I tell bernie Sanders as he addresses so much wealthy made in last 2 years from 14 people.
Lets work together w/these people in local tapering transitions, so resources can be properly redistributed as people awaken to options. Everyone is needed if we are to survive in healthy states, as many now are not able.
Lets have local naturally grown wild food/fish/animal potlucks sharing Humanities potential. So we calmly welcome our students to exponentially help prioritize our issues in every local community, globally, sharing it`s biocultural ways that work. Fueling these high tech unresolved answers.
For no ecosystem can be isolated, + radiation knows no boundaries. We all are interdependent on balancing our local biomes + link the natural world that sustains us all. Please see what we can do now + i ask you to do what you can do now, as i share what i wrote to President Barack Obama;
Barack this is insane, how can you take part in this. we have babies/pregnant women old + ill that cannot handle as healthy do, not to mention all the cancers/illnesses already proven that continues to show itself as people that worked even the Marshall islands recently i talked to ill w/cancers + many more that i have helped due to so much suffering before they died.
Not to mention look at Exelon`s history of mismanagement, which is unheard of as regulators allow this here in US to continue.
How stupid do you think people are Barack? You have once chance of making this work + you are better than any to change the course for Humanities survival, ASAP.
How can Govs have a consciousness to not tell the truth. Or manipulate science, it just shows how many are ill that you work with, that need to step down + have buddy systems w/students to heal + make wrongs right. So all come to the table + help out.
When yet as Dr. Helen Caldicott`s skilled people at recent Symposium stated, that also speak science, that state:
military/nuclear labs + plants/Arms Industries, etc. are out of control from what started off good then got exaggerated into fantasy + once in motion unable to stop it trapping many.
You people as regulators are permitting this to continue when you can stop it + work in tapering transitions that are real w/the enhanced natural world`s potential in every local community. Let each figure it out networking so truth is discovered + life is protected. Let the natural life we can obtain bre the ruling law as we take all this energy from past + work it now to heal, relocate, research + target priorities of humanity on this planet , not peoples back yard, or pocket book or wall street or out of control mediums.
lets work with the students on real issues, not easter egg hunts at the whitehouse, get real Michelle + Barack Obama, what kind of a fool are you allowing them to make out of yous. Don`t get me wrong children need to be protected but adults can be supported to handle this truth so they also can help!
Everyone needs to focus on staying calm + working at defining options w/good scientists using earth science + beyond. that works for life. not for profit.
I share how we are continuing to work at this for Gov is not giving us answers or even truth as it continues to manipulate science. This we the people will not stand for, for many of us are trying to go figure ways that can resolve + please be one of them with us. You have your daughters to think of as well.
Dr. Helen Caldicott + Arnie Gundersen have seen Fukushima`s results as well here in US,Helen has talked to many women their ill as well seen children + newborns deformed, that Japan Gov will not allow truth to be told, so they know it is from the Fuk accident w/radioactivity, + relocate + better care for oneself + family. + To think they want to rebuild, when already many have died in the attempt to manage, when yet they were not skilled.
Nuclear plants leak/mismanaged, how well we know from my man diving in them, as they would lie after he told them of the leaks. this continues globally + we can target this for good minds to stop it, as we go figure what should of been figured before any of it was used. + To think the Gulf wars + even now people on this planet are using depleted uranium for weapons, is totally insane. For it is not depleted, rather the radioactivity is carried thru into next generation, not to mention on clothes + still left in equipment in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, + others.
Baack if you have any ability at all to change this + tell people the truth, do it so we can change research, so good science is used. Change the reality of any nuclear to be used anywhere as it should not be until waste disposed properly + science has a way to use it so it leave no ill toxic effects for all now + future generations, as it is already at many different levels.
I share w/you our questions, our work in above emails to a few. For the guys today are headed out salmon fishing in bad weather, they deserve the truth + yet the local F+W updates are unreal. + Brian working at fisheries wants to try to help not to mention many others, for people do not want to buy GE salmon or any fish as well they do not want radioactive fish, + last salmon season their showed slight elevation of it.
People can handle the truth if you get real + not allow what was in the past to control what we all can do now! Please work with us to set the stage for students to help go figure.
Thank You all for do_in what you can, kara
see my posts;
i want to share a few things that maybe you also can help out with as we all try to rethink this;
http://www.foe.org/search-results?q=salmon%20kit (check out their salmon kit)
also in discussing w/few;
After Chernobyl + since a lot of plants have come back + they claim they are healthy, you said it was a scam before. we think they are still contaminated even though look good, yet you think your probiotics work? +, as i said already, have you tested the depleted areas for radiation, that you then brought back to health w/your offerings at Midland?
People got to get a reality check of this + not count on Govs, yet try to get them to focus with us.
so please when convenient share w/each other + me, for i am around a lot of babies/pregnant women + they deserve the truth, let alone those ill + frail.
see my post;
Bob Lavadure There is greater wisdom than what comes from our Fore fathers and our brothers and sisters
13 hrs · Like
Kara J Lincoln I also just came to that awareness, that humanity can use all of existence from past + bring it to the moment as we edit what we want to say. so i just made a post; what has been + what still is has nothing to do w/what can be. so in saying that we need to link all the more, for many are left behind isolated, when yet we can go figure, even if we take a target as in the radioactivity that i try to make sense of now + others. sure it should not of been created but can we define away for nature to allow us to exist until we do. Chuck Hindman on facebook;
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mid-America-Land-Restoration-Microbes-Probiotics/227068760671186?fref=nf + recent a friend told me of this other that he is adding to his list as he works hard rethinking;
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Forcing-the-Media-to-Cover-Fukushima/407500682686857 Thank you Bob + i look forward to working w/this energy. Our platform is to develop a way that links these options. I am studying w/Google they gave me Adgrants as a non profit. So please do share what works. I have a spreadsheet as a test sharing humanities work that i respect, perhaps you also can add. + please forgive me for i am working on a lot + soon will get clear of an easier way to work another spreadsheet. so we co_evolve together. so simultaneously i work the text ads to reach out, + the ethnic traditional engineers will show more. Peace be with you all, kara www.ictts.org
see chucks work that he posted on his facebook link above. I share it so you can review it here as well go to site for more, if interested;
Chuck states this;
http://www.midamericalandrestore.com/Is the life that looks great around chernobyl still contaminated? Chuck states this on his facebook goes on, here is some;
Mid America Land Restoration has a paid membership to NETC.
We pay for information to share with all of you...
Take Notice in the timed test to get the Counts Per Minute (CPM) look at the high and low numbers.. The Rads are high...
We will be trying to get you a larger showing of numbers.. However we will not post all of them.. Just larger needed numbers..
Friday Afternoon, on March 25th of 2015 These numbers was pulled at 10:10 A.M.. Central Time ....
March 25th of 2015.... Maps are from
http://www.netc.com/Do any of you see a problem?? (COLORS)
This ongoing slow cooking of us is out of CONTROL !!!
AMERICAN BALD EAGLES DEAD ... fell out of the sky... Now A two-headed snapping turtle has been born in Arkansas.
Do you all see the problem yet??? Do we want to pass this on to our grandchildren thats right you already have... Start fighting start cleaning this mess up if you all do not want to lose your family members to cancer get up and do something... The lives of your family members depend on it !!!
NOTE: Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center - Netc.com is an Early Warning Radiation System that takes data from private radiation monitoring stations and EPA network and creates a RBL ( Radiation Background Level ) for each 3000+ stations everyday.
This is per the USA EPA Radnet radiation data
50 CPM and over is abnormal
100 CPM alert level
300 CPM evacuation or hazmat
CPM=counts per minute
The Numbers do not mean anything if you CANNOT
Realize the RADIATION is HERE!!!
Are you going to step up or do nothing …?
Lets WAKE UP!!!!
As we all go on about our lives, and try to help others that have no clue but when tragedy hits home and you want to know.. Why??
What is it going to take for everyone to connect the dots??
What do these problems we all face in our families have in common??
Heart Disease, Cancer, Brain Aneurysms, Berth Defects, Thyroid Cancer, Dementia, Bird and Animal Deaths, Mutations in Humans, Animals, and Plants, Crop Failures, Trees Dying off..
The Effects of low and not so low levels of Radiation are not doing ANY of us any good...
Then the questions I read as so many of you share the rad readings is.. What can we do??
Where is all of this Radiation coming from?? 4 Nuclear Reactors in Japan, Chernobyl, not to mention 75 to 85 percent of our reactors here in The United States of America are leaking.. We have something like 154 Reactors here, then we can add The WIPP plant that dumped a lot of Radioactive crap on us last February... Not to worry the Government and the EPA has raised our safety Limits 27,000 times and changed the acceptable death rate from 1 in 100,000 people to a new number of 1 in 23 people, they have it all under control... NOT !!!
Heads up... Numbers are going up...
Contact us for your cleanup needs...
Contact page at: www.midamericalandrestore.com
Be Safe...
'Mid America Land Restoration has a paid membership to NETC.
We pay for information to share with all of you...
Take Notice in the timed test to get the Counts Per Minute (CPM) look at the high and low numbers.. The Rads are high...
We will be trying to get you a larger showing of numbers.. However we will not post all of them.. Just larger needed numbers..
Friday Afternoon, on March 25th of 2015 These numbers was pulled at 10:10 A.M.. Central Time ....
March 25th of 2015.... Maps are from
http://www.netc.com/Do any of you see a problem?? (COLORS)
This ongoing slow cooking of us is out of CONTROL !!!
AMERICAN BALD EAGLES DEAD ... fell out of the sky... Now A two-headed snapping turtle has been born in Arkansas.
Do you all see the problem yet??? Do we want to pass this on to our grandchildren thats right you already have... Start fighting start cleaning this mess up if you all do not want to lose your family members to cancer get up and do something... The lives of your family members depend on it !!!
NOTE: Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center - Netc.com is an Early Warning Radiation System that takes data from private radiation monitoring stations and EPA network and creates a RBL ( Radiation Background Level ) for each 3000+ stations everyday.
This is per the USA EPA Radnet radiation data
50 CPM and over is abnormal
100 CPM alert level
300 CPM evacuation or hazmat
CPM=counts per minute
The Numbers do not mean anything if you CANNOT
Realize the RADIATION is HERE!!!
Are you going to step up or do nothing …?
Lets WAKE UP!!!!
As we all go on about our lives, and try to help others that have no clue but when tragedy hits home and you want to know.. Why??
What is it going to take for everyone to connect the dots??
What do these problems we all face in our families have in common??
Heart Disease, Cancer, Brain Aneurysms, Berth Defects, Thyroid Cancer, Dementia, Bird and Animal Deaths, Mutations in Humans, Animals, and Plants, Crop Failures, Trees Dying off..
The Effects of low and not so low levels of Radiation are not doing ANY of us any good...
Then the questions I read as so many of you share the rad readings is.. What can we do??
Where is all of this Radiation coming from?? 4 Nuclear Reactors in Japan, Chernobyl, not to mention 75 to 85 percent of our reactors here in The United States of America are leaking.. We have something like 154 Reactors here, then we can add The WIPP plant that dumped a lot of Radioactive crap on us last February... Not to worry the Government and the EPA has raised our safety Limits 27,000 times and changed the acceptable death rate from 1 in 100,000 people to a new number of 1 in 23 people, they have it all under control... NOT !!!
Heads up... Numbers are going up...
Contact us for your cleanup needs...
Contact page at: www.midamericalandrestore.com
Be Safe...'
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsvia Forcing the Media to Cover Fukushima
3 hrs ·
Well finish killing off of the planet....
Tepco said it has not decided yet what to do with the tritium-tainted water, as a government panel is currently trying to figure out what options are available.
Klein said he understands the option to release the water into the Pacific “is intensely emotional” among local fishermen, but he is confident that the they will eventually agree with his view.
He noted that fishermen in the past agreed to an equally controversial decision to discharge clean groundwater pumped up at the site before it seeps into the reactor buildings and becomes contaminated.
Former U.S. nuclear chief says tritium water at Fukushima No. 1 can safely be dumped in sea |...
Kazuaki Nagata STAFF WRITER A former chief U.S. nuclear regulator asserted Tuesday that the massive volumes of tritium-tainted water stored at the Fukushim
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsvia Oklahoma Sustainability Network
3 hrs ·
Oklahoma Tops EPA Charts for Pollution Reduction to Waterways
Oklahoma Farm Report - Oklahoma Tops EPA Charts for Pollution Reduction to Waterways
Howdy Neighbors! Oklahoma Farm Report is home to Ron Hays - 'Ron on RON.' Radio Oklahoma Network keeps producers updated with ag news, reports,...
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsvia Fukushimafacts.com
3 hrs ·
TEPCO "To Issue All Radiation Data" at Fukushima as PRE-Restart at Sendai Begins update 3/30/15
TEPCO "To Issue All Radiation Data" at Fukushima as PRE-Restart at Sendai Begins update 3/30/15
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsvia Nuclear Information and Resource Service
3 hrs ·
Op-ed in Cleveland Plain Dealer: The case against the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant.
http://bit.ly/1MnVtCfThe case against the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant: Connie Kline (Opinion)
The Davis-Besse nuclear power plant should be shut down, writes Connie Kline.
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsvia Occupy the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
3 hrs ·
Outside experts belonging to the nuke lobby, to keep the bad news in-house and to give to us the general public their acceptable good enough "diluted" version?
TEPCO to come clean on radiation levels, allow checks by outside experts
http://ajw.asahi.com/…/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201503310040TEPCO to come clean on radiation levels, allow checks by outside experts - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
Embattled Tokyo Electric Power Co. pledged to disclose all data on radiation levels at its stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant after it was taken to...
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsvia Nuclear Information and Resource Service
3 hrs ·
AP: Nation's biggest nuclear firm, Exelon, wants to grab green money for its dirty power.
http://abcn.ws/1xtaMCFNation's Biggest Nuclear Firm Makes a Play for Green Money
The biggest player in the beleaguered nuclear power industry wants a place alongside solar, wind and hydroelectric power collecting extra money for producing carbon-free electricity. Exelon Corp., operator of the largest fleet of U.S. nuclear plants, says it could have to close three of...
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsvia Fukushima 311 Watchdogs
3 hrs ·
The myth of absolute safety
http://thebulletin.org/myth-absolute-safety7007The myth of absolute safety
Earlier this month, on the third anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, a Japanese independent commission investigating the catastrophe published its findings in a revised English-language version. The major conclusion of the detailed analysis echoes that of the official Japanese gov…
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsshared D'un Renard's photo.
3 hrs ·
Tepco not caring for the PACIFIC ....
D'un Renard's photo.
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsvia Forcing the Media to Cover Fukushima
3 hrs ·
The government will use Expo Milano 2015 in Italy to highlight the safety of Japanese food products, including those from Fukushima Prefecture, according to official representative Tatsuya Kato.
“I want to use the expo as an opportunity to correct any wrong perceptions or information,” Kato said in a recent interview, referring to the import curbs imposed on Japanese food after the Fukushima nuclear disaster unfolded in March 2011.
Japan to play up safety of food products at Milan expo | The Japan Times
The government will use Expo Milano 2015 in Italy to highlight the safety of Japanese food products, including those from Fukushima Prefecture, according t
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsvia Fukushima 311 Watchdogs
3 hrs ·
TEPCO not paying for most decontamination work done by local gov'ts
http://mainichi.jp/…/new…/news/20150330p2g00m0dm031000c.htmlTEPCO not paying for most decontamination work done by local gov'ts - 毎日新聞
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Tokyo Electric Power Co. has only shouldered 2 percent of the 76.1 billion yen ($63...
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Mid America Land Restoration / Microbes / Probioticsvia Occupy the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
3 hrs ·
Anyone a wake yet???
Fukushima: the Extinction Level-Event that no one is Talking About
Doug Michael March 11, 2011: A massive earthquake of 9.0 magnitude struck off the coast of Japan, triggering a devastating tsunami, which left parts of the...
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Thank you for your patience,
Still working w/Google, non profit/Ed Apps, to use their good tools.
I welcome you to come link w/the sun will set page so please take part + donate in ways most comfortable to you.
I`m here for you willing to do an exchange, if you want to help us reach out..
come talk
Peace, kara + mishi