sane, normal person puts a nuc dump or high pressure oil pipeline in their back yard. Too risky. So why do we let other folk create the risk, for others, to begin with?

My guess is ignorance, distance (from risk), a desire to be optimistic and ultimately, absolutely, zero method (or understanding) to oversee potential cancers (gangsters, parasites and sell outs) and hazards, to begin with. For the latter, we just keep leaving it all up to god.

So again, it's not the system that is important, it's the people associate with the system, that matters. That necessitates some form socially empathetic oversight, by at least some majority of folk associated with the system. Otherwise...

Sneaky overlords & wannabees r our real problem. With them out of the way humanities natural, heartfull oversight will be able to take on those other organic problems, responsibly. But it has to be common, we have to be brought up that way.

An individual and communal sense for organic oversight (including cancer watch) is what societal humanity needs to sustain itself, and develop.

God, gaia, aliens, or wishing, so far, just don't seem to be getting the job done.
It can be said that industrious radioactive Nuc Puke is quite chivalrous.
It do statistically take women and children first…
Peace is real! Peace is real!
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Re: Amazing how unaware we are with Climate Change...

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In reply to this post by Peace is real!
please see link of some history of what we did not support then nor now, so it will be interesting to see what stance Bill McKibben has taken at the starting tomorrow on carbon swapping, etc. holding self + others accountable. he will speak;


4:00 - 5:00pm - Bill McKibben & Hunter Lovins: Energy & Capital

in preparation for Bill speaking i wanted to take a review of`s page. so i asked a few to help + reviewed some history. after hearing Bill, sorry folks you are missing the facts. i hold my own ideas of his suggested divestment`s from fossil fuels to large grids or carbon credit swaps being unethically wrong.

     it interferes in people`s ability to simply be + we should hold him/the many investor groups that are required to spend large amounts of money to conform to stock market rules, can only then seek large investments thru war mode or false green economies.

for what it takes to respect mother earth`s enhanced limits require small low impact developments by locals do_in, not others afar. + this kind of interference into another person`s community, without holding those that want to trade the credit swap accountable, are just as bad as it interferes in locals ability to `boon with their biome(s) + gain their own sovereignty, while yet the stock market investors gain while developers still exceed mother earth`s enhanced limits + still pollute..

  permaculture/earthly folks what you are do_in is great for the earth in many locations, but how are you addressing these truths that require are collective action now to stop it. how many more people must die + suffer before we organize efficiently to understand yet a way that works, so all can restore the pieces they have left if fortunate to have any at all.

   please review some history, take a look at this film for war mode economies are running rapid but not for long, we can learn from our neighbors;

  how dull have we allowed our sensors to get, to think this is right. do you not think the billion dollars Al Gore made over these credit swaps is not unethical?

   i can see by listening to the first day of the World Earth Symposium that people are real, sensitive, appear to be very honest, i appreciated bringing the issues home holding our self accountable +their permaculture ways actually being done are what i also have been suggesting as far as working our entire biome(s) sensitively, yet i was unaware of how good they supported it.

   what i did not agree with was the disconnect of how many of us are working to network to define how best to reach those that are as some think `unable to change, as in can`t train a pig, so to speak.

     for we feel with our own experiences of contributing to part of the problem + working for the many great solution oriented ideas many have now to be shared, that we can network as we are restructuring our platform at - i come to talk story, for people to easily see an overview of what we should keep high on our list, as we share links.

      to set the daily chores to sleep good + awaken with new neuro networks making better choices as we find space to rid our baggage, while still staying present in the moment.

  meaning simply to hold ourself + others locally accountable which is not happening if you take a look at the supposedly neocons in US gov + their idea as they lie to the world + all of us in US.

  we can together organize more efficiently if we get to the root of our issues + resolve. for US is spending billions of fake dollars with no or little gold in hand, as the printing press runs wild. taking over as in Syria w/puppet governments, trying to do same w/Ukraine, due to failing in many other countries after killing many + wasting US funds as they interfered causing more turmoil for the locals.

so folks lets get a grip of this Whole Earth Summit + realize how we can organize our local communities to hold locals accountable locally + afar. simply sharing the process as we suggest you working with your students to create a interchangeable role so each then be a representative for your community + come reflect/post sharing what works to trigger others.

   then go back + share eye to eye with your locals, so now you stay updated w/true story, from our links in succession of what we all should be focusing on collectively to resolve, for our media is not.

  right now please see what you can do regarding the Ukraine reality, share this + welcome them to tell their story to us here, as we compare it with others, please see; 

        (i started late listening to Symposium, with Brad + Geoff + will catch up on others today, for on other post i was sharing highlights from each speaker, see World Earth Symposium Critique post on front page of our forum if interested.).

but it is this idea of carbon misinformation diversity, big time, as well credit swaps that i cannot support nor large grid systems. even if alternative energy. so please read on + i was looking forward to hearing Bill today, hoping he/ would of co_evolved w/this truth, as i put a hold on any projections of him until after he spoke.

  many people globally in every local community are left behind + it is this kind of deviations as in the exploited climate change that only interferes more.

     we can taper down into conscious humane thought, as we reflect + share with the many good platforms available that we want to continue to link with. so we become aware of early signs so as to develop/restore working within mother earth`s enhanced limits. that includes all life.

          networking triggers starting points to help us aid our self assessment, that many times can block us from seeing in time reality, so we do make good choices, etc.  + do_in collectively with our local communities we can make this more friendly...

please see our response to link below where we give example of enhanced from Prof Miguel Altieri;


 to be added to for it is insensitive to do divestments in large alternative grids or credit carbon swaps leaving people as in Africa or anywhere thinking they cannot self sustain as they collaborate with their local community, holding them self + others accountable for lowering their footprint + not interfere. + by networking reaching out we can share what works as a human family.

 in looking at the page, see video on this link for IMPAX Asset Management + you define how you perceive this to work, as i asked Lou to give his opinion, for we cannot support this issue of stock markets manipulating, for this interferes in locals ability to live local, meanwhile many investors are chasing their math w/puts + calls, etc.;


Lou`s comment

Afraid i just glanced over the link, got billboard blindsided.

Wow, back to us wrecking the climate freakout meme along with the bestest flaming catch phrases money can buy. Oh, (back of hand to forehead) the guilt!

Underlying that is wrecked aquifers, oceans, estuaries and on, in order to procure some carbon based burnable stuff that's all lumped under fossil fuels. (Even though it looks possible that coal alone is substantially biogenic, oil & gas may be in constant formation by processes deeply dynamic, in earth's interior.)

Am sure we can always run through anyones generation capacity, however.

Frightening stuff. Even if u take a Quaalude it looks like were gonna have to report back to Houston that yes, there is a problem.

Purdy sure the colony of bacteria filling out the petri dish said the same.

Conspicuous consumption is not just a human foible. How do u think the coal deposits got here to begin with?

We will always take more, if available, so will generally all living things. Think they call it growth..., until, damn walls.

And there's no room for empathy in feeding frenzies. Do we always have injure ourselves and our kindred before learning...?

And is education best done with billboard shouting matches?

Did u know that the absolutely, biggest source of near and abundant energy, way more than mankind can presently use, is straight down, below your feet?


It's vast (possibly growing), yet not quite conveniently close enough to be useable, or thought of, by most folk, tho.

FYI, much the southeast portion California has a huge expanse of surface available geothermal, along with a sweet assed caldera. And BYW, they have a relatively local source of unlimited salty water to pour on/in it. Might power good portion of US & make bunches of fresh water to boot. (Me, i'm into saturated saline bug farming, along with, but i r nuttier than most).

Possibly even more environmentally friendly than solar.

I think Nuc is another level of pollution beyond what even sociopathic Fossil Fuelers can cause, & that's saying a lot. The difference between hundreds of years to heal and thousands.

Wind and solar just don't bake out to my buttered ass aristocratic life style. Not that they aren't nice.

Don't get exited folk, just look down, dig to them hot rocks, piss on 'em, & get warm.

That's my sale.

end Lou comment...

(to be edited + add to for what we should do responsibly)

    1 of the realities of why many folks are in the fog chasing what kills us, as they have a hard time getting off the couch, so to speak. ridding their TV or isolating their input to enhance their healing, as they remain programmed that contributes to our misuse/abuse, etc. unable to center + share the goodness that every healthy being has, as all can self develop, if supported correctly. while simply being an active local community participant.

     we all can share what works as we network so as to become a local,  global + beyond meaningful participant for societal transformation. for we have many global issues that need our attention. + by do_in as we go within + check in with our self to see the layers we need to rid, etc. vs. doing without conscious intuitive organic thought.

     we can become aware to do this in harmony;

       have a fresh local grown natural potluck, bring your music + let this fill the air with positive reflection. it is this mode that then with early signs aids those of us left behind to rethink as we feel the life energy we have lost. as we feel the energy, we can go within + sort our live out, so as to make space to sharpen our sensors, that which only us can allow to dull..

   so lets please have some compassion for those trapped in this disassociated energy can come together with us in a tapering transition as all harness + redirect our focus.

  i am not supporting you to buy the product in this link below, but this is certainly a simple great example showing how we are blindly contributing, being in the sheep mode. that can trigger our thought to rethink;


   it is very simple to make different choices of probiotics;

       good sauerkraut that is not cooked or pickles, as well kombucha.

  see Emma`s great directions;

       kefir also is easy as well; water, coconut or dairy, etc. do your homework + Google a good Bulgarian. this one shares some ideas about the difference in them;

      ok how about this issue? can you imagine having a child or loved one with these illnesses, then to have them not able to obtain a solution within their means.. which always can be done, it may just not be legal. + it is issues like these we need to prioritize. for too many doctors/pharmacies are exploiting drugs that are harmful. when yet we have many herbal formulas/plants that have great healing effects, to then drop their usage as we change our behaviors if fortunate to do, as we gain mental clarity + physical strength + even if experienced them too late with advanced diseases, they still can make you more comfortable with such as stabilizing constipation, nausea, energy, ability to eat, etc., see this ex;


 industrial hemp could resolve many of our socioeconomic issues if we where allowed to grow it, so lets take part in the present activism to make it happen locally + beyond;

   back to issues of carbon swap/switching our mind set from supporting polluters to building natural working communities. where people go beyond + build meaningful lives. as each take part collectively + go figure so each find their space as they take part restoring the natural functionality + regain one`s center.

      where we respect all life on mother earth + work within her enhanced limits, so people feel the energy to ground + go beyond a job, rather all build meaningful self satisfying careers as we share + continue to explore this beautiful unique earth + beyond.

 we share this to awaken people to the many issues that block us, so please have compassion + as a community realize how our students could help us understand our options for obtaining solutions.

to continue editing below;





                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;

                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara;

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story