port townsends' dryland farm project, cooping an empty community lot for our local grown food..

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
thanks daniel mackey for music + potluck in the fields of dryland project in port townsend, wa with wendy + now lil bu organizing, being a local, global + beyond participant as old ways as in 50 yrs ago these grains where grown here.
this extended wildcrafting is a true sensitivity in this low moisture area. the local farmers in port townsend + thruough out the world when folks live natural lives, no need for organic foolishness, but yes natual as in the dryland project, agro-ecology, permaculture, yes we can have good land use to preserve our wild to sustain our ecosystems for our sustainability. take a visit to any of the local farmers that do natural planting + taste the food, from ocean air farms in for dix, ca to canada's no salmon farming, we have collectively supported the many exchanges appreciated for working out the ongoing resistence from folks unaware of our food crisis locally everywhere. now as of 12.2010 Baracks visit to india has done damage. check out navdanyas web site, where i asked Barack to give explanation as he pushes walmart to india. no thanks buy local, produce local. no waste in long transportation unless building sustainable natural seed/plant that can ecologically produce naturally.