I share my comment below to; `March For Our Lives, good work they are doing, see them first! PETITION: Ban assault weapons and hold the gun industry accountable
Zeenat, March For Our Lives Unsubscribe
Jul 20, 2022, 1:40 PM (23 hours ago)
to me
Hey there,
Today, we moved one step closer to banning assault weapons and holding gun manufacturers accountable.
The House Judiciary Committee met earlier today to mark up the Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act (H.R.2814) and the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021 (H.R.1808). These bills will make our communities safer by taking weapons of war off of our streets and holding the gun industry accountable for gun injuries and deaths. Can you add your name in support of both these bills, team?
Once these bills pass out of committee, we’ll need to ramp up the pressure on our members of Congress to make sure they advance on the House floor, go to a vote, and pass.
We need to show our members of Congress that both of these bills are overwhelmingly supported by Americans, and we need your help to do that.
Can you add your name in support of an assault weapons ban and holding gun manufacturers accountable for gun injuries and deaths?ADD MY NAME https://marchforourlives.com/actions/Team, both bills should have passed a year ago, but it’s taken nonstop pressure from organizers, survivors, and supporters like you for our members of Congress to take action and move this legislation through the House. We can’t let up the pressure now — add your name in support of an assault weapons ban and holding the gun industry accountable.
Thanks for all you do,Zeenat Yahya
Policy Director
March For Our Lives
kara's comment from our `combined effects...Thank you all for what you do!Please note our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Assoc is transtioning and I personally creating a startup plan grounded in agrecological assessments showing what is and waht can be enhanced as we end toxic from earth-space! Prioriting that which effects the many!
We suggest police have no space to be in schools, rather invite them to your local grown wild potlucks-live music-focus directed converstions and follow up meets prioritizing group subject matter! So old and young get to know all of their community and so much more can be prevented-respected and aided, and those weapons can be recyled and stopped manufacturing as they transition w/creative skilled critical thinkers is us all when we understand the truth of damage done to all life!!
Many think they have to have it in their face to see and then act, when w/so much awareness w/o may conscious people educating childre and ourselves, we perceive from afar in day dreams and sleep dreams suffering of other, may yet to know true conscious awareness that Dr Greer also freely teaches w/remote viewing! Us Humans can also learn as aliens! We have so uch potential yet to be developed, but we certainly cannot allow to be uneducated!
Ex; Gov-police-skilled people aware of early signs guide our youth, seeing education for solutions to prevent suffering! No need for any weapons of war, we suggest;
A natural sklled solution to spray very fast same as in a wild animal to stop one from hurting self or another, then on to skilled rehab as all jail-prison-police-war policys are outdated and same International laws, none ecologically protect the complex life that sustains us all, and that is dying and we as humans will follow!
We can transition even subsidize so defense can recycle and build life making tools, same our food preservatives toxic, creating addictions-suffering-premature deaths, and we have a list that each community joining w/neighbors can then share as each transition from such toxic, so many are profiting over, and reps in Gov support it or vote them out! And we the people can not be so interdependent when they don't listen and work w/us all!
Legislators are unsklled and many prfiting over restoring such healthy working ways as we suggest you creat upon our platform as we just have used our startup plan also for offline private conversation w/Gov heads using it as a peace platform sharing skilled intermediariys to address what they fail to priortize!
Our children are left with now 40% more since COVID misdirected toxic mandates, and children up to 18 are committing that much more suicide due to this lack of community awareness aiding those children having children or the many left unaware of simple common sense education, and Our schools also are overpowered w/those profiting vs prioritizing using communities as extended classrooms, co_evolving as we network healthy restoring solutions as all can transtion as well co_evolve the curriculum w/the good work many are doing, so please see more as I start to share online again!
Thank you and we all need to hold self and others locally and afar accountable! No way can we just live local, when so many children have access to internet as well not properly educated, misusing abusing!
Also you people if not aware, not realizing the Drs in Functional Medicine; www.ifm.org know well Western Medicine needs to co_evolve and can by sharing w/them, they got tired of watching loved one's die or themselves so ill due to lack of education, as they know well all the children shootings have been misdirected or had been taking pharmaceutical drugs, so you need to go beyond just weapons Industrys as I too work to end, but this story is bigger so please see what I've started to share and check back and create with us, to prioritize a number of issues w/more efficiency!
Thank you!
Please see and share as our Gov is not being mindful and I suggest voting them out if they choose not to create reaponsible policys ASAP!http://i-come-to-talk-story-welcomes-all-as-we-appreciate-the-many-sk.22.s1.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=logout_pagePeace is real and weapons as a fair hunt is all that is needed for food-clothing-shelter, and that too is a skillful art to be learned!
So recycling all other weapons of war from earth and space is my objective too!
Also you people need to question what US Gov recently talked about aliens, and Dr Steven Greer rebuttled their lies, so I share more on link,but most important don't let me misguide you, please see Dr Greer's many free offerings! for it is bad enough of so much irresponsible acts happening in what should be skilled policys, yet so many follow outdated, unaware of how we contribute to all of this neglect!
Dr Steven Greer is saying Covert's for a long time including some Defense Industry and Gov, in their own hidden agendas, are planning a fake alien attack as humans created crafts from alien crashes pretending to be aliens, to scare us so we support more Defense Industrys, etc..
Dr Greer has briefed every President of his work w/many since Pres Clinton, he finds they then get overruled by what they can release to public! He has over 900 whistle blowers that work w/him, many where in Gov and even paid media and actors to pretend the alien abductions and still! Dr Gree's group proves this as Ex; seeing bolts on supposedly alien crafts, knowing they human made and human's try to cover up photos from average unskiled people!
How bad is this! Is Space Force having this agenda to share more fear thinking Military has taken advantage of many earthings, so they now to do another approach in space, as well those Covert maintaining much as they took and take real technology that should be for Humanity for no weapons of war, same 0 energy, that alien tech is about, as they copied from aline craft and aliens captured dead in accidents on earth!
Aliens, say they will not help us until we quit killing in war, same Dr, Greer w/all his wrk on this, sees no harm in any alien, and they are are near our Nuclear plants due to when accident they try to stop it as supposedy they did w/Pre Putins almost accident w/Missle and they do not want Nuclear in space, so they have a way of zapping the missle to destroy the nuclear so it hurts no one!
If you people have techs dr Greer is happy to inform and believes in transparency!
I suggest you all w/your many resources hold Gov's accountable local and afar, to obtain this tech that Humanity deserves, same as when they stole Tesla's work when he died and gave to Military vs humanity having clean energy free from earth or cheaper for all that does not pollute. For so many are wrong about carbon emissions and if you look at `Aerosol Masking Effects, no one can go cold turkey shutting off fuel, or our complex life that feeds our food system will die and we will follow! For earth then would cool off to fast!
Peace can happen w/truth as humans just need to have it and they too will want to help!
Please realize I believe even the worst of crimes deserve support to co-evolve and transition and we can do this w/every earthling, so it is better for us all! Our education and rehabs all need to co_evolve w/ral time community needs locally and afar, as no way can we just live local!
Peace is real, w/truth, that is all a healthy human needs to know!
We the people can gain this truth and share it!
Sincerely, kara j lincoln