`i come to talk story, thanks you all for your support! Nabble has gone to 1 server and now we have a new URL for site,
Thank you Nabble for all your good work! http://i-come-to-talk-story-welcomes-all-to-get-one-s-real-needs-met.22.s1.nabble.com/ Please note this link below is one I've been working in transition to changing this platform to becoming our earth-space message board, appreciating Nabble's work! Please check them out for they here for you to!
For the more all organize to make their own local message board, the better we all will become local-global and mindful in the moment getting real story, while we link and stay in the moment!
As always please forgive me, kara, for bad editing, and it will be cleaned up, for I'm into defining how simple to resolve what Humanity has solutions for now, as well long ago, and we all have just not been organized to understand the truth and do our part! Now we can!
Please see this link where we are at now and continue to update and have more soon coming, and you can too correct, add too, link and it will be added to new message board! Or if want to Donate, if have to give, so we can keep this message board free to all that need it! As well in appreciation to Nabble support them!
Email kara; kareje@pm.me Re; Donate, I have to give! Or Re; Explain-correct!
See our objective to complete the start up investment form;
http://i-come-to-talk-story-welcomes-all-to-get-one-s-real-needs-met.22.s1.nabble.com/http://i-come-to-talk-story-welcomes-all-to-get-one-s-real-needs-met.22.s1.nabble.com/An-efficient-way-to-resolve-time-sensitive-needs-on-earth-space-is-being-built-here-w-your-help-as-w-td7560400.htmlPeace is real we all just need to organize to understand and share it doing one's part!
Thank you!
kara speaking for our combined `effects...