MEER Webinar join in please Aug 7.22 register for alterntives possible to climate change?

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
Please note, I, kara respect Dr. Ye Tao and Emeritus Prof Guy McPherson that did a great analysis for the MEER original project! But since then I am studying also Dr Steven Greer's Alien Tech that we as earthlings should have freely!

Considering Dr Ye has not got funding, as he once stated $1 trillion for solivng climate change in a 4 year period and more including creating products, they also are supporting small communites to use the mirrors, and also thinking of options, so please take part and share in this conversation w/them as they welcome all to join in;

This conversation requires humanity to take part so together all can best define what most efficint to do to resolve our time senstve issues, how-where-when??

Thank you!
lov, kara speaking for our`combined effect...