Business at hand needs to continue as we address early signs.
please see La Via Campesina`s response to project ProSavannah; ask yourself if this can happen to them, can it happen to you? + why do we not hold our locals accountable locally + afar? + how can we make this process better.
we are soon to upload part 2 of project osic, showing the scars left from the Amazonian developments, that we should not have to redo + learn from these lessons. this is an archive for all to come build as we share this process of restoring our communities natural enhanced potentials. so we link our wild biomes + gain sensitive skills to work them by locals, that we as a human family are all interdependent on.
so when large developements like this project ProSavannah is allowed to interfere in locals, then it also has interfered in our linking ability of natural wild biomes, best maintained by locals as they provide their own local food/fish/medicine sovereignty.
giving us all a better means to do our own.
+ project osic invites those leaving negative affects into the local tapering transition, to be created by locals. supporting each to rethink as we make wrongs right + share via this archive what can be peacefully.
locals only should control their commons to provide + protect all, starting with local food/fish/medicine sovereingty. this is what investors/developers locally + afar can invest in only as they change their global mindset from the ways they have left negative effects in the many scars on this planet.
no more will local people allow this + it is wrong not to have the support from all for simple respect of those that have worked + owned their property. + even if legisticly all the i`s are not dotted. common respect gives them the right to continue to work their lands correctly as they rotate their crops seasonally + should beable to continue to utilize + exchange their own seeds.
we welcome you to come together now + do what is respectful for the locals + become a local, global + beyond responcible participant.
please see this link below discussing ProSavannah + my comment + tell me if i`m wrong in my assessment. i ask you to do what you can do to stop this development;`ve sent this email to President Barack Obama at the Whitehouse, along with UN Sec General ban Ki-moon + World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. + i ask all of you to see these early signs + stop this kind of development from happening any where on our earth + beyond, for we have enough scars from projects like this.
their is a better `way for us to share as a human family, we ask you to review project osic;
thank you for this review, our combined` effect makes a difference.
sincerely, kara j lincoln
1 Comment
Re: what we do when we hear of our neighbors afar being abused, we bring it to the cloth/table + share..