Dr. Greer's comments and comments from
"The Economist"
Dr. Greer discusses this new technology development in depth and see what "The Economist" has to say about it.
Some of his points include:
The claim is that this technology is producing more energy than it is using to create that energy (over-unity), BUT, they have not taken into account the high powered lazers needed to make the fusion reaction. When that is taken into account there is not a net gain but a huge energy loss.
The technology uses temperatures from 3 million degrees to 300 million degrees. There are obvious safety issues not addressed if this were to become a practical technology to provide energy around the world.
The radioactive isotopes used in the process are rare and extremely expensive costing $850,000/ounce. This is also not practical.
Listen to Dr. Greer's full analysis for more important facts about this alleged technology breakthrough and the curious timing of its release when there have been over unity technologies since the early 1900s that have been continuously suppressed.
These technologies were presented in Dr. Greer's presentation on October 25 and will be further discussed in;
"The Lost Century" film with a planned release Spring 2023.
Here is some of what "The Economist" had to say in its December 17th-23rd issue: (In bold below is Dr Greer's.)
“US researchers have overcome a major barrier to achieving low-carbon nuclear fusion,” gushed the BBC’s website, leaving the reader wondering if there is also a high-carbon variety of fusion. The Wall Street Journal went with, “Nuclear-fusion breakthrough accelerates quest to unlock limitless energy source.” Svenska Dagbladet, one of Sweden’s leading dailies, wrote,
“We are one step closer to unlimited energy.” La Repubblica, one of Italy’s, pronounced that, “The dream of a clean, renewable and safe source [of energy] is approaching.”
Well, we aren’t. And it isn’t. Or, if it is, that has little to do with recent events in Livermore, California, where NIF is located. The result Ms Granholm attached herself to is interesting. But a useful step towards electricity generation by fusion it is not.
Donate to the film via the website link below to receive great incentive gifts, and see an overview on this link; If you don't care about the incentive gifts donate via VENMO - @drstevengreer (Displays as "Disclosure") If everyone who gets this email donated just $10, we would reach our goal!
Please note I'm looking forward to skilled agroecologist's as Emeritus Prof Miguel Altieri, La Via Campesina, and his group SOCLA, Geoff Lawton and `Permaculture Now, Sadhguru w/ and Soil campaign and more, all doing great work and sharing and together w/skied guiding all can do much more! Many old documents also still valid, so please see Miguel's subcategory and others' we and you are building, as we will be editing better, once our budget soon to be done! So join in please, help where can!
Add now what many do to compost a variety of waste and do it right for entire community's is a real asset! Here is 1 Ex, can they do better?? You skilled agroecologists know best when you do assessment of entire community(s) joining in! So do connect please, as so many good fragments can be linked more efficiently!
Pachamama Alliance has it right teaching children, but please lets not fragment, and do an entire startup plan, to see how truly you all can enhance your natural potential, and we all come together in conversation to prioritize where on earth-space is leaving the most negative to the most and then simultaneously w/all critically thinking, we all can do what resonates, to make it happen faster!!
Pachamama Alliance Programs 2022
Children participating in a school composting program implemented by Cecilie Stuart's nonprofit, Full Circle Compost.
Hi Kara,
There are people all over the world who want to get into action for climate justice in their communities, but either don’t know where to get started or don’t have the skills they need to see their project through.
Take Cecilie Stuart in Topanga, California, U.S. for example. She had a vision of teaching her community the links between soil health, regeneration, and food systems. And with Pachamama Alliance’s training and support, she has now diverted 28 tons of food waste from landfills in her community.
Will you donate so that more people like Cecllie can build the skills necessary to bring climate justice projects to their communities?
After taking our 2-hour introductory course, Awakening the Dreamer, Cecilie was inspired to start a nonprofit, Full Circle Compost (FCC). On her own, Cecilie had already built a successful community compost program at 3 schools and in the town center. But her team was trying to do too many things at once, was burned out, and did not have financial stability.
In order to figure out next steps for her project, Cecilie took the pilot of our advanced Game Changer Action Training, Design Thinking.
In the Design Thinking process, Cecilie learned that she needed to focus and streamline FCC’s work on where they were having the most impact, in educational settings. And they built a financial model for their work. Soon, they got their first contract with a public school implementing their program for diverting lunchtime food waste from landfills and teaching children how to turn those food scraps into compost.
Now, FCC manages 9 community and school composting sites, has built and installed over 50 compost bins throughout the Santa Monica Mountains, has created over 20 tons of nutrient-rich soil, and has diverted 28 tons of food waste from landfills.
Cecilie is now working to implement FCC’s program in the nearby communities of Malibu and Thousand Oaks. She says that the Design Thinking training pivoted her away from burn out and gave her key skills to consult with other towns.
“People in our community now come to us to learn about regenerative systems, install composting projects, and have hired us as sustainability consultants for large organizations like Boys and Girls Clubs,” Ceclilie says.
We are thrilled with Cecilie and her team’s success, and our vision is to support thousands of people around the world in creating community projects like hers.
Will you help us train and support even more people to take climate justice action in their communities?
In partnership,
The Pachamama Alliance Team
I respect this earth grounding of agroecology to lead this reality including new energy Dr Greer speaks of, so in our startup plan grounded in agroecological systems all earthlings can join community's local and afar widening the biome(s) then can see truth and all can share in updating in real time co_evolving reality's w/nice archives as we all link, so like ecosystems-climate-skills-jobs and much more, can be created by all best for each!
On twitter I shared w/Mr Elon Musk's University, Dr Greer's sharing! As they have means if they can bypass in differences!
My vision for startup plans see like in China where handcarts filled w/weekly fresh vegs and fruits where given to cities participants, and the trekking-bike-horse and buggy-car pooling, etc. bring those unable to a nice days event! Paths built w/unique farmers markets way nice smelling herbs in gardens of parks along the way-live music-nice updates sharing communities events and paths going on to the farms, so children learn what saving life on earth is all about and playing in the dirt works and even bring their compost if yet to have a system in place for entire communities!
Like what the Amazonian's due well trekking even 25 miles or more, knowing exactly where the best crop or plant grows most efficiently, and along their trek they have food-medicine plants-fruits they keep working to have food along the way, knowing how to pick+ replant, for all to do the same and have, as they learn!
And much more as they then bring into school lunch programs-hospitals-care centers and much more as all Industrial Agriculture toxic is replaced and we transition peacefully!
Sure I agree we welcome all Govs-UN etc, but when they do not act ASAP, we the people do w/or without them!
And our message board will show resistance of them, so others best suited can help them better understand, and fill in the worn torn pieces they fail to make happen! As some are listening and already planning stages of huge cities adding this, as well composting added!
I thank you all to come together, patches talk so please listen and make means to link, Nabble I thank you, as they are here freely for us all!Peace be with you!Please Share!
Thank you, lov, kara