I have to
Thank Jen for these thoughts, as well all the people I shared with that did what they could! Although she still may gain some help to see how she participated unknowingly! Sadly I spent 6 weeks trying to get her help to get out of the pouring rain, lower 40 F Temp, high winds, as she would sleep on wet cloth couch, w/bare legs in her princess high heel shoes unable to connect w/sleeping on a dry tarp w/dry blanket and her inside, covered w/blanket and tarp!
I'm happy say they bulldozed the trash and she now staying elsewhere! This experience helped me now understand I will not put energy into a rehab for mental and homeless if no `Functional Medicine Doctors close or guiding a skilled while living in w/those needed? For I've seen first hand how many Western Doctors are giving treatment wrongly! But not all! But we suggest adding this to there curriculum and more!
First I'd like to say
Thank You to Nabble for their transitioning and all to continue to help! For if this platform can continue, we all should appreciate their hard work as well out serious good work ourselves taking advantage of such good work!
What I'm doing is taking a segment of our earth-space virtual platform's objective to prioritize toxic w/all critically thinking, so as to start w/these local communities doing what can for entire local plan w/neighbors to then be filled in.
As in scaling w/SOCLA skilled w/agroecological systems, to first do an overview including all these segments as each local plan w/neighbors fills out a layered schematic investment which will be blank! Then skilled students focus directing using communities as classrooms network creating a list, as a rep from each local plan shares it here on `i come to talk story's Nabble message board to accommodate efficiency to resolve!
Not just posting comment, but all working thru the controversy as we have a conversation, deciding how best? Ex; We can comment here as we title the conversation, creating a nice archive via subject matter for easy ability to check back for updates. To then follow up so no unknowns left behind, as each segment gets perfected, staying in real time so all on same page realizing no more can we just live local!
Rather we learn to hold self accountable for what we assumed was healthy not realizing how w/research changing as we/Functional Medicine; www.ifm.org these people have worked hard realizing the gut micro biome is the key to think clear, have energy, so all make good choices, making wrongs rights!
We can all educate ourselves thru these hands on experiences working w/our children vs for our children! Showing now all earthlings together can give-gain support to understand Humanity has solutions now to guide us! Giving each local community awareness to do one's own as we network the exchanges, realizing how when aware of both local and afar mishaps, then now we can better participate for all to become a local-global and beyond mindful participant!
We can create many jobs both volunteering to learn working into chosen careers self satisfying, while also part time taking part in our plans, as no one no more can just live local, without doing one's part to aid earth-space priority local plans w/those locals!! Exploring earth-space, prioritizing ridding toxic, as well create and restore ecological enhanced sustaining healthy working communities! As all communities have a local plan work w/neighbors, w/all self reflecting-networking to fine tune one's own layered schematic investment.
Even if have to start w/segments most negatively affecting all locally or afar, earthlings will become good jugglers as all transition! For some life may need serious help like Jen! And we feel part time prioritizing of one's own life can make part time space to check back w/message boards that you feel are worthy of your focus? And please help us create what is needed here, for we want all to get one's real needs met working within the local plan's earth below your feet, to fuel you to explore-celebrate and help make policy change for all earthlings to share earth-space w/respect to all life, having the support to do one's homework, becoming aware of the complex life that sustains all Humans!
Here I'm sharing ideas I'm working t, for I feel all need to gain support w/early signs! That is not real now, for responsible positions in all entities are trapping people and not efficiently using resources as can! We can waste more energy blaming or calculating to hold people accountable, but if issues is in controversy, it has to be defined if worth the time, vs we start now?
A few ideas for you to add to: Yes I to can get upset and have, but I too working at it and I like Ben's quote!
Thank you Ben!
“I also came to realize that if people could make me angry they could control me. Why should I give someone else such power over my life?”—Ben Carson
Please note I continue to share to learn efficiency as I feel all of us deserve to transition and have that empathy and respect from all, for all life!
Earthlings can help where can to have basics in place for human comfort, we have skilled solutions to guide now, once organize to link! No one deserves to be laughed at as I saw a policeman look at Jen, as he was talking to another then saying Jen is staying preoccupied! Well let's look at this story and please help us, for I not going to waste time here blaming when critical needs are not met! Rather I asked Pres Trump on twitter today on our site @farmwuwei as I fund raise for our US nonprofit 501.c3 association where we've never taken donations, and we want to keep this message board free for all to get serious and get needs met as they too take part in our local plans w/neighbors as we prioritize ending toxic on earth-space to start living as earthlings can on earth-space!
I've talked to Jen a few times few years ago locally. She was sweet, kind and very afraid of family stabbing her, she danced for me in the street, she likes to talk about a relationship as a princess, so she likes glamor and glitter and wears clothes that don't fit, same tiny shoes w/glitter, makeup and nails polished, hair w/ties hanging long!
A local thrift store says she clear when take her meds but then husband steals and she out of it!
So now I go down to our little town that attracts tourism due to the wild beauty within 4-8 miles. So I see her on the ground camping out! many homeless here in woods as well! But I stopped to try to talk to here and she was too preoccupied working trash same as jewels! Plus she was waiting for husband and made a bed and when I asked her if he had died she did not know?
I left town to Portland to help family due to smoke so extreme it made them ill!
If interested in homeless take a ride on Amtrak to the station and they are definitely all over, just out of sight! if on land! Even in town a block away from station! Never have I seen such a mess, huge structures, plus I've seen 1 here in our woods! When people get mad they trash them, and trash is a over, as they yet to learn to be good campers, knowing the wild to respect!
This is the education needed to understand how one gets ill as Functional Medicine; ifm.org knows well from the good tests they have developed for mold-parasites-worms-lymes that is in every state in US-toxic products in food + air, water, soil, w/pesticides as in glyphosate now on legumes and grains! Each removal helps as will takes time up to a year for heavy metals!
Same we have to work together not just protesting in the streets wasting time especially if aggressive, that is not us! Rather it takes fine tuning, critical thinking, even simplicity to locate old policies-mandates-State Statutes-people interfering unaware of what they are doing yet leaving negative effects on many! So to tract this pdwn takes people able to process as well people to assess situations and have solutions!
This is what our local plans are about prioritizing real needs as people get them met working on helping the local plans transition, as they too get down, fueling all the more!
So I come back 4 days later and jen still on ground surrounded by her jewels which to me was trash, but she had her makeup, clothes all over lots of material and boes to get soaked as I knew rain was coming! This is a very wet area for homeless unskilled! She playing cards, drinking beer, smoking having a great time camping out right off road in front of Hallmark Fisheries in Charleston, OR. She had trask surrounding her, this is Jen when she turns from a sweet Princess to screaming and beating herself!

She had stayed w/her brother in law that works at Hallmark and she had burned his whole living room, so he made her leave! Tina was kind, the secretary at Hallmark to share this, she gave me Supervisors number and was not sure what they would do with her? I told her if rains come and I had seen here as I check here like every 6 hrs around the clock and she was not sleeping w/covers, just layers of clothes! Plus she did not listen to me regarding covering from dew at night or winds, etc.. She had a huge tarp plastic hanging but did not use it When I came back in middle of night I covered her with it! Seeing where she was sleeping I knew she be covered w/water partially when rains came which they did!

I could see others had been throwing food her way and water bottles. Food w/more toxic preservatives is not what she needed in these bars and chips! Crisis Center from Mental Health I called, I see did come to assess her, as she told me if nothing else would give her a raincoat and food! Which she did and if she felt she needed help she would take here or call police to assist to hospital, there is no housing for her!
So she left her! Until last night either she got up when got wet or someone came to get her?? No one knows yet and I will go again and check!
Meanwhile, yesterday she would not talk to me only scream get out of here! Now I don't know if she knows the HIPPA Law? And that too is in controversy? Police Sheriff Craig Zane said there are issues w/State Statutes and mandates, dealing w/Gov Brown and OR legislators I cannot respect due to suggesting so much over time and never do they follow up!, So if police feels there is an imminent chance of her endangering herself and others, then they would take here to hospital!
I see a variety taken and discharges and then weeks later still wearing same scrubs got in hospital! As well I took one girl that gave blow jobs every day for beer, and then pass out w/tide over and off to hospital! She now better not drinking as much, I took her e1 time 14 hours from many services not knowing what next did, nor did anything as well in here state she could not even read all of the pages given us! Not to mention make a phone call or have money for a bus!
Same Bitten who does nice work w/people, has told Judge they can't even get the means to get to court and he fines them more!
This is the trailer park across the street from where Jen is camping, and bathrooms locked she said and where but maybe they time it??

Some try to clean others a mess;

Here's church next door;

Many on beer or drugs in neighborhood, many ill, and I can't even go in the places they are so wet and damp and have to be full of mold! Trailer's stuffing materials in wet damp areas, same as in South Pacific, having not clue of hanging clothes, keeping away from condensation etc.. One lady had filled underneath w/boxes, yet so ill and they all w/dripping trailers roofs, tarps trying to do their best! Some working doing hard work at fisheries near, 3 of them!
A church next door w/staff that will help as a person, and as a Church won't, rather they there to teach religion! Same the Marina nearby that I'm in, as I've gone to meets w/staff and told them they leave vehicles for them to camp in, why? As many transients come for work, get ill trying and stuck!
Locals see stuff, but sometimes don't follow thru, where it takes all doing one's part when notice something, as in same car driving weekly and bags exchanged and then all busy riding bikes vs not able to move! Same many tired of trying to help them and then they steal or leave trash, not follow thru, etc..
Over the years using Google's Adgrant for our nonprofit, I've went to many places here in OR to share good ideas and they don't follow thru, so when I just get no answer or lots of apologies I go elsewhere for good projects throughout earth and students in other areas have become the Gov to make the changes, so I share what works or being worked!
So considering I want to while here, see how far this time I can get;
I walked to different businesses as people do what changes! I called planning-County commissioners-Mayor-Gov-Crises center-Sheriff and he said he would send one out after 3 others had been out, same 2 social workers, and now I know Crises lady went out and she still was left there! And more to call to share ideas about defining an area suitable to restore, a building w/facilities, so skilled students could work w/professors at SWOCC local community college, to sort all this out?
Where I say even a safe clean building in good location, and then coop w/education, kitchens, sanitary needs, as in churches-schools-gyms, while learning these basics, same permits for backyards aiding long terme residents with needs not met! Where now students could be starting and prioritizing bed space as well legalities to permit and staff to stay with critically ill as Jen!
Although I volunteering once in USC psych ward for children and that was a trip! I had a little maybe 6 year old that kept biting himself and before the old nurse that I felt needed to be laid fired me, he stopped biting himself, as I would rock and massage him and hold him and hug him and she thought i was being too sexually permissive!
Ok well my idea created w/many good people is to care for the needy now best can while bettering each space, even if when agro ecological assessments come thru w/enter biome(s) review or w/neighbors, doing complete study for watershed areas, whole foods, pest control w/no toxic, bringing in healthy pollinators, making piece w/neighbors balancing genetic biodiversity to link naturally, and much more creating communities that are healthy and working!
Then again beds can be transitioned while natural building takes place by homeless working what can, w/students learning alongside and community regaining skills to volunteer and gain credits working into careers of choice, which volunteering offers the experiences! As they do when once is sensitive with them! vs anyone thinking they moving into like a tiny house that may only isolated them! When have mental issues that can be resolved, better elsewhere once gain understanding! vs put on western pharma unresolved and get worse or more so like nwo, have bad experiences and that is why many homeless don't want certain help to go thru that bad experience!
I'm appreciative for people to help when Gov is dysfunctional! As well they deserve empathy too for it takes us all to make it happen doing one's part to stay focused and organize w/them, accepting nothing less than every community dealing w/early signs not waiting for crises to happen, and sure many are being relocated from other cities wrongly!
I know us earthlings can bypass this programmed way of suffering as well outdated bad policies, as we seriously work together part time, and end these scars forever!
I am fundraising to do this and also if want to gather and know more please call or email me, kara, eave a tele message, I on skype; 01-360-450-3749 kareje@ictts.org
When it comes to affiliates i will only work w/people that offer great awareness w/every facet of their product or service! But if so please contact me at; farmwuwei@gmail.com for Google does not allow me to advertise affiliates. But will allow me to fundraise, so please go there, so we can freely offer this message board to get needs really met efficiently here! And more to all for ictts.org from farmwuwei@gmail.com
But not fundraise on kareje@ictts.org, I want to respect Google, as well work w/them to make change w/UN partnering so we gain no vaccines mandatory! As well work w/all to stop blocking people that talk about toxic 5G-vaccines and more truth!
Please see this great series on how toxic vaccines are, it is playing this weekend 9.19.2020 and I yet to hear if can continue once sign up so ask them, but they free if watch in time or purchase! Showing how toxic all vaccines are, so don't take them! PLus they not needed!
https://upvir.al/ref/Nf46854911Please add and check back for updates! As we have an abandoned school in mind near already w/facilities working maybe inside?? No better education for all then for all to gather and work on to do list as well no local permitting so no more bad manipulated science, good Exl is Paul Merz here in Charleston very skille dw/Coho Fisheries as commercial fishing of them has been devastated and he has worked on a lot to make it come back and then stopped wrongly plus accused wrongly as he saved the fish when Mike Grays wanted him to throw them away and not accusing wrongly at ODFW! So we need to speak up for our communities and if you saw what I see being in a hard working fishing community when ODFW is using outdated science when PAul has common sense working experience that needs ASAP put into legislator to act on!
I had to tell County Commissioners shame on you! In my lengthy message stating bad enough all this et alone having to work past legislators selling out to lobbyist as well Pharma controlling same education chasin delusion, and a list of stuff!
But I'm serious we don't have to waste time blaming as we can set up good investments as well work w/the Govs that will work w/us and that will be a great success and if they don't transition, I 've asked Pres trump to use his Executive order and stop Govs and legislators from being in responsible roles! Pres Trump is left w/much undone healthy working communities in every community and I think I've been thru every state in US as well many countries and we all in the same boat as earthlings so no more thought of making America Great unless share so they too do similar and we do exchanges in solidarity as well good investments ending this war mode economy long over due!
So thank you all!
Peace be with you and please don't accept anything else! Thank you for what you can do w/us as well for you and your locals and or afar and do take part and scale agroecology and few plans ridding toxic, with us as we organize more!
kara j lincoln, speaking for our combined `effects...
`i come to talk story
https://www.ictts.org01-360-450-3749 please leave a message and i will get back!
1 Comment
Re: JEN'S STORY; Let's together review what missing as all transition so responsible positions replace people not working with your communities!