I'ts time to shift w/bio-physics that makes common sense.

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
      ************************************ Please note this is continuation of post above, so check back for updates! *******************************************
 Please note today 5.19.22, I asked MEER .org their new site, to rethink w/Dr Steven Greer's awareness of free energy as in what aliens, he is aware of that have, as well Human US Military that took from them and is preventing us earthlings from knowing the truth! Same the President and CIA, which is corrupt! Which Dr Greer did update them and then they where also updated from more to over ride what Dr Greer said! I add more links of Dr Greer to our Google Document so do check back there and I soon will be updating on Nabble!

If have to give a Donation to make this all happen faster as we redo Nabble for our message board-archive, then please email me, kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com  Thank you!

So below is outdated!

      I did a lot of yada sharing a lot from all to see how we can transform a nice message board w/Nabble!
  Their tools are great but that is not what has detained me, what has is my mental wiring!

      I finally realized a path to sort this all out meaning how together we all need to rethink and realize how fragmented many of us have been! As well mislead from leaders in science!

I've started to add to our older G Drive document, please see and it is open for editing for you to add as we start soon our start up plan-intro and message board here on Nabble;


   Considering I want to show you below first a post I did w/my observation partially of COP 26 and the Green Initiative of Riyadh. So make space to think and take notes and correct or share more, as I'm still prioritizing a start up plan to include this and more, so we end up w/a basic blank form alongside link to message board archive seeing fragments of solutions that work via like ecosystem seasons and subjects you all have, to reflect with, so as to then use our blank local plan investment forms to fill in priority layers of the start up plan investment to make your stat up agrecological assessments creating your systems most natural to your enhanced potential!

    Meaning the overall biome that I welcome communities to join ecologically for this start up plan analysis! I will be sharing more soon! I'd like all to join together to assess efficiently your start up plan, joining w/neighbors attached!? To then make it happen, w/people sharing in solidarity and w/good investors, as they see transparency on everyone's message board linking w/our nice archive we want to build! Given all earthlings serious options to create w/skillfully!

      Ex; I ask you Saudi Gov's, please, to take entire Continent, not to mention we will be looking at earth-space prioritizing where-who and with what, to do more research or resolve as w/the MEERreflection.com and to do this overview so then skilled fine tune where best to do what and then targeted areas done simultaneous, along w/all of us prioritizing where on earth-space needs to be targeted first, that is leaving the most negative effects on all life!! As we all allow the skilled good stewards of earth to guide us, and all good technology `boons more creativity, when grounded w/the earth below one's feet, in respect to leave no footprint!

  We know the many good local happenings by groups, but if you see in Dr. Ye Tao's analysis done w/Emeritus Prof Guy McPherson, you will see how they say other plans will not work and they promote w/bio-physics the MEER Project that needs to start quickly if they project our food source gone by 2026, and humans follow! Or even for critical thinkers to help research it!

  I see many good investments changing the misinformation, many are just profiting over in the World Markets, that have gotten us to this point of now having such time sensitive needs and so much life dying everyday! Vs good investments restoring healthy working communities long over due as we all prioritize, not just fragment as many of us have!

If done w/skilled agroecologists, working w/their science, Ex; Some of you may be more familiar w/Permaculture like w/Geoff Lawtons `Permaculture Research, I respect! Please see his work in Jordon and spreading!

Permaculture is all about the design of an agroecology system, a highly promising alternative to industrial agriculture that has the potential to avoid the adverse ecological and social impacts of input-intensive production.

                                    Consolidated set of 13 agroecological principles (HLPE 2019)

Recycling. Preferentially use local renewable resources and close as far as possible resource cycles of nutrients and biomass;
               Input reduction.... Soil heath.... Animal health.... Biodiversity.... Synergy.... Economic diversification.... Co-creation of knowledge and much more;

                      NOW add to this in our proposed start up plan, their updates as they continue to co_evolve in real time, along w/the Bio-physics of the MEER Project's analysis and more!

  This has taken me a few years to process,and that is wrong, and why skilled need to lead w/common sense! Now this makes sense to go deeper into research and prioritize timing more, to manifest the investments to create the mirrors out of glass and sand, etc.. to gather budget, etc..

  It is a shift in consciousness and takes us all to sort out what can, working thru our own baggage, and ground oneself locally w/earth below ones feet and center defining one's space to do one's part, even part time while sorting self out first!

Each act must contain holistic human existence and the complex life-to large browsers trans boundary migration paths in check, so all life aids ours to each do one's ecological part to survive,  it takes us all to sustain life on earth! And now it is time to rid toxic from earth-space, prioritizing simultaneously, so please make space to define your part and do it, part time, create-correct w/us!!

   I look forward to fathers and mothers transitioning thought w/young and old by one's side, so we all share and aid in this understanding that we can end these scars from repeating! When we all have like goals part time prioritized, then all has pleasure in every activity of one's life!

  Yes, we don't even mention the word sex! It becomes a known pleasure that naturally and skillfully takes place so no more do children have children nor undeveloped children in adult bodies!! It is time to realize how much life is in trauma from such childhood abuse as well now, adult misuse-abuse!

  It's time to heal! I see no better way then to allow the traditional good stewards still living w.these agroecological principles, co-evolving them in the moment, to guide us!

              As we all celebrate our good fortunes of having each other w/critical thinkers to create w/us!

     Please see and again excuse my editing from adding to my post on You Tube, then deciding too much and suggested they email me and then soon will add this link. It is a long read but do pick out what makes sense to you and correct and add more!

 Before you get into below, please read these few updates and join in, first I repeat I love it when I meet new friends and learn and this couple can help us all sort all of this out a lot easier, as we get it together ourselves!

 Join in free Tomorrow Thursday 9 December at 12 noon EST (9 AM PT or 5 PM GMT) for my next interview, I'm thrilled to have as my guest, Building Biology Environmental Consultant and Electro-Magnetic Radiation Specialist, Jasen Masek.
See; https://mailchi.mp/5dfda29cf480/5g-wireless-radiation-11-reasons-to-be-concerned-755573?e=c61348e35a

  Please join Dr. Buttar's site and see a lot, if any of you are wearing a mask, please you missed the truth as social medias have canceled many from telling it back in 3.2020 and more!! Please go back to Dr Buttar's 6 videos of COVD 19 and video 6 will tell you how toxic masks are for healthy people let alone sick! As well waht you can do right now to empower your immune system, to lower the toxic conditions Dr Buttar tells you about, take off mask, hug your family's no testing, take back your own life and no injections and more... Video 5 tells you how toxic 5 G is, prior ones show you how corrupt people-medias-Gov's have been and still are! TAP program is going to stop this mismanagement! See his site and apply! Dr Buttar is looking for unique people wanting to make a difference and this will be a journey as people from all avenues,/a that he will choose a limited amount and will create w/a way to do this, for this has been wrong for too long, hurting too many people, not from the COVD19, but from your fear and lack of information to get your life back ASAP!!  See his Ahead Map to self analyze and much more freely and if want to join his group to end disease on the earth, then a membership fee! In link below my code is included to welcome you to join freely! Thank you for wanting to take care of you, your family and share w/friends-earthlings local and afar, as it will take us all to say no thanks, we've been a fool long enough, these folks will give you facts and you decide please!!

   Free Health Evaluation Tool at Advanced Medicine
                                               Students join in we need you and you need us!

       Thank you for supporting the dissemination of the event through our social networks and the SOCLA website https://www.soclaglobal.com/  which I shared w/students all so this below;

     I have plans I'm transitioning personally, to support start up plans, and also my US 501 c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association, to support your local plans you fill out, as you fill in the start up plans w/skilled, to make them happen!
                           As we all link our message boards and share w/good investors as well in solidarity!

   I feel students skilled within us all, can network using communities as classrooms, and focus direct creating upon-correcting us, as well share your links and share our work in transition!

       I thank you for welcoming me and Humanity's solutions I share as we transition and welcome all to join in!!

   I would love to share with a group of students young and old, what I just shared via post recently on the Green Initiative in Riyadh Saudi, and do please see their students good work in process and I look forward to them c_evolving w/you agroecologists as well the MEER Project analysis, seeing how present thought must change and they will show you how w/bio-physics translated into common sense, or they try, considering they work w/such science, and now use us as guinea pigs trying to out it into common sense! LOL! See their links I share, as Emeritus Professor Guy McPherson helps ground all this!! I hope all join in!

  For too many are making plans for 2060 when their analysis is not going beyond 2026 if we don't make changes together prioritizing, for even the MEER project takes few years to create the tools to do it, so they to need your help!

   As well I'd like you all to confirm if I can participate in conversation and how best when, without coming, meanwhile I share thought to add to yours now?

                   For those of you that already saw the post please reread as I added more!

     I presently do not have a working tele where I am at, but yes wifi, so we can communicate! Email kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com, help us make this happen faster and Donate if can?

 Please see my post I shared w/many. I was unable to complete, so I stated for people to email me to get last parts, a The Independentt juggled my posts, wanting to show pieces. But I sent them to people I respect! I admired the skills of Saudi students and it is time for us all to work as earthlings together!


Edited version and thank you all!
Part 1 of 4.

  I thank you King Salman, your father King Abdulaziz And your son Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmon as I love you all, for sharing Riyadh soil and it's many experiences, for this important event!
  I thank you for welcoming me to comment!
  It is nice to hear how you all want to be mindful and making changes!

I'd like to share a few people that I feel that have fueled me, can also fuel you to be more efficient working our earth-space, together,  ridding toxic misinformation as well acts!  I suggest we prioritize where to start? So all gain understanding of how all can find one's place to do one's part, so as not to go 5 steps forward and 3 steps back!

  We can no longer live only local! We must look at earth-space, and see where all can simultaneous find one's space to mindfully act w/critical thinking! We are losing life daily that sustains our food source! Without our whole food balancing our microcosms in our gut, we will have no cognitive clarity to make this happen in real time,  w/such time sensitive destruction from the Industrial agriculture that is very high on the list w/toxic footprint, next the Industrial Military Complex and Nuclear use and it's waste, already years late from realizing the ill health, disease and death from it! Which for years Dr. Helen Caldicott has tried to inform us and still! I admire this woman greatly!

  Same you speak of your electric changes, I do hope you all look in to Dr. Denis Mukwege's new up coming book of his work, sharing needs of the Congo, long over due! So we all hold oneself and other's accountable to end such corruption! Become aware of the lithium toxic and how children are involved, yet so many think electric vehicles are the way to go as an Ex!

  We have a plan to efficiently address all these critical issues, and wilI introduce you to a few that can guide more;

    Dr. Clara Nicholls, PHD Professor of Cultural Agroecology, at Berkeley Univ, CA,  nicholls@berkeley.edu as she has a list of credentials and involvements same her husband Emeritus Professor Miguel Altieri, whom has continually worked w/these good stewards still living w/agroecological systems co_evolving in real time, and has created curriculum sharing this work, agroeco3@berkeley.edu

  They along w/SOCLA, a group of Latin American Scientists of agroecology know well these small farms that are surrounded by wild forests, w/pathogens in place, fuel these food systems that all can co_evolve! Into and w/agroforestry, as Sadhguru is doing in India w/`Cauvery Calling, to save rivers and more! He, Gov and community's has transitioned farmers and they are creating good forestry policy! From committing suicide from the wrongly managed GMO's and controlling company's we all know well, not allowing them to save seeds! As w/Monsanto-Bayer-Cargil and more deforesting the Amazon, growing toxic commodity's then on to toxic ingredients in foods, as many have no clue of the toxic effects! As profits are prioritized over healthy working communities!

  Now thanks to agroforestry farmers are profiting 300-800% vs committing suicide as many have in India.

  Many of us have had no clue, that when we deforest we remove the homes of these healthy pathogens, that Miguel knows well w/agroecology, then they go onto the toxic feedlots from eatable animals toxic, wrongly raised, causing more disease, and then onto humans carrying disease!

 When yet agroecological systems raise cattle in herbal gardens and grow micro nutrients for them.

 Please, all must stop this toxic; Animal care, Industrial Agriculture, Industrial Military Complex and toxic Nuclear use and waste surrounding many more then some on earth, as it continues to circulate and accumulate in us all, as Dr. Helen Caldicott knows best, it is not just being past on to our children thru sex, it also is passed on to our grandchildren!

  Helen, can we ask you to also help us understand, how we can shut down the Nuclear Plants, as we try now, and target now a plan once sure humans will become extinct, so some life can remain on earth vs the Nuclear plants killing all life!

   Jamen Shively and group at radish.org and his new Conversation platform they offer freely to all earthlings to come share their subject, and then reunite w/like minds efficiently, as together we try to go beyond becoming extinct in 2026, as Guy is projecting if we all do not mindfully act, ASAP!

  I show 11.18.21 Block Party 85 and how nice Jamen logs, to give you a sense of what people are tying to do, even though he still is frustrated on getting this across to all to come together vs fragment as many of us do! I know here for me and all this yada, it too is nice to think we will get to a bullet list, so it is easier to process, so join in w/Jamen and folks. He spaces it out more, but I wanted to give you an idea and you all can then regularly go to his site, to check out schedules etc. I will not post it all again;

Block Party #85 starting 7 a.m. Pacific today Friday: continuation of COP 26, Food Healers, SRM & special "Dear Umair" with Melissa

Hello all,

Looking forward to Block Party #85 today, starting at 7 a.m. Pacific time today Friday, per agenda below.

There are four things which will be overlaid on top of the Agenda below:

·      Continuation of COP 26:  Just because some political “leaders” have COPPED OUT of COP 26, does not leave the rest of us “off the hook”; let us continue, and get our most urgent solutions implemented, within a broader context:

·      The Collective as “the answer”

·      Taxonomy, as a key dimension-space of the Collective Intelligence

·      Network of Conversations as central, along with “the rest of the Internet”, within this emergent decentralized Collective Intelligence

Here are a series of two videos which Alan, Marco and I recorded a couple hours ago providing a solid introduction to the preceding four “overlays”, as well as the Block Party and all topics as a whole – highly recommended:

Introduction to Block Party #85:  Part I of II


Introduction to Block Party #85:  Part II of II


The Block Party will be held, as always, in  TheConversation.cc  zoom room, same room as always, to which you and friends are welcome any time:


Please feel free to forward this email to everyone you choose – the more the merrier.  ALL are welcome to come and go as you please.

COP 26 Recordings and Updates, including the Continuation of COP 26

Please see the P.S. below for a list of links from our performances, interviews, etc., at COP 26 in Glasgow.

As noted above, we will be discussing COP 26, including its continuation until our goals are achieved, throughout today's Block Party.

Agenda for Today

(All times are in the Pacific time zone, today Friday November 19)

Food Healers

The Block Party starts with our 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Food Healers (all times are Pacific) morning segment.  Welcome back Dr. Sailesh Rao from a successful COP 26 mission, along with us, Dr. Ye Tao, Paul Beckwith, Prof. Stephen Salter, among many others.  And a very special happy birthday to Kimaya!

SRM – Solar Radiation Management

Then from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., we will jam on SRM – THE solution to our massive over-heating problem, as we discussed intensively at The Press Conference (see also next section)

The Press Conference, Trove and other media pertaining to Collective Intelligence

From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., among other topics and updates, we will explore “the big picture” of Collective Intelligence (CI), her rapid evolution toward CSI (collective superintelligence), and how we get there from here.  Is decentralization essential to this vision?

(please see the above two videos, Part I and Part II of the Introduction to Block Party #85 above, for more on this topics)

Worth mentioning in this realm is the success of the re-launched The Press Conference, from Thursday September 23.

Please join us for an exciting co-creative conversation!  ALL are welcome.

Dear Umair, led by Melissa

Then from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. or later, we will shift gears to Dear Umair:  After a brief intro to newcomers, we will record a new episode of Dear Umair, led by Melissa and others, focusing on the intrarelationships among, as well as the interrelationships between and among all three of:

·      Humanity

·      Nature / Mother Earth / all species and ecosystems

·      The Cosmos / spirit realm / the infinite / creator, etc.

A deep exploration of what it means to serve the good of the whole, how that relates to transformations in individual and collective behavior, etc.

For a taste of Dear Umair, please the episode we recorded Sept. 10, “The Age of Needless Catastrophe”.


And here is a great one we recorded a while back, entitled:“Dear Umair: I'm Burned Out on Collapse -- And I Bet You Are Too”


Afternoon Conversations

After 3 p.m., or after the end of Dear Umair (whichever comes last), the topics will be “whatever we want”.  So feel free to come with your topic of passion.

Food Healers, Evening Edition

We normally have the second Food Healers segment from 7 to 9 p.m.  With Jamen and Sarah traveling, it is not clear what the plan will be . . .

Late Night with Marco, James, Jamen, etc.

After hours, it’s “anything goes”, as usual . . . so feel free to “come as you are”, maybe bring a drink and some snacks, and prepare to enjoy.  Uncle Frank will be with us in spirit, and it will be fun . . .

Looking forward to seeing you, please feel free to forward this email to all, and feel free to come and go as you please.

Love to all,


P.S.  The following are a few links to videos from our team’s work at COP 26:  James Desmond from Cork, Ireland; Alan Bell from Edinburgh, Scotland; Jamie Gilchrist from Cleveland, and me.

6 minute interview with the BBC:


Here is a great 13 minute interview with a medical doctor who asked a lot of great questions:


Here is a great, concise article written about us:

iNews UK article:


We also appeared on the main article of BBC.com, the Independent of Ireland, the Wall Street Journal, among myriad other major media outlets, and all over social media throughout Europe and the UK especially.

6 hours of recording. . . starting with the actual interview which goes with the above iNews article:

4+ hours of recording:  (note that there are some portions of this which do not include Darth Vader at COP 26) :



  Together I feel w/a agrecological grounding understanding and start up plan assessment, along w/bio_phyics and nano tech w/common sense addressing the toxic issues we cannot all see, can help greatly! Vs science stories that many do going no where! You all have a voice and please add it when feel it and together we have skilled to pick up pieces and apply it! These skilled working w/your skilled, can guide entire Continents going beyond political borders and work ecologically! I've worked several years to research ways to share Humanity's solutions, that have existed from great stewards of the earth and it is long over due for us all to further listen to them! You can sort out what you can comprehend best for you

  We have a intro planned-message board, for all to transition these toxic ways, and to see the beauty of the wild while we have it! We can transition w/empathy for they alone are not corrupt, rather many of us earthlings supported them, due to our own greed and lack of education which also can co_evolve as all welcome one's skilled students to focus direct using your communities as classrooms, co_evolving the curriculum while restoring healthy working communities!
Please see Part 2 of 4!

  Part 2 of 4.

Please, w/this mindful thinking all can change the `World Markets to sustain the life that sustains us all, or once it is gone as it is dying at a fast rate, we as humans will become extinct! Ye and Guy are saying in their analysis 2026, when yet many of you are talking off your head, years later!

Where all prioritize now as we come together, defining priorities, where on earth most earthlings are negatively effective and critical thinkers join in as well locally and afar all center and ground w/earth below one's feet! For all to link on one's message board w/us and give freely to those in need as cooperatively communities organize, so all understand and find on'e space to do one's part, even with 24-7 support in place from us all, part time is all it takes!

 All can welcome one's students to use our proposed and your own archive of links sharing hands on experiences! Networking via like ecosystems-seasons and subjects! So no more no one is left behind unaware, and each does this then locally as people volunteer, which should be made mandatory before students graduate! Same Professional license of all, to get real w/updates as in the great work Humanity is doing! So not have to be restrained, then on to exploring, many jobs and then get into long term satisfying careers!

Students focus directing w/skilled using your communities as classrooms can put all to joy, as cooperatively no one is left behind, and all social political educational entities join, as one doing this holistic approach for all life on earth to do one's ecological reality to develop this start up plan I propose to enhance one's natural potential, as agroecological systems are planned w/recycling what can, as communities join far and wide to do it sensitively to all life efficiently!  

Even the city of Riyadh, as well all of you, can have pathways to markets already in place as farmer's green their fields and community's w/agroecological systems, ending toxic Industrial Agriculture to no longer come into your country's! And please subsidize as we all have been unaware how we supported this profiteering of toxic mono cultures, depleting our clean air-water and soils w/toxic fertilizers and more! Allowing the floods to destroy and much more!

Skilled students networking can help transition your community's, you can not go cold turkey even as many think they can quit carbon emissions instantly from us all, not just oil company's! And that is wrong! We have had information since the 1922 I think, Emeritus Prof Guy McPherson, see more on his `Nature Bats Last, site as he tells us how aerosol masking effect aka global dimming must be researched and monitored due to destroying complex life w/temperature changes! Even too cool w/COVD shut done, which shame on you people that have authority to allow such corruption, see Dr Buttar how he and many skilled have traveled the planet never wearing a mask as they are toxic to breath your own air, same use common sense when ill!

  Look at Senator Robert Kennedy's list at Children's Health Defense.org, suing the entities, many of you and G20, UN, Gov's, Corp, etc. are supporting! Shame on you that have done this as sheep, for this is a health determent and financial corrupt act to all earthlings! It must stop and all need to hold them accountable, same w/the US Democrats paying all they did from US people on the Mueller law suits- different Green Movements that Ye and Guy compares to MEER Project showing why they will not work in time, rather they will increase the temperature!! Those misleading should be made to step down from Gov and skilled entities misleading-heal-pay their due back to citizens everywhere as a mindful participant, same w/COVD 19.

  This continues to destroy the life that sustains our food source and we as Humans will become extinct if we do not become aware of what skilled agroecologists can do for us all as well incorporate skilled science as Ye and Guy are sharing w/bio-physics, vs fragment, as well others like Geoff Lawton and more!
 Please see part 3 of 4.

Part 3 of 4.

We all share here fragments that can join together in more conversation prioritizing simultaneously, the many areas in need to prioritize! But we all must be efficient w/time sensitive reality on earth-space toxic we all are facing!

  Dr Tao w/the MEER Project at Harvard, and Emeritus Prof Guy McPherson did a very nice analysis of reality and this MEER Project cools the earth and is like a Trillion dollar budget to do it! It takes time to create it so please all bring together your best scientists as well people w/common sense, not to mention funding to make it happen! As Ye and Guy try to share so we all can understand!

  We welcome all to create, as our plan is to support start up plans so communities fill in investment forms to do agroecological assessments showing all of this good technology, fine tuned by enhancing the natural potential, restoring-recycling w/locals, transitioning w/aid from Gov's working together! So no one brings in false aid from afar, or food or medicine, as each learn skills to grow own due to one's own medicinal needs as each community is different ecologically!

   Dr Yun Wang from Lakeland, WA USA w/Oriental Herbs, also teaches at SIEAM Teaching Clinic, offers to me to help us create medicinal herbal gardens for medicine, as he customizes formulas to sharpen one's sensors!! Same he offers to be in conversation w/Functional Medicine researchers-Drs as Dr Buttar and more! As Western Medicine needs to co-evolve their curriculum! I know first hand watching for days in Intensive care my loved ones die suffering and many more when it is not necessary!

  We all can share in solidarity, so each self sustain, ending these scars-aggressive toxic acts-developments, for every earthling-community to do one's part, getting real w/all the people controlling corruption and toxic to all life on earth and in space!  

  As together we put our heads together and allow Humanity's solutions as good stewards of earth to guide us, via ecological efficiency vs politically pulling one's own way profiting off others knowingly or not!

  It is worth it to use Saudi as example and look at brief overview of entire Saudi Continent or each of you! Then define w/skilled agroecologists and all I suggest to prioritize where best to do what great technology, when you start with earth below your feet now and ground ourselves! To gain the real energy fuel by centering yourself! Create upon Tesla's energy from the earth, not Elon Musk's footprint, as I posted to him as he makes us aware of AI being dangerous, and I tell him to stop toxic 5G satellites and clean up his back yard, as he is capable to then become one to guide!

   Doing this project works!! So please create with us! These indigenous traditional good stewards have and can produce food for the world, never should anyone go hungry and now every community has a ready made market! Ending outside influence or thinking you can go into like the Congo as many have, including US as UN has logged I've seen, yet not pay their due! Shame on us all, that use computers-cell phones, yet we can hard wire for one to change effects of EMF's but more important all must make toxic end on earth-space! See `take back you power, w/Josh!

  Not to mention, I repeat please! It is 2021 and Dr. Denis Mukwege, a surgeon, training many, still works on Congo abuse w/many and for one, women's mind and body as they continue for years, and many repeat also, as they come to his hospital as one has been raped and then shot w/a bullet in their vagina as a political statement! Meanwhile many times hospital had not even had a bladder bag, as women have walked for miles w/fecal matter and blood, and then get kicked out from husband or community, etc. or Dr 's hospital burned down or he and family threatened and has to leave, but he always comes back!
Please see part 4 of 4!

Part 4 of 4 thank you!

Please don't you think it is time to prioritize, as an earthling aiding earthlings, not to mention the beautiful wild life we all are fortunate to have if lucky still!! And that to we can restore large trans boundary migration paths of large browsers that due tremendous ecological help, w/also all life below them!

Jordon is close,  see Geoff Lawton's work, building their restoration w/Permacutlure Research! People everywhere are doing this successfully! Go visit them!

But many cannot organize and yet want to help the many in need, Humanity can do this, technology is here and all can make it better! Where ever we turn errors can become great jobs for so many good minds young and old to aid us all! So please folks stay away from the profiting New Green Deal, it is wrong!

Our idea is for skilled to create start up plans w/these systems customized for each working w/neighbors and entire land sea or fresh water to see where best to ecologically do what and when w/local plan investments, created by seeing others, and then fill in your investments for start up layers in priority are built!

Ours and yours, Message board will show transparency, so if investor is skilled in water shed areas and wants to invest, then be free to travel the earth investing! Can you only imagine as an earthling, to explore and communicate w/a like earth-space true energy connection for once to have empathy to restore, even part time and the rest is your time!

   To self develop and have a happy family and learn how sex alone is biological as Sadghuru says! As college students ask him how much sex should they have? He states animals are biological and yes we too are animals, but we also have a unique brain that communicates and I not quoting his words, but the gist is if only go for sex, you missing out big time your true natural potential as a human! Yes this can be confusing and soon I also may share more! Chinese Medicine also know if men do not learn how to ejaculate inside them self then they will get old faster then a healthy mindful man that seeks a whole relationship besides sex!

For their is nothing better in life then to have a mate the you can talk to, as well have your own frequency developed, as you get clear w/self, and each other! Then no matter where you are as long as, I quote another, and he knows who he is; If under the same moon, your energy's will meet, local or afar and love just grows stronger as we aid each other to self develop in such a joyous reunion!

This is how we get clear to end scars for ever as aggressive acts are a undeveloped child programmed w/trauma and even as an adult I repeat Functional Medicine does well aiding one to get clear to end that trauma as a child in adult body!

This is how we all change the profiting toxic World Markets, vs prioritizing good profits!!

  As we will show in start up plans, as each community will fill out own form w/skilled and then local plan investments to prioritize start up plan investments! As we show healthy good stewards still living this co_evolving agrecological systems in real time!

 You all joining in creating upon this will be great work for all! So each self sustain and fine tune co_evolving curriculum as skilled students-Univ's-people all earthlings, help all network, so you see hands on skills creating agroecological systems from those living it, not toxic fertilizer and toxic pesticides etc, creating diseases and death! No they have healthy forests surrounding their farms and healthy pathogens pollinating, creating ending pests and much more, by choice of planting companion plants, water shed areas to have yearly water etc..

  But also they have lived a life of corrupt people land-sea-fresh water grabbing,  and that must stop and we all must hold oneself accountable as well others locally abusing-misusing afar and those afar! We will show alerts of who is doing what where and when and welcome all to be transparent so those that can help them understand another way!

And I believe the law of bio-physics if skilled can show that karma can be made right on earth time! As too many are living w/religious belief vs realizing Humans can learn to maintain discipline over one's self sensory observation vs such belief leaving misuse-abuse!

  Yun laughs at me, when I say, Yun you support one to heal, I've seen many times, even less suffering when they come to him too late or I when dying! Then they use the same bad behaviors and get ill again, from my experiences as an intermediary with Yun's skills for many years! He says his job is to sharpen sensors w/his analysis as he is very sensitive and skilled, same his wife Nancy is a Dr. also! They customize herbal formulas, and it is up to each to learn to change behaviors that are misusing-abusing! So if not willing to do that, he says don't waste your money on him!

Rather you grow medicinal herbs and whole food or go to skilled to help guide you to heal and educate oneself! End toxic pharma except ER and then manage and send Dr's back to school like: www.ifm.org incorporating tradition Medicine that knows local reality f local diseases and heal and prevent them! Chinese and more, as each community has specific illnesses and need to heal!

Hello, people are dying due to profiteers and unskilled, and this most stop due to humanity has solutions long ago and still!

We have good technology now created upon from good stewards of earth long ago! Ex; one of the SOCLA Scientists went to Mozambique after a cyclone years back now, and flood killed much life, and he told them about a community that has like ecosystems that also had cyclone but water stayed in the ground due to agroecological systems, even yearly water vs many w/only seasonal water then starving!

I'm happy to share more and we welcome donations for our US 501.c3 Charitable Nonprofit Assoc, to share this work faster! www.ictts.org

If want to talk more please email me, Kara J Lincoln; farmwuwei@gmail.com as my other email is in errors at times; kareje@ictts.org, actually same both at times so try them both!

I'm happy to learn and together we all can do this more efficiently! Thank you You Tube! Thank you The Independent! Thank you all!

May peace be in your decisions!
Love, Kara J Lincoln speaking for our combined `effects...
`i come to talk story...

Yet to update sites so do check back, and add-correct and link and once message board up and running we will share archive! via subject matter as well alerts for all to add to and your itineraries when you have a potluck or celebrate welcoming all as the best tourism to let people share and help!! I've been researching and working all this out behind the scenes! Same to share good investments created to make start up plans happen!

I look forward to you all sharing video to add pieces to my Intro as well links of skilled agroecological realities, same learning experiences and creating on us all as we do have conversations!

I understand how hard it can be w/so much misinformation!

But I thinking to do like a Earth map Google map showing links of educations of what you all do and the beautiful small farms and skilled you all are so fortunate to learn and share your skills with!

As well I will be doing a message board so all get real needs met and we share in conversation such controversy as I share on this page! As well w/transparency we all need you students to focus direct, using communities as classrooms, networking so no more no community or no earthling is left behind!

We have time sensitive work to focus on and can celebrate such good fortunes of Humanity's solutions now to share!

Same co_evolve the education curriculum while sharing, as so many have never even heard of our good solutions and yours!

We need you all and I think you are fortunate to see our mistakes as well of good tasks, and together let's make them work as we fine tune and create w/each other, please!

If I can further explain or answer or I would like to be part of your conversation, listen to your event, so please tell me how?

I'd like to collect good links and text to share in my intro as well my message board being perfected, so you also link w/yours and all then can find where best, and how to get skilled advice so they too can do this start up plan, and then locals will fill in this form while seeing like ecosystem realities, same w/subjects. Then locals also fill in blank local plans as investments to make their start up plan manifest w/local and afar skilled!

We will prioritize where to start on earth-space where to prioritize such toxic minds and acts! So simultaneously all ground oneself on the earth locally and critical thinkers aid how we aid those communities unable afar where they are leaving most toxic effects on us all! Many more hen some!

We have the internet to share! You have great skilled teachers to learn and they learn from you!

So I look forward to your offerings and if you have archives of such footage and charge for it, and will allow me to post stages of agroecological assessment as Ex;

   I'm sharing w/Saudi Gov suggesting rather then war, we show this as a peace proposal to all earthlings, and use the entire Continent of Saudi w/neighbors, to have skilled guide them in agroecological systems, where best for what for all to heal and do their part also locally and afar! As well as we say sort out the bio-physics w/Dr Ye and Emeritus Prof Guy,  as they did in their analysis so that each biome being reviewed by skilled, recycling what can locally w/all, would then know exactly where to do what first, or simultaneously, w/Gov-people local and afar!

So now we share real experiences of how earth-space toxic, circulates the earth and also w/common sense form your traditional good stewards as well bio-physics that they are using good science on, as much science is just a story not real!

So please, if I can every share thought w/any of you or even a group please tell me how or email me, kara; kareje@ictts.org or if sometimes not work; farmwuwei@gmail.com then we can go figure!

I not sure you know the statistics of COVD 19, but since it started, children up to 18 have had 40% more commit suicide!
So a of us need to become aware of our people and animals around us, to make sure no life is hurt and i want you all to question yourself on effects, same as I do, so we leave no misuse-abuse on self nor another life!

I soon will have my bank errors from them corrected and then i will be having more tech help to update and transition my sire on Google as well Nabble, so they also are free to you all, and more, for it is important we all look out for each other and most important oneself!

What we suggest and do, is gather people welcoming them to a natural local grown wild potluck, but also to brig one's favorites, so then we also try to go on a small farm or wild and work real local needs, and then we share this focus directed reality in conversation, same all get to add as in toxic thought - food, and follow up meets and prioritize! As well we have live music and fun, so please don't allow such stress or when notice a friend or neighbor in it, please know locally who is skilled to help! Same whether questions of sex or self education or healing, etc.. Even see Yogi  Sadhguru on You Tube as he talks about a lot of this w/students and more earthlings, to also try to do his part as we all need to define oneself! or ask me or your local skilled people, for it just takes common sense, even yourself share with them!!

That is not always easy as many young are not fortunate to have such guidance or peers to look up to, but all this can change w/your help, to make space to understand and define your part! Volunteer, become a rep in interchangeable positions and make sure you be mindful when need to quit, so others are aware and take your place, leaving no one left behind!

Imagine as we all do some critical thinking for our earth-space, explore new positions, self reflect and volunteering can aid hat, same ask professors - Gov's to come together for community's to work together! To give you credits to do that as well learn also, all should give without having to be paid!

Ok I've said enough w/out you taking part so please do, I'm happy to talk via a webinar or email!!

So peace be in your decisions and always work your thoughts to bring them to harmony for you and all life! Please leave no footprint behind and share this, correct me, and add your part, and do check back as our sites get transitioned!

I look forward to your offerings locally and afar! The wild is beautiful when you `boon w/the natural enhanced world, caring for all life! vs think we can just live local! I look forward to learning more from communities `boon w/their large browser trans boundary migration paths t add to our start up plans fro them to do their ecological part and all life beneath them fall into place! For I do not support eco set aside parks keeping humans away from the wild, we all can learn and find one's space to harmonize so each do one's part!

Thank you for this read! Please think of my idea w/start up plan every time you see unique priority's needed in every community! so we make sure in an archive list, when I distribute these blank forms on the message board and intro, for all to help add to or correct, then each will see earthlings, as good stewards continue the great work of agroecology, to ground and center us all to prioritize time sensitive needs, saving life on earth!!

love, kara, Peace is real we just need to organize and share it!

Preview YouTube video Watch in full: World leaders attend the Middle East Green Initiative in Riyadh, the students did great, and all are listening as together we make change! See one of many;



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Peace is real! Peace is real!
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Re: I'ts time to shift w/bio-physics that makes common sense.

I share what I posted on Dr Buttar's Dashboard,and I suggest all to create w/his work;

Thank you all for allowing me to share! Holly says I should see Community and training, but I don't see training, to share w/you, so I try here!
I'm not skilled in bio-physics, but wanted to be long ago and then my own baggage got in the way to study as I choose to survive instead! I always knew what I knew and that some I did not know and would some day! I finish my lists! Some have taken 30 years and a few more yet to focus, as in understanding what are the functions Dr Buttar you say when 100k in each cell/second I think you said? Where do I find that out as I have a feeling about our human existence potential, and I soon may share more of that personally!

I think the decision to be right here right now has got me to this point I want to share with you all!

  This analysis Dr Ye Tao on MEER Project is doing now at a different UNIV, but was at Harvard and did w/Emeritus Prof Guy McPherson, has taken me a few years to process w/my mental wiring! And sensitive complex life they say are dying too fast must be stopped that fuels our food source and without it us Humans go next, and they projecting 2026, if all do not act ASAP!

  In this analysis you all may connect faster then I did,  for when I first mete Guy, who I respect as You Dr Buttar, it was a serious attitude adjustment to think life on earth will become extinct in this short of time, and even w/the MEER project solutions, it needs few years to produce products needed! but if not this other solutions and I felt what I share is a holistic view to sort it out  w/my limited wiring, where each can process, make space to self reflect, to define one's own ability to perceive this and act if not here where?? And help them, to let their skills guide us! Or add or correct!
Point is their analysis will share why the present world entities solutions will not work, compared to their work more efficient! Yet stil needs more work as in trillion dollars to make it all happen!

So I incorporate this into our plans and I still working at the start up plan assessment of agroecological systems for every biome earthlings can put together to do a skilled overview, then target on priorities of earth-space toxic, leaving most negative effects and simultanoulsy we do it! What ever it takes research or corrections to start manufacturing where what for parts etc!

I'm a mama earth girl and I love life all of it! I have empathy and yes I too can be a real fc... b.... but I trying to be ore graceful, lol, good luck kara!!

So please see and excuse my editing for I've had unbelievable resistance detain me from Banks, CHASE and HSBC to name a few! But I do not give up! As well I've seen the best and worse of their staff lie, forging my name, and no one does that to me! but for my sanity I keep working what I know works! To get it out to all to rethink and find your space to do your part! Even part time, we can't do it with out you, being mindful!

I won't repeat so when can make space take some notes correct and join in!

Thank you! For your review and feedback!

I'd like to share what I feel is important;


Peace be w/you all!
Love kara
<> Next post, as I was timed out and felt this needed!

I'm not religious, early on mom would take me to church and pull my hair saying listen, and I would say mom, it makes no sense to me! And Yes I've listened to few Univ decipher the Bible, but still I respect words from others, but I have a feeling that maybe those words where perceived wrong and more to this story can be clarified, but for those maybe wanting to know as in where part of us continue, Windbridge is interesting, but I to decided to do my part differently but may work w/their research later as they talk to the dead, and train and research science!  

  I do have to finish this for it may be important to some of you! I just happen to be in printer while back, this lady I met, said what are you doing, she was copying her work as a Bible teacher, skilled in math! She said she did not want her name known but if one was serious they could find her tel number via her name:

    Point is she took the Bible, charted it for when Jesus is coming, did it w/math, she has names, dates of words you all would understand. She said this 7 years of hell on earth is worse then every before, I have this chart packed away but I believe she saying next year, but she shows details. She says if you are a believer he will protect you, lift you up from earth, (see my mental wiring wants to process that as one's ability to transform the human physical body-spiritual truth, to our human potential, the wording at the beginning is not clear, when Bible was wrote?? Or we will see a lot of people w/their arms up waiting for him to protect them, when each could if knew how to protect one self!

    She said kara are you a believer, I said I open, would love to know truth of what I feel + some day will find the words as I always do! So she prayed, I said if that is all it takes sure I go for it, I do not promise anyone that I would leave life on earth to suffer, if I can help! It is bad enough now all the scars on earth-space + I aim to do all I can to stop them from repeating! She asked me to share her work, if interested I would go to printer + scan it in!

    She said these 7 years on earth will be terrible, I said how much more terrible could it be then the Military's destruction-corruption-Nuclear-toxic and my list goes on. She said kara it is worse then any of that, their will be hale snow balls, few feet across! Non believers will be left, then after 7 years Jesus will come help them! (How does one survive hale like that? Ever seen what a inch ice ball can do?) I not a person to punish, I feel it is an ill mind that misuses-abuses, they did not get their alone! Our social political, much more is so uneducated, so many are left alone! If you get the gist of what I about, If you do good luck! I still learning, I never was taught my experiences! Ex; awake + sleep dreams coming true from wars, as child, yet same channeling few times w/dead by accident then now only when need I try!

    I believe if we pursue our self, be real to oneself, then a frequency is emitted! No time and space is too far away for another like (again I need to learn this, perhaps not like but what 2 frequency's due together to make pleasure??) I found then this happens, 1 can get sexually aroused from afar w/biological physical effects, w/sex organs, not my mental wiring, for that is what I feel many confuse! Sadhguru the yogi tells students when they ask how much sex is good? He says that is biological like an animal but if want to truly self develop + harmonize as a human in so many words, he said it better, you get control of your self! Which I do agree for when you have pleasure in mind communication + body, now you have a match, so together you become one, to aid each to further one's self development!! I suggest until you find the right one experiment + never settle for 2nd best!

  If look at ~the trust technique they will show how intelligent animals are too as humans!

   I may share more later! It is nice when parents are developed to have a child! Vs so many undeveloped children in adult bodies having children + we wonder why supposedly during this corruption of Mismanagement of COVD 19, 40% more of children up to 18, commit suicide!

Dr Buttar thank you + staff! I do share you! Thank you and peace be w/your decisions! Please no aggressive acts, we need good peace communicators to go after those controlling, as many places of business here in Port Townsend, WA, I just came back to, will not allow you in, until you show proof of vaccine as well wear mask! More people can avoid those businesses, as I do! Many can't! We need to go after people responsible, I think it is so bad to see Gov officials follow these idiots and wear masks, etc! They too should come down and go back into community's to heal, self educate not hold skillful positions!

Make list all and all can remove them!!

lov, kara  
                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;


                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story
Peace is real! Peace is real!
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Re: I'ts time to shift w/bio-physics that makes common sense.

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Peace is real!
Happy Day all!

I'm sharing what I did today, please share yours! Or join in!
I emailed each of these people I have gratitude for! To ask to join in this conversation, to further guide clarity and simplicity!!

 You all can look for more links if interested, in more of these people's work!

                 I thank you for caring and wanting to learn more and correct us, please share our link to share all?


Please see; https://www.meerreflection.com/

Hello Dr. Ye and all!

I am here knowing you thanks to, Guy McPherson, I respect;


            Also see his Science Updates, and short videos nice for updates as this one;


  He told me few years back about you, Dr. Ye, and life on earth going down, and my head filed w/attitude adjustments and it was hard at first! Then w/ideas I shared w/you being concerned of the natural life this would effect w/the MEER Project?? And as a sailor partially, as I crossed few oceans and could not imagine the Mirror's in place sustaining the bad weather we had experienced as well the trash? It was not something I could comprehend until recently??

  This is why I feel w/many people hanging on to different subject matter as activists, it can be helpful to bring a few of you together to ground oneself and center. Doing it w/agroecological start up plan addressing yours and others as in Nuclear radiation and other toxic compounds circulating! putting a simple life into perspective,doing it all!.

So for you people new to these ideas of more life becoming extinct, I do have empathy for you to get a grip of it, so you do gain more understanding and take part, not fear it, but we do all we can and enjoy life!

I would love to be skilled in these sciences but I'm not, I had too much baggage get in my way! So I stay present doing all I can to share other's solutions!!

I've been fueled by now and past for many years, by Emeritus Professor Miguel Altieir's work;


and now also his wife Dr Clara Nicholls; https://climatebreak.org/agroecology-with-clara-nicholls/

 Both connected in past and now to Berkeley, Univ as well SOCLA, Latin American group of scientists also agroecological fields.

 Dr. Ye, I trust you and Guy knowing your sciences and they theirs, and I feel until you all put your heads together, this and other projects will be better then ever!

  My objective as a earthling loving life and wanting to save it, in celebration and mindful acts is supporting you all to connect! You, Miguel, Clara, Guy, and all below as reps come about please! I am personally putting a budget together to do start up plans covering earth-space, so all earthlings can reflect via a intro - message board - start up blank form investment, to also sharing in solidarity w/enhanced natural potential.

   As biomes far and wide get assessments w/all this. I suggest to Saudi Gov now as a peace platform, as well own survival and the Continental contribution to Amazon trees and our lives! As sands blow life and death, compounds to Amazon trees! As well the negativity left by Yemen war, I want to work w/them on it to end!

   By doing entire Saudi assessment w/this your guidance of if you suggest others of like skilled? And then show entire continent so now all can tune in where simultaneously more negatively effecting who and what and when so now this is also used as an intro to release to all earthlings! Showing how peace can be made from these facts! So all other land masses -water fresh and seas, do same assessments so all realize time sensitive work needed, as well effects left where and how to transition as well;

          Inner-inter personally grounding w/earth below one's feet and our in time realities on earth-space as trillions of dollars are still going to more nuclear and weapons of war which is insane!! There is more of us w/conscious mind attempting then those idiots, and they need to be voted out of responsible roles and Gov's!

 But look at the sheep mode of mismanaged COVD 19, all following wearing masks that are toxic and vaccines that are toxic! Dr Buttar's Advanced medicine shows nice videos last year of the pathology of all this and the truth of the corruption that medias spread!

Please see Dr Paul's story as he represents many, and we must work to stop this, please do what can and share;


   Let alone weapons of war continue to be manufactured and Nuclear for profits from more delusion spread! When they have no clue of value of life and death on earth now, as we are surrounded by toxic and need to act mindfully! Rather then protest get involved in mindful actions as we speak of hear to get clear on! Organize as a group of like mind and be constructive in conversion to help us do this. Not waste energy on those you know are doing wrong! As a group of skilled students critically thinking focus directing w/communities to do these start up plans. All will see the real costs of what is now vs what needs to be done, and the many good jobs created as each reflect and find your space! Help sort this out so community's needs get met, by community's paying to those needing work restoring healthy working communities enhanced naturally by these start up plans!!

  As we stay busy working at this, more will understand and join in!

So all reflect via archive and links we all can put together, and share via our US non profit Charitable Assoc's sites as we transform them! And Ourselves! To be free to all, to get real needs met while fueled by skilled students networking comparing like ecosystems-season and subjects, while using communities as classrooms-creating pen pals to explore earth-space ridding and prioritizing and celebrating! of like mind!

  Welcoming tourism in local natural wild grown potlucks w/live music, good conversation and common sense follows up w/meets! To also do where and what can volunteering and gaining prerequisites to co_evolve the curriculum while restoring and transitioning toxic creating healthy working communities most efficiently guided by this group or like! As we creat a bullet list, so all are clear to mindfully act doing it!

                               We need critical thinkers, we need you students and you need us!

  Prioritizing all life within the community's needs w/these start up plans that ecologically are w/transparency, then local investments created also from our blank form we now working at, to make the start up skilled assessments happen in priority locations from critical thinkers! Joining in volunteering and w/budgets, as well then others locally ground also and reflect w/these skilled. So you find your space locally and afar, holding self and others accountable same, locally and afar!

  As well personally supporting start up plans for locals, to have these skilled assessment reality guidelines follow once earth-space realities are prioritized! But you don't leave anyone left alone, rather cooperatively we all part time organize their support if unable, and they best to guide it! So they too find their space to do one's part! From this group and then skilled of all those fields needed fall into place, as you go figure!

I'm happy to share more, plus I've worked since 2-2014 w/Google's AdGrant for our nonprofit `i come to talk story, and they give me $10k/month in ads I share to all earthlings they legally can reach out to, so I am behind but still work all this and soon incoming budget will be corrected!

I look forward to this happening, as these people are skilled and you will feel the energy as you gain understanding so you can gather w/groups and help sort out what is needed, after listening to them!

   There is no one more finer then Dr Helen Caldicott I love, representing the Nuclear and common sense!


    You would think us humans could connect when fine people we have here share their very skilled experiences, yet it just continues to get more fragile!

                      John Pilger did an excellent job on this Documentary, thank you all and `Film Is Now!

             THE COMING WAR ON CHINA - FULL DOCUMENTARY | John Pilger Economic Military Power


  I continue to work at my footprint, but this blows me away, as I have no space in my mental wiring for aggressive acts like what scars has happened on earth, and continue at unbelievable sufferings, lessons showing clearly the trauma yet they continue at great costs!

    This makes me self reflect at my own wrongdoings I continue to do, but I feel we still can stop this high risk scenario as in all these Military bases-ships-Nuclear weapons of war and more, and turn this around 360, so Military can offer assistance to restoring before they come home! And all these manufacturing profiteers stop creating them, and start creating what is needed to heal and rid toxic, not produce it!!

     We need to get a grip when anyone thinks, that they are protecting us, we know that is not real! This is a programmed snowball that keeps rolling due to us all not paying attention of this footprint reality and can together! Same as what Jamen wants to achieve from `The Conversation, we all need to focus part time together and articulate such a bullet list to make it happen! We all need to prioritize many things at once, making it simple, making a list of detail not fragments! So every list gets done!

   When life is being abused around the board here by each subject, it is time to clarify policies like in John's video as they state China does not allow capitalism to over ride polices like US does! And to think US is a Democratic Country, that is really stretching in! Having to control solely anything or anyone is not the answer! Rather as earthlings we can hold self and other's accountable, locally and afar! For US Gov is out of line and has been allowed, by our ignorance, to get away with it for too long! Thank can change as we have many skilled to guide us!

       It is time for skilled positions to filter out unskilled people and replace, co_evoling policies while restoring w/skilled students networking making it happen w/us!! So lets start these lists, please!

 Please join in Helen, and guide us w/NO to all, and How to clean-rid waste and how to decommission Nuclear plants and suggest, as you have fine associates doing great work like Dr Timothy Mousseau;


 and Nuclear Engineer whistle blower Arnie Gundersen at `Fairwinds, to join as best to be part of this skilled intermediary team! For it is time to stop fragmenting as unskilled are in skilled roles! We can look at the whole picture and end these scars for ever w/everyone's help!!


   I add Dr Yun Wang a TCM Doctor knowing all can plant Gardens of medicine and new crops to plant for individual like illnesses that each community has! W/his experience healing these illnesses! Same w/research from Functional Medicine that heals, why plant stuff that makes people ill! Or Buy from those w/preservatives, don't' support them and welcome them to learn and if they listen great, if they don't, don't waste time blah blahing them, get yourself together here and get clear! Others will help them, if you can't.

And Dr Leon Hammer at COM Foundation.org, that has co_evolved TCM and still creating research at 95 years old as he did Western Psychiatry for like 50 + years working w/Western Medicine knowing alone does not work and then still study's over 50 pulses, etc. knowing well how his study's w/Eastern medicine heals. Both of them teach Dr's and students.

  Dr Buttar at `Advanced Medicine, shares a lot, you can join in freely. They did a nice job sharing the pathology of COVD 19, the corruption behind it, the toxic vaccines and mask wearing on 6 videos last year. You can join and see them and more;
Free Health Evaluation Tool at Advanced Medicine

 Or join for a fee his group to end disease on earth;  "International Association for a Disease Free World (IADFW)"

  Functional Medicine; www.ifm.org has good researchers + Drs, sharing and aid people to heal!

 Dr Buttar has a TAP group now taking applications, go to link above and join in! TAP is for so many only to join, so as to take down the corruption in COVD 19 mismanagement- toxic vaccines and toxic masks, as it is a crime against Humanity, as well their group to stop disease on earth! As they heal 4 stage cancers and other major diseases, autism knowing from vaccines and same rid cancers and know where they come from! Knowing well we can rid the childhood trauma carried, making one ill in adult bodies!

This is why I add UNAC; https://www.unacpeace.org/  People will realize how holding self accountable, understanding how we do so much harm unknowingly when we all don't responsibly vote good people in to change the bad policies! These issues now get harder to resolve the longer we wait to educate ourselves to mindfully act!

    These people live in it, knowing real experiences of the corrupt US Military's and more around the world!

 Natural Justice lawyer's in Africa same, know if you don't know then others will take advantage of you;


                        I respect them, as I welcome a rep from each of them to take part!

    Same Dr Denis Mukwege; https://www.mukwegefoundation.org/mukwege-foundation/contact/

        Knowing well also in Africa, the continued crimes against Humanity, as we cannot forget how to incorporate the injustice on earth still happening, and bring that darkness into the light!!

   Dr Mukwege working w/these entity's also should join in, as all of this group can correct as we all act more efficiently! This is a crime against Humanity to allow earthlings to be uneducated, to allow these acts to happen!as well those corrupt to continue due to no earth-space policy's to stop them in real time! As well beyond prevention education, to also come back to simple living`boon w/our enhanced natural world's potential now w/time sensitive toxic issues needing attention, so fall into place please!

The Hague Office needs to know when injustice! Dr Mukwege you know who best to join in, please welcome and share this!

                                       Same you 5G scientists share a rep please to speak for you all;


 Here nice over view; https://www.gaia.com/article/5g-health-risks-the-war-between-technology-and-human-beings?utm_source=google+paid&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_campaign=1-INTL-PERFORMANCE-MAX&utm_content=performancemax&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhf2MBhDNARIsAKXU5GTEzdZ35j7yPtPJE0Yso9gCv1slxVaiywJPzVciXdFiRSIuwflJ_JIaAm_3EALw_wcB

 I will ask a few Gov heads if they too will join this group and let you know their interest in taking part, as I feel they have, and I respect their self reflection and awakening! I thank them and welcome them to join in!

Thank you all for having peace in every decision and please I also share this in email to those in this group and I ask you to please talk to each other and then tell me if you will agree to a conversation set up by one of you or students, as well publicize it, as we share our plans for all to create with, or can you suggest others skilled to do your jobs and do this, w/me and please share their contacts?

We add Jamen Shivley's network; https://conversations.radish.org/members/jamen/ 
   To link all, and state other UNIV's and facilities w/students, young and old to reach out to! Skilled in high school-grade schools so all network, as I not skilled in this reality of where best to go live, efficiently! ASAP! I know their is enough for all to self reflect w/all here, find one's space and do one's part, we need you sharing in the communities! So please ae a bit of time to discuss what each one offers, and focus direct w/your school and the communities, to help them understand so they too take part!

Thank you all for your suggestions and I repeat, please talk to each other! As I feel each has a very important piece of the puzzle that we all are still missing, to make it all happen as it can and should!

Peace is real and this is far too late, but as Helen states, `it is not over until it's over, so it is never too late! Please as too many people and wild life are prematurely dying - suffering and more getting ill, if another has a more efficient way then please tell me and I share that! But lets do this holistically no more fragmenting! Gently share and if they resist say thank you, welcome them to join in and view our updates, and rethink w/like minds!

      So please all, you are very important and the questions asked can be skillfully defined by you all! So we don't do Jamen like what frustrates you, as in welcoming all to do their subject, even thought you ask all to join in this focus, but you are frustrated due to it not happening fast enough! Look at these people I share they have pieces to this puzzle if we are to get this bullet list done, so words get prioritized and all part time act! Then you all can go to other message boards to do your thing if not related, to what these skilled people define! Listen carefully and define what you want to know more? What you can volunteer? How much money you need? Can you do work exchanges, etc? Be creative and resolve as we link and complete the bullet list in the making!! Acting on what is needed!  Not misinformation!

  I'm destined to create this bullet list, because I'm one to finish every list I start do you? I cut through the misinformation and here you will see lot less as few may also shift thought by crossing these fields of science w/each other! And we add more energy into acting on the decisions made! Mindfully acting so when you get inspired by self reflecting, you then sort it out and share it! Knowing yes it will take some of us time to process our mental wiring, but w/this bullet list to simplify we can now trust Humanity, that has the solutions that I share here!

NABBLE, I thank you all for allowing me to vent-rethink and create, so as to do my part and share what works for you all to do yours! This is long over due! Thank you all for this read and do see last posts around it! Please Check back for more and share!

  I hope you fill out Dr. Ye's form link on top of page as well correct or update me on who else or what else we all need to do more efficiently together here! For this is about respecting these people that have real experiences, so if do not understand please ask them or me?

Sort yourself out to volunteer and offer to what interests you! Become a rep and share it w/your schools and communities, please! Be confident that these people know their fields of expertise and now coming together, as I feel will be helpful for them, as well us all!

  To see the beautiful whole food and way of life, that goes beyond the farming w/agroecologists, not using outside toxic, as Industrial agriculture does, rather they share their skills! Knowing the forests surrounding the small farms protects the pathogens that sustain their food source. Not include the toxic preservatives, pesticides and more that so many take for granite that they are needed! Now add the Nuclear radiation accumulative effects and mindsets of negativity, ill states and more cancers etc.. Abundant of waste is all over, and radiation circulates earth more places then others, yet still many unaware of monitoring, along w/other toxic compounds many use daily in cell teles and computers from the mines in Congo as people work in toxic conditions plus tortured via rape, see Dr Mukwege's work.

 When we do get start up forms finished and I welcome you to add from a investor perspective o seeing the good returns from restoring healthy working communities!! For each community joining w/neighbors filling in skilled agoecological assessments in the start up plans, will be unbelievable of why so many waited this long to learn more? When yet these solutions have been here for a long time! All these sciences, then to see the budget of it vs what can be and time realities, it will fuel us all to want to prioritize these solutions and research more! The energy will fuel us!

 We cannot ignore these pieces and fragment, rather we can put a nice story out of this mess, gain our energy of understanding learning how bad fear is for us, and trust these good peoples work! Do your homework and want to join in to do your part, please! Many people are doing good work and it's time to link w/them, so we can take this honest look of our earth and space and go to work being thankful we have such good skills here to create with!!

Together we will end this corrupt mismanaged COVID 19 and please support those having harder times like having to get vaccines to go to work or quit!

I end this w/repeating the trust technique to simplify more! They add their updates so check back please;


Thank you all!
lov, kara

Email if have a question or correction or add comment please!
                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;


                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story
Peace is real! Peace is real!
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Re: I'ts time to shift w/bio-physics that makes common sense.

In reply to this post by Peace is real!
I share some nice links to get to know agroecology w/skilled Emeritus Prof Miguel Altieri and his wife now Dr Clara Nicholls and read this older study, but still stands strong to enhance resilience!

 Quote article; Such strategies to enhance the ecological
resilience of farming systems are essential, but in
themselves are not enough to achieve sustainability.
Social resilience, defined as the ability of groups or
communities to adapt to external social, political, or
environmental stresses, must go hand in hand with
ecological resilience. To be resilient, rural societies
must have the ability to buffer disturbance with
agro-ecological methods adopted and disseminated
through self-organisation and collective action
(Tompkins and Adger, 2004). Reducing social
vulnerability through the extension and consolidation
of social networks, both locally and at regional scales,
can further increase the resilience of agro-ecosystems.
The vulnerability of farming communities depends
on the development of the natural and social capital
that gives farmers and their systems resilience
against climatic (and other) shocks.


This is why I bring in these sciences of nanotech and bio-physics what we don't see, which is what we need to see, as in Dr. Ye Tao and Emertitus Prof Guy McPherson's work sharing solutions w/MEER project, please share and join in!

                             Please fill see videos and fill out your contribution; https://meerreflection.org/

Please we all have choices if healthy, vs mixed signals being in the fog if ill, so let us help you see clarity and you decide or see more!

Peace is real and Humanity has solutions! Wahoo!
lov, kara
                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;


                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story