Rocking Chair RebellionOn Wednesday (3/22) 10 members of Beyond Extreme Energy and 3rd Act occupied a Chase Bank in Washington D.C.
The activists sat down in the middle of the bank lobby, singing songs and reading a full indictment of Chase Bank for climate crimes.
This action was done as a direct follow up to the previous day's Rocking Chair Rebellion in which elders blockaded the doors of the same Chase Bank and a Wells Fargo with rocking chairs.
The occupation lasted an hour and all ten activists were arrested and released later that day.
“Today we return to indict Chase Bank and its head Jamie Dimon for their role as the number one financier of fossil fuels globally.
They increased investments in fossil fuels from 2020 to 2021 by 10 billion dollars - from $51 billion to $61 billion, have provided $382 billion to gas and oil companies since Paris Accords, are the biggest fracked gas banker in the world, the fourth largest tar sands financier ($10.85 billion), the top arctic oil and gas financier ($5.21 billion), second largest offshore oil and gas financier, and third largest LNG financier.
Our grandchildren’s future, our children’s future, and even our future is being criminally disregarded.
“Catastrophic climate chaos is already a reality all over the earth.”
Chase Bank, along with Wells Fargo, Citibank, and Bank of America, has invested $1.2 trillion of our money in the fossil fuel industry in the last 7 years.
We have asked them to cut it out. But they did not.
The Rocking Chair Rebellion is just beginning.”
For more photos and video:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-6iguf253fNP4ShAxhc3U0AxtcbY762BFull List of Arrestees:
Rose Abramoff
Kendall Hale
Melinda Tuhus
Ted Glick
Clarke Herbert
Bill Kitchen
Lawrence Macdonald
Bob Muehlenkamp
Bill Muth
Steve Norris
If you like our scrappy outfit of mischief making elders - you can donate here to bail us out of jail and keep our good trouble coming ;^)