re: people please make space for this review, to calm yourself if need, to see reality of stopping anyone that wants to push a botton, pick up a weapon not realizing how life/perhaps yours or your family is destroyed, or your ecosystem, that we all are interdependnent on..

Posted by f3235735 f3235735







On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 12:39 PM, our combined`effect [via i come to
talk story] wrote:

please note it is best to go back to original post for when copied here it all smushed together making it harder to read, so kara deleted it. but i leave response to it above.

note Jim`s following comment;

Agenda 21 of the United Nations is TYRANNICAL abolishing free speech, personal property, and small firearms, but that is just another good reason to get rid of this corrupt dictatorial body of Nations called the U.N.. Starting PROXY WARS with LOVE BOMBS and so-called HUMANITARIAN efforts murdering innocent women and children is NOT WHAT I CALL PEACE. U.N. sanctioned my ass.


10 Reason To Abolish The U.N. ---
by Allen Greenberg

These are the 10 reasons summed up in headings:

    1. The United Nations Obstructs America’s Defense of the Free World
    2. The United Nations is a Force of Global Injustice
    3. The UN Obstructs the Prevention of Genocide
    4. The UN Distorts Women’s Rights to Promote Violence against Women
    5. The UN Cannot Prevent Nuclear Proliferation
    6. The UN is an Undemocratic Perversion of Democracy
    7. The United Nations is Hopelessly Corrupt
    8. The UN is an Economic Drain on America
    9. The United Nations Endangers American Civil Liberties
  10. The UN Holds Human Rights Hostage to its Double Standards

The booklet is short, but every accusation is fully proved.
In his Conclusion, Greenfield writes:

     The UN is a vast global employment agency with no purpose except the perpetuation of its own power and authority. Its lofty buildings and the bustle of its vast armies of employees conceal its underlying corruption and uselessness.

     American participation in the United Nations supports the deception that it is an international body capable of fair-minded governance. That deception cruelly betrays the hopes of the weak and the vulnerable and abets genocide, mass rape and terror.

    The United Nations has become an organizational assault on its own founding principles. And all the while it undermines the sovereignty and rights of the free member nations who still believe that all men are created equal and that governments derive their authority from the people.

    The only way to redeem those principles is to exit its corridors and walk a new path toward an alternative alliance that does more than pay lip service to freedom, democracy and human rights. Only America can be the nucleus of such an alliance. And only when the nation that gave the world freedom leaves the international order that impedes it can a global alliance of free nations truly be born.

* In an article titled America: The Chief Subsidizer of UN Rapists and Traffickers, chiefly concerned with what happens to whistle-blowers on the UN role in crimes of rape and the trafficking of sex slaves, Phyllis Chesler expresses her disgust with that appalling institution:

        The Wilsonian-influenced ideals of the UN are not realistic or realizable.

We agree emphatically. And whenever unrealistic ideals are set, nastiness ensues. (Vide Christianity.)

       The UN is predicated on the myth — nay, the lie — that UN diplomats and civil servants are morally upright, fair, decent, rational — and, not the vicious tyrants, bullies, thugs, liars, egomaniacs, cowards, and grifters that they truly are. Nor does the UN have a transparent system in place that would hold their mightily flawed personnel accountable for the crimes they commit. …

Who keeps it going, this Tower of Iniquity, this World Headquarters of Evil? More than any other country, the United States of America!  

     If it is clear that the United Nations allows its peacekeeping troops to commit major human rights atrocities, why would we allow such an institution to render decisions that are meant to affect the entire world? Why would we abide by such decisions? More important: Why should the United States fund an international criminal operation? The United States pays the lion’s share of the Secretariat costs at the United Nations. Don’t worry, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has assured stressed American taxpayers that the two-year headquarters budget (2010-11) will only amount to a meager $4.92 billion.

     According to the UN peacekeeping website, the budget for the fiscal year 1 July 2011-30 June 2012 is approximately seven billion dollars. The United States is responsible for 27 percent of this cost, or about two billion. This is far more than what Japan (1 billion), the UK (591 million), China (285 million), Spain (230 million), or Korea (164 million) pays for peacekeepers. Interestingly, under President Barack Obama’s administration, the United States overpaid its share of the UN peacekeeping budget. In fact, our overpayment of 287 million dollars is more than what most of the world’s supporters — including China — pay for “peacekeeping.”

     Why is the United States funding rapists, criminals, pimps, brothels, and sex traffickers? Why are we funding orgies? Why are we funding the most heinous betrayal of the world’s most vulnerable civilians in war zones? Why are we overpaying for UN peacekeeping?

     Why is the US paying anything at all to sustain the rotten institution?


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Posted under Christianity, Commentary, corruption, Crime, United Nations, United States by Jillian Becker on Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tagged with Daniel Greenfield, Phyllis Chesler, ten reasons why the UN must be abolished, The corruption of the UN, The ideals of the UN are not realistic or realizable, The UN a source of crime and injustice, The UN must be destroyed, Through the UN the US funds rapists criminals pimps brothels sex-traffickers

This post has 16 comments.

   The UN is nothing but a milking cow for the corrupt third world governments who would rather keep their tax money to their pockets while pleading the UN to donate more. And when they don’t get much as they want, they accuse the better off nations of being hypocrites.

  The UN is not doing anything about China intruding and UNLAWFULLY claiming the coastal territories of its neighbors. There are tensions right now between China and Vietnam. the Philippines and Japan and the UN ain’t doing nothing, The funny thing, the UN does not enforce the 200 NM EEZ which China is a signatory of! The Asia-Pacific is in a brink of hostilities due to China’s absurd claims and arrogance (They are claiming the whole of the South China Sea and are starting to enforce it).

   In issues that can be settled peacefully like this that the UN does not care about, what more with bigger issues regarding universal human rights, etc Steve M Cardon

As a post script: Tomorrow we should get a roll count on which muslim nations have their people under control, and which don’t… As they all come rolling out of mosques after friday prayers..uggghhh Steve M Cardon

     That is a good point Jillian, however I would point out that Turkey has genuinely tried hard to remain secular in its government, and it really has more to gain by maintaining good relations with the west. They might go either way push come to shove, but don’t discount the possibility of them calling bullshit on the muslim extremists, and telling their people the truth, which is that it is merely a religious power grab. The muslim protests in Turkey have apparently been very small. Steve M Cardon

     On the surface it might seem that the advent of video conferencing would render it obsolete, If you could be absolutely assured that transmissions were well enough encrypted, I don’t know if heavy video encryption of that sort wouldn’t still bog down the transmission. I think there is also something about the face to face. My guess is that a lot of older diplomats probably still prefer this. They are poker players set in their ways. I don’t pretend to be an expert, just relaying anecdotally from reading I’ve done over the years, being curious about the UN myself.

    If nothing else, I think the UN is a show for the world, intended to put forward the image of nations trying to work things out. In that context I think it may have some value.

Jillian Becker
   Steve – your description of what goes on in the small rooms of the UN is fascinating and plausible. But with all our new means of communication, is any face-to-face talk ever necessary? Steve M Cardon

  What doesn’t get discussed much in the media about the UN is what goes on in the back rooms. I’ll give you an example: Lets say the US wants backing from other members of the security council to increase sanctions on Iran. They need this to step them closer to being able to take military action in the future. Both of these require the consent of Russia and China, as well as other countries who comprise the security council, or nations whose Airspace we or Israel must use etc. They all will have a price, whether quid pro quo of one sort or another, trade concessions, whatever. With Russia and China you know the pricetag will be pretty steep. Lots of groundwork negotiation, and working out of details must take place at lower levels before the deal works its way up the chain. It is a lot more convenient to do this in various meeting rooms at the UN because all the players already have representatives there. Otherwise you would burn an awful lot time and fuel , and coordination would be a nightmare. In addition, it is easier to have private discussions with a country that you don’t want the press privy to, as they would be if you actually flew to that country.

    Easier communication between countries helps avoid misunderstandings, and mistakes being made. What the press covers: Security council meetings, and the general assembly are just formal shows for the public; where each country publicly states its position. They give lofty political reasons, but what they are really saying is whether a deal was made or not.. .

Jillian Becker
     Trouble is, Joe, that NATO is compromised by the membership of Turkey. It would be good if NATO would free itself of that, and beef up its strength – which the diverted funds you speak of could help it do. Also, the European powers would need to contribute much more to the organization. But they are hampered by failing economies and growing Muslim electorates.

     Harold, NATO is another option for a global cooperation. The funds from the UN could be diverted there instead.

    The sad part C.Gee is that so many gullible people around the world are still falling for it. Do people ever think and use their minds anymore ? It makes you wonder.

    Good question  ! I think people actually intentionally let it get out of hand Harold.  If the UN were to dissapear right now , as you say –they don’t have a substitute organization ready on the “back burner ” to put in it’s place even though I detest the UN –mainly because of it’s corruption,  accepting terrorist nations and engaging in policies that are a threat to American security  and of  our allies.  It’s a good idea to have a unified fraternal body of nations around the world who strive for unity, cooperation and world peace if that is the goal.  The UN is a fraud.   Personally ( just my opinion ) I think the various civilized nations around the world should  just pull out of the UN, cease funding the UN, give them the “boot” and send them into a third world nation for their headquarters and eventually they will just wither away and dissapear into infinity.  It’s like leaving a corrupt fraternity and joining a new one that is respectable  and positive.    Let ALL the good and civilized nations pull out, form their own independent national organization ( independent of the UN ) and then the UN will fade into obscurity and have no influence and power. We are the major funders and reactionaries of that group.  Without the US and other super-power nation support, the UN is DEAD. What do you think ?

    The UN is indeed a very flawed organisation, and many of the criticisms are justified.  However, the abolition in my mind would be going too far unless there is some alternative.  Yes, the UN is crap, but without it we have NO forum for global cooperation.   And surely some of the UN agencies are good – UNICEF and WHO seem to me to be positive agencies.  Also it is very easy to pick the worst parts, but this stragtegy can be use to make the USA look bad too.

For example, on point 10:

    “Only the United States and other free nations that respect the rights of their own people and of all people can be trusted to do so. “Yet the USA detains people without trial indefinitely – is this not a double standard?  If you want to hold the UN to very high standards, surely you must maintain them yourself?  By acting in this way the USA demonstrates that it cannot be trusted to respect the rights of *all* people.  If the USA unilaterally classes you as a illegal combatant, you have no more rights than a soviet dissident in the gulags. Admittedly, we are talking of a very small number of people at the moment, but the rest of the word has a right to ask if without the UN the USA might start to exert its version of rights more widely.  On point 9, the UN asks the USA to “investigate deaths in immigrant detention facilities”  Is this really “endangering US civil liberties?”  The other points are unlikely to have any impact on US civil liberties at all. On point 5, yes, probably correct, but who could prevent nuclear proliferation?  You can’t shove the genie back in the bottle. I acknowledge that this is a failed goal, but there are still only few nuclear nations, and there may have been more without the UN. Point 3, yes, there are problems, but the Yugoslavia trials have sentenced 48 war criminals, it would have been difficult to secure these convictions without the UN. Probaly the UN should be abolished, but what would take its place?

      11. The UN’s IPPC  is the instigator of the great global warming scam which will impoverish the world.

    I’ll double that Frank —————-I agree 220%  !!!!     People are so brainwashed Frank.  Here we have the UN that allows terrorist nations into their ranks and yet they proclaim  to represent a union of civilized soverign nations————–  what utter bullcrap !!!!!!

 I agree 110%

 + Jim`s following comment;

When our politicians, Democrats and Republicans,  break the constitution and the law the citizens condone it without hardly any opposition.

It is clear to see why America has gone to hell in a hand basket.

Keep telling yourself you live in a free country. Do it often enough and maybe you will think it is true. Repetition, one great brainwashing methodology!!!

"Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law"---

-- Alistair Crowley, O.T.O, church of the golden dawn

"Satan is the real power behind man-made corrupt tyrannical governments."--

Jim Ferris, Computer consultant

The presidents kill list was not denied by Obama but he did say some doublespeak to side step the fact. Cold-blooded killers running our system??

Romney Rep. Peter King: Presidential Kill List "Totally Constitutional"! 

Jim`s email i share, so we can comment on all of this;

Dear Kara,

We can only do so much. The true lasting answers to every thing which is not right will only be made right by our creator. The Bible is God's word to us and in no human are we to trust in more than our creator. No man-made church, minister, preacher, or priest offers any salvation to eternal life, only God via Jesus does. Only by the blood of Jesus are we forgiven and given the love of God's grace. We cannot get to heaven by just doing good works nor can we earn salvation because it is a free gift given by God to those who love and want to please him by following his word. We all fall short and no one is perfect but by trying, praying, and staying is His word there is no better opportunity to be truly happy. This reality is a temporary one and we all are finite being in this flesh body. The finite cannot fully comprehend the infinite.

I can see no other viable alternative but to try to follow Christ.

Having been into the occult and a student of many of its so-called sciences back in the 70's and 80's I have learned it is a false path to go on. I refuse to be fooled by so-called new age thinking because it is a lie.

In the meantime we do the best we can with what we have here on earth. God is love and all truth comes from this. I don't say these things just to talk or preach but so that you will be rewarded by the creator knowing how much He loves us and has sacrificed for us.

Any questions are welcome but the best answer is not from me but from my creator and His letter to us, the Bible. This is the ultimate truth, there is no doubt about it as it is based on scientific and historical facts. John 3:16

God bless,


Jim`s post;


Jim`s post in response to kara`s:

This is not any thing about excess baggage, you missed the point, it is
about history, common sense, and doing what is right giving the power
for the people to chose what they want.

I do think taking care of the environment is important but this should
not be up to some corrupt, lying, rich tyrannical "Bureaucrats" to dictate
what we should or should not do. Neither of us are elites and thinking
they care about us is a pipe dream.

The "biosphere project" is a U.N. takeover dictated by mostly murdering
communist tyrants. The U.N. is a failed system proven time and time
again so it would not be wise to trust them. The statistics and math
done by the U.N. is false.

Abolish the U.N. and allow the "power to the people" be given, not to
some elite tyrant dictators.

A one world order will never work, it will fall by its own weight. We
are individuals not robots. I am not you and you are not me, get it??
Being different is great and it is reality. Some things will never mix
and all the better for that fact. Every one has their own niche (forte)
and NO ONE HAS IT ALL, I know I don't.

Most politicians should be jailed for theft, bribes, and numerous other
reasons. I would never want friends that constantly lie to me let alone
corrupt lying people running our country which is technically documented
as a (adjudicated) corporation.

The excess baggage you may be speaking of is about the giving the power
back to the people to end hunger, misery, and evil??

Is it called excess baggage to stand against evil?? If so I am gladly

We don't need "masters" telling us how to think, what to eat, and how to
live our lives. Freedom and liberty should rule the day as long as we do
not infringe upon others freedom and liberty.  Minority special interest
of the few should in no way rule over the majority. I know Marxist ideas
go deep into our educational systems, there is historical evidence of
that fact, it picked-up big in the 60's.

Most of the ecological movements are really not about ecology. Rather
they are formed by those who want to control and take over the people's

There is a hidden agenda and it is all well documented as fact.

You may publish any thing in my E-mails. I am always ready to defend and
or debate any issue that we may agree to disagree on. But let me warn
you that people who debate with me must have FACTS to back up their

The truth remains the same and has no regard for meer opinions.

God bless and take care,

+ Jim`s email above in response to kara`s below, with a few changes from kara, bringing us to now/corrections of spelling, etc; On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 9:08 AM, our combined` effect wrote:

Ok Jim let me ask you this please;

do you not see any effciency in recycling any of this? can you not see
fragments of good folks work that could be used, help those trapped,
as we do our homework + rid that which should be?

please read our project osic subcatagorie part 1, it is not polished,
but i have a point that we can trigger clarity to resolve + ground our

the 1st response you gave me, i would of liked to measured your
biofeedback for you where hot. a dr. long ago stated;

we have an ability to maintain discipline over our self-sensory
observation vs. belief. sure maybe you are more aware then me, but i had to work
at it, with my baggage.

+ it has taken me years to understand, as these words kept drawing me
back. so we can`t expect us humans to do anything over night, accept make
space to calm + each day we cooperatively gain understanding + work at what
we propose in project osic or as i say i willing to merge if something
better or give the gest of it, as i stated to UN, for they should be do_in +
then i would not of had to work so hard + still am, as well i offer to

only then we build new neuro networks that night. giving us more
clarity to rid our baggage. + stop it from stealing our energy inside as well our
moment to be plugged in enjoying the goodness we are fortunate to have
in indigenous + the many living simple natural lives globally. + we
can link in this archive.

so let me know please, i see your love for our neighbor hands on, i
see your compassion for those killed in Middle east, so where is this gauge
that i see many with religious belief due. + don`t you think you specially,
can help them gain some discipline interpersonally;

as in how can one speak of home land/America/my country, without
looking at our human family as we share this planet, beyond + can do it

so i would like to see this gauge, religious people use? where folks give love
then turn + kill or support the markets to gain as others lose, etc. + that
makes it right.

to me this belief does not ground you + needs healing. + we can share
this human common denominator so we all can understand + do something
productive, not just rave or vent.

i share a thought or ask you a question sometimes, yet you are in the air
+ don`t answer, why?? do you not notice your own sensory status in the moment
you get so heated over this. when yet if you are working locally applying
subject with a student, the energy will be exchanging compassion, as
i have seen you do.

    this is why the application of us building an archive with project osic works.
we feel simply to do this by each starting with own community, prioritizing
local natural food/fish/medicine sovereignty.

+ what fuels this is gaining the understanding that we as the human species along
with all others, to remain healthy requires our local biomes to balance
genetic bio-diversity. + that is not happening in many places, let alone that
is not enough. for all life is designed to migrate so we need globally
linking of these migratory paths, including us human species.

not large false green development to interfere or a war mode economy
people leading others interfering in ones ability to self-develop.

with cooperative community support, all build their path as they
walk it into their opening. not the isolated one that many pockets` of folks
are unfortunate to live in as belief/misuse/abuse rules. rather we link
them with our good virtual tools to bring us eye to eye to reflect human
energy that can be felt when people are simply living within natural small
communities where people work together with hands on with what
sustains them.

project osic has co_evolved from the dysfunction of a big
percentage of what you say, for some i was unaware of. + some
i feel is disassocaiated energy that has yet to have clarity connected
to the shapeless energy that is easy to ride on.

this can be harnessed + we can rid it from stealing our good energy
from within.

but our project will trigger these tallies to be real in every
community, not assumptions. + it will be clear so students can simply
share their virtual tallies in a story eye to eye in interchangeable roles,
+ hopefully come post on our archive as we together focus direct.

as we restore ecological sustainable working communities that harmonize.
so all development is tapered down + into the enhanced limits of natures
ability to sustain itself, then only to sustain us.

+ we will settle for nothing less than harmony! from all areas music
will fill the air as this energy you release can be redirected + people
will heal. but each have to do their own homework.

we invite you to take a review of our combined` effects + come aboard
as a happy camper as we are. sure we work at ugly issues same as you.
but we do it within, so as to fuel the moment with solution.

+ when we work this with students their beauty of youth clearly sees beyond
the past as they live the now + we will find tallies to show solutions to this
negative now.

sure not all students are centered, but neither are all adults.

so together we can harness + develop the child undeveloped within us all.
as we continue to self-develop as a child.

this is what our human potential allows us to do now.

+ we thank Nabble team for helping us, by giving us good tools to
work with. sure we always working at the quirks, but they are soon to pass.
especially as more come aboard + do an exchange.

together we/you can override others misunderstanding by welcoming them
into our/your local tapering transition that locals will make + create upon,
always having good modes of investment on the cloth/table platform to go
figure. as we build an share this archive.

remember we have offered this to UN Sec gen Ban Ki-moon recently, along with
World Bank President Jim Yong Kim + President Barack Obama to take it + use
as all recyle resources. so we yet to hear, nor will we wait, we just keep working.

thank you for sharing, please rethink + see how we can do this
efficently + post please where appropriate or tell me in comment what missing to add.



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Peace is real! Peace is real!
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RE: people please make space for this review, to calm yourself if need, to see reality of stopping anyone that wants to push a botton, pick up a weapon not realizing how life/perhaps yours or your family is destroyed, or your ecosystem, that we all are interdependnent on..

This post was updated on .
sorry how above got transfered. we have to work out these quirks.

my response;

       you poor dear, do you not have a positive bone in you.

i work very hard being `boon with the natural world to gain my clarity +

yes it is too bad we just can`t live local, but we can gain good
cooperative support by living local + also work at that afar.

then yes i realize also we have to hold dysfunction accountble + i attempt
to add support their.

for we all are in this together + to do it this `way fuels me to enjoy the
beauty of all, even that deep within you.

i`m just sorry you resist so much pluggin in now, as you allow past to
enslave you, when we can also rid that baggage.

but yes it is a true juggling act, + we all have to do it within our own

so please rethink for i feel it is more resistence to do it your way, + add
more disassociated energy to the already cloud.

but yes we can harness it.+ welcome those leaving negative effects to a
local tapering transition, + that is when it is good to eye to eye the
facts that all have as they fine tune with what the communies natural
resourses can handle, so i let nature guide us to make wrong right.

be good to you,

happy day to your family!

love kara
                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;

                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara;

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story
Peace is real! Peace is real!
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RE: people please make space for this review, to calm yourself if need, to see reality of stopping anyone that wants to push a botton, pick up a weapon not realizing how life/perhaps yours or your family is destroyed, or your ecosystem, that we all are interdependnent on..

This post was updated on .
in response to UN 21 agenda, without putting up detail, for if interested you can find it on internet.

for i refuse to post more negative acts. + yes i know how off humans can be, i happen to be one also + know how hard i worked to find myself + get clear + still work at interrelating on a postive scale.

i refuse to accept this business as is, for myself or my children or grandchildren or any one else`s.

think about what you say, how about if you where getting bombed? so i can`t understand how
anyone can target anyone or say anyone is too bad to come into the UN. we all are bad + all can change in the exchange of making it work.

nothing should be cold turkey, we should respect all life + do a tapering transition like what we suggest. so our human family shares this earth + beyond together efficiently ASAP in peace.

(please note when i go from an email to post on this forum i may change spelling or edit to grip the moment + invite all to come back + reread, for i make a lot of errors + always try to clean it up if convenient. so don`t feel like i talk behind your back please)

so this  is my response to negative acts out their, i feel you/we should invite these folks into a  local tapering transition + share, where ever we have the opportunity. you can always contack me thru subcategory, talk talk + if local we can gather a group + do an exchange, i'm always happy to fund raise. or if having issues + this forum does not answer then if afar we can email or teleconference with a group.

         to my friend in the building, as we yet to know each other, but i do know he is kind + likes to be a community participant;

          you appear to be reading my words wrong.

yes thank you i know of a lot of what you say but not all, nor am i interested

for even now you as i can be part in all of this at `UN Civil Society conference now, to make the world your way + show them a better `way, or Barack`s MyGov fellowship.

which i was hoping we would work together + see eye to eye.

but i refuse to waste my energy thinking about all that you give, rather i will just stay active do_in what i see + inviting others to do it with me. for i think even what you say some of those ideas are totally wrong yet a few may be used. + i would rather sort it out by directing vs. stuck in the middle of all that you say.

but i need ethnic indigenous real values + sorry you don`t see that i`m building an archive to invite them to share the process with all. this `way @ can do homework + rid their baggage as i do.

you ask about the baggage i refer to; it is the lack of our follow thru with what we perceive, due to how we have experienced our past + present. many take carried forward behavior form family or others as normal, not realizing we yet to self-develop.

this is why project osic will support each to build their own path into their opening as they walk it. leaving no footprint on any life. the discussion above throws country names around as if all is bad. back to this gauge again with how we can do something or our familys in US, ok, yet  when you talk of another uncivilized, do you think they all are? what fact do you have on this, + how current is it. for it is this fact that our linking will show as we build local communities together as people come together, as many are do_in now.

 + share the process good + bad as solutions co_evolve, strategies + schematics, of building ecological sustainable working communites that harmonize, inviting people to post in this archive that we welcome you to take part in constructing with students.

i like the conservation services from the wild that is + should be sensitively worked, not set aside. we are hunter gathers + are interdependent on our earth linking these balanced systems, so this is the agenda i support.

plus i`m not hung up on a place, if i cannot find like minds i move on. for the earth has much beauty to explore + find people in need to exchange no matter where we are fortunate to be. we are here to be stewards, no one should have to own, but yes everyone should have the life right to `boon + migrate with the natural world.

i`m sorry for the tradgedies of the past + present + know people have yet to realize they can rid these ugly experiences from their mindbody, yes it takes work but we can reflect with many simply living with the natural world + can change this baggage that too many carry forward, not knowing how to remove it from stealing from their moment.

      we have a `plan to share what works, as students do a local walkabout along with all community members + give hands on to those in need until appropriate rehabbing can facilitate each in need..

good day + thank you for idea of sharing, i look forward to the day we can work together. but no thanks on this crap, i`m not as naive as you think. so give to someone else that will fear it/use it, for i don`t + won`t.

love kara

                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;

                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara;

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story
Peace is real! Peace is real!
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RE: people please make space for this review, to calm yourself if need, to see reality of stopping anyone that wants to push a botton, pick up a weapon not realizing how life/perhaps yours or your family is destroyed, or your ecosystem, that we all are interdependnent on..

In reply to this post by f3235735
people young + old,

thank you for listening to our babble, i personally realize i do a stream consciousness writing, says Seth. thank you Seth, as he offers to help me clean my writings up, which we do intend to do someday, + how, by having you locally let this trigger what is real for you + your students. to dot the i`s where needed, etc. + more important i feel it is this walkabout we propose that will take babble + put it into real acts of natural simplicity.

for we are do_in what we see can help until another merges or wants to do it a better more efficinet `way, then we share what we can.

please note we all can do more if we each do our homework, so please rather than email me, come post direct + i in return will respond from this forum once i know i have your permission, which Jim has given me. but Jim please post directly + share with more than just me, as we hope to build this tool so it can be used by all.

the point here with sharing all of Jim`s work in progress, is that i have seen him personally in action with a few community members + i did respect what i saw. even though i don`t share some of his verbiage, he is my human neighbor + i respect him so together we can go figure as a community member locally or from afar.

     but we all can be much more energy efficient if all locally put platforms in order to converse + share as in a `way potluck, with natural foods grown locally. for these acts tell our stories more friendly where our sensors can not sharpen from the smells/taste/reali in time story that can be associated.

vs. as in i`m sure all that Jim says is a belief many follow + real in many eyes. but is this not our human family ability to hold people accountable??

       don`t we all at 1 time or the other ride on another`s wave, when we yet tro know our own??

with project osic, please read + again i apoligize for my babble, + appreciate you taking notes from it for you, so that you can talk/exchange locally + look at the body language, grip the feeling that yet to figure words, leaving them in misuse/abuse, with all your community locally + if their is a more efficient `way then take the time to gather your friends, neighbors.

          + students can maintain this skillfully as they learn from your exchange + in our suggestions, simplify with tallies so each story remains simple to resolve + achieve the goodness of harmony.

for we have many good people living simple, as music fills the air, arts are lived + good local food/fish/medicne is grown sustainably for all locals to have hands on within their means, as all work together young + old to maintain what it takes, even schools.

     we don`t want to live with tallies unless they are balanced with nice simple story.. for we want the studetn within all to develop + each to have a interchangeable role to go eye to eye to next school for their community + tell a story with these tallies + apply what each can comprehend now, as we co_evolve all this in appropriate misinformation for now + exchange efficently.

so we always have a grip, putting our priorities into retrospect + always understanding our early signs to being self to calm so we retain good mental clarity + maintain good physical strength. enjoying exploritn the art of working our wild for we are interdependent + their is no isolated ecological category.

this is a wrong in the past to isolate all these parks etc.. when we can gain the sensitivity for our human co_evolution to work them now with each seasonal oferings, leaving us better prepared for our natural earthly changes. plug into permaculture now, Jenny Pell has great reflection as a mom, as she shares/exchanges with many in workshops to build sustainable communities. same with Miguel Altieri, so please take advantage of their offerings now.

                this is how we create new waves to stop our misuse/abuse. + if the waves help us center in our self then we all are on the right track. as we harness all this disassociated energy, real at one moment, but not for now + use what can to trigger your reality now. so your local students help research solutions as you do an exchange + share like GPS position.

            we don`t have to reinvent the wheel, we have many scars on this planet + much goodness to go figure..

but you may say, what about the people that have been raised with 3 generations of family members supporting each child, living their ways knowing young will care for them when old, Ex: China.

           when yet here in US all shoot for self-reliance. which i support in project osic, but not the kind that disrespects life nor family. so China does not have a corner on the market, for many here live sharing same love. + i have appreciated their Chinese medicine as well many cultures thruout the world that offer us plenty, including our own local indians/natives/local people that live `boon with our natural world + they have many simple `ways that we can learn from now.

  so please seek these locals with sensitivity to life, if fortunate + bring them in from afar if have too, to share with you how to do what in prriority upon your local `plan results. as you then bring those that have exceeded the natural limits that can be enhanced, to rethink, making wrongs right. stop the plans so as to taper back into what works within real natural enhanced limits.

            same vice versa. so this is about bringing our energy to calm as we plug in as a local, where ever we are fortunate to be. + by living local it fuels us to support each to walk their path as they build it into their opening.

            which supports all to become a local, global + beyond participant.

once each local community disburses their platform with their students to do a local walkabout, give hands on to those in need, preorganized in the schoolroom before they come out of it + with the community, then support with all rehabs for all to come to the cloth/table.

now a local `plan land/freshwater flow to sea use review, is put in place starting from the highest location. + each plot GPS so as to help one self + others as we come together here + build an archive sharing what works + what doesn`t.

by dispursing this energy, now it can be integrated + each can engage as good science can then be duplicated via like ecosystem/subject. + we can then share how we invite those leaving negative effects to a local tapering transition that all take part in to make.

          with good local gauges as with Prof Miguel Altieri`s  agro-ecology from indigenous `ways that work. for he knows best our real food crises now on our planet + solutions to change it.

now we understand working within natures` enhanced limits. which then we see + feel the good results. now we can better understand how interdependent we are on healthy balanced local wild biomes + we can become sensitive to work them as indigenous alwyas have.

       we have many positions open + Jim`s economy gauge is all the more reason why we should come together to recycle with respect for all life.

even with our words we put out, we suggest attaching them to a nice natural act in the moment + with your community.

  now this fuels each to stay on top of what sustains us + our local biomes. + we start this process with local food/fish/medicine sovereingty. for locals to gain control to maintain local sustainability, not regulatory boards. rather 1 on 1. + all others responsibly redirect their role.

   for if your are in these positions Jim + many speak of that are dysfunctional then we support you to make it right, rid your position/policy + come back as a local community, member + rethink what is needed now + how all can work back into a desired career that now leaves you with self-satisfaction without a footprint.

   please realize i`m trying to get part 2 out of project osic, for many reasons. so i ask you to come post here where appropriate + take a review + start your local work, for it then will build channels as you focus direct with your students to then stay on top of local, national + international affairs that locally you are interdependent on, as well all of us.

+ please while you reach out giving hands on please welcome project osic to your local schools + come help us structure this archive for yourself + then have a representitive in interchangeable roles come post representing your community + help us build this archive. or as i offer to UN now + others, lets all give where it is most efficient to reach out faster to those truely without everywhere.

so i leave you with a few of these links below, so we can reverse these totals, + use your goodness now to plug in now + as we all are in this together, we are fortunate to have you + many with good tools to help students give hands on now. + respect the adults not interested in computer, to build eye to eye parallels. so responsibly each know their simple local story + all co_evolve with good tools developeing inwardly as well without, to share this earth + beyond togehter.

for we have an abundance of jobs in need now to do just this.

peace is our option now if we share what works, self-satisfy yet leave no footprint. + when one reflects their wave each then will know how to apply it not just absorb it, enslaved by it, etc.

for now with all helping, we will have good channels to reflect simple natural living with hands on daily with what sustains us, to hold ourself + others accountable, locally + beyond.

please realize the many good acts in progress to rid the dysfunctions now or start a direction you may see clearer, or help us here now, to mention a few;


please remember we all have to do our homework so as to harness the moment + rid our baggage + not contribute more or get mislead by this disassociated energy that is very real leaving deadly effects on those that allow it to consume you, as it lays in our organs, taking up good energy, leaving us with misuse/abuse. once free of this your organs will better address our bodily needed functions.

      remember good brain function comes from our lungs, heart + kidneys being in harmony, if not they steal from each other, as any negative being does when out of balance.

      so many are simply left without, from misuse/abuse, in every local community. that together we can make a difference in everyone`s ability to rethink + responsibly come together + go figure. their is no better education than having hands on with real thought to then choose, yet leae no footprint, only enhance the setting with creative expression. as we each prioritize function, energy efficiently.

thank you for what you can do now, i need to go back to work, kara
                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;

                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara;

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story
f3235735 f3235735
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RE: people please make space for this review, to calm yourself if need, to see reality of stopping anyone that wants to push a botton, pick up a weapon not realizing how life/perhaps yours or your family is destroyed, or your ecosystem, that we all are interdependnent on..

This post was updated on .
The way to take over private property and rights are to do it in the
name of ecology, sustainability, and ONE WORLD GOVERNANCE. Keep in mind
the ELITES really don't give a rat's behind about you or me.
If you trust the warmongering tyrant politicians then you do have a
You should ask yourself this.
Is the planet all clean and good now?? Is every thing in harmony now???
It will be when the government will keep up their policy on EUGENICS so
when people live only in the big cities and the urban areas are off
limits to humans maybe nature will make a come back in the country.
Any one who thinks the government and police are their friends need to
get some serious help,
The facts remain. It is what it is.
Tell me EXACTLY how the Hope and Change is working for you!!!
How many more women and children must die at the hands of this
government supporting terrorists rebels???? The Satanic agenda of the
United Nations governments forcing their AGENDA 21 upon the world.

God bless,

I would rather be truthfull than popular.

this is response to kara`s post On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 11:21 AM, our combined`effect [via i come to talk story]