UN Sec Gen Ban Ki-moon, Barack, Congress + all, please, we ask you to review what the people are asking for that have put much thought into peace for Congo now;
http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/11/29/stabilizing-the-democratic-republic-of-congo/the-us-must-get-more-involved-in-the-congo-conflict even though we feel what you say in your speech goes against agro_ecology local practices. we want to help you understand this so we can partner together.
it appears as i state in MyGov, in my proposal for a webpage to include our ability to plug in. so each of us can assertively work at dispute. we have so much to be debated, with good science to lead the `way.
as well we want African`s to know some of what you speak is not natural + what you say of Free Trade is not Free. rather only Fair Trade will work once we respect development that works within our enhanced natural limits, as with agro_ecology gauges. + taper off the supposedly Free Trade that interferes in local`s ability to self-develop.
in this restoration of building ecological sustainable working communities that harmonize, as ex; we propose in project osic, to trigger your thought, we know we can do this together.
but you must open to this good science, to over come the fragmented bad science that is presently showing you your way;
in your large energy developments or your war mode economy, that we believe are not Fair Trade.
please tell us how best we can share this with you.
our `combined effect makes a difference for peace now, to those long over due..