We welcome you to Charleston Octoberfish
as we define w/others our participation, whether or not we will be behind the scenes do_in dishes/serving/in serious discussion as last year w/children very mindful taking on adult responsibilities, which actually i felt i had to redirect a bit, for parents we all must realize the footprint our children are perceiving by how we live.
W/your support lets all continue to share where best when. + Please let our co_evolving thought here share yet another way for you to rethink + mindfully act, thank you!
Please review what we feel is needed for all to understand, in case we don't get to talk, + please share as you do your walkabout w/all as well, including add comment;
Email sent to; Brook, info@predatordefense.org (also see below the first one fueling ideas), Tim Dunbar, CA executive director for the Mountain Lion Foundation, tdunbar@mountainlion.org, terra_amore8@yahoo.com (co_creator of www.ictts.org + a beautiful mama working w/young as we try to tell the truth of such foolishness that all sharp sensors perceive locally + afar, w/out having to expose our beautiful children to such juvenile conduct, when yet all Govs have so many resources wasted, vs support this virtual platform of ours fueling students everywhere, as well the many adults w/undeveloped children within.)
thomas.moriarty@theworldlink.com, ddarling@bendbulletin.com (these 2 gentlemen did a great stories), Michelle Dennehy Wildlife Communications Coordinator Phone: 503-947-6022. Cell: 503-931-2748, I do hope we can communicate what is dysfunctional + look forward to your resources/experiences of research), michelle.n.dennehy@state.or.us, Bill Kinyoun is the Wildlife Biologist of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife,@dfw.state.or.us, President Barack Obama, support@orgforaction.zendesk.com,
UNHCR (UNHCR maintains a network of media officers around the globe who are available around the clock to answer queries on every aspect of UNHCR's operations and policies. Information officers in Geneva, including the chief spokesperson, are ready to provide an overview of UNHCR activities or details reported from the field: other media officers can be contacted directly in the field to provide on-the-spot details or to assist journalists in carrying out their own reporting. Our Geneva-based video and photo units provide footage and photographs free of charge to the media. Please media dept, we ask you to share within your entity, what we feel this organization is missing. Please share what we feel humanity needs to help all become local, global + beyond mindful participants. As we fuel what is really needed that every community can do if you redirect working w/students to work w/people to become a local participant where each refugee/migrant plugs in to a community, + define together w/each community as they network.
This is incomprehensible why UN does not deal responsibly long before people get in a raft, when what we speak of here is caused by many people unaware in responsible roles, not the refugees/migrants alone, So please lets open to the truth. So all stop all Nuclear use leaving contamination/war mode + false green, economies that drain the resources for education/community restoration, etc the natural way using the enhanced natural rule of law that each community local `plan produces, as we link for our earth + beyond to sustain all to share in peace..
UN if you are to continue, why do you not hold those Govs accountable that sell the weapons/interfere/profit/develop ecosystems beyond their natural enhanced limits, hold people accountable long before this stage. Right now every Military Industrial Complex could help w/every step of this, including relocating, while simultaneously NATO/Presidents come to the table, allow all to help, + debate w/transparency, allowing us to fuel + focus direct w/what we offer here to start, as well be very clear what each true message really is in each tongue, that is not being deciphered. What President Assad needs, not what another President afar thinks he needs, as well all surrounding countries, do_in a local `plan that we fuel at www.ictts.org, working within the enhanced natural rule of law we speak of, with wildlife even if in story, if already depleted all, as each community restores w/natural building, ecological sustainable working communities, where all life is brought into balance as the earth + beyond offers now, w/humanities offerings, let alone all that can be created with them, not profited on them.) I hold us all accountable locally + afar, for this is not happening, which is what contributes to this confusion.
fleming@unhcr.org, edwards@unhcr.org, rummery@unhcr.org, spindler@unhcr.org, degruijl@unhcr.org, dobbs@unhcr.org,
I decided to open this to all as i post, welcoming the many good people young + old to help where can.
Thank you World + Bullet for your stories as well your continued support for every community has issues that can be resolved if we regain our human balance, for many ecosystems are out of balance, affecting all life, + that energy is passed on to all that have dulled ones sensors not knowing any other way, yet many still making decisions that are wrong in responsible roles. + Due to the lack of networking w/1 global sound science, many are left behind + that can change.. When yet we are fortunate to still have many working our natural world to be balanced to share w/us what works best as they have co_evolved in real time harmonizing with it.
Thank you gentlemen for your good work in giving a perspective of what is happening.
Now we need to put links to resolve it.
Please note i would like to see if you would be interested in an article/event to stem some more awareness to the overall picture.
So we could actually at some time seriously debate this issue amongst all + let skilled students organize w/you for all schools. Please also address that issue + confirm if interested, perhaps efficiently as in a teleconference w/Google, etc.??
For i know many in every entity do leave negative effects, particularly my experience in Oregon w/F+W, for as i stated at the proposed Marine reserve, when the PEW Foundation came in, i felt they where out of context w/ a few good pointers, + considering a few of the sustainable commercial fisherfolks do not communicate well, that is no reason to base regulation, when students could be messengers, filling in these worn torn, missing links. For much good sustainable living is lost with them as they leave due to being over regulated incorrectly, + they do take responsible for their lack of communication as well.
So lets see how together all could co_evolve, For you locals do_in research creating also if `booning w/the natural enhanced limits can also be just as good as a local/ethnic traditional engineer of long ago. For it is a process of co_evolving w/what is.
So if have archive story + want to share some photos + link i will post + perhaps the newspapers will too?
Also as i ask Brook, please see his email above, if any have a live critter to share w/those that have dulled their sensors, as well the beautiful young + old unaware that you can, as well those young + beautiful so sharp, yet still need to know how to organize, as i see many. Then please tell me if you could participate at the upcoming Charleston Marina Octoberfish event.
Please note Daniel may again have his large snake event, if a large cat you could bring is [perhaps sensitive to them. If so i could confirm w/Daniel.
I know this is of short notice, but more so, i'm fitting in your lessons into our bigger picture w/global issues, as i learn from the large browsers being in balance as i do my best to live as a local, no matter how temporary i am in a place.
The global issues of the times are out of control + we at our US 501.c3 non profit - i come to talk story, feel this disassociated energy that all take part in producing unknowingly, can be harnessed to redirect + fuel each to no longer be part of the problem. Rather part of the solution.
+ Humanity has many if we welcome communities + students to work together w/ethnic traditional engineers working w/perfecting/networking 1 global sound science.
For as your articles show the many good people researching, working as activists to resolve, yet conflict remains w/F+W to determine support for good laws in place to follow thru w/sound science.
Which seems to be the big problem here. Our students study yet the sciences aren't respected. This must change. For humanity has great solution oriented options, yet communities everywhere have people/wildlife, let behind.
This is why we at www.ictts.org created - the sun will set spreadsheet, to gather links to fuel this debate, so students networking, which has yet to come about. But with every ones support we hope to perfect this more. As students focus direct w/ones community to orchestrate for each community what is real to research, debate, apply mindfully, then to share in solidarity what works/what doesn't, via like ecosystem/season + subject, which is not happening.
Yet many good projects could just fill in this fueling misinformation as students work w/all, for credits, knowing also when to volunteer as a good community participant, etc.
Look at the communities that have lost the balance of species. Look at the number of people that have lost control of oneself.
So we feel this balance can be redefined + networked as all allow ones large browsers to show the way. So in our fueling plan each would do a local `plan, land freshwater flow to sea use review, for ones entire biome(s), w/neighbors bringing people together w/natural enhanced potentials. Vs human delusional borders as been for profits.
We feel w/understanding as all are supported to come to the table, no one will be left behind w/localized mindsets that limit one to take part in this transition, as all restore w/natural building ones ecological sustainable working community.
Using 1 sound science globally, networking, our students can bring home eye to eye great experiences for locals to rethink + properly research for the in time truth for a healthy community for all life.
This will help our educational systems as well our socio political misunderstandings, as each community then prioritizes the real issues of the times.
We would like to welcome all to organize to do just this. + I am asking this gentlemen to suggest how we can be most helpful w/what they see as true needs + offerings. So as to perhaps share here in articles, as well the upcoming Octoberfish event in Charleston Marina.
I share the email sent to Brooks + please note i am sending to others, to obtain again a perspective of what is in real time to share w/the communities, as we propose to fund raise for our project to perfect our virtual tool, as well we welcome you to come or if legal i could also put out a jar for each for donations as well, along w/printed links for people to get real with your work.
I appreciate any other links you may offer + i also will invite them.
If we cannot hit the Octoberfish date, we will do what can after. As we post for community meets.
i was invited to the Democratic event in Oregon, + due to our lack of resources as we build our project, i do not want to waste my footprint, when we can use the tools of the times to link, many more. So i send you what i told them to share, as i gave them thoughts to fuel theirs. Link below.
+ As i continued to work at our fundraising w/fueling energy for our research, i realized as i talk to others globally, that where ever we are, as networkers, working even on personal issues, as present, we are in Charleston Marina trying to sell our small sailboat we stay on. Then we would leave area.
But everywhere we have been for last 35 years, we network/learn in exchanges that have built this project this far. As we did/do real hands on exchanges to better the exchange of living local, sharing globally.
We welcome all to link as well, if willing to debate to resolve.
For the ongoing refugee/migrant problem is just as mismanaged as i feel these issues are, yet we offer to help + people do not respond in the UNHCR, why? For our project can fuel every community to work w/people to be a local community participant, not just house one. Same w/any wild life, they deserve to be put back in to a community to take part in.
Yet it is the resultant of people chasing delusion, unable to ground + center, for misinformed humans are a resultant of our negative experiences. + The scars of the planet w/Nuclear/war mode + false green economies are just too heavy + out of real time reality. Leaving many in the fog, that we can clear, by working together.
So w/your support we hope to continue ending all negative issues within human control. + Work sensitively the biome(s) so all life is respected.
Please take a review + happy for you to post what you feel can help the most to resolve what can. As we know many bio cultural experiences began w/people managing oneself, as they interrelated w/the natural world, recycling organic waste, creating the natural enhanced balance. I refer to the many great lessons, as the Amazonian `boon w/all life.
It is our responsible to be be a mindful local, global + beyond participant, w/the issues of the times as we share this planet + beyond.
We can work back into healthy neural networks restoring balance to ones genetic biodiversity + link for our true sustainable energy that is given freely to all. Yet many are unaware of having such inner tools.
+ It will take some focus directing to do this w/ones students networking for many have great energy, yet need to redirect into a balance for oneself. + With awareness of large browsers leading our path, to me it is a great centering + grounding, once all understand.
So in this assertive path, we feel exponentially the students will reflect, + their is no better education for them + all to reflect w/balanced beings, then to go within + sort ones baggage, w/some guidance. Realizing every day we all build new neural networks to be used, + if we don't use them for editing this baggage, creating our exchanges, then they die.
So the natural world gives us an abundance of tools to work with, but sadly we are not organized as a human species, yet can. Google + Nabble are trying to help us, as well to all.
So lets use the tools of the times most efficiently to see what we together can do.
Please review my thoughts of gathering people for meets, + once you share your interest + offerings i will reedit the poster i was working on, as well make a page on our sites of this story in the building, welcoming all to help. So please if i can use your photos/story, confirm + send.
Peace is our option for all life if we focus in good exchanges.
I thank you all for what you do + look forward to your feedback.
Please see a few links if not all, giving you more of an idea of how i would like to fit this into our continued networking. Upon your feedback we will add story/photos, etc.;
http://i-come-to-talk-story.3220728.n2.nabble.com/I-share-a-local-event-we-are-gathering-please-let-it-fuel-you-to-do-the-same-td7560073.html http://i-come-to-talk-story.3220728.n2.nabble.com/Lets-organize-PLease-note-correction-Chernobyl-1-million-died-in-25-years-Fukushima-expects-3-times--td7560076.htmlSincerely, kara j lincoln
Please see my email to Brook w/my 1st thought; after reading good stories from the Newspapers on recent Cougar happenings.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kara j Lincoln <kareje@ictts.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 2:57 PM
Subject: Please when can share w/Brook Fahy, thank you, kara
To: info@predatordefense.org
Please tell me if aware of any entity/or yourself that has community based projects/education for large browsers that you may or may not have anymore as once did?? I know i've seen in past small cougars injured that would be released again or are injured unable to release used for such educational purposes, at various community events/schools etc.
We are a Us 501.c3 non profit w/a virtual platform, making living local more friendly, as we like to see community working w/students, using community as an extended classroom.
Plus personally i also gather input from afar from those working on trans boundary migration. So i while i network + am here on our sailboat trying to sell it, in Charleston, OR, would like to have such a creature for an exhibit. + Next upcoming applicable is the Octoberfish oct 3 at the Charleston Marina, which is a family event, that i thought i would fund raise for our entity.
Their may again b e large snakes in another exhibit w/Sailee + Daniel, not with me. But i did share w/children last year w/them that truly enjoy the wildlife + where very aware so young.
So if this is something you have or are aware of, please tell me what you would require, so children/people could touch having a real interactive experience.
We have yet to fund raise as we continue to research, study as EX; Google has given us an adgrant + today we are over 5 million times, showing our ads globally. + I still studying, for even though we yet to receive funds we are working to share w/many in need, over a variety of issues.
I was thinking i would create a page w/your pictures/story + then give pieces of paper w/site link at a booth at Octoberfish + for those w/out computer a print out. + You also could give your literature for support/donations for your entity.
My interest is learning/sharing how large browsers can fuel + lead our path as a community. For we suggest a review of ones biome(s) w/neighbors, do_in a local `plan, land, sea, freshwater review from mountains to sea, so all in between also gain, which many places are depleted or mismanaged exceeding the natural enhanced limits.
I also exploring going to Africa to learn from natives working trans boundary migration.
So i appreciate any contacts locally or afar you can share, for when i say my speal people that want to profit no longer have interest. Plus i cannot work in a zoo, due to feeling how sick the animals are not wanting to live their.
I could only work w/rehabs where animals go back to wild. + or if injured + cannot. But my interest is not to work in a hospital mode, Rather i want to see people pursue our human potential.
If you yet to see Anna, you may enjoy or maybe not?? i have yet to learn her ways of tracking offered by her associates, but i am sensitive w/animals. Here is her link; animalspirit.com
Also we do not support large grid alternative systems, nor Colonial grid mode, as many allocated large pieces set aside for tourism. When yet we feel people can become aware using these natural enhanced boundaries as the rule of law. The Amazonians show many good examples of this in past, as well now being depleted by developments.
Which we suggest also a tapering transition to welcome all to understand the sound science that can be created/managed vs fragmented or manipulated, etc. so all understand. Which then as students as reps network they then can take part in 1 global sound science that all make, w/basics that are shared for our earth + beyond, as they restore ones ecological sustainable working community, networking in solidarity globally.
So those that can as prerequisites are organized collectively, can work at the many communities unable to sustain oneself.
So each community gets real + prioritizes what is applicable for them, leaving no one left behind in the fog, draining ones energy over the issues of the times.
So by gaining real experiences, making this living local process more friendly, each then can fine tune what works for them as they bring back/work with existing, local ethnic traditional ways to create upon, unless fortunate to still have them in mindful living, which is rare..
So in our travels we will share these personal networking experiences, showing communities how good these bio cultural experiences are for all to reflect with. Fueling all to regain natural balance for ones genetic biodiversity, so all link for all life.
If you take a review of our postings, we also welcome you to link on our- the sun will set, spreadsheet, on our Google site; www.ictts.org
As we continue to welcome reps to share what works/what doesn't as we feel we are building now w/very good people to fuel this path.
We look forward to your feedback + if this Oct 3rd date is not good for you to participate w/us, then perhaps we can do another event, as i am working on posting some posters for people to come together + share. Which i was thinking of using North Bend Library Cedar room for small group, 22 max, + request RSVP.
I have tried to connect w/the schools locally + they are interested, but have not been able yet.
Where this type of event would be great to help people realize wherever one is, even if temporary, it is important to live mindfully as a local within the local `plan. Which then only then supports one to center + ground, enabling one to explore ones true desire, w/respect to natural balance of all life..
Especially as we collect more of these experiences of locals needs + offerings to regain this balance.
So yes we are interested in hearing of your stories. I've read a view + i also will see if Bill Kinyoun is still here at Charleston Marina, where we are living on our sailboat wanting to sell,
Please email; kareje@ictts.org + you can also call + leave a message + i will get back to you soon.
Sincerely, kara j lincoln
Thank you for your patience,
Still working w/Google, non profit/Ed Apps, to use their good tools.
I welcome you to come link w/the sun will set page so please take part + donate in ways most comfortable to you.
I`m here for you willing to do an exchange, if you want to help us reach out..
come talk
Peace, kara + misha
Thank you Nabble for all your support, you can see how we use your great tools + yet to exhaust them all, but will continue to study your great offerings!
Nabble offers them to you freely also, so do organize w/your friends/community + do what is important to you, + thank you for sharing us along the way!
Re: Our offerings to refugees/migrants/people local + afar please see our thoughts + take part.. Oregon`s Octoberfish welcomes all, to stay in harmony in real time w/the issues of the times..
Re: Our offerings to refugees/migrants/people local + afar please see our thoughts + take part.. Oregon`s Octoberfish welcomes all, to stay in harmony in real time w/the issues of the times..
Re: Our offerings to refugees/migrants/people local + afar please see our thoughts + take part.. Oregon`s Octoberfish welcomes all, to stay in harmony in real time w/the issues of the times..