NEED, AFRICA, contact for community(s) living in harmony w/transboundary migration of large browsers.

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!


 My name is kara j lincoln, I'm presently in Pacific Northwest, USA, trying to sell our sailboat so we can network again and travel. I would appreciate a contact if aware of one, or yourself? For I believe if we could communicate via email, convenient for your schedule for now and someday perhaps we can get there and meet, I could learn now and share what a local `plan is missing, to help humanity find tune one's own ASAP, as together our virtual global platform we are perfecting, prioritizes sharing what works/what doesn't, in solidarity!

   We created this message board as a US nonprofit, and much of our work at `i come to talk story came from global people, we had networked within our travels globally. And most was from a perspective of me imagining I was traveling w/a group of students in Africa, along a transboundary migration path of elephants, or their old one, that was being interfered with?  We welcome you to self-reflect/correct/post and share where comfortable?

  Quite a few years back I had tried to contact KAZA, I think was the name, and then w/more research I felt it was not something I was interested in, due to people profiting how they were/fees involved, etc.? But I stopped studying that. But I kept thinking we could travel by elephants were needed to do an exchange w/people having problems and killing them, so support could be organized safely by sensitive skilled already living in harmony w/large browsers. Then the students could come back or keep in touch and network solutions, as in creating upon our plan sharing humanity's work, doing ones local `plan. So humans can learn as well save wildlife to sustain oneself!

  For I do not agree with set aside wild lands just for large browsers or tourists. I believe the best tourist industry can happen as each community rethinks one's entire biome(s) w/neighbors and works them sensitively and skillfully as w/agro_ecological systems, so as to harmonize w/all life! Then welcome tourists to take part in all meets so they too take home options to fine tune w/their communities what can work!

  So together humanity works together to save lives in priorities, both human and wildlife! As all learn good stewardship and together we transcribe indigenous good stewardship to equate secular science, so as to stop ecological whoring and continue to save life on earth ASAP. As in this 6th mass extinction, we are loosing 200 species /day. And w/climate controversy, as you can see on my other post here, I want to work at conserving people's energy, vs fear based and unprepared for climate change!

I thank you for this read and look forward to your response!
Peace, kara