Join the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International for - 'Indigenous Women Protecting and Defending Rights, Land and Climate' - April 18th from 6:00-8:00 pm in New York City, New York.

* For those of you not in NYC, the event will also be live-streamed, please join us via the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network Facebook page*
WHAT: Indigenous Women Protecting and Defending Rights, Land and Climate
WHEN: Wednesday, April 18th, 2018 live stream8:00 pm
WHERE: Scandinavia House, 58 Park Avenue New York, NY - AND online via Facebook livestream
Kandi Mossett (Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara; Lead Organizer on the Extreme Energy & Just Transition Campaign with the Indigenous Environmental Network, USA)
Michelle Cook (Diné; human rights lawyer, USA)
Gloria Ushigua (Sápara; President of the Association of Sapara Women, Ecuador)
Thilmeeza Hussain (Former Deputy Ambassador to the UN from the Maldives; Climate Wise Women; Voice of Women, Maldives)
LaDonna BraveBull Allard (Lakota historian, member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and founder/landowner of Sacred Stone Camp, North Dakota, USA)
ABOUT THE EVENT: Indigenous women around the world are impacted first and worst by the effects of environmental destruction and a rapidly changing climate. Their disproportionate vulnerability is the result of a dangerous intersection of colonialism, racism and patriarchy. However despite all odds and against great challenges, it is these very same Indigenous women who are rising up, challenging the status quo, holding a vision, and taking action to build the vital solutions needed for a just and livable future for everyone. Included in the event discussions will be - resistance efforts from the Standing Rock movement to the Amazon; Indigenous rights and frontline communities; divestment from banks due to Indigenous and human rights violations by fossil fuel companies; and women’s leadership and calls for action within a climate justice framework. Indigenous women leaders (TBA!) from countries around the world will share stories, concerns, struggles, and plans of action for change. This public event is being held in parallel to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues taking place in NYC at this time, with the expressed purpose of ensuring that the vital voices of Indigenous women leaders are heard by the public, media, and government representatives during the formal UN processes.
We are thrilled to be collaborating with ClimateMama for this event.
HOW: The NYC event is free and open to the public, no registration required. Please click here to RSVP if possible. Or watch online globally via Facebook live stream.
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