please start from the top in a land/freshwater flow to sea use review..

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
I share with you my question to Barack Obama + our legislators regarding our energy US plan + affiliation globally.

+ i ask all of you to ask the same until we can get a clear picture + our legislators are true local community representives of our restoration reality.

leaving no one left behind as we can now in every community sit down at a cloth/table review + eye-to-eye create cooperatives that talk to each other vs. dictate as the present commercial fisherfolks feel totally over regulated.

right now i speak for the small fisherfolks everywhere. take a look in Charleston, close by.

legislators why are you not supporting this to happen, i invite you to intervene in the Maguson Stevens Act changes being made now + soon another public comment period, + require an easier way to remove all the layers of regulation + make 1. + allow the locals to have equal say as they take back their obligations to be fully aware of their local fishing industry.

this is a good example of NOT allowing any marine reserve when so many inefficent layers are already over regulating/disorganized, etc., this is a waste of resources. as well leaving negative effects on fisher folks that are already at high risk working in the elements, for our food, what sustains us.

please review my letter to Barack Obama, for this ecological review;

(which is why we ask you to support project osic, as we support students to come out of classroom + into community to restore ecological working communites, with focus direction, those under will gain clarity/strength to then share as students + community share their goodness + self-develop, along with creating support mechanisms for all to fulfill our obligations locally + globally, as our balanced restored biospheres link + our human family gains respect + understand common sense in our good science created that all can then draw from as we live local + share what works) can contribute to creating mental clarity + physical strenght + that is all able people need to aid the layers of confusion, to go back to creating a life, not just a job that many are trying to do. give people awareness vs. dyfsfunction + human nature excells within nature`s limits, only then will a balanced environment be our best medicine;

Hello Barack + associates,

i sure have a hard time defineing how ecologically sound your innovations of home/business bound US energy  is to be, as well with existing entities in motion.

i never hear the words ecologically sustainable starting from the top with a land/freshwater flow to sea use review, for natural soil building for life on land + in sea, as well protect our shorelines, river beds, + natural small farmland, balance so no pests, clean co2 + fresh air + water, support fear based misinforamtion for ER preparedness as in with wilderness awareness as common sense as we live on a planet that is alive, that we as a living organism are dependent on.

1 good universal science integrate this ecological requirement as the indigenous of done for years, whom we are very fortunate to have these stewards to help us become aware, along with creating in time co_evolution `ways that work carry the gauges for life.

which is what project osic  in the building is focusing on with students.

ex; you cannot take wild public properties for it can interfere in our obligations individually to support the needed restoration of our genetic bio-diversity locally. which is already underestimated + not balanced with number of people locally thruout this planet. + energy development without this assessment can disrupt the natural trans boundary migration for micro + large browsers, which we are ecologically dependent on for our sustainability, by them being in balance locally + globally.

so please tell me what review you require, what policy? how are you changing this + we can help all with you supporting project osic, which we state in our WASH GRANT from USAID/DIV, awaiting confirmation.

please tell me how you presently are requiring all to do this?

+ to have a business install solar panels on their business property for a house is very large + can interfere in this path of critters vs, if house is correctly built efficiently?? + city is planned efficiently?? as we suggest in this review to be done locally everywhere, where tallies will tell whom/what is resisting?? which can bring many sound people to sharpen their dull sensors, creatively express creating jobs by prioritizing function, energy efficiently in a focus directed to aid healing, rid layers of waste + become present in the moment as young + old innovate.

        then each house would have it's own solar panels, efficiently made by locals + alternative energy as a supplement only, to a sound natural adapting natural resource that is assessed with agro-ecology gauge in place for what sustains all life, working within our natural limits.

where now locals always have a investment mode on the edge, awaiting those that come thru tapering transitions, that have worked with those that perceive solution, as now energy is really surfacing from that dormant left in confusion, disassociation that so many are bogged down with. yet

we can harness this shapeless energy for our fuel, our interpersonal fuel  + all do baggage removal as we unwind the weaves web, that only drained vital resources.

please tell me + all where your detail in this is, for we have a tapering transition to welcome people so no more hedge funding market manipulation leaving negative effects. rather now people are reborn + not with religion interfereing, rather 1 good universal science that deals with our human realities on earth now as a living organism dependent on natural balance, which requires many positions/tasks to gain this natural balance for our wild to sustain our co_evolution, that does take some time to comprehend for it requires us to daily `boon with what sustains us within the natural world`s enhancement as with Prof Miguel Altieri`s agro-ecology gauges, to nightly build new neuro networks.

fortunately we have him + many good indigenous as well young followers that are sensitive in patches of cooperatives to reflect with as students locally come out of classroom, + create a curriculum with the goodness from community, once they prioritize focus on their ER assessment as in their healthcare that is still in need of help with daily misuse/abuse, etc.

which we invite  in project osic, all professionals to do a walkabout locally with studetns + see the negative effects left from your intervention, + together we can make a change, as students aid the linking of these worn torn threads, + build new ones as they build themself along with each community as each are supported to understand our human obligations.

no more some gain wealth at the expens of others being ill + uncomfortable, for no matter what shape one is in, Dr, Yun Wang alone can counsel doctors as he does, as well patients with herbal formulas, TCM, so locals can plant/forage for herbal medicines that work, CSA's, Natural small farms to fuel thru natural food, + awareness of these behavior changes.

what are you do_in to stop the GMO`s everywhere + build local communites to sustain naturally, as they exchange theri seeds as they always have, until the false green energy movement of bio-tech has interfered.

do you not see these ill effects left. Miguel Altieri can show you them, along with same yields produced from indigenous `ways that work without the negative effects of pesticides/fertilizers/GMO`s that multinational corporations are profiting/hedgefunding from. this is wrong people.

we each have an obligation to balance ourself 1st. then come together part time in these solutions to aid our human family + the critters that aid our life.

thank you, peace is a solutions if we share what works + give respect for others to have little support to enable their understanding to this good science we all can live with + integrate locally.

peace, our combined` effect makes a difference.

thank you for confirming what you do for analysis, kara