ARCTIC AREA RESEARCH Игорь Семилетов (Igor Semiletov) - new citations will be added here... See how this relates to our startup plan's needs w/agroecological systems designed, please!

Aprox 10.5.22

 Lagrangian residual velocity in a tide-dominated long-narrow bay, the inner Xiangshan Bay
X Sheng, X Mao, J Yu, X Zhang, W Jiang, Y Lu - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2022
Many tide-dominated long-narrow bays worldwide face marine pollution because of
their semi-enclosed nature. The Lagrangian residual velocity (LRV) characterizes the
mass transport in shallow seas. Therefore, studying LRV is helpful for solving marine
environmental problems. In this study, the inner Xiangshan Bay along the coast of
the East China Sea was used as an example to study 3D LRVs in a tide-dominated
long-narrow bay. The LRV pattern and its dynamic mechanism were analyzed. The …
• Cites: ‪On the circulation, water mass distribution, and nutrient …‬  
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[HTML] Seafloor habitats across geological boundaries in Disko Bay, central West Greenland
DW Krawczyk, C Yesson, P Knutz, NH Arboe… - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf …, 2022
In this paper we describe seafloor terrain of nearly the entire Disko Bay region and
provide scientific baseline information about surface geology and sedimentary
environments that can support the seafloor management plan in Greenland. Our
study utilized multiple datasets of multibeam bathymetry and backscatter, seismic
profiles and ground-truthing consisting of video footage from drop camera and
benthic video sled, as well as sediment samples from grab and corers. Our results …
• Cites: ‪The international bathymetric chart of the Arctic Ocean version 4.0‬  
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​​​встречаемости китообразных в Баренцевом море и некоторых факторов, определяющих их распределение в осенне-зимний период 2007-2019 гг.
РН Клепиковский, ВА Ившин - Труды ВНИРО, 2022
Аннотация Цель работы: анализ видового состава, распределения, условий
обитания китообразных, а также их встречаемости относительно
распространения массовых видов рыб в свободных от льда районах Баренцева
моря и прилегающих водах в октябре-декабре.
• Cites: ‪The international bathymetric chart of the Arctic Ocean version 4.0‬  
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HTML] Circum-Arctic release of terrestrial carbon varies between regions and sources
J Martens, B Wild, I Semiletov, OV Dudarev… - Nature Communications, 2022
Arctic change is expected to destabilize terrestrial carbon (terrOC) in soils and
permafrost, leading to fluvial release, greenhouse gas emission and climate
feedback. However, landscape heterogeneity and location-specific observations
complicate large-scale assessments of terrOC mobilization. Here we reveal
differences in terrOC release, deduced from the Circum-Arctic Sediment Carbon
Database (CASCADE) using source-diagnostic (δ13C-Δ14C) and carbon …
• Cites: ‪CASCADE–The Circum-Arctic Sediment CArbon DatabasE‬  
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Игорь Семилетов (Igor Semiletov) - new citations

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