Lucky all to reflect + simply share what works if we interact..

take a look at the seriousness of these small children as they are reflecting with adults. do you stop to think of the effect you leave.. please do.

Please take a look at the seriousness of these small children, as they are reflecting/interacting with adults. Do you stop to think of the effect you leave... Do you think of how you yourself can put yourself with others that make you do the same..

     as many are lost in the fog, + as you see with the EPA`s request for feedback below, some of these issues to transform our thought as we welcome students to do this leg work, for we must co_evolve the bad science as we redefine the traditional roots of what can be developed upon.

for many of these developments are not suitable for life, let alone define how to downscale or give them permission to continue.

     so we each have to gather locally, collectively + part time take part, as we make good science working with the locals that know our ecosystems best.

we have created this subcategory to reflect + change the frequency into a positive act. give it a try + check back as we all dig deep + pull out what can build one`s center + ground it. for we have the ability as humans to maintain this youth mode of integration with life at any age, if we work it. + with the good science based on indigenous values, we will find peaceful harmonizing solutions if we open transparency + work at this with diplomacy + respect for all life.

              Accept nothing else, when yet we can simply live in harmony now.

Share what works with the many patches of good folks simply living with respect for mother earth + all life..

    we welcome the ethnic diversity that we have been fortunate to have, to help all of us co_evolve + truly explore the many solutions we have now to build upon, as a human family..

    we welcome the traditional developments that presently are being over looked, as well the many ways still being lived now, that many are unaware of. as good science created from these ways, can transform the bad science presently being fragmented that is allowing developments that exceed our natural enhanced limits. leaving negative effects. then to see the many layers of misunderstanding boggle our minds all the more. when yet this clarity builds new neuro networks to co_evolve with the reality of what is needed, as we ASAP bring it back into our natural healthy life for living on mother earth.

so we associate with reality of the whole perspective, not continue to fragment. so this is why work on yourself, + reflect for we have some very good folks that can do this now.

    we don`t have to stay in the fog, please share your story, schematics, as well your tapering transitions from your communities ways that work, as you are triggered here from others. as you go figure with your local people + network afar via like ecosystem/subject..

it is this mode of thought that will help us all continue to explore, as we do our walkabout, knowing when to do what for whom, including our self.. as we collectively prioritize pockets without part time, as those that already have a grip of our local `plan, reach out + share what works in each stage.

not all of us get this far, rather many still reporting what is, venting, misusing/abusing. as much tragic experiences continue.

    here we want to share positive acts that work, moving on, to trigger your thought as you reflect + go figure. then come back + share for your community/yourself, to trigger ours. + as we get together, lets open our minds + incorporate prioritizing how we can reflect here + go figure, so those without gain basic survival tools within + if can`t then we define w way to give them support until they heal, if they can..

good example is the Friends of the Congo upcoming events we all can take part in as we incorporate it into what we do locally. this way we get real + not just go into feel good mode of helping, rather we go within + see how we are actually contributing negatively + stop it, making wrongs right as we share, as in
sending a letter/postcard to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding that the US hold its allies in the region accountable for their destabilizing of the DRC. go take a review of their log, for they have done a great job recording it, even though they yet to get our support for the changes needed + now can. see below their event that you can take part in.

this is just 1 part of the globe left behind + their are many, so choose your walkabout that you can gain your center from, as you also help others.
peace has been here, is in many patches + still can be for all, if we link..

thank you for what you do!

our combined` effect will truly enjoy these bi`joy experiences to go figure with..

by Peace is real! • | | 2 comments
Please check back as this co_evolves for updates, meanwhile RSVP for live get together + do an exchange/fundraiser, now in Charleston/Coos Bay, Oregon area, + upcoming Port townsend, WA area, dates + places to be defined. email; subject; aloka please see below as I share ... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Please read email from Peace Action West; Dear kara j If at first you don’t succeed… …try, try again to start an unnecessary and costly war. That seems to be the thinking of some hawkish members of Congress who never met a war they didn’t like. Fresh off an amazing rebuke of militar... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments! plea... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
please see Jeff`s hard work as well. Jeff we `ve got to go figure another way to resolve this, for US gov needs to realize we are not interested in on going waste of energy then to have to repeat. this happens when we have no neuro networks based from a natural intuitive organic foundation... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
September 23, 2013 version 1 Considerations in the Design of a Program to Reduce Carbon Pollution from Existing Power Plants The EPA recently released an overview presentation entitled “Building a Common Understanding: The Clean Air Act and Upcoming Carbon Pollution Guidelines for Existing... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Keith Jobson DipPFS Director of Business Development at the Palmetto Group UK and USA - Investment Management How much clean energy is in your portfolio? Palmetto provides access to clean energy investments across a spectrum of markets and regions to suit... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Why Congo Week? CLICK HERE TO REGISTER NOW FOR CONGO WEEK VI (October 20 - 26, 2013) Background Breaking the Silence Congo Week is a week of activities that commemorates the millions of lives lost in the C... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Hello, I would like to share this email below + welcome your feedback to share in my walkabout. it is a good time to add an over view of what is needed, as I address OFA`s email stating how John Boehner wants to shut down US gov. thanks, kara Barack + people that can support you,... read more
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