Re; `i come to talk story...
I am new to many of you students but what I see, I really respect your activism you do peacefully! As my head has been into research trying to resolve an efficient way to share reality to aid understanding from you all skilled, for you all unskilled so do please rethink w/my words vs yours!
We need critical thinking w/in deeply w/all,to self reflect on own baggage in the way of seeing or feeling reality in the moment! Seriously mindfully act on it!
So please come aboard and help us get this message out to all earthlings-aliens-life on earth and space, to aid this clarity to mindfully act ending these scars from repeating, so together we enjoy what left of this beautiful earth and regain a healthy balance of common sense ,supporting life to come back, and together ecologically all are not interfered with to do their part!
I'm presently in budget errors from banks unskilled over riding skilled nice people! Same loan officers! So we are unable to support you w/$'s as you ask, as we have another plan to support skilled agroecologists to continue to guide us as they live a way w/agroecological systems in tack, or may need to reestablish some fragments for their sustainable resilience, to get back into real time.
W/us all prioritizing our support, they can regain a balance, to then again do what they do! What is that,
they know who is also under skilled, and go personally to aid such skills, as skills is the only external input-product they use!
How do any of you support Organic or Industrial Agriculture, not realizing all the toxic external goods they use and the toxic effects they have on complex life that sustains your food source, as well you and your community w/all species, including your loved ones, your neighbors, local and afar!
When you go vote, please make a list here from this post, ask your legislator and then go ask his or her opponent!I've appreciated everyone of you helping me process this information to this point but I need more help!! Also after thinking on this first post, below I finished w/some more clarity after thinking w/you all, so thank you! But excuse my editing as I also want to share on twitter and w/G20-7 and more!
ask people in legislative Gov roles what they do, as well those running to replace them! Sadly this is not the priority to do, but another step in the process, due to a vote helps very little when so much corruption is within the voting system as last few times, and the past conduct of many US Gov legislators! Also look at what income they report from where, how do they afford what they live with? How do they get paid from the Defense Industry's to utilize more weapons of war? As well so much hidden favors politically exchanged and much more, that you and I, may support unknowingly! This list i long and needs names behind them, so or message boards can show such hidden transparency they don't report, like who they invest it, as well make policy to support them!
Humanity has solutions and Skilled agroecologists I respect are here to guide, in past and continue, even though many have abused them w/land-sea-freshwater grabbing, and these are th people many of us support unknowingly!
Well don't you think it is time to have names, addresses so someone can aid their understanding or misuse-abuse, and we do it peacefully! We are not about fighting! How can we blame another when we unconsciously support them! It is time for us all to self reflect and feel the true energy of harmony that many do not have or never had, as well the many suffering without help!
Not to mention the children coming into life so beautiful, knowing the way, yet get clobbered by parent's frequency's they emit, unaware fighting-resisting-suffering, as their frequency is overpowering-confusing w/mixed signals!!!!!!!
Not to mention the toxic chemical compounds ingested from their choices of food-thoughts unable to get clear in the fog, same, ED or social structures not resonating reality, or reps that should be representing community's needs and offerings, yet not! This list is long!
Our startup plan we want to support, will be those chosen from skilled agroecologists, as well listening to your comments-corrections, etc.. As they know how to ground w/the complex life that many have no clue even what they are in our soil-water-air-food-medicine-body and mind, not to mention the toxic vaccines that many still think are what needed, yet have no clue of the truth of each
sustainable life giving substance and behavior, on our earth and in space, that give our biological beings the reality to be healthy and restore when ill!
Yes, we as Human species can heal oneself if we listen to sharp sensors, not the dull ones we create unknowingly, producing these mixed signals leaving many in the fog!
It is a crime against Humanity and our wild life, to not be able to tune into such maintenance required and be aware of how to `Maintain discipline over ones self-sensory observation vs chase belief, causing us to misuse-abuse!
Ex; Look at; Religious belief, or UN entities, Govs, Corps, Systems; Judicial-Pharmaceutical-Western Medicine-Educational-People, not following natural law, due to many in law w/policy's corrupt or not real w/our survival ecologically, yet what should be responsible entities that many count on are not legal or ecologically sound to provide for us Humans and wild life the frequency's needed to self reflect with?? Many of us have been or still are, lost in the fog, biological unhealthy, w/no means for us to be educated to feel the frequency of true living, until one has empathy to share it! As each species requires their own space, on earth and in space!!
Nor do responsible roles have enough responsible people to hold people accountable, even within their own entity!
See the sharing from Dr Helen Caldicott all her life trying to educate us all, yet do you even know of her? And the medical aspect of what happens w/a Nuclear bomb explodes, as she has tried to educate us all her life, see her video below in link, and please share it far and wide;
`If you love this planet... Same take part in the `Congo Week and connect the people you support or products you use, to what they support and see the negative effect they leave on life? see their video of history just as bloody and explosive of what still happens; Imagine your children or mother or father living through Japan's bombing or still the Nuclear radiation effecting more then some locations on earth-space filled with it, as well the tools you use daily built or repaired w/toxic effects left! Imagine ill w/no medical tools or help as both these situations did not have nor still!
IAEA does not tell truth of facts and still w/Nuclear accident in Japan's Daichi Fukushimi, still farmers producing as well people living in high toxic radiation and Dr Helen Caldicott and her associates Arnie Gundersen at `Fair Winds, website been there and can tell more of how Japan Gov lied and US and other Gov's not say anything also! know the seaweed i collected from ocean off Oregon coast USA, after accident, and dried, i had to throw away due to radiation levels too high, same some tuna caught!
Do you or your community's even monitor daily, so children and frail, pregnant women, know when to go outside, due to some community's in US and elsewhere globally, are very high w/levels toxic! You can monitor daily and know the changes of highly toxic Nuclear radiation! You can share the equipment! Are you aware no longer is radiation passed on via sex to our children alone but known to pass on to our grandchildren!
Iraq war is a good reality when US GOV did not inform soldiers of bullets used w/radio active depleted uranium, not depleted of radiation, nor did they have monitoring devices, and brought home radiation toxic on clothing and w/sex males passed it on! Yet if look at 911 truth from architects and lawyers in court now, US gov lied not knowing about the thermite used long before the airplane hit the building, as explosives for demolition where put into the buildings, and those ER helpers still suffering from it!
Not to mention all the war and country's still hurting, that followed from US Gov w/Pres Bush and Cheney, lying and then their attacks! I think continued President's should make wrongs right from past when past one's where so corrupt to not get caught in office, nor prosecuted! It is this list that is needed to put in front of our faces by people that do resonate love, showing where Judge wrong and people, as the energy felt can be transcribed without $ or even need for words, if not to ill!! So what needs first is corrupt to be removed, by lawyers making Judges not to detain or delay or cancel etc. law suits for years! Rather few months or out they go! Then we can regain if ever had, some Judicial integrity to want to take people to court to make wrongs right, not just gamble w/$'s to settle! Yes some lawyers like the profits as well made over lengthy battles! I been their done that for 14 years on one case, having no choice, if truth was to prevail!!
Do I need to remind you of the COVID corruption of all mandates including toxic vaccines killing more now then any COVID, as well leaving many suffering!
See Dr Buttar's subcategory sharing truth, along w/other skilled I respect! Agroecologist's live a way w/natural enhancing, far beyond just farming! Same many others w/Permaculture that also uses the science of agroecology!
Together we can do much more then what money can buy! Ex; share some thought please! Yes our sites are in transition working w/skilled offline to efficiently put our platform together for all to understand! As Nabble offers much more then I've worked, same Google good and bad! Please don't blame them for my editing etc, as we will get experienced tech to help us utilize their really good offerings, I yet to use!
Together we can do so much more, and Humanity has great solutions long over due to guide us,and now once we all organize, w/what each resonates with, to then share links and do the same as we get clear, self reflect w/what truth is with in and share w/us to understand more or share what you know, peacefully! All it takes is part time thinking of other life on earth-space, that also is trying to survive and help! Yet many without what we all have now to communicate and mindfully act on it.
Do I need to remind you that since COVID toxic mandates from corrupt, that was planned before COVID lock downs, that our skilled show you in video, who involved, as well 40% more children up to I think 18 years old have committed suicide then few years before this! Please see Dr Buttar's sharing, and share this site of ours!
Nabble is here for all to do just that, create a Nabble site and share it freely, and link w/us and more, self developing you while part time working w/those making a difference saving life on earth and doing it peacefully, celebrating along the way!! I would like to ask you all to take time for this `Conversation , to gather your friends and then share what ya think? (As well visit and share on Jamen Shively's great network, and his `Conversation, offers I share in one of the links posted. For you to see his nicely done archive, that we too will have. So you freely share each week your or one's needs and offerings, so as to link w/others vs repeat!) As well
they too talking how to save life on earth as well decommission Nuclear plants, once they know Human's for sure going extinct, if we do not get a grip soon to do our part w/critical thinkers coming aboard, so Nuclear does not take out all the complex life on earth when no Humans to manage!
We are About ending Nuclear as is, and all weapons of war as together we address what should be vs what is, so as to share it for some clarity aiding others efficiently, to also want to understand, to do their part to help us all end such suffering from repeating! As well aid the suffering now!
You all may know of
Dr Helen Caldicott, I have the greatest admiration for her! Her work over time is awesome! But did you ever see this video link below, a MUST SEE short video, seeing her great work as a young woman and still today!
Please see it again and have a discussion w/me and many, so we can find the verbiage of how to not just prevent a Nuclear false attack, but to get into the minds of those that have them, so as to recycle and we all aid them to transition creating no Defense Industry's manufacturing Nuclear as is and any weapons of war! As well all transition ASAP stopping them or others unethically destroying life from them, that continues, yet how do they continue? How do we really stop them peacefully vibrating w/love!
This is long over due but as Dr Helen says, it is not over until it's over!
I don't think we can address first legally what is wrong here, as I see UN charter not on same page over Ukraine and RU, or Congo or 911 conflict in court or a list here, addressing history of wrong doing and still not hold people accountable! Yet look at all that listen to them and follow as Pres Putin you still are not 100% getting it, yes you have co_evolved during this seeing UN is not ethical nor US Gov, Nor NATO, following policies, nor law, nor ecological reality to sustain life on earth!
Sir, Pres Putin, you with your great mind, along w/Sec Lavrov, allowed these corrupt people unaware as puppets to profiteers from the Defense Industry's, same as Zelenskyy who was put into office wrong as another puppet, same as Pres Biden and other US Gov Pres! This history we share, so do see more! Scott Ritter tells nice History same more I share on other posts!
Most important those of you using Military and Nuclear weapons are doing crimes against Humanity, just as bad as those supporting Zelenskyy, as in NATO and US Gov, and others, shame on you all, and we the people want to work with you all to understand this, so you all transition ending all weapons of war, ASAP realizing what you are doing is wrong against all life on earth and space! You's are not just hurting Ukraine or RU, you are hurting all life!
I not sure even to discuss the life dead and suffering on earth from this and space! When we all have become numb to life tallow this to take place, when one injures another, destroy good energy as one interferes in buildings being crushed, no water-fuel-food-clean air-medicine-good night sleep, as bombs go off scaring all, then profiteers as puppets of NATO-US GOV come in and even Elon Musk, controlled by Defense Industry profiteers, as all may pretend they helping and are delusional! When no one should be fueling any side to use any weapons of war and Nuclear!
How do you people that commit these crimes sleep at night? You all have children or close to them? How do you live with them, give us EX; when they do something not nice to other people? Do they have a gun as a child and go shoot them r pick up a stick and you say it is ok to go hit them??
Please help me understand your mindset, Pres Putin? Sir, I know how good you are w/diplomacy I've had great respect for! As well your systems w/great education-wildlife preservation-love for people, as well NO GMO's and more... I know the scars from WW2 you witnessed, as well the truth of History of what Ru did for us all! Same history of corrupt Ukraine to RU, and those corrupt doing wrong against you, and you tried to talk to them nicely, and they would not listen! Yet this discussion should have been cleaned up years ago, as US Gov and NATO and more interfere in others! And still can be!
Please all elections in US and where ever you are, and even with out elections talk to your Gov, and define;
How is it you can destroy another life, put puppet Gov's in other Country's and much more?? We all need to ask what services or products do we support from people doing crimes like this or any crime, and are you willing to stop them, as
Japan students laid down their phones, knowing uranium for the Bombs dropped in Japan were from Congo mines, supporting CONGO WEEK!!
This should have been a discussion resolved long ago, if us Human's where aware and now need to become aware of what is really going on? And what we really can do to aid these people to stop and do it peacefully!
Mr Musk, did you compensate the community in Africa, that Nuns said you abused, as the Nuns experienced your misuse, asking for you to compensate the community? When now you as well others want to support Ukraine, so war continues or ends how?
This is not healthy when people abuse others, as well the wild life and the complex life that sustains one's food source, in the environment locally, that also can leave negative effects afar!
This is about one'slack of awareness of self's mental processing-programming-ill state of mental and physical health that requires common sense or skilled to come aboard to add so all understand, when you also observing are on ether side, what you are missing, as IT IS ALL WRONG TO DESTROY ANOTHER LIFE NO MATTER WHAT SPECIES, when trying to satisfy what one thinks is right, even if all is wrong, weapons of war are not the way to make wrongs right! I not sure to first show the ecological damage being done destroying the complex life that sustains our food source, as it is dying at a very fast rate daily, and when it goes we follow! It is not just local that we should live, when these toxic compounds have been proven from
Dr Helen Caldicott's great work all her life, Bless you Helen we love you and thank you!
Please tell us Dr Caldicott, what we can do to help you be heard?Please gather all you can!So we have this conversation to get on same page and mindfully self reflect, get a grip, change our lives to want to save life on this planet ending toxic that produces suffering!
This we all can do in micro moments if make a good peaceful choice!
Our startup plan lays the path where guidance from skilled have solutions as we do assessments of agroecological systems, to ground one self getting real in every community, as we prioritize which community's leaving the most toxic where, locally??? Or circulating our earth-space! And start w/them, even simultaneously doing many! So all create upon these startup solutions fueling us to get very clear to what questions to be asked by who to who< or what each can become aware of to do, by listening to self knowing one has sharp sensors, not dull w/mental clutter or deep rooted baggage yet to edit!
I suggest when it happens to me working to hard, stressed, I do not listen to mental chatter, except to deep breath, and my mind goes silent! That is what I like, to wake up every morning w/a clear mind that I can listen to, even edit the baggage as it appears, but no mental clutter!
If that happens to you, I'm sorry to say but you are a Human on earth and that is what happens when we go beyond the reality that we are Human, which requires daily maintenance needed, being in the flesh! Unless you are an alien that has a different makeup? But we are very fortunate to have evolved w/such life giving tools to learn and experience, so we have the joy of a nice flow of energy as we continue to explore life on earth and then once harmony for all, then we explore more space! As well end all weapons of war in space and on earth ASAP, and do it peacefully! Leaving no frequency's that other's ill have a hard time processing whether locally right next to them, or across the earth or space, realizing how far one can seriously communicate, good or bad??
Why do you think there are so many suicides?
Have you yet to learn, when we are in balance, not over joyous, but in harmony that is calming, we then desire what is good for us! When we misuse-abuse, stressing out, then we get mixed signals wanting what hurts us?
And if you are yet one to have enough exploration and experiences to feel the difference and adjust that means you have not lived to develop your true self, unable to have clarity to edit out your own baggage so you are empty w/a calm joy!
Have you never self reflected w/your desires making a list, and then how good you feel when you accomplish them, trying not to leave a footprint? Vs just have a feel good mood for self? Try it?
Please share as you have great skills and helpers, we are transitioning and need all to understand, not just be another puppet or sheep mode mentality, seeking funds like whore legislatures do in Congress or Senate from lobbyists-Defense Industry's controlling profiting over ethical-ecological-healthy survival of all species including us Humans, etc, And take part!
Why we prioritize, because of time sensitive needs on earth-space! Our support is limited until more people wake up to help, to the reality of trillions of US $'s from US Gov and other's going to Defense Industry's, and people like Ukraine Pres, has no idea what a puppet he is being, same Pres Biden, same in Congo, as Nuclear weapons continue to be manufactured far more bigger then what used in Dr Helens' video killing so many and so many suffering in Japan when they surrendered before the bombs dropped! Not to mention many in US are suffering and throughout the earth!! Same Gov's fly into Congo mines and steal goods or pay no fair price, yet killing continues daily!! Strings pulled from afar! Yet we all support it each day we get on our phone or computers without consciously asking and knowing where who does what and who suffers for our ability to do what we think is important, meanwhile as in Congo 1500 people die each day since 1996 and US Gov even has given a billion to Pres Kagame of Rwanda, as he also has been part of it, same Clinton's, took several UNIV's over to Rwanda, Obama and more lie!
I repeat my friend's few words about this;
Glad ur enjoying the show.
But, keep in mind, it's all owned by one, just, only one, production company.
The crook, with a hook,
A penchant to hedge a bet.
The parasite two step,
In the park, in the dark,
But a wisp, a silhouette,
A mystery you'll never know,
And one then, you'll never forget.
Tally ho...
Thank you Lou!
We don't want to just care for those suffering without help, we also want to end why they suffering, so they understand to heal oneself! We can do this if all to do their part, just part time caring about self and other's as well all species on earth-space!!
As well a
ll the other's working hard at this EX; UNIV San Diego, showing in the clouds via an airplane they did work in, showing how when all send computers to get repaired in CHINA, they leave toxic environmental damage all over, including these scientists know which one's come back to us, and know what they are and where they came from! Not to mention the Congo mines! Have you each asked when buy a cell phone or computer or lithium batters for electric cars, etc, these products have a long list, do you even know that 1500 people each day since 1996 die due to rape of children, women and even men, and they do it in front of the mother or husband and child, then they shot them or use a stick inside the vagina of a woman, etc. These stories are not nice and
Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation knows well, as he has now trained many surgeons as it continues! These women get disowned from husbands due to shame of them unable to do something as they watch, same communities, then these women get raped again and some travel hundred miles walking! Can you even imagine the blood pouring out and fecal matter if they make it, then Dr Denis aids mind and body!
Please see `Congo Justice, video and more; not sure even first to discuss the mental programming these people that house these weapons of war and manufacture them, when ill and need help!So please let's see how we can juggle this to make common sense to end it all, before such wrong doing ends us all!
Please, as you build your path into your opening, be kind to who or what species you meet and say Hello w/a smile! Then ask them how they are and see what you or another can do to help if they in need of help? Then welcome them to share in w/us all, as that too can be good medicine knowing how important each is, to make a difference! As we need all life to do their part!
Yes all life, as
many yet to be aware that large browser trans boundary migration old paths need to be respected and rebuilt if not, to co-evolve w/the earth's natural life, to do their ecological part, while you and I do ours, `boon with them, not interfere in any life to self develop! Which is just as important as each of us to do ours!Thank you and peace be with you all!Peace is real once we understand and live it, emitting a nice energy frequency, that all then can process!
Until we can do this self reflection editing our baggage, we just add more confusion and more weight to oneself, emitting a negative frequency hurting all life unable to stay centered themselves!
So do please take care of you first while adding to your equation for harmony to also think of your effects left on others! Not to mention the joy we a feel when one beams a nice frequency sharing empathy-understanding and love!
if don't know, can be so easy as these people I have very high respect for, can share some ideas to create w/for you and your animal you lov, and please also don't forget those in the wild and see how they rehab abused!! THE TRUST TECHNIQUE, kara speaking for our combined `effects...
Ref; Donate, if have to give?
Please email kara;
Whats App + skype; 01-360-450-3749
OR try these thoughts as I wanted to continue to get clear on what I was feeling deeply;RE; `i come to talk story...
Please share and create w/our thoughts, w/your legislators before voting, then share same w/others running for their positions!Gather friends and neighbors join and share this w/your community locally and afar, please!
Continue reading as I continue, and
please see more links above as well on our Nabble site; In recent years, the experts at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have warned of the precariously high risk of nuclear war.
(1). young activists, went in another direction proposing this message to give to one's legislators taking increments of change, that I cannot agree with, when what may of us feel, needs to be prioritized ASAP< as we all transition aiding in priority!
why did Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, never stop Nuclear and weapons of war, (Why would you have a weapon and not use it or did one even think about if an accident would happen?) Strange mind sets making these Nuclear products and weapons of war, as well those that want them and have them?
Did Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists even try, or did we, to prevent from being made and to rid those made? I'm guilty of not following through, and I worked in the Nuclear archives volunteering back in 1980. And
the only one I aware of so much trying is Dr Helen Caldicott, and I thank her for it, as well anyone else continuing with her!
I have great gratitude for Dr Caldicott and all her work she has done most of her life, to aid us to become aware of toxic highly dangerous Nuclear use of any kind, same weapons of war, and to stop them! This video she did 40 years ago was given to many people, yet now needs to be given to many more, please See it and Share it;
`If you love this planet... Since US Gov-NATO-confused people w/misinformation, continues to contribute to Ukraine corruption, now supporting Ukraine w/more weapons of war,as they all profit and more profiting for the Defense Industry's, as well some legislators! As well many unaware of the history, not following policy 's they agreed to w/Pres Putin, in past and now before he went into Ukraine! No one would listen to Pres Putin wanting peace and still, except a few!
having NATO at their doorstep is not what was to happen, yet is! So anyone supporting Ukraine is doing crimes against Humanity, breaking policy!
As I share here thoughts, representing many, asking you all to self reflect, before voting appears; Please talk to your constituent, then have a conversation w/like minded people that are actually mindfully acting? Then now talk to one opposing and those running for same position, and ask yourself are they even real w/the ecological reality of natural enhanced living as w/agroecological systems, to be defined, as in our startup plans we are proposing to be created upon and prioritized on earth-space, the one's most toxic? Who-where-when and simultaneously more! As toxic Industrial Agriculture and the Industrial Military Complex transition ASAP w/skied to help, to maintain and prevent illness of all species?
Or ask are they interfering, producing them? If so who is best to vote for, one doing it and willing to transition or one against it wanting to continue to fight for it, and this list of thoughts is long, so now consider the corruptions of voting, or did you take part to make it right? This process can be answered by gathering your people and going deep, and then ask yourselves ok who can guide us, what do we need and what can `we the people do now, and join in w/skilled already doing it!
Our suggestions are to connect w/agroecologists that are all over this planet, if it was not for them still working to support the biodiversity, and the many they now well, humanity would be in a lot worse shape! Complex life that fuels are food source is dying daily!
Agreocologists are skilled people using only skills and no external input of any toxic that Industrial Ag uses as in the toxic; pesticides-fertilizers-airplanes spraying-monocultures depleting soil as more toxic GMO's added run into water ways polluting, as workers and community's are subjected to it daily-list is long polluting everywhere! Same Military Industrial Complex where ever they are! Yet US Gov and others profit, same UN and the Green Movement push climate change more, not talking much about how these 2 entities big time pollute and then they profit more using alternative energies that do not work as efficient as what can be done?
Please self reflect to see how we all also have contributed unknowingly, even thinking Organic is all good, not true same Fair trade neither! Please
see our subcategory on agroecology as we are fortunate to have old data still working, as well new!
No more can we just live local thinking of restoring oneself and one's community, it does not work that way on earth! Pollution surrounds our earth to some community's more then others! We all must become aware and understand we can restore healthy working communities?
We can aid the many suffering dying prematurely now? I urge you to seize this moment and publicly support policies that will tell truth, end all Nuclear use as is + all weapons of war. I'm ashamed of you people allowing Defense Industry's to profit over good health, controlling many in; US Gov-NATO-Medias-Pharma-WHO-CDC-UN-IAEA-NIST-FEMA-CIA- many more,this list is long, and our startup plan assessments will show such detail of who an how to resolve?
This must end, as we aid them to transition NOW, not in small increments as MAPA is suggestion as we ask our legislatures to aid to, rather we need to all get real w/skilled assessments to guide us and startup plans can do that!!
I am asking that
you + all create good Gov's of the earth and space, creating policy for US Gov to responsibly ecologically transition now by ending all toxic Nuclear as is-weapons of war-toxins in our food same Industrial Ag and more, as each startup assessment can show what is and what can be naturally enhanced! To recycle for Human and all species, creating friendly health giving tools for all life on earth and the biosphere to regain a healthy balance!I ask all earthlings,
How can you allow lobbyist's from Pharmaceuticals and Defense Industry's and more give toxic products to all life on earth, while legislators/Presidents profit in a Governing position, and or personally, (ask them how they make their money to own what they do, which requires time and energy that perhaps they should be focusing on US Gov!)?) when so much life is suffering, dying prematurely left behind, and priority needs are not met, nor local offerings shared?
YES in US, as well as 3rd world Country's and more on earth are suffering now, dying prematurely now!!
That is why
all $'s for Nuclear and weapons of war, or the actual weapons of war and Nuclear should not be transported to Ukraine or anywhere on earth-space, they must be recycled now!!!! US Gov and many yet to even know how t rid the much toxic nuclear radiation from the past, circulating our earth and space!
Not to mention, interfering in other Country's, leaving corruption, as US Gov has and many? Shame on you people that should know the dysfunction US Gov produces locally, as many people are left behind in education-no good medicine-unethical judicial practices-social services incompetent-many dependent on UN entities not functional and same w/many at WHO-CDC-Anthony Fauci-Bill Gates and more, as US Gov supports them w/toxic profiting COVID Mandates, and more Gov entity's dysfunctional, to name a few other issues, et look at them still wearing masks that are proven to be toxic!
Shame on US Gov for contributing, without adding these priority reality's that more people are dying and ill from vaccines, then they are COVID. Yet US Gov still requires toxic mandates to be enforced! Same
I add the illegal allowing of Congo mine abuse as 1500 people/day since 1996 die of rape, in front of parent and or child and then woman shot in vagina or damaged w/a stick, please see Congo Week's videos and support stopping illegal mining in the CONGO from US GOV, and all, as airplanes have been seen in past doing this, along w/many others as they come in everyday! See Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation, caring for their mind and body, as he continues to train more surgeons!
As well it appears You Gov regulators pushing Green Movement know nothing of regulating fuel in regards to the Aerosol Masking effect aka Global Dimming, rather you support a Green Movement that is not true to earth or space for Humans to become aware and not be programmed by you people, leaving many in the fog, as well those in Gov bought by Defense Industry's, and controlling others as puppets, through out earth as you did in Ukraine prior to Pres Putin going in!! UN is dysfunctional not going to the mines nor holding US Gov and others accountable for the reality of why people are suffering due to lack of agroecological skilled support to guide them, before a crisis happens like in Pakistan flood now! As UN and Green movement want to profit more from pushing their agenda, when reality is many of these people where told it would happen, nor where they supported by UN nor others to transition to
agroecological systems that w/correct planning watershed keeps water in the ground and even allows for yearly use, vs destroying so much as this area is experiencing, by not responding to early signs, as people are not supported by educated Gov's or entity's Internationally! And can be w/our startup plan and good investments to make it happen! Sure we are still in budget errors transitioning our self, but
please contact kara and we can share more;
We are working at a startup plan, to share what was-what is and what can be naturally enhanced by a skilled agroecological assessment, as those priority community's leaving most ill effects, are prioritized! We welcome all to join in to help! As all prioritize what community's can share throughout earth-space increasing one's biome(s) w/neighbors far and wide, to assess beyond political boundaries to serve the betterment of Humanity locally and afar! As well removing toxic as another priority n this assessment, which you people fail to prioritize!
US Gov and all Gov's require rep's of people to preventing such entity's to be fragmenting not telling truth w/science facts of common sense! This is not happening now! As in many in Corp's-UN entity's skilled positions of all, yet allow unskilled to fill them! Then to buy to control media's-many US Legislators-many scientists-many in education-many in western Medicine-many in Judicial systems, and list goes on and on, do you see how it is repeating over and over w/corruption resulting even if just from Human error or what ever, it must stop!
Shame on us all for allowing it for so long! But we can't bite our elbows so please peacefully share, have a conversation and lets co_evolve together making this happen and much more creative energy to fuels us all!
Now we can and many are, as many jobs fill earthlings minds from all this priority time sensitive work needed local and afar, as no more can we just live locally! We are biological beings and interdependent on the complex life that is dying daily, that sustains our food sources, and our biosphere that all Continents contribute to, via currents in air, sea, fresh water flowing micro nutrients of important compounds that life on earth requires! As well the toxic circulating to many more then others!
No more can we not pay attention and not require good science common sense to inform us, as we do our part, as well becoming the informers, sharing skills as in every community on earth joining w/neighbors to obtain and agroecological startup assessment, as we all pool resources to support all life endangered and bring in the skill putting them to work!, restoring healthy working communities in priority, as support comes in more, so simultaneously we all can join in!!
How do they afford to do these transitions in time of real time sensitive needs, as in Pakistan and it's flood and people unprepared! Our idea is for skilled students to use communities as classrooms and aid the startup plan by laying out w/skilled layers of the needed agroeclogical systems and put priority layers in investments, welcoming the World Markets to rethink? Asking self do you want to survive a Nuclear accident, after seeing Dr Helen Caldicott's video; `If you love this planet? Do you want your communities to end up like Pakistan, or many others, as 1 agroecologist scientist from SOCLA, went to Mozambique after a cyclone few years ago, where many where flooded and died, same livestock, and he showed them an exact same community's ecosystem just like their's that went thru same cycle yet had agroecological systems in place, and water stayed in the ground!
`If you love this planet... You can ask many questions and agroecologists can give you an answer from each startup plan completed on a customized individual bases of that biome(s)!! So imagine please you are or become an investor and like to do water shed tools or composting or seed saving or natural building or the many aspects to a complete agroecological system, so now you seek out via once we and others get supported to create message boards for transparency, you will see who needs what where on earth or space to prioritize saving life on earth-rid toxic and more! Now you may seek same subject and go see hands on others' wiling to share hands on!
This is how together we change the corruption on earth-space and transition w/empathy-compassion and love by skilled enjoying what they do! Enjoying what we do, and plugging into what resonates w/each, so as to heal and edit the baggage that has left so many in the fog, ill, diseased and dying prematurely! Unable to see the reality of our lives being destroyed by our own choices, unknowingly!
And celebrate along the way as we all have these Human errors and we all have the choice to not allow another to control us or not, listen yes, create upon yes! Same not allow oneself to self abuse or misuse, leaving no footprint on another life!!
lets talk about how US Gov has many in no good science or lies w/IAEA not telling facts 100% as in toxic radiation from Nuclear that surrounds earth, as well more in some places yet not hold Japan Gov also accountable for people there still using toxic food, as well clean up still from Daichi Fukishimi Nuclear accident done wrong and more! I know I had to throw away my seaweed collected on OR coast due to high radiation levels, no thanks to your warnings from US Gov in real time not monitoring!
look at 4 years plus now before truth of 911 in court, and many other law suits needed unable for years! Where US Gov does not admit thermite + planned explosives, put in buildings before airplane hit, still people suffer from it!We all can make many Changes! US Gov voting is one! Please add to H.Res.1185, Embracing the goals and provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons submitted by Rep. Jim McGovern. U.S. national security policy, adding to end all Nuclear use as is in weapons of war, and close all mismanaged plants and decommission them, and end them all as they are known to be inefficient and only used fro supplying plutonium to weapons of war or depleted uranium which is not depleted, made into products so all must stop!! Transitioning all weapons of war w/Humanity's help!
Meaning all stop ASAP any use of any tool or item or compound that injures another Human life on earth or space, Same complex life, as well all species!
No more just minute changes to a policy, please! It's time to prioritize what should have been done long ago and now can do it!Please contribute to startup plans and see detail of toxic-high risk where on earth-space, so we all prioritize pooling our resources for ER issues, then work into what truly resonates as you co+evolve w/reality of our times in the moment!!!
Please, we can aid the Ending of all Nuclear use + weapons of war- decommission all Nuclear plants! Change these treaties to saving live and healing, now, as Western Medicine obtains new curriculum ASAP from
With great power comes great responsibility. `As the world's greatest superpower`, it is incumbent upon the United States to lead a global effort to reduce the existential threat of nuclear war. Quoted by MAPA. This is such a wrong truth!
Our nation leaves toxic in it's path! We all must commit ASAP to transition, immediately ending all Nuclear use as is, and end all sanctions given, as well all Gov's join in, please! US Industrialized Military Complex has left the biggest scars and damages continue, along w/NATO on earth-space in past and everywhere at now! Wrongs must be aided to make right from us all joining in to make this happen peacefully, please!
Good investments-loans-donations-volunteering as students learn such skills before graduating, taking part! Same community's gaining prerequisites to further their education also! As well simply give! And on to good cooperative investments! and more changing the way the World Markets invest, and do it for good health and healing, caring for unable, of all life to also come back to natural living, doing their part w/support if needed! Not profit over health! We together can rid all these toxic compounds and products to be recycled properly, ending all toxic from earth-space ASAP! No less than the future of humanity is at stake.
Peace is real, when add some nice living food at a wild natural local gown potluck, live music and follow up meets welcoming all, to join in!
here is no better peace platform then to share skilled to add what missing, then to share w/like subjects and ecosystems!!
Same tourism, for people to enjoy the wild beauty exploring, where ever you go, learning and sharing creating what humanity's solutions can offer now! Bringing home new ideas to create upon! Students of all ages, sharing like subject meeting pen pals around the earth-space as their is no better tourist guide then that, when you finally get to meet!
Thank you!
To be alive is to flow! Enjoy, life happens fast on earth!lov, kara speaking for our combined `effects...
Ref; Donate, please if you have to give! For our startup plans to be supported in a variety of ways where needed?
email kara;
WhatsApp + skype; 1-360-450-3749