I decided until we hire editors, to transition our Nabble platform into a more efficient platform for all to have freely that need it, as well create your own w/us and share!
And those that have to give, we welcome Donations, by emailing kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com Re; Have to donate.
This is still our objective to complete even though many human errors detaining but we can't be stopped! So please take part, part time is all that is needed, and share what we are doing on this drawing board;
We are creating an Intro explaining-message board-archive-start up plans w/blank forms w/real links sharing real experiences in archive to reach links skilled w/agroecological systems for our startup plans, and adding serious thought from Dr Ye Tao and Emeritus Prof Guy`s nice analysis they did on MEER project, on MEERreflection.com w/bio-physics, yet sharing common sense, do join in w/them! As we rethink also w/Dr Steven Greer's tech from Covert's creating from alien crashed crafts??
Our startup plans will be offered to reps of every community joining neighbors! To prioritize those areas leaving most toxic ill effects on most life! To ecologically assess entire areas, ridding toxic on earth-space as community's reach out as far as they can for an efficient plan, even Continents sharing land-sea-fresh water, as together we prioritize time sensitive issues local and afar, and simultaneously, so many w/all making space to define where best to join in part time and do one's part, local and afar??
Then tune into where to start as you recycle self reflect w/locals realizing, how afar is negatively effecting you and how we all participate even unknowingly?? As well you effecting them afar, unknowingly?? For each community to fill in w/skilled students networking, layers of priority investments in local plans, for the startup plan assessment w/agroecological systems and good technology's to happen! All will be transparent, but sure nothing in stone!
So we all can share these local plan investments or aid in solidarity! Prioritizing where to start w/critical thinking to resolve local or afar, what most toxic?? Then follow up locally, each finding one's space! As each choose what can do, part time, self reflecting-self defining as we co_evolve making time sensitive solutions happen ASAP!
Together where need restoring via recycling good work done, adding to, creating healthy working communities, making peace via understanding time sensitive needs to be met! Sustaining the life that sustains us humans!
We no longer can just live local!
As we all share dates in celebration w/gratitude, for all these good solutions available now from Humanity, welcoming all to join in!! We suggest a nice natural local grown wild potluck, on the small farm or nice wild area, bring along live music, great food and conversation and have your skilled students focus direct, networking sharing all this and more as your rep adds what your doing etc.!! Getting real w/one's own whole food source and local farmers that make it happen!
We thank you all for you participation, to make this happen!
We will go figure by putting
posts below here as you see new links below! I apologize for such bad editing, it goes along w/the human errors I've come across in the banking world, as I continue to work at a budget to assist these startup plans and platform completion! So many have been so helpful, yet so many have interfered terribly then apologize detaining!
Eventually all will see a nice edited bullet list, packaged w/skilled intermediaries which can be interchangeable roles, we suggest! Which is a very nice peace platform asking the right questions to be answered and resolved!
So no one person gets overloaded,
rather the group supports earthlings as we all become mindful as an earth-space participant, prioritizing good technology, as we speak of. Then reps take responsibility for one's start up plan and local community makes that happen, as local plans filled in, to do the start up layers in priority! Reps and skilled students are presenting, welcoming good investors to come aboard, to invest, or share in solidarity-or Gov's and Corps subsidize or people going beyond money rther see what is and want can be enhanced, to heal and restore healthy working communities! Your choice?
Skilled students as well as students within all are great at doing this networking reaching all, adding as they walk by all our sides, helping to fill in these blank forms;
each will have many links to choose from via like ecosystem-season and subject to fuel the communities thoughts, to gain understanding,as many are still isolated unaware of one's true natural enhanced potential. As each then gain the understanding to work toward having an agroecological assessment and do the work welcoming neighbors to create larger working areas to be assessed for the betterment of the whole!!
W/agroecological assessments; We are not talking about just whole food, to heal, or saving complex life that fules oour gut to give us cognitive thinkig clarity, or clean water shed areas to keep floods in the ground vs destroy life, or pollinate our food or rid pests we all create unknowingly, or better prepare for bad weather, if we fail to define what better then MEER, as I'm studying Dr Steven Greer's ideas wanting tech to solve and have asked them to talk together?
To get MEER up and running will take 2 years to build and 2 more and all resolved! W/Dr Greer's idea I yet to be clear as he is talking to people able to fund this lab, he feels can then reproduce alien tech to solve time sensitive needs on earth! I am seeking more clarity of his work.
Ok so you get the gist of what we are doing w/your help and yes it all makes sense, if you look at this entire thread of our mindsets we share! If we can get a grip of how we think of aggression and acts that follow? For we have solutions to end above, climate change restoring healthy working communities, then we have the other time sensitive issues to be priortiized;
What %, does anyone know, that supports the manufacturing of weapons of war and Nuclear use, when yet so much waste circulates earth?
If yet to see Bob's post it is amazing! https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/02/12/breaking-exclusive-2021-18-there-is-evidence-someone-is-attacking-the-us-with-deadly-levels-of-radiation-and-it-is-being-covered-up/ So let me give you an example of how I feel humans get programmed and we all need to get an attitude adjustment! As we can think all the above can work and then what high risk scenerios blow us to Nuclear ashes, as Pres Putin said!
I share a post below on YouTube that appears to be taken down. But I want to share w/you all, since more are reviewing this post as we transition all of our platform, and I only updating here and on Google Drive Document, until we hire techs, unless budget delayed and I will come back online and continue and techs will come later;
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t448KrG5TvFscv1WDisFHbFX4-gr8SCyV_kk0eW8ExA/edit?usp=sharingHere is the post I did on YouTube CRUX;
CRUX Putins' Nuclear Yearly Drill
kara's post;
If this is true??? That ever drill has no real ammunition or Nuclear, why is it CRUX w/your skilled tech video ability, that you cannot make such a theatrical performance out of this and get real w/how fcking crazy it all is, to destroy the complex life even if no active compounds, that sustain the Human race?
Do you not know the time sensitive reality of what resources we need to focus on like MEERreflection.com aprox trillion dollar project that takes a few years to build and then a few years to resolve serious earth issues? Compared to the funds wasted w/old programmed ill thought knowing how it has left so much trauma and scars to earth life and in space as Nuclear radiation still circulates earth, in some areas much more then others as it accumulates within! And NO good waste programs in place! If so please tell me!
IAEA withholds information or manipulates it's degree of safety!
So how about us all show some retrospect, as even I do know w/children's games so aggressive putting them into roles doing the same, when we co_evolve it knowing it is not reality of what creates and restores healthy working communities on earth or space!
Try this link out below, for a simple update of our human potential, as I do w/children, vs hearing on social medias how Putin will threaten w/Nuclear or any of them, putting more fear into people that have no clue, if this is true no real compounds are used during drills so no risk, even though, surrounding habitat's loose species w/more pollution! As well locals get abused!
Earthlings come on, if Arctic ice melts, the complex life now dying at 150 species/day now, will get worse! Good science I work with projects all will be gone, and a short time after so will we from earth, except those in bunkers! Don't you think some thought is better, if we complete this retrospect of journalism, so we out NATO and US in a restored UN or Hague for war crimes against Humanity, in their harassment as well Corps creating weapons of war! So reality goes into diplomacy and human peace communication seeing more of these facts!
Do you realize how satellites show how life-death compounds circulate earth in winds and currents feeding as Ex; Amazon rain forest to give earth our tolls for us and all lie to live! Let alone scientists can see in clouds up in airplanes what toxic compound from where when! Ex; when our computers are sent to China polluting local grounds as they repair them, as well circulates back to us in the clouds!
We have the tools to educate, and share and that is what we are transitioning, and welcome you to add input as our start up pan will show grounded w/agroecological system assessments, showing what is and what can be enhanced!
We are not interested in blaming as we know ourselves failed to mindfully act and allowed people to be voted on that support such profiting over restoring such understanding! Don't you think working w/communities, prioritizing local and afar leaving most toxic, to gain support and awareness to save life on earth, is long over due, considering good stewards of earth still living it co_evoling in real time here to guide us?
Thank you CRUX, you have the tools to rethink! To be part of the solution sharing Humanity's solutions, same all of us, vs push hype and fear based incomplete information, realizing how many ares till left in trauma being triggered from social medias and Gov's and entity's irresponsible acts, that together we all can change, through more understanding, to define one's space to do one's part to make peace thrive, as we regain common sense of our true human and all life abilities to communicate, as we all want!
Please see this link, and rethink what we say or not, Ex;
Peace is real but it takes all of us to make space to rethink and mindfully act!
Thank you all for doing your part!
lov, kara j lincoln
speaking for our combined `effects...`i come to talk story...
Before I share important subject below of more of what we are about, I'd like to post this upcoming event to welcome all, as well do check out the last one if did not participate? And when events are over I leave them up so you can go follow up w/their sites if interested??
As I say when post a date w/activity, if miss it go to their site for more, google it!
Sunday, 9.26.21 Please join in w/the 5G Team International event online;
Free Webinar this Sunday, September 26
Symphony of Minds: Feeling Our Way into a Vibrant Future
18:00 UK – 13:00 EST – 10:00 PST
For all other time zones please check at https://bit.ly/3zz9Gq0
All inventions, customs, and norms in this world, arose from a seed thought in someone’s mind and heart long ago. Now is the time to plant seeds for a garden of future delight.
This webinar brings together panelists from various fields and advocacy groups to share ideas and cross-fertilize minds and hearts, as we try to make sense of these seemingly disruptive and confusing times, and to feel into what could be manifesting in the near future.
The multiple converging crises we now face are fast-tracking us toward a much needed global awakening and rethinking of where we’re headed. As people who care about the state of the world, we spend much of our time opposing what is wrong. In so doing, we may inadvertently give power to what we don’t want, rather than to co-envision, co-manifest and co-empower what we do want.
Now is the time to envision together what kind of world we could leave for our children and to help grow a grassroots movement of global healing and awakening.
During the first half of the webinar, each panelist will present on a topic that addresses our future from the perspective of their own work and life experience. In the second part, all panelists will be invited to address questions submitted by the live audience, and to join together in a lively discussion that may lead to a clearer vision of the kind of future we may want to work toward going forward. We will have a 3 minute break after the first 4 panelists and a 10 minute break before the last segment.
The bios of our diverse group of panelists can be accessed through their name tabs at https://stop5ginternational.org/symphony-of-minds-feeling-our-way-into-a-vibrant-future
We hope you will join us for the webinar this Sunday. And please do consider sharing this announcement with others.
As One,
The Stop 5G International team
Register now for this webinar
If you cannot participate through this Zoom link above (attendance is limited to 500 attendees), note that we plan to stream the webinar Live at www.facebook.com/whatis5g
NOTE: At the conclusion of the webinar, we will be officially announcing the launch of a new Facebook group, Co-creating a Vibrant Future. It will serve as a meeting place where we can continue the co-creative process initiated by the webinar. Our hope is that people who enjoyed the webinar (as well as others) will want to continue exploring how we can best set the stage for a future vibrant with Peace, Love and Harmony.
Please note I, Kara add this below, considering I may not be able to participate, and due to again Chase Bank errors I've been delayed editing here, so please note we will get this together, w/your help, as our work is coming very very nice to transcribe this platform, we just are late!
Please see some thought I add as well few links on old and new work from FAO w/SOCLA on agroecology;
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
124K subscribers
It's designed for representatives of the public and private sectors, civil society, academia and international organizations interested in enhancing their knowledge about agroecology with the fundamental purpose of spread, promote and strengthen knowledge around this field and its contribution in order to obtain informed decision making, to propose actions that consolidate sustainable and resilient food systems and to promote rural and rural-urban territorial development in Latin America and the Caribbean. More information:
We at `i come to talk story, a US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association aim to cover earth-space sharing this understanding that Humanity has solutions now once we organize to do one's part part time!
The best use of natural resources on earth-space, to rid toxic mind-acts and past developments prioritizing yields and productivity, vs using no chemical outside elements, focusing on ecological implications of the technology of agroecology.
So as to sustain the life that sustains us as humans, as well all life! This requires academia and social movements to work w/farmers, Quote; Prof Clare Nicholls, due to university's being in a bubble, publishing, working on papers vs getting the real science by sharing solutions, making real policies, across to all via NGO's working w/people in the field of agriculture, working to advance agroecological solutions! This was Prof Clare Nicholls academia challenge in 2014, that she witnessed as a Scientist-Professor, sharing;
Clara Nicholls from the Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology (SOCLA) talks about the role of academia in strengthening the scientific base of Agroecology and in further disseminating this approach. The interview was recorded in occasion of the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition, held at FAO HQ in Rome on 18-19 September 2014.
Also this is a great one, even though older; #UNFAO
Soil Organic Carbon – the treasure beneath our feet;
This is great education for implementing good decision making for all to understand and want to make this happen, as each define how they want to get involved? It is a challenge and we have to be consistent for it is replicated, as we share this new system! As we suggest welcoming skilled Students-Professors to utilize communities as classrooms, as students orchestrate guiding community while networking, self reflecting w/those that offer hand on experiences!
We plan to do an intro showing real photos-video pieces-links-story's connected to a earth-space map showing what we are talking about w/links prioritizing ridding toxic while celebrating while restoring healthy working communities! Negative effects on many are focused first simultaneously, then for all to self reflect and join in either locally or can critically think local or afar!
Prioritizing policy to restore and maintain sustainability, ridding toxic in mind, acts and past toxic implemented locally and afar that need everyone's attention, considering so many are receiving negative effects locally, from afar!
Define 'Tape' that demonstrate agroecological experiences.
Using good skills and technology to assess a start up plan over view, in layers, so locals then fill in local investment plans to make start up investment plan happen!
Local plans for making 'start up plan investments' will be transparent on our message board in the building on Nabble. As skilled students working w/communities, will show priorities to efficiently complete what it takes to help people understand, so as to gather as much land-sea-fresh water in the first overview assessment! Preferable w/Gov heads joining going beyond political boundaries and define ecological offerings that is most efficient to sustain all the life that supports the soil microbes-large browser trans boundary migration in check as well where best to have water shed areas preventing floods as water stays in the ground! Same sequestering carbon! Prioritizing what toxic and species in need of support including humans!
That work economic-social-educational-environmental, etc. locally and that which is negatively effecting from afar! Prioritizing restoring where needed leaving the most negative effects!
Soil, planting techniques, supporting and supported by water shed areas created-restored seed saving and sharing, food system management that need nothing but skills and have no outside toxic; fertilizers-pesticides-human working conditions, etc.. As the present Industrial Agriculture on earth leaving much toxic everywhere, and some place heavier then others, that need to be prioritized for 'Start up plan investment' assessment overview to be understood, completed, and all that can do what it takes, to support them high in what priority w/others on list, as skilled students network w/Professors and communities staying on top of this, as well co_evolving the curriculum, while showing rook r real experiences and then knowing like ecosystem-season and subject to create one's own 'Start up plan assessment to create the investment as I personally want to share, bringing in good investors to make then the local plan investments that locals fill in, knowing well the many experienced already using them, as investors can see hands on if choose!!
Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina and Uruguay, and different provinces, Columbia, MX is a priority Country to expand agroecology working w/civil society, Nicaragua, and more working together, shown on FAO website, and use keyword agroecology and see data bases of their legal frame works, policies from all country's around the globe! That have changed legislation, for laws for participatory restoration and continued communication!
Academic world has other incentives, and socially, politically, SOCLA w/FAO enriches these experiences to encourage academia to get on board, so professionals have another way to be educated, knowing the 'Green Revolution' does not work, nor paradigms that no longer work, need to be known and can be replaced w/agroecological education!
Until we complete our objective please share and add!
Thank you for joining in!! kara, speaking for our combined `effects...
See more from 5G team;
Emeritus Professor Miguel Altieri did a really nice presentation showing what many of us have missed from long ago, please do see what is important to me to scale as together we share more;
This is older but nice on `Regreening the Desert; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDgDWbQtlKI
And you can see more of Geoffs and Miguels, as well we add Dr. Zack Bush and work on solutions w/his great analysis;
I'm w/such gratitude to have Nabble crew as well these links I share! I thank you all for the good work you do!
Their is no reason for any earthling to not be able to self develop and heal, the organizing tools are here!!
I'm happy to share that Dr. Paul Thomas got his Medical License back, so lucky him for the law to prevail!
I'll let him update you along w/a really good video on vaccines; https://www.doctorsandscience.com/
Now I share a rough draft of our `Start up plans and please add comment-correct and when we update all remember we still working on a simple page to carry in everyone's back pocket giving confidence, that we are working this and it continues to happen faster as we share and create with it! So thank you as we've got this far! And still more work coming! So please create with us!
Imagine Nabble we rid all the yada! lol Blame kara no one else!
Please share our new link here; http://i-come-to-talk-story-welcomes-all-to-get-one-s-real-needs-met.22.s1.nabble.com
On the top here, I will keep sharing updates I think is important, and keep working to simplify, as now I also working toward a budget, so as to gain help. So this message can be easily carried in one's back pocket to rethink w/as well, while together reaching out to all earthlings, to take part in creating as well share all that is required to utilize this package in transition, self-reflecting defining one's part! Just imagine this entire thread into a few paragraphs giving us all confidence to continue to build one's path while you walk it into one's opening, sharing and creating along the way as you share the package, and you can do it now welcoming all to take part creating it, please!
We will get there w/your help and those that have and can DONATE, please email me, kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com For we want to keep this message board yet to be reconstructed, to serve all the needs we talking about, to be free to all! As well a few of us scaling and all sharing, welcoming good investors to support the start up plans!
This way we can lay this out for simple common sense needs and offerings to get fulfilled vs chase delusions or continue to be in the fog-ill or unaware from misuse-abuse, etc. so as to self reflect in this process and gain fuel to get clear to take part!
Our start up plans are being worked and I will share more soon, but Miguel's video although old can be very grounding and I want to share it with you to know the foundation I want for our start plans as many good stewards of earth still co_evolve it, Miguel at Berkeley w/community created curriculum w/them still living it!
Do enjoy! Thank you Miguel
I want to thank all and trust me this will be edited and a nice simple package! I realize now, having a start up plan is maybe most important, as we put this clarity in a layered schematic overview, before even doing it before investors see the overall finished schematics, as well they help us do them! Plus they can take part first in putting this all together w/start up plan funds needed, w/us!
Just imagine, stop and look around you as you do daily acts? Imagine the good and bad needing to be removed, the expense of toxic on many, and the goodness trying to break through or already in fragments! Now put into transitional means to do what is naturally possible and put the labor-resources locally and needed from afar, and $'s so it can get done most efficient! While those posting on our or your proposed message boards, seeking needs or sharing offerings, realize if understand what we all are saying here, then by doing the prioritized steps first, will give all much more to fuel one's true desires! Realizing these local plans, even the start up local plan w/neighbors can surely emit a nice energy knowing it is a good path for all to further create upon and do one's part!
I'm soon to disclose and overview of my personal interest w/start up plans sharing w/skilled agroecologists to gain their insight. We will use real past experiences of those priority communities we all will define as needing assistance, due to them leaving most negative effects on the life that sustains Humanity! I was invited to a coarse in Peru, and considering I only speak English, I have the opportunity for Director Catherine, who is the Academic Coordinator of Alsakuy Agroecológica. They are a youth movement fighting for agroecology and food sovereignty in Peru, but working on building networks in Latin America. They have brought several countries together in a recent event. For those of you that speak Spanish, do check out this event on Facebook and more;
As well the tech message board which I feel Nabble here is a good choice and I will ask for their help to technically assist this multi level platform;
For us, to create a great message board as a hub to offer a nice archive for us all to resort to as we collect nice links to share what works, as you do it locally putting these afar realities into perspective! As well can rethink w/your communities by joining them and staying updated w/us, by also having one to link with and others! This way we all can organize linking to give-gain support to get these jobs done for us all, w/us all celebrating along the way!
This gives locals, whether long term resident or refugee-homeless, grounding doing their part w/earth below one's feet!
Then can aid this cooperative sense of maintaining an enhanced ecological perspective of the local community w/neighbors, as is until this clarity aids each to co_evolve for one's local communities as you unite or not! Defining w/neighbors one's true natural enhanced potential to get basics done first!
Doing what can part time, yet also taking part in clarifying over view w/skilled, as in this scaling of agroecology w/local prioritized start up plans being created on top of the many fragments from good stewards continuing to co_evolve them in real time, already living w/them in place! While all simultaneously then create the local plans then to follow as you all fill them in. Welcoming your skilled students, we suggest to network via like ecosystems to see the good work many have down and doing! So each find one's space via self reflecting w/skilled sharing one's own experiences!
I will be drawing some simple ideas and scanning them in and then welcome all to do the same, so do check back, so together we create a start up plan to create with!
Can you imagine being in Gaza? This week many are filling the streets to see what can be done to stop this over 73 years of conflict between Palestine and Israel or is it?? When you look at all the outsiders selling weapons that must stop asap!! Do check the many webinars and take part!
Many more! I'd like you to see this older video of what reality can be when locals share, as many times people afar think they know yet we don't until we have locals tell us their story, not realizing how we interfere or our Govs;
I feel when people gather it is a good time to gain local story as well connect and share as we want to here so as to resolve ending these scars for ever!!
A few upcoming series you all may want to take part in and share as I thank Josh del Sol from `Take Back Your Power as well our friend Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, w/END GAME May 25, and 3rd Annual Advanced Medicine Conference
May 29-30th, In-Person & Online | Sioux Falls, South Dakota, that does have a fee.
See on EMF's; https://myemfwebinar.com/aw1-2/ Trevors' webnar on 5.27.21 was great and see replay now;
Dr. Vandana Shivi shares a nice update; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGzHbWDmL8U
When it comes to the UN's participation in a site Vandana recommends, I have another take on that for another time!
Important updates on Vaccines as many have yet to get a grip of what really has taken place, see Dr Buttar's subcategory on updated video of how to resolve the toxic effects from vaccines!
Please see Update 4.7.21, If yet to see Dr. Zack Bush's work on Death-Dying-Rebirth, he is playing a replay;
I welcome the youth of UNAC to learn from them, as well share what we are doing here, for I yet to meet them?
I do know it has been wrong to put sanctions on Iran, when yet I have a feeling a new policy needs to be created, but also I am not clear on the last one US puled out of? I'd like to share w/them our peace plan w/intermediaries, so all understand why we should make peace w/our neighbors so each continent does it's role of balancing genetic biodiversity to link w/neighbors, realizing how compounds circulate the earth giving earthing's daily tools to do one's organic exchanges, for there is no balanced environment until all create one! Not to mention the toxic also circulating, that we prioritize here. As well to stay in real time so all Nuclear toxic and weapons of war end on earth-space, giving no one the right to tell another what to do, when yet we ourselves in US have much more!
Together we all can stop these scars from continuing!
Why we do this page, a good Ex; See this series starting 2.15.21, for unless we balance our ecosystems microbiome to balance our guts microbiome, we will have no good mental function, see free;
Also starting 3.15.21 for 7 days I believe; Welcome to The Brain Immune Gut Masterclass!
In today’s Mastery Sessions and interviews, they start with the BIG Idea in functional medicine and the roadmap to healing chronic conditions. They will talk about blood sugar metabolism, 6 packs to optimal brain function, different ways circulation affect energy and brain function, and the importance of blood sugar stability in healing chronic conditions.
Access the masterclass each day starting at 10AM U.S. Eastern time..
Each day's interviews and Mastery Sessions are available on demand for a 24-hour period ONLY, from 10 AM U.S. Eastern until 9:59 AM the next day.
Masterclass is in session!
Please realize you get clear on vaccines and this virus which has much controversy and corruption involved, as they feel this is not correctly managed, please watch skilled explain this and you decide, this way we all can then more efficiently address real issues at hand and continue resolving. Also see how you can join and scale w/this agroecology movement, prioritizing these local and afar communities leaving most negative effects on all life? Then fall in simultaneously w/neighbors doing the same to rid toxic and restore where you feel best equipped, while celebrating along the way, w/your local and afar new friends!
Please note I'm asking all, do not schedule on top of each other, this don't help, if many cannot see it! For this information is really good! This way we can get this package done prioritizing where to start w/who best to guide us on each step?
Same juggle understanding locally and afar until we get it right;
While we create this start up funding package! I'm soon going to upload a simple sketch and from here we want very clear good technology to network from like ecosystems - season and subject w/neighbors. So we look at both and how best to sync the political boundaries needing change to stay in real time w/the ecological boundaries that join together to be very efficient, to save the life that saves Humanity!
Check back center-ground and define your space to enter and add more! Thank you all, for making this happen!
Please see this on vaccines I just got, links below, and I leave a few up of outdated links, so you can go to their websites to see updates! I've had a work load as we pursue this infrastructure! Adjusting to how efficient we can do much more to happen that is time sensitive for many more then some! I know how I continue to co_evolve! And to see millions of displaced people in flooded areas and then worse to blame just climate change vs also lack of awareness! HELLO!
To putting oneself in these conditions w/many houses as Ex; Indonesian islands for one, and the flooding, so people run or they remain and w/storms, flood their homes and stuff floating to then walking in water in the house doing best to then put it back together when water goes down! WOW!
I will share more of this detail, but I awakened to the reality we can't just focus on communities locally and afar, rather I think more efficient to work w/entire Continents-Govs-people in control and actually address these time sensitive realities where people are suffering in millions!
But also many lacking understanding with them self, one's choices and then all share getting to the root of the issues in need, making a road map prioritizing, so those that have can offer critical thinking! Same w/linking our platforms being developed w/intermediaries skilled to get to deeper root issues yet to be addressed. within people as well our earth! And these damages done from war are not just local!
It is not healthy to have houses built like this to begin with let alone continuing as water is washing out buried containers exposing Nuclear radiation and more toxic compounds!
Not to mention bringing a child into such living conditions!
Plus many yet to truly understand how Continents provide compounds that do support Humanity as it circulates the earth where then people use these tools adding to one's organic exchanges for daily tools for basic survival, same dessert storms brings sands and life to Amazon Jungle, etc.. And as well toxic in air, water, oceans, etc..
So another layer to add to our overview so we ourselves don't remain fragmenting. when if we open up to these realities we can create sound solutions sharing Humanity w/skills to guide as we create w/them a roadmap prioritizing our earth-space and all life! Humanity has the solutions we just need to organize-prioritize and share!
Please see update;
Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.
Senta Depuydt
Better than a shot in the arm: forty speakers you need to hear before you put your health in the hands of Bill Gates;
Feb 15, 21; https://healthfreedomsummit.mykajabi.com/offers/4rxC9KYm/checkout
And I add this for the importance of allowing us together to not just sign this action they are asking for. so we don't have mandatory vaccines, but the legislators in Gov are held accountable for passing and present corruption even if sharing misinformation, to be held accountable to make it right! Just like any of us having to go to court! Not to mention step down from responsible roles in US Gov! Showing real transparency in past and to date, and stay with it until people regain their losses, stop the Military weapons of war to start, that can pay it all! While people debate and now vote in those empty spots replacing the many to hold accountable!
Not to mention end long durations of legislators, so all Ex; same term as a President?
So I share with them they need to have like Robert Kennedy and Del Figtree doing this law suit and we all help get to real root of COVD mismanagement, as well toxic vaccines from past as well now, and those corrupt knowing this long ago to date! So I don't think, a vaccine should be used, and corrupt should be held accountable, so this wrong mismanagement ends ASAP! MEANWHILE MANY SOCIAL MEDIAS ARE BLOCKING, let alone the need for all to speak out that vaccines should not be mandatory!
Please see and self reflect as you decide, but please before you do, take a look at all of these videos for V-revealed COVD 9 part series, shares skilled, stating they have no science proof there is a need for a vaccine, let alone how wrong the vaccine has been created, as well toxic in past doing damage and toxic now!
Feb 17. 21 3 PM PST https://standforhealthfreedom.com/cdc-investigation/
Please note today 2.11.21 is the last time we post on Facebook, and Instagram due to them blocking skilled people we respect: Robert Kennedy's great work w/Children's Defense and V-Revealed sharing the 9 part series on toxic vaccines, that we share below! Thanks to Nabble not blocking!
This is why we soon are scaling earth w/agroecological systems and more as you see in this thread, requiring all to take part! Come in and share this page;
Shame on you Facebook and Instagram for your corruption to profit over health!
Please see these vaccine series starting 2.9.21, free! We have a few series, that I feel are important for all to see, so you make up your mind about why social medias don't want us to see these and many more!
Dr Paul, whom I respect recently had his medical license removed, realizing it is time to do something about this vaccine issue happening way to often! Thank you Dr Paul and those all involved as well in the Vacine Revealed COVD Addition;

If did not sign up for Vaccine's Revealed COVD Addition, update, episode1 of 9, starts 6PM PST 2.9.21:
Before diving into more sewage, as well Humanity's solutions to compost it, please take a breath of fresh air w/Geoff Lawton's video, which these skills along w/SOCLA's w/Emeritus Prof Miguel Altieri and all, I believe we can gain understanding enough to know that if Gov works w/us and all do plans recycling w/local planning, for entire Continents, there is no better peace platform to work w/neighbors in transparency showing these layered schematics for start up investments for locals to sustain the ecology, then on to investors coming in and choosing their subject knowing what it takes for the whole local plan to happen w/neighbors, after seeing a start up plan for each community or group of communities!
This way we get real knowing if we are an ecological whore selling out to profiteers and who these people or Gov's are? For many of us, and I speak for myself for may years had no clue of these negative effects I left contributing?
And w/Anna sharing at Animal Spirit, we gain understanding for the life that sustains our complex life that sustains humans! Thank you Geoff, Anna and Dr Buttar and all sharing Functional Medicine; www.ifm.org, Miguel, Guy, Vandana, Robert and staff, Nabble and many more for all you do, as well the wild life I love, and all helping to help decide as we prioritize ridding toxic from earth-space defining these local areas to start! Then all simultaneously focus on earth below one's feet to gain fuel to obtain one's real desires!
A little kindness goes a long ways to all life!
Geoff's solutions as we scale earth together w/you all:
I know how upset Humans can get, I'm also Human, and when experiencing Human error, but please Dr. Buttar calm down, your messages I respect but if we are to go figure, our brains do it more efficiently if we stay calm! It is harder when channels don't stay open, so this controversy of so much can be clarified preventing much more stress! This is why Dr. Buttar and friends are keeping channels open! Thank you!
Dr. Buttar's update #1 of 6 on friend's channel and I share more links below on this page and thread;
Join in and together we can tame him a bit so he calms down! For he is so upset w/what is happening and calming our minds will help us do more! I'm telling myself too as I know how upset I can get! I want you all to see #6,so I sharing my link, and if can't open go to above and sign up, it is free! See his video on part 1 of 3 PCR danger, which is the test for COVD 19, and they show you how it is nanotech and it moves, and those getting this test are getting vaccinated without knowing it! Share it please!
Vandana Shiva knows best of this sewage soup that our start up plans have to address, please see here and Robert Kennedy discussing what is the reality on earth;
We know the pressure on the complex life-variety of species dying at a fast rate daily! We appreciate Anna sharing what we all can do!
Anna Breytenbach; https://mailchi.mp/animalspirit/different-languages?e=8658032ad2
I add a few older videos of Anna's that speak well of our present ongoing illnesses to realize change is needed, and many have and willing to share, for some of us, as Humans have a tendency to talk a lot yet missing the point! You decide which one to replay as well see more of her work on Interspecies Communication!
To change the tone, have you heard of Thomas Sowell's work, please check him out;
Do you see this controversy of being aware and alive to understand, vs in the fog as Ex; W/COVD restrictions interfering and much more? I share below the Sex Trafficking link of such increase, the Yemen suffering, those in Military wrongly being directed from the many countries that Saudi-Yemen war would not exist, if it wasn't for the Imperialism supporting it for ill power, knowing we as earthlings need no war mode economies, yet Defense Corps and lobbyists are abundant!
IT IS SICK PROGRAMING OF THE PAST, THAT WE ALL ARE STILL SUPPORTING UNKNOWINGLY< ESPECIALLY IF WE ALLOW THIS COVD WRONG DOING TO CONTINUE TO RESTRICT FOR THEIR PROFITS AND FURTHER CONTROL and misinformation for many< FOR IT IS THESE POWERS AT BE heightened w/more disassociated energy that can be harnessed and redirected and that is what we all must do vs allow it to continue to interrupt;
AS IT CONTINUES Here with the Arctic Ice Project whom are scientists and professors working at UNIV's w/huge budgets, so if Dr. Buttar and others I share are saying differently about COVD realities, then how is others doing such important work to save life also on earth, which are unable to be on same page w/science as Dr. Buttar and other's? Same I ask Atomic Scientist's as they share `100 Seconds to Midnight Domesday clock, asking which side of science are they on, considering lawyers for 911 in court due to US Gov not acknowledging truth of `thermite and more found w/explosives put in Trade Center months before airplanes hit! And more still dying from being exposed to it, just Google it and see the line of lawyers w/billions of dollars administered to victims;
Look at this journey of 911 yet to be clarified w/closure so those that did wrong can make it right, Mohammed is still in Libya running from bombing, and parents in school house as their community was bombed last few years near Tripoli!
Please add these webinars to your schedule, for more as we come together and mindfully act-share-correct, while self reflecting, w/people I respect at The United National Antiwar Coalition-UNAC, Jan 30, Feb 3 + 6 and if miss, see contacts for follow up;
These Doctors-researches are skilled to treat the ill, as well see the corruption first hand from other doctors not following, from hospitals manipulating death certificates for incentives stating people died of COVD, and putting people on ventilators making them more ill and dying, etc.! Plus in great detail I share links of their associates showing proof of the corruption over time throughout this thread in comments below! Not to mention are getting blocked from social medias! Also please see links on the Google Drive Document, link below and come in and do your part!
Please we welcome Saudi Continent and Every Continent to realize how this misinformation is destroying the complex life on earth that sustains Humanity, at a fast rate! We welcome all Gov to rethink and realize `We the people accept nothing less than holding our self and you all accountable to make peace and please see our plans as we welcome entire Continents to scale agroecology and with their skilled guidance along w/sharing humanity's solutions now, we together will end these scars for ever!
Thank you all for joining and please everyone let us be guided by the skilled here now from the earth up, and no better place to start them let SOCLA and other agroecologists guide now vs waste time in activism thinking dysfunctional people in responsible positions have the answers! Rather we must share with them our and your local plans as we prioritize these places on earth-space that are time sensitive ER issues, and all will define as each local plan has it's own, but no more can we just live local, and await them to guide us, we must act mindfully w/gratitude, efficiently prioritizing these locations, as all join in and define one's space to help part time, while maintaining one's own center and ground to build one's path into one's opening! Vs ride on these ways of self destruction as many now are lost in this fog, and if you share us along your path creating upon us, we are working to share means for all needs to get met while focus directing w/these earth-pace priorities now to rid this toxic, heal and simultaneously restore w/your own communities joining w/your neighbors! So we all do message boards so all can post getting real needs met and offerings shared as local plans prioritized are added to, then simultaneously on to local plans!
Please thank the many bringing this awareness to our attention and w/them redirect so we not just share w/empathy to all parties involved, but also w/love and skill, offering not just our hands along our path staying local, but organize to network so you check back here for updates! As well w/all important for you! To continue to scale ER issues on earth-space while sharing harmony acting locally w/earth below one's feet doing one's organic exchanges simultaneously!
Welcome your students skilled to focus direct and network, not get lost in activism burning out! Or the much dysfunction I witnessed from Dems accusing and wasting US Gov resources, when so many US people are without let alone the many afar left from US Gov abuse and misuse w/Military's and still are where ever a Military base is! Now to have Reps turn around at Dems, wow what a waste of energy and resources as this sewage continues! We do something like that and end up in court, they to should pay the price for interfering not expect US people to pau for it as we do!
Please bring home all ending US Military bases everywhere, but before, please help them also reprogram by plugging in to aid the locals as in sharing your local plans of priority below, as they have left messes big time globally if talk to UNAC! Where like ecosystem skills are already perfected and still lived by good stewards, w/agroecology systems around the earth, to create upon as you exchange w/fellow earthlings in your mindful acts, as we welcome you to scale our local plans as SOCLA fuels the path w/agroecology and more in permaculture! So see whom is local to help and then plug in to exchange and create what works best for your communities working w/neighbors!
I repeat; We all have work to do so please define your space, don't just ride on other's waves here above or ours in this thread, but work w/the common sense that works! Suggest to act on efficient direction, as we each correct oneself and share, realizing our part of the problem can co_evolve, as we redirect into mindful action knowing HUMANITY has solutions now to support, so please start w/our local plans we share in this thread and create upon them;
To start; Don't you think we should get on same page w/1 science or not use the words and use common sense for all to mindfully act w/time sensitive issues, respecting all life on earth, in a calm state of celebration having gratitude to go beyond this controversy as well emotional discontent! And take advantage of being present in the moment w/the much clarity and beauty of being alive!
Share more to mindfully act, so please let's all dig deep and edit oneself while self reflecting, and pay attention holding oneself accountable, do as Anna says, take your shoes off and touch the earth, be mindful, place your awareness on your breathing practice! Make the change we can only do for oneself, otherwise we end up interfering more in others ability to also do for self! Including accusing and blaming others, w/misinformation, unaware of what they truly are doing, ask them to join in and share!
This reminds me and many of the concentration camps, when still some say they never existed, meanwhile I worked w/a project in Port Townsend, WA when students were painting swastikas around town. And we tried to bring out some deep rooted pain buried, and did just that, w/theater group, welcoming audience to replace the characters as they defined their role to share! Elder survivors of family members that died in the camps, cried so hard rehashing their experiences, which is deadly to us all if we suppress this! And if you don't aid these deep open wounds suppressed, they grow into cancers and more destroying self and more life, misusing-abusing, while in the fog! As it steals the energy from your vital organs when stressed, unable to live in the moment, realizing the Findings of Functional Medicine; www.ifm.org that until we balance our gut microcosm, we have no cognitive clarity! And when we are insensitive not realizing how we destroy this complex microbial life along w/our insects to their part to sustain our food, balance the pests we as humans create, as well supply these vital needed micronutrients that so many are depleted in!
Yet corrupt powers at be are blaming COVD for deaths and illnesses not true! This inability to have strong immunity, which is depleted more w/the stress of COVD lockdown is injuring more than any virus! This is due to our lack of education to maintain our own self discipline over our sensory observation vs corrupt belief and misinformation of Ex; COVD, which is wrong, not to mention the many irresponsible unskilled people in responsible roles! We all must get a reality adjustment of one's true human abilities to control oneself! And those unable need to listen and change ASAP, or step down from these responsible positions, if Humanity even decided these policies need to exist, vs co_evolve and update as in our Constitutions to stay in the moment!
As Dali Lama says below, Buddha says you are your own master, you caused the problem so now take care of it, vs thinking each cultural religion can solve it, it does not work that way! We w/many share below Humanity that can guide us w/real earth-space based skills!
So please in this thread take notes and see links showing the profits and corruption and who is behind this, that many are contributing too blindly as sheep, and that can stop as you take control of you realizing human powers within as you become one w/the universal energy!
Please rethink and make space for this lengthy thread as we fill in many worn torn missing links, and correct us, add to it where can, to calm this energy while mindfully acting, sharing what works, what don't?
Lets get back to saving life that sustains us realizing the much work needed as we prioritize earth-space toxic, research where needed and resolve ASAP!
They welcome all to their event, claiming to be the largest Arctic Expedition in history!
Thu, January 28, 2021 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM PST
They state; The Arctic is key to the survival of every living thing on Earth.
Despite the urgency of our work for the planet, our progress is in jeopardy due to COVID-19.(See there you go again even skilled scientists yet to know this COVD misinformation, says kara!)
Please help secure our stability from this turbulent year. You'll have an immediate impact on climate modeling, eco-toxicological testing, laboratory analysis, and Arctic field research.
I thank Dali Lama for his sharing that we are one global family and no longer can look at just local family!
I thank the panel w/Dali Lama; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reodvcdadKg Jan 9, 2021
William Moomaw (lead author on reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/IPCC, and the co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize)
I quote most of William's words in his ending statement, which I admire his clarity, thank you William! Please note I use this italic text quoting William so I show more information from others where I, kara, feel it is needed, in respect to others I share in this thread. I SEE ERROR HERE WHERE MORE BELOW IS ALSO IN ITALIC, SO SORRY AND I WILL TYPE WILLIAMS NAME BY HIS.
Emeritus Prof. Guy McPherson, whom I respect and also thank! I don't want to misguide anyone and we need to clarify this data I state Guy shared w/me, so don't blame him! I'm not remembering and did not look at my notes! I just feel it is important to add this due to Williams position at IPCC. Whom I think we should suggest these people to talk to Guy and Dr. Ye Tao And I always felt UN needs to talk to them vs young activists! Dr. Ye Tao is working on the MEER Project at Harvard, I have link on Dec 26, 2020 thread comment below.
Guy respects his work and supports him as they work together sharing w/Jamen Shively's group at Radish.org
Let's go back to Willaim's Quote w/italic text; To achieve safe global climate, we must refreeze the Artic to save it. To do that we must cool the earth, to cool the earth we must reduce heat trapping gases of atmosphere and stop feedback!.
Kara states these comments; They focused on 4! Guy mentions many more feedbacks in the Arctic since I've none of him in last 4 years or so, as he has been very kind and skilled to answer me over time and I ask him to help more to define where science curriculum is wrong, as he is a Emeritus Prof? Where he started w/like 22 feedback loops, I think? And now I think he said recently 3 times that many in the Arctic?
William; While it is essential to halt the addition of heat trapping gases of atmosphere as in carbon dioxide from energy systems and from our exploitation's of nature, as well as to stop release of short lived and more potent warming gases such as Methane and refrigerants, which are absolutely essential.
He does not talk about the Aerosol Masking Effect that Guy brought to our attention that a few discuss, and I feel we need further research to update this data Guy states he saw in a document I believe in 1920's showing it to Gov, yet none to date talk about it, as it includes all carbon emissions from us all? It is important says Guy for environmentalist to understand that no one can demand any one to go cold turkey stopping all emissions from us all, due to the negative effect it would leave on this sensitive complex life that we as Humans depend on that sustains our food source and more! For once it continues to die off as is it now, we as Humans will have no food and we will follow and become extinct. I share Guy's link on the Aerosol Masking Effect on the Nov 26, 2021 thread comment below.
So don't you think we need some skilled guidance and research where needed, Hello! I say this to young and old earthlings, so we do more now then just learn! We create means to gather skilled scientists to guide us all in detail! Guy is here willing to help as he and Dr. Ye Tao have clear data and suggestions that take a lot of funding, so we can gather that too, once reality of ideas are clear to act on w/budget in hand! I share the MEER Project link on Dec 26, 2020 thread comment below.
William; The current feedback's will continue and raise global temperatures, even if we halted all emissions, today. Due to current heat trapping gases in atmosphere are so high.
Guy states how COVD lock down has cooled to the point of negatively effecting complex life that is very sensitive to temperature, that sustains Humans! So I think we can go figure w/skilled and do more! Once focus direct w/what is none along w/research needed?
William; What must we do? In addition to halting putting things in, we must simultaneous reduce our emissions and increase the capability of natural systems to remove more carbon dioxide, then we are releasing. So the atmospheric amounts decrease. When we reach that point we will begin to lower global temperatures.
I see no one better to know this ecological balance then Emeritus Prof Miguel Altieri and his group of Latin American Scientist at `SOCLA including his wife Dr. Clara Nichols, working w/ Emeritus Prof Guy McPherson from `Nature Bats Last, and Geoff Lawton from Permaculture Research Institute from my experiences over several years of Miguel's work fueling me to continue to do what he knows is needed which is what I'd like to perfect:
`A new interdisciplinary framework to integrate the biophysical sciences, ecology, and other social sciences is indispensable.
by using the agroecology curriculum, which Miguel created by working w/indigenous still doing, w/out leaving toxic effects!
Can strengthen original ecological processes instead of overriding them.
Institutional structures supporting research and development can relink the social system to the ecological system to allow for local co_evolution...
I just again found his and his wife Dr. Clara Nicholl's work due to my Google site in error, sorry Miguel and Clara! I thank you both!
I share definition; An·thro·po·cene/ˈanTHrəpəˌsēn/ Learn to pronounce adjective relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. "we've become a major force of nature in this new Anthropocene epoch "noun the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. "some geologists argue that the Anthropocene began with the Industrial Revolution" Definitions from Oxford Languages
Please see; Agroecology: Challenges and opportunities for farming in the Anthropocene By Miguel A. Altieri, and Clara I. Nicholls University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA.
I continue Quote of William;
Recent studies show that by allowing more of our forests to grow, they have potential to store twice as much carbon, then today. This process of forest restoration called proforestation will rapidly accumulate more carbon out of atmosphere by avoiding harvest related emission typically half the carbon in the trees, and take advantage of larger trees accumulate and store the most carbon! We need to let trees get big, to store carbon that has to be stored. Reforestation and planting additional forests is good thing to do, it will help and take a lot longer, it will compliment for distant future. Similarly changing grazing practices on grasslands, altering farming methods, protecting existing wet lands, will both not maintain existing carbon out of the atmosphere and accumulate more while increasing the productivity of soils, an agriculture.
Do you realize how many people planting trees? Yes Ex; Sadghuru w/Cauvery calling is saving the river by building the river bed soil planting native species, that is different then as William states above is good for future! Once people are educated to understand an efficient plan to act on now, for time sensitive solutions for Humanity now in need, as well the complex life! Then this is the type of guidance we all need from skilled scientists ASAP! And I go back to referring to very skilled; Miguel, Clara, Guy and Ye Tao to listen to Miguel and Clara and join in sharing!
William quote; The addition of heat trapping gases in one place has global climate consequences, like wise removal of these gases from anyplace on the earth, reduces the global amount of heat trapping gases. And contributes to eventually cooling the earth. So surprising as it may sound, saving the Amazon and many of our other forests will also help to save the Arctic and our climate. If we can reduce emissions and increase removal sufficiently lower atmospheric gases, the feedbacks that where so harmful as atmospheric accounts where increasing, will amplify reductions as we decrease the gases in the atmosphere.
Do you realize the Corp's-people unaware and profiting, allowed to cut the trees in the Amazon as well other forests as earth scientists should not permit it due to prioritizing this time sensitive issue, nor any one to buy them and resell as they do around the world? To think even Amazonians I've heard exchange a huge Mahogany tree for a bag of sugar, and really inefficient exchanges! Let alone us greedy people buying hardwoods from these people w/big footprints, when yet we all can earn to ask questions, and do what it takes to not permit these people to cut these trees, and reestablish like agroforestry like Sadhguru's Cauvery Calling missions did so now India changes forestry policies and we would have to confirm w/Sadhguru's footprint of cutting trees as India Gov changed in favor of their plan, but farmers planting food in the forest is now making 300 - 800% profits! It is good when farmers are helped w/good practices where the agroecology is prioritized over profits giving life saving sustaining guidance!
Dali Lama is sweet, I met him in 1979 or so, and we spent some time over lunch, it was funny I went w/a friend to pick him up at the airport, we were working on a project, and I did not know who he was. So when we got him he was hungry so we went home and I made lunch and we laughed and had a great time, Then it was time to deliver him and I see this red carpet unfold and everyone bowing and I looked at him and he i and we both laughed, as I said who are you!
Dali states; We must lift our awareness. When we face some problem people turn to faith of own religion, that not sufficient! We must act accordingly, says Buddha and you are a human being, you are your own master, which depends on your thinking and your action! Who created problem not Jesus Christ, you resolve it. Same w/Buddha, we have problem due to our own behaviors, so we have to define how to reduce this problem!
I once heard Dali in conversation and it was funny he said these Christian women are so good ya got to listen to them! He said us monks just meditate a lot and fall asleep! He was referring to a subject matter!
Dali was impressed by Greta Thunberg being a young activist w/many young and old, rising up asking for serious clarity for environmental justice, feeling we have hope! But as I always tried to guide Greta, seeing her face looking worn at times, feeling UN and others took advantage of her, w/her health having issues! I tried to talk to her as a mother to share our work realizing more can be done vs being stressed from working so hard as she and many young where and still are, as well older! So you may enjoy the video watching them all, above!
Which I thank and welcome them all to come in, so together we all get on same page and do much more of what is long over do, not just for climate change but ending the suffering, so no scars are repeated and in this process we all can get involved and celebrate our good fortunes of having such skilled people to guide us as we each take part doing our 2 cents!
I don't agree we should take time only to try to educate our self, it has taken years for good scientists to get clear and yes the common sense is about this package we create so as not to get lost in this, for it all is too much detail! But we need to understand we have very skilled now, and if need clarification of controversy then we set the stage to have this conversation to mindfully act once clear, for a lot is clear! So please comment and share such controversy and we will gather such people to aid our clarity!
Please people accept nothing less then clarity of science to create more clarity of common sense for all of us to understand to mindfully act! As well talking to Gov to also act responsibly or if they don't, they simply get voted out and or not paid attention to and other's skilled come in to try to clean up the mess, that we still can't just pretend it is not interfering w/us all, some more than others!
As many of you still are codependent on them, so what is it going to take for you to break it? Yes we as Humans are all of one family! Are they listening to you? This is your decision to make, as well while still communicating w/them or a rep for your communities, then also have a rep as a person that speaks for time sensitive issues, as well speak to you and represent your group, so all can have turns in such rep roles to truly understand all involved for all that can to do mindful acts, and those that can't gain support to do other meaningful acts needed, from small children to elderly able or disabled, their is something for all to do! As all are needed and need to feel needed!
This way no one misinforms by burning out, rather you all agree or don't do it until you research and self reflect w/skilled I share to create upon w/your locals or contact them on free exchanges and if need have reps go see their agroecological ecosystems similar to yours and communicate! Then bring home more reality of what to rethink for your ecosystems, sharing w/your neighbors! And before you go communicate w/your neighbors to see how large of an area to give these skilled people an idea of your communities involved, ecologically as well who in and who not, same w/Gov, so you can bring home more answers to then update those resisting, etc.!
Please prioritize w/us the earth-space local plans in need to rid toxic while others that can't do what can locally as we all gain more understanding from skilled!
Please continue on with us and together we focus direct w/our students skilled to network, exponentially getting the jobs down as we all share others doing something more efficient to guide us if so? For `We the people to do what must to sustain truth of these skilled people or not have them in responsible positions that we feel are needed? People I share I respect!
With your DONATIONS we are planning for a nice logged archive and all these links will be categorized, same from the Google Drive Document; Explore Humanity's Solutions and add yours.. As well a message board sharing as you do yours to link! As we simplify!
Which I ask all to come in please and update your intro areas and review my updates of yours if there, if not please see others, and check back for updates as well please stay updated w/your needs and offerings! As I'm asking for your help to clear up all your links I've put on prior to this thread, so you share a nice clear package of yourself! Meanwhile once our budget gets a few errors corrected we will technically share more for a nice archive for all to self reflect staying in real time, as reps (I suggest interchangeable roles) come in and working w/students within all, network! Seeking out like ecosystems-seasons and subjects, for Humanity is doing great work as patchestalk! So create your message board and share w/us and many!
Nabble and Google are here for us, and willing to listen! IT'S TIME TO OPEN THE CHANNELS making wrongs right!
Your work is important and we want to keep into perspective what to prioritize as in this this subject matter at hand that is time-sensitive;
Here in this thread I'm trying to show a story, of what is behind all this, and why many are missing it? To fuel you also to do the same as we all dig deep, for these scars keep repeating themselves, yet too many are doing too good of work to allow the scars to continue!
Let me remind you of our objective please;
Peace for all is real if we share the understanding of how, for each to fill in one's missing pieces. That is why my objective is to create a simple bullet list, to have a package for all to carry covering it all, which presently is overwhelming for many! While applying for self + one's communities, as well aware no one can just live local, without taking part of aiding the removal of toxic now affecting many more than some on earth-space, understanding we can celebrate Humanity's options along this path of mindful acts, while each walk one's path, into one's opening, doing one's part! Not riding on other's wave!
We are a global community as each requires the same basic nuts and bolts that our objective focuses on!
I share Robert Kennedy and Dr. Buttar's voice, whom I respect, on toxic vaccines and more as a reminder;
This is the time now to get real w/education, sharing awareness, due to the many challenged by this controversy, when yet Humanity deserves to have 1 Universal (Science or choose what best for you and share) verbiage created for common sense, so no more does science get corrupted or manipulated, supporting communities to gain toxic permits for any earth-space community!
It is a crime against Humanity to continue weapons of war or toxic, or develop any new product or service destroying the microbial life that sustains one's Human gut, to sustain healthy cognitive function as well healthy working communities w/neighbors! Not to mention prioritize ridding toxic now that exists, as well research to be respected as in the over 2000 done on 5G, yet people are investing big time believing Elon Musk-Jeff Bezos and many others promoting their satellites for 5G that are toxic!
Sayer Ji, Josh del Sol, and a list of links we share, along w/Dr. Buttar and his group to end Disease on earth treat ill, along w/many more skilled w/Functional Medicine; www.ifm.org They are now treating children w/less G's and more knowing how toxic it is! As well toxic vaccines from past and present!
We all must join in to gain and share understandings!
Global 5G Protest Day March 20, 2021
Download their poster and share please!
Technological innovations offer many benefits, but when used without balance and wisdom our human-generated techno- “eco system” interferes with and seeks to sub-plant Nature’s true eco-system.
Thank you Dr. Jocker's for sharing;
Protect Yourself & Your Family
From The Unrelenting Attack of EMFs, 5G and WiFi
*************** * Policies dysfunctional controlling one, needs a group until all can gain understanding to take part, part-time, to make it right; No one wants to accept nor should be placed in dysfunction when dysfunctional.
Con't in threads below ><<>><><><><><><><><><><><>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It's time to get real w/truth and understanding of what this takes, as all join in and organize your message board w/Nabble to connect w/us and more!
Make sure you read the comments that led to this page in the thread below, as we are determined to make a bullet list package simple for all to understand enough to share and create upon it, making it happen, as each redirects all the disassociated energy that comes w/stress, etc. that all can harness! It is this stress and illnesses due to lack of education of good healthy care in present Western Medicine that requires new curriculum, and ifm.org offers unique skilled program to transition, by their staff coming into clinics to train Doctors as well aid clients! So please share w/your local Doctors!
As these underlying issues of bad habits and ill health are being over looked from many suffering, which depletes one's immunity to be susceptible to becoming ill, which is being ignored by COVD controllers! As many of them are manipulating the COVD totals of death, when truth is not being told or allowed by also now present Biden Administration, Democrats, supporting some at UN, Dr. Anthony Fauci being corrupt, profiting w/few more at CDC-WHO-Bill Gates! And our links in this thread and our Google Document shows detail for further understanding! As well welcome your correction, as many are being blocked from social medias preventing you from knowing their truth!
This controversy needs to be clarified, yet many just block! Meanwhile do you realize the stress of a student studying science seeing this as well those suffering yet not getting skilled help, not to mention processing lock down w/COVD or fear of toxic vaccines not to mention those unaware thinking they want them, same school issues w/and without opening? When yet we have a list of good Doctors and researchers working together w/Functional Medicine, and they welcome Western Medicine to add them into their curriculum, so please reach out and share this w/your Gov, communities and Doctors!
We want to keep all our sites free to all, and if interested in aiding this, w/your community, as well your self and family!
Then those that have to DONATE, please talk to your locals and give and think of our upcoming investment plans, once we complete the start up plan showing what is negative now as well what can be naturally enhanced to be sustainable, maintained in real time, plus what many don't see that cannot be bought, this you will enjoy as we share some loving people that know well, money is not everything!!
And also if have to Donate, come give to us! Email kara and or we talk first, leave message on tele; 01-360-450-3749 Skype, or I offer other ways for you to help; farmwuwei@gmail.com
As well those sharing skills to heal and gain harmony `boon with the wild and natural world, Ex;
w/Functional Medicine; www.ifm.org, or want to share good products and services and yet don't know how to market them, or want to make funds marketing them, I suggest you meeting Chris Luck! He has created and efficient plan from is experiences and as a family man having it all, he wants to show others how to do it via strategic marketing w/affiliates you choose, online! As well whether like me, wanting his skill to reach out to all via online w/this platform, he has others that also want to be financially successful, as he as taught people to gain wealth while pursuing their choices wanting to help others! It is your choice of how much time you want to work? We want to fund raise sharing affiliates, so we can hire more to help us do what we share above and keep our offerings free to those in need to seriously get real needs met and funds go into one's communities locally and afar as we work this project most efficiently for all life to gain! And have some in mind, so as to support the local plans to manifest their start up plans transitioning from the toxic states presently in, as well to heal and self educate, co_evolve the curriculums while restoring ecologically enhanced healthy working minds and communities!
I cannot advertise affiliates on `i come to talk story w/email; kareje@ictts.org, that I use w/Google's ADGRANT. But you can contact me, kara, on this email to discuss affiliates and I will share Chris's new course; farmwuwei@gmail.com
Please check back for updates and add yours to continue until we get it right and efficient, for all to carry this package in one's back pocket taking part along one's path each build, as each of us-you walk it into your-our opening!
Don't want to be right, feeling whole, when fragmenting, rather self-reflect, rethink, put it into retrospect knowing the missing worn torn pieces and want to fill them w/the many patches now living in harmony w/agroecological systems willing to share, as they continue to learn!
Please correct us, add too, so we all co_evolve along the way, leaving no suffering behind, nor left unaware, realize the gratitude we all have in knowing Humanity has solutions now to create upon!!
Thank you! For doing your part!
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
Re: How about creating an efficient way to resolve time sensitive needs on earth-space?
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