The whole story of COVID, I think you have yet to see? Please share! Also
see Dr Buttar's video explaining `The Problem and the only Solution, regarding serious illnesses from the vaccines;
Thank you Dr Buttar and all for sharing!
Ok, now see Humanity's options I will share more of, once we finish out transitional changes for our platform so all can take part in Nabble's archive and message board for transparency, as we are also creating an Introduction for all to gain overall perspective to want to do your part and skillfully create with us, locally and afar, as we prioritize more of word of mouth sharing!
I asked Google if they where going to block me as many have others, and Dr Buttar knows well and others as anti vaxers! They said NO they want to support me and sure in their ads I work with them on which will be better, once I get free of the many error's I've had working on budget! and we get more helpers! But I see in Dr Buttar's sharing above, as many know Google also is part of the problem!
I want to try to share w/those wrongly doing, to a point, some are listening, self reflecting and making change, as I share thoughts of startup plan to use as good tourism welcoming people into these beautiful skilled places w/agroecologist farming the communities, sharing taking back home another way! Same as a peace platform seeing how we can exchange w/our neighbors vs war?
If any personally know of the agroecologists, once doing well in Yemen, please let me know as they are a good candidate to aid, as my studies show me they once where abundant, and they I proposed could feed Saudi's in a nice exchange for them to aid clean up of the messes they all made together! Supporting neighbors!
As I was thanking Emeritus Prof Miguel Altieri sharing more articles for us, of their work shared w/Academia! Please see the many links and once we get message board sorted out, so we will have them more easily organized to get to? And all these years, I thank Miguel for fueling me to not give up on sharing these people more, as Humanity has so many good skills and people wiling to share! It's amazing to see how Campesino to Campesino share and teach, only skills are needed for agroecological farming and a way to live vs Industrial toxic agriculture, contributing to destroying our biosphere using external toxic to all life around them!
I can't thank you enough Miguel and others for sharing your work! For sending me these documents! I've been working on a budget to prioritize listening to you all to aid skilled agroecologists to get their needs met, as they are best to share your good work, don't you think, with those more unable?
I've tried to get good loans w/good terms, but had a lot of bank errors, but I working still to correct with them! So I can pass on these good terms, so we all can pay back! I see it would be nice to seek a global perspective of very large property's w/several small farms as many have w/forests protecting and sustaining them! So we don't allow others to take them away!
This happened in RU 65 years ago in the countryside, when beautiful exchanges took place in farming communities, then the Gov decided to control them, and people had to work for them, many starving unable to buy their own food they worked on their once own land!
If you can see these people in need, that have worked hard to sustain our biodiversity we are fortunate to still have when yet so many species gone, Please let me know? To truly educate ourselves, as well have helpers to establish better markets perhaps for them, minimizing their stresses to better do their skills, if needed into the cities, distributing to many entity's - schools so programs for students come out and gain volunteer skills and credits, same hospitals, people sharing to aid themselves, as well farmers markets bringing attention to local needs w/nice speakers sharing! Celebrating along the way w/live music-great recipes to taste, and fresh food to sell! As we all then get to know in time reality of what sustains our communities to sustain oneself, where ever we choose to explore, i see nothing better then sharing the wild with others, and pen pals can be made w/children in schools or home schools, as they take part in these daily living chores that ground them, vs online computer gaming too much!
NIAC an American Iranian group I respect, puts on a nice theatrical performance, and then has breaks and people, for a few minutes in the community's share what they are doing, their needs and offerings! Real priority's as `we the people can do this, creatively fueling more energy, when not struggling!
The more community support of hands on, w/sustainable healthy working ethics for the biosphere, w/communities simply living natural lives, can survive it better then many have once aware and understand! As well ill to gain the cooperative help, same wild life rehabs back into the wild! To endure more of what may come, but not threatened as many now, w/weather protection, false attacks to make people afraid wanting more Military protection, so Defense Industry's spend more and profit over us, as well Global World Order people wanting to control w/their delusional states!
Thank you Miguel! Your skills help me design this startup plan thinking it is good to create upon, as to many are unaware of how we all can learn and work our property's especially join together utilizing earth's resources, as in having small farms surrounded by old forest to rid the pests we create, pollinate our foods, clean our water-air and soil and more, as this complex life is dying daily at a fast rate, and many jobs are here to reverse it, as we all transition, sharing in real time!
So in our startup plans shared on our message boards, we all can make, Nabble is hear to help! The earth map we create, we then can communicate learning where what best, seeing hands on, as each can focus filling in where needed as well offerings?? And together we critically look at what locally and afar needs prioritizing?
See Miguel's one of many pieces of great work, to help us, as well I put more links under agroecology subcategory on right column, Ex; What is needing to co_evolve, especially with crops more tricky to grow, due to climate change, that Ex; w/Functional Medicine Dr's know well how heavy carbohydrates should be less, as in grains, especially if all plant grains have gluten as some say, and w/so many intolerant due to stresses and misdiagnosing, as well misusing-abusing!
Dr Buttar, does your `Problems and Solutions, above focus on nutrition when and how during you and your people's program for aiding ill from vaccine?
I see the climates cool and w/rain grow such yearly beautiful crops, and no reason to not do offerings to those community's close, more dry! It is better to develop perennials in many places, The Amazonian people knew long ago, in a study I read before others decided to build, that is another story! But they walked the earth knowing where each plant grew best, and would walk 20 plus miles a day to work them, and they would replant perennial along the path so all had food each day, knowing how to pick and plant so all shared! Same seasonal homes in working ares!
Now local plans can be made and investors will be happy to invest seeing such earthly producing of detailed work you all create so the startup plans get done in priority layers, while simultaneously each fall into what resonates for them, doing more? Restoring healthy working communities, supporting the biosphere that supports us to be healthy and clear doing our part loving it! It is this energy that is missing from too many people, as they are dead yet to be buried, and that must change!
I see people all the time wanting to help but don't know how, as well yet to know what is within them self, yet to be developed? So This way people unfold, no long term commitments so we can volunteer here and there, to find our way, build our path as we walk it into each one's opening! Fck this shit about other's deciding for us, putting AI into our bodies to do as they think! I think if we step aside they will feel our energy and realize their human error, and can self reflect and make change with us! Or we step farther away while they self destruct, and I'm willing and always have tried my best to share! And still am! As I hate to see such misuse-abuse, allowing us to be so uneducated we know nothing else but self destruction!, programmed from so many scars we've had on this earth!!
Same the good Dr's and researchers of Functional Medicine, just tired of being sick! So all share and continue to try and many succeed as Dr Buttar, Dr Paul Thomas, and many more trying to show what works, when they get much abuse for telling the truth! They don't give up! Nor will I. I've been there seen it and not fun to see such suffering, when if we organize this and much more of your offerings, we no more have to except it once aware!
I won't pic`k up a weapon and never have but one time, but never again! I like the people at the The TRUST TECHNIQUE, we beings should be so lucky to gain their skills! Same the many wild abused animals that regain their harmony, same people, do check them out if yet to see them? I look forward to learning more of the rehabs they help to put wild back into wild once healthy, same any of you people knowing of such places, so I can learn and share more as communities don't realize the environmental services we interfere in unknowingly, when remove larger browsers from their natural paths!
Thank you!
As I feel once we all focus and prioritize really grounding oneself, aiding others, by living `boon w/the natural world, this way we then can seriously resolve so many issues, so many yet to see the solutions, along the way having such gratitude, so we all quit working so hard! Enjoy the wild beauty, explore, have a nice potluck w/live music sharing us and more!
This reminds me of this party doing interesting work w/water, we are so fortunate to have so many kind skilled people to guide us! In our startup plan it is you all that will fill in these details, I just bringing some thought to the table, for the time sensitive needs, so we seriously then once organized and clearer, can then have local skilled students help put your startup plans together, sharing it as community's are used as extended or only classrooms! Professors can guide them and work w/community's needs and offerings!
This is interesting; Thank you Jasper Knight and Academia for sharing!
The diversity agroecological people do well! Vegie-weeds-greens-nuts-seeds, amazing numbers of variety's, fruits easier to digest, ponds for birds and fish to grow more and then people eat the wild, same fish would eat the malaria species, recycling and redesigning water shed areas, and you people have all these compatible growing skills!
I'm sorry so many get land-sea-fresh water grabbed, as it really is your time to shine! So we end these scars from repeating!
Let me steal this photo for a gift to all! One gave me but please seriously if owner in China requires to be acknowledged or fee, then let me know if one knows of them and I will contact them?

So many do not have to have food shipped across the planet inefficiently when communities can join together and we all create nice pathways of markets to the cities. I like even how China communities would walk w/carts filled w/diversity from the farms to people in their houses! It's nice to know your community especially those unable to get out and about!!
Same when we sailed to Solomon Islands, the markets where filled w/bowls of crawling creatures, people would bring elderly and if ill by carrying their bed or chair, near the tables they sold their goods at!! Many had no more then trash bags to cover themselves in the rain! But they knew how to care for each other the best they could!
Plus if aware from Dr's and researchers healing these ill people going beyond Western medicine, that needs to co_evolve curriculum, the farmers can share more of what is more soothing, at the same time have better crops for growing in less water or too much!!!
I hope you listen to Dr Buttar's videos on COVID, as they explain filling in more worn torn pieces of COVID, they tried hard to go figure aiding so many ill from having false threats before, as well now worse health w/vaccine! We don't hear from media bought from the profiteers, same his one on `Problems and Solutions, which one has to purchase these ways to follow as Dr Buttar and many spent 3 hard days getting answers to how to prevent vaccine injury and death that is happening and will more by the millions, unless people realize solutions they must do!!
Dr Buttar, you are working very hard, I see it in your eyes, do find a nice agroecological farming community as you travel the world and kick back for a bit, please!
Same agroforestry as I see some w/62 variety's in it, growing medicine - foods - herbals - mushrooms!! I'm on a small farm w/30 year old fruit trees beautiful! I discovered a fairy ring around 2 - 100 year old coastal red wood trees! That I started composting under preparing for some plants, here I'm having a hard time seeing what best in low light perennials, and then I saw one of your articles Miguel of people planting 62 species in agroforestry! lol!
Same Sadhguru that has the Isha Foundation w/several thousand volunteers around the world, has he has aided farmers in India saving rivers via `Cauvery Calling and planting in forests, gaining now 300-800% profits, vs committing suicide from Monsanto and more stuck on their regimen unable to sustain! As well Govs' are making changes of better polices for managing wood in forests, so thank you Sadhguru and all!
Now I see mushrooms coming in our yard; The Prince, Agaricus augustus, average cap 20 cm, this site talks about them nicely w/photos in UK, even though ours are in the Pacific Northwest in US;
Same more environmental helpers, as in large browser migration paths naturally restored so they do their ecological part `boon with the communities going back to their wild. Vs set aside eco parks etc, throwing natural balance off for humanity and the wild life!
As in prioritizing first, those to be sustainably resilient catching up with real time, as each one will be individually defining their ecological needs to sustain as communities far and wide work the biome(s) beyond political boundaries!
Personally to harmonize with it!! So we truly see healing and good maintenance w/common sense science!
Living it each day vs this crazy chaotic delusional profiting that just gain more when we fear more, as well our immune systems just get weaker!
Thank you for sharing all your hard work, we love you!
kara speaking from our combined `effects...