This post is Humanity's finest solutions to ground us, and to obtain our real needs and offerings created as a resultant to such mindful understandings to act! For self, for loved ones, for our local and afar beings, at work from long ago and continue! We can co_evolve staying in real time to harmonize, no more carrying fear based misinformation! These people have skilled understandings of science common sense!
Please help me support these traditional indigenous engineers that for a long time have been land-seas-freshwater grabbed, it is their time to be respected and all allow them to continue to guide us sharing Humanity's finest solutions!
Agroecology links; Please I repeat below as well and do make space to review this entire post;
Who is it that are so skilled yet due to in time lack of reliability, beyond one's control, needs priority needs??? Talk to us, you know best who you are, what are they??? Ex; Skills??? Financial support to get these fragments perhaps completed to catch up where once was, or never was sustainably resilient, and can be present w/skilled in past or in the now, to know how to use what needed and receive our startup plan to create with it, to actually manifest it? As you define w/skilled in those fragments, what needed, so you may once again, help others, w/our help? Please email kara; and suggest one, if not yourself so we can discuss this please? Ref; Nabble, help from Humanity!
See updates please below as I share many good Agroecological links for you to resonate with and choose what you are missing or can add too?
Note, you can see below and go to their site if interested, please do! Thank you all below for sharing!
AFSA - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa via
Thu, Aug 11, 9:02 PM (2 days ago)
to me
The AFSA Weekly Media Digest was created to provide AFSA members, partners, and supporters with timely and credible information on agroecology and food sovereignty movements in Africa and around the world. You'll get the English version of the weekly media digest every Friday and the Francophone media monitoring update every Wednesday. Both of these initiatives, we hope, will keep you abreast of the current regional and global realities and discourses shaping our food system, as well as spark conversations about a healthy and resilient future for people and our planet.
Forest, Farm Producer Organizations trained in agroecological best practicesThirty-five delegates from the Ghana Federation of Forest and Farm Producers (GhaFFaP) have been taught about agroecological best practises and the introduction of microorganisms into soils using locally accessible materials. The four-day training session was co-organized by GhaFFaP and Lifeworks Global in Techiman, Bono East, and gathered participants from Ghana's three ecological zones, including the Savanna, Transition, and Forest zones. The programme explored the use of mostly locally accessible materials such as animal dung, shrubs, leaves (dry and wet), grass, and other biomass crop harvest in an innovative compost process that can be applied in only 18 days. To guarantee long-term adoption of the ideas offered, the beneficiaries are expected to become trainers to farmers in their local areas.
Forest, Farm Producer Organizations trained in agroecological best practices
The Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and Africa’s futureThis blog article by Sabrina Masinjila, Linzi Lewis, and Mariam Mayet of ACB is essential reading. It delves deeply into the debates and talks around the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and the future of Africa. The GBF, which is based on the Aichi Targets, is in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement, with the goal of achieving a 2050 Vision of living in harmony with nature. However, the GBF, according to the report, reflects extensively bracketed and very watered-down objectives and targets, which is discouraging and concerning: in some situations, they are even less ambitious than the unmet Aichi aims, despite rapid biodiversity loss. Indeed, the talks resemble a global chess game, with emerging nations, notably Africa, on the losing side owing to the continent's economic subordination in the global economy.
The Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and Africa’s future
Promote agriculture so that more women are landholders and not labourers
This essay emphasises the significance of taking action to address the enormous and severe gender disparity in agriculture. It is still a cliché that women are capable of toiling the land but not of owning it. Every day, women in agriculture confront the derogatory stereotype that farming is a man's occupation. Every day, they strive to overcome patriarchal restrictions that hinder them from having access to land to not only feed their families, but also to establish profitable agri-businesses that will offer food security, economic development, and alter the agricultural sector. One of the visible paradoxes is that 60% to 80% of smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa are women, yet only 15% to 20% are landholders.
Promote agriculture so that more women are landholders and not labourers
New Laws of the Land: Sierra Leone Reshapes Environmental Battleground
The West African nation will let communities veto mining, farming and industrial projects. Activists say the legislation is a progressive landmark. At least one investor calls it unworkable. It is a struggle that communities across the world have faced: stopping companies from grabbing their lands, polluting their environment and forcing them to relocate. When a major investor sees an opportunity to profit from a mine or large-scale agriculture, long-established ways of life, and even land ownership rights, often prove to mean little. But in one West African country, Sierra Leone, the rules of such struggles may be about to change drastically. Under new laws passed this week, companies operating in Sierra Leone will have to obtain the express consent of local communities before starting mining, industrial or farming activities. Residents owning land will be able to veto any project affecting it. And the government will have to help pay for any legal fees that the local communities incur in negotiations — meaning it will most likely finance legal expertise used against the companies.
Laws of the Land: Sierra Leone Reshapes Environmental Battleground
Papers Explore Synergies Between Biodiversity and Climate FrameworksExperts have developed a series of six thematic papers to “provide an overview, a sound scientific basis, and inspirational examples and case studies of synergies between biodiversity and climate change commitments.” The papers cover legal agreements under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the UNFCCC, recent scientific findings, practical implementation aspects related to nature-based solutions, good governance, multi-level implementation, and finance. This article explores and briefly introduces the six thematic papers produced.
Papers Explore Synergies Between Biodiversity and Climate Frameworks
Averting An African Food CrisisThis article by Akinwumi A. Adesina, president of the Africa Development Bank Group made a contentious claim that, the African Development Bank’s successful flagship Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) program is delivering technologies in the form of climate-resilient crop varieties – seeds that are resistant to drought, high temperatures or pests, that is boosting yield in Africa. According to the article, In Ethiopia, thanks to TAAT-funded, heat-tolerant wheat seeds, the country boosted cultivated farmland from 50,000 hectares to 675,000 additional hectares in just four years.
TAAT’s climate-smart seeds allow the wheat crop to thrive in Ethiopia’s arid, lowlands where ordinary wheat varieties do not generally do well. By embracing TAAT, the country did not need to import wheat, for the first time, this year. With the Bank’s continued support, Ethiopia will become a wheat exporter in 2023. It plans to begin exporting to Kenya and Djibouti next year.
Averting An African Food Crisis
Copyright © *Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa* All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa
Plot 1742 Kigobe Road, Ntinda. P.O Box 571, Kampala Uganda. Tel 0414699149.
See links of others and define what resonates w/you please; This is interesting and may have to go to their site as well to open links;
Baron landThe Ecologist via
Fri, Aug 12, 1:58 AM (1 day ago)
to me
Friday, 12 Aug 2022
Dear kara,
Across the country, Right to Roam campaigners have been trespassing on sprawling estates owned by the elite, to request access to nature.
Joining the protesters, Brendan Montague takes a glimpse into the present state of the land, barren and frazzled by the heatwave – connecting our current ecological state with the historical seizure of land that violently removed the public from their right to access nature.
It feels that since the pandemic our appreciation for outdoor space has grown, and barriers to accessing nature are more than just a physical assault: they are also one that crosses cultural, political and psychological boundaries.
For example, 97% of rivers are currently off-limits to the public, reports the Guardian. And even so, many rivers are not swimmable – polluted with agricultural waste, sewage and plastic. Good water quality is seldom available to wild swimmers.
Yet one campaigner aims to protect part of the river Avon from further pollution by focusing not only on human health, but also on the health of the river by considering it a living being.
Could redefining the way we see nature shape the laws we construct around it?
Yasmin Dahnoun
Assistant Editor
The Ecologist
Editors' Picks
Baron land
Lord Benyon's estate, its subsidies, biodiversity and the right to roam. An English fairy tale.
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The rights of rivers
Should rivers be given legal rights like humans? A Bristol campaigner is testing the waters of British law in an effort to protect the Avon from further pollution.
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Return of the wild beaver
Wildlife campaigners welcome new legislation and call for a 'sensible' beaver re-introduction to British waterways.
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Resurgence & Ecologist
The Ecologist online is owned by the Resurgence Trust. The trust also publishes the Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. When you become a member of the trust, you receive six issues of the magazine - print and/or digital - each year. The following article appeared in the print magazine this issue.
As I Roved Out
Connected Life As I Roved Out Cover: Artwork by Carole Hénaff Reprint permissions Illustration © Andrew Davidson Walking, in many ways, is not unlike the singing of a song. To leave home and seek a path ...
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Yasmin Dahnoun | The Ecologist | 07590030201 | |
Agroecology links; Please I repeat from above, as well do make space to review this entire post;
Who is it that are so skilled yet due to in time lack of reliability, beyond one's control, needs priority needs??? Talk to us, you know best who you are, what are they??? Ex; Skills??? Financial support to get these fragments perhaps completed to catch up where once was, or never was sustainably resilient, and can be present w/skilled in past or in the now, to know how to use what needed and receive our startup plan to create with it, to actually manifest it? As you define w/skilled in those fragments, what needed, so you may once again, help others, w/our help? Please email kara; and suggest one, if not yourself so we can discuss this please? Ref; Nabble, help from Humanity!
Let's all ask is it not more efficient to help those w/least amount of needs and most amount of skills to then reach us all, perhaps in groups of same needs or fragments you yet to make connection, etc.???
See list below please self reflect as well w/your communities? And many good documents, more on Academia w/these folks! To see where you or who is lacking what, as you and others also skilled as you, then create upon our startup plan with our financial offer's of a good term loan or others, and or you sharing here what needs you need, so one can aid you to find them if can?
Then all others can create upon your like ecosystems on your startup plan, to do their own, please! Agroecology and the design of climate change-resilient farming systems.
Thank you Emeritus Prof Miguel Altieri, this man and his Associates's work, is so good for Humanity sharing solutions long ago and still! He fuels us to continue to share Humanity's solutions, whether new material shared or old, it is very good, thank you all!! This is important, some things don't change over time whether a microbe or human, we all beings have a natural existence and can support or destroy oneself as well another, this first link shows that nicely. We are so fortunate to have such loving people care about our biosphere and all life in it! It is a shame so many have not listened long ago, but we can't bite our elbows so please lets all celebrate along the way!
Biological control and agricultural modernization Towards resolution of some contradictions? Transitions in agriculture: Three frameworks highlighting coexistence between a new agroecological configuration and an old, organic and conventional configuration of vegetable production in Wallonia (Belgium) From 'Agroecology Now', thank you all! 
In this article, part of our Food Sovereignty and Spirituality series, indigenous thinker and activist Antonio Gonzalez from Guatemala talks about the importance of spirituality in Indigenous Peoples struggles to recover and affirm their identity and defend their territories. He shares the journey he undertook with the Aj Mayon Agroecological Collective to link agriculture with […]
Read more of this post ( )
PLEASE SEE BEYOND ORGANIC AND FAIR TRADE: The agroecological revolution in Latin America rescuing nature ensuring food sovereignty and empowering peasants? Agroecology Principles for the Conversion and Redesign of Farming Systems?
Technological Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture at a Crossroads: An Agroecological Perspective Enduring Farms: Climate Change, Smallholders and Traditional Farming Communities
Whatever the Weather. Climate Change Resilience in Small Agroecological Farms in the UK.docx.
Thank you Rachel Solnick! Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation in the Agriculture Sector Thank you Jeremy P Haggar! via @academia
Agroecology Scaling Up for Food Sovereignty and Resiliency<<<<<<<><>>>>>
Please see more of Emeritus Prof Miguel Altieir's and Associates on Academia!TWN Altieri et al strengthening agroecosystem resiliency - Miguel A Altieri
The livelihood impacts of oil palm: smallholders in Indonesia - Lucy Rist
Agroecology and sustainable livelihoods: Towards an integrated approach to rural development - Yuichiro Amekawa
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems Understanding the Resilience of Swidden Agro- ecosystems Interacting with Rubber and Oil Palm Production Regimes in the Philippines page/terms-and-conditions - Marvin Joseph F Montefrio
Scaling up Agroecological Approaches for Food Sovereignty in Latin America - Miguel A Altieri
Strengthening resilience of modern farming systems: A key prerequisite for sustainable agricultural production in an era of climate change - Miguel A Altieri
Please check back here for more upcoming selections to choose from!lov, kara, speaking for our combined `effects...