ISSUE; Idle No More..

this is a good time to focus here this issue as we come together to similar issues all over the planet.

       Dunn has done a lot of good work aiding support, please review;

Dunn Eggink

 6:04pm Dec 27

   by SilentNoMore on Mon Dec 24, 2012 :

 From the beginning of the Idle No More movement, there have been two main themes: protection of indigenous rights and of the environment. Many Canadians see this movement as the one remaining hope to stop the tar sands expansion and pipelines. The tar sands will substantially contribute to global changes, so these issues are of concern to people around the planet.

 The omnibus C-45 budget bill, passed with almost no discussion or media focus, contains sweeping changes to the 130-year-old Navigable Waters Protection Act. Canada went from hundreds of thousands of protected lakes and rivers, to 97 protected lakes and 62 protected rivers. Removing these environmental protections makes it easier to rapidly exploit the tar sands and build pipelines that threaten the waters and ecosystem.

 Idle No More has been working closely with leading environmental groups, and issued a joint statement together with Greenpeace Canada, WWF, the Sierra Club Canada and others to focus awareness on Harper's devastating changes to environmental protections: “Simply put, lakes, rivers and streams often stand in the path of large industrial development, particularly pipelines. This bill, combined with last spring’s changes, hands oil, gas and other natural resource extraction industries a free pass to degrade Canada’s rich natural legacy,”

 David Suzuki is Canada's best known environmentalist. His science program The Nature of Things has been his platform for over three decades to advocate against climate change and for sustainability. The David Suzuki Foundation has spoken up forcefully: Canadian and international experts, and well-respected human-rights organizations, such as Amnesty International , have found that Canada's Aboriginal peoples suffer unacceptable risks to their health and wellbeing from poverty, poor housing, and ongoing environmental degradation of their lands and waters.

 We all have a stake in preventing the expansion of the tar sands and pipelines.

by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
take a review if yet to read; please see my review in progress, if interested. i will update if i think i can offer anything more. + i welcome others to do same in comment below.. ... read more
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by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
thank you my friend Dunn Wogu-owa Eggink as you share this + many postings; Traditional Leader Gilbert Chingee of the Tsek'ehne Nation has announced that they are Asserting their Inherent Sovereignty of their Traditional Territory to the Canadian Government. This Action must be taken due ... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
please see same posting above that is not bold, sorry technical error; thank you my friend Dunn Wogu-owa Eggink as you s... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
large energy farms are not the way. rather small local alternative energys as supplement + work within each local enhanced natural limits. see Miguel Altieri. you people have the power to unite + locally know your natural limits, so you can talk + taper off of free Trade that is not free.. don`t... read more
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