Hi it is Kara welcoming you to help here at 'i come to talk story!
Thank you all for your support!
Thank you Nabble it is nice to see you here!
Our sites are in transition. I have had serious budget issues from doner's banks! This has detained our ability to apply doner's attempt to support us!
Google's site is not updated. We will update all and you will find late out of date. So please await some nice work once our budget gets straight!
We have a serious international banking system problem. Please doners you need to support your own fees if want to share with us!
What happens if 1 does not have budget like I have not. Rather my head has been into defining + sharing humanity's solutions. When so much suffering is left behind! Creating an efficient way And it works for all to create with it once we able to get budget errors corrected. Fi0
nishing sites!
And when bankers are unaware of hidden fees they tell me to pay and I do! Then they say they will give me doner's funds and they don't! Rather Gov blocks for hidden docs! Wanting more fees. So I have been and still trapped!
Nabble site with 'i come to talk story is updated rarely. Sorry! But I like it and will use as a nice means to share so as all join in as well a nice archive! Sharing the 'start up plan.
Google has not been helpful sending emails to wrong files. Yet tech could not fix yet. Same send to spam! So please if I do not get back to you email again!
Thank you!
So please help us! Donate if can + contact me personally where I am working w/ 'start up plan.
Google does not want me to give very good loans on my nonprofit ictts.org with their adgrant. That too needs updating. But support me here at:
Once budget straight we will be giving good loans to agroecological communities closest to war - weather + torn communities! Sharing humanities solutions in our nice 'start up plan!
Thank you! I appreciate your help to get out of this trap! Sorry for the delays in editing!
Cash app: $agroec
Kara j lincoln
Peace is real if we share what works!
Lov, kara