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I share Dalai Lama's Tweet to me regading developing a sense of concern for other's well-being, 8.8.22

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!Aug 08, 2022; 10:54pm
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Thank you Dalai, as I anwered yes he is right for saying;

Dalai Lama
The past is past; nothing can change it. But the future depends on the present; we still have the opportunity to shape it. This is not a matter of employing technology or spending more money, it's a question of developing a sense of concern for others' well-being.

  Also I said yes Dr Steven Greer says aliens will not come help until we stop all weapns of war and killing!

    Yes they do observe Nuclear plans and missiles, as supposedly they did recenly adress one the Pres Puting had on a missles head, close to an accident and  Dr Greer says they have a way to beam the Nuclear and it disappears without effecting anything! As aliens do want Nuclear explosions in space!

      So I asked many leaders of Gov, UN, what will it take for you to develop a sense of concern for other's well-being?

Please all yes alien tech should not be held by Covert's as well few Defense Industrys as well secretly Dr Greer states also US Gov! Rather he wants transparency from these crashed craft of aliens long ago that Covert's have buit human made crafts and supposely they are planning an alien false attack, to make us afriand so we ask for more weapons of war to protect us!

  Please all don't let lack of truth scare you, see more of Dr Greer's work as well understand how Dalai is right for why can we not all end this killing and profiting that US Gov knows no other economy, but to profit over war! It is time to vote out those that refuse to transition the 62 weapons Industrys, to create healthy working life giving tools and recycle toxic the right way!

Thank you!
lov, kara, speaking for our `combined effect!
Thank you Dalai!