The world's largest ivory market just banned ivory!!

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
Dear friends,

Lets keep removing toxic mindsets. Our movement was at the centre of the fight!

Hong Kong's ivory market is gigantic --- responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of elephants. With these amazing creatures careening towards extinction, Avaazers launched a massive petition, sent thousands of messages to Hong Kong legislators, got many engaged directly with our campaign, and built a media storm right before the vote -- legislators even held up our campaign ads during the debate!

And yesterday, we won!!! Here’s how it happened... 

Hong Kong petition delivery

The 1.1 million-strong call for an ivory ban is delivered to Hong Kong's lawmakers ahead of the vote
First, over a million of us joined our petition calling for an ivory ban. Almost immediately after launching, a key legislator got in touch to talk to Avaaz about the campaign -- we definitely got their attention!

Then, last week, we got an urgent email from campaigners in Hong Kong that the government was calling a vote on the ivory ban in just five days.

So, we swung into action:

We plastered Hong Kong’s social media with a video from our friends at WildAid Hong Kong featuring Chinese superstar Li Bing Bing, showing the heartbreaking impact of the ivory trade.

Next, we created a beautiful ad to run in Hong Kong’s biggest newspaper on the day of the vote, telling legislators that the future of elephants was in their hands.

Avaaz advert in the Oriental Daily News.

The Avaaz ad in the Oriental Daily News telling Hong Kong lawmakers that the elephants' future is in their hands.

Then thousands of us sent messages to lawmakers calling on them to support the ban.
And as the legislators went in to vote, Avaazers joined a colourful protest organised by fellow campaigners.

Petition Delivery

"Having the support of over a million people all over the world made a big impact when it came down to the vote. Thank you Avaazers!"
- Alex Hofford, WildAid Hong Kong
Finally, in the debate before the vote, one of the main legislators championing the ban held up a giant printed version of our ad for everyone to see, showing them the whole world was watching!

Petition Delivery

"It was a huge boost to be able to deliver a million voices into the debate before we voted for the ivory ban. The world stood with us, and it made a difference."
- Hong Kong lawmaker Hon Elizabeth Quat

In the end, we won the vote by a landslide! Hong Kong Ivory Vote Count Media worldwide have hailed this 'historic' vote -- the biggest ivory market in the world will now start shutting down its ivory trade! Ivory+Media Like many Avaaz campaigns, we didn't do this alone. This incredible result was only possible after years of campaigning by WildAid and others, and thanks to a dedicated group of legislators in Hong Kong who made sure the vote happened.

Today, thanks to all of us, the poachers and traders are fuming, and our majestic elephant friends have been given a lifeline. I’m full of joy, for the planet, but also selfishly, for my own family. I’ve just become a dad, and now I have hope that my new baby will grow up to have the spectacular experience of seeing elephants in the wild.

With gratitude and pride at what we have achieved together,

Bert and the Avaaz team

P.S. We’ve won in Hong Kong -- but there are still markets open in Europe that we need to close. Add your name to that campaign too;