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Moving Indigenous Land Rights from Paper to Reality
By Valentina Ieri
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Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, addresses the Human Rights Council panel discussion on human rights and climate change on March 6, 2015. Credit: UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, addresses the Human Rights Council panel discussion on human rights and climate change on March 6, 2015. Credit: UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré
UNITED NATIONS, Apr 27 2015 (IPS) - Frustrated with decades of marginalisation, and of seeing their rights respected only on paper, Indigenous peoples are calling for major recognition from the international community.
Speaking at U.N. Headquarters on Apr. 27 as part of the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues – which started last week and lasts through Friday – the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Victoria Tauli-Corpuz expressed disappointment with the scant efforts to enshrine Indigenous People’s rights in the post-2015 development agenda.
“It is very regrettable that out of the 17 (Sustainable Development) Goals, there is no reference to Indigenous People. This does not speak well for the U.N. and its member states,” she said.
Taking Indigenous knowledge and traditional technology into account internationally could contribute to solving many of the world’s major crises in relation to the environment and climate change, and ultimately bring sustainable development, stressed Tauli-Corpuz.
“Data released by the World Resources Institute in Brazil show that forests maintained by indigenous people are 7 percent less deforested than those maintained by the government. In Guatemala, Indigenous forests are 20 percent less deforested,” added Tauli-Corpuz.
Indeed, climate change, soil erosion, deforestation and land extraction are negatively affecting many Indigenous communities around the world.
According to the World Bank, there are around 300 million Indigenous people worldwide – about 4.5 percent of the world population, although they account for 10 percent of the world’s poor.
The right to land is a key issue for Indigenous People.
Recently Aboriginal communities in Australia have been forced to move outside their territories because the government decided to use the land for resource extraction activities, such as mining or oil drilling.
The Rights and Resources Initiative, a global coalition that works for the human and land rights of Indigenous People worldwide, says that, “When communities have rights to their land and natural resources, and rights to benefit from these resources through local enterprises and other activities, they can generate substantial income.”
This is also a relevant point raised at the U.N. briefing by Perry Bellegarde, National Chief of the Assembly of the First Nations in Canada.
“We need to develop a long-term partnership between the government and Indigenous people, who are vital and strategic in developing and bringing wealth to the land, by protecting it at the same time for future generations,” he said.
A positive example comes from southern Belize, where Indigenous People have reached an agreement with the government after three decades of struggling to secure their land rights.
Christina Coc, director and co-founder of the Julian Cho Society, represented the Maya villagers of Toledo in their negotiations with the government of Belize.
She explained that, “The Maya people have suffered from soil exploitation, land and water seizure from the government in the past years, and so they were determined in getting their rights recognised not only on papers, but in concrete terms.”
Edited by Kitty Stapp
IPS Inter Press Service News Agency
kara j lincoln
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kara j lincoln • 2 minutes ago
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by IPS Inter Press Service News Agency.
It`s getting to sound like indigenous are a foreign species, when yet i thank each + everyone of you that has retained ways that work respecting the natural world, that all life is required to do. Yet why is it the burden still hangs on you people when yet all of us are required to take part in ones local `plan + our project can fuel that w/our plan.
We at - i come to talk story, feel the traditional engineers that have kept our biodiversity in check under such duress + scars over the years, needs to be used as a bases for sound science. + Not blame the science due to people manipulating it, rather co_evolve it based on our natural enhanced limits as w/ prof Miguel Altieri`s agro_ecology curriculum designed from working w/indigenous.
Knowing well the global food crises we are in. + The Industrial world that creates it. When yet our plan is to welcome your students + focus direct using your community as an extended classroom, for we have many issues in every community that need to be prioritized. I share w/you some thought for we will accept nothing less than working w/humanities options now. Please see what i shared w/the Hill yesterday, the US Gov; love + gratitude we thank you for what you do not as an indigenous, but as a human in respect for all life.
Humanity thanks you! From all at that speak for our combined ` effect..
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liessi • 2 days ago
Each of us individually needs to realize that in the end, we're all indigenous people -- native to whatever land we were born to or live in -- and that the principles (aka 'agenda') of indigenous cultures ultimately serve all of us, and by that i don't just mean humans. We need to return to those principles or risk extinction.
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dawnlim23 • 3 days ago
Wonderful report but no mention of genocide and human rights violations . Chittagong hills Bangladesh and Papua new Guinea, I'm disappointed,
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