Nuclear use must end and waste must be prioritized to rid properly!

       No better one to guide us then Dr Helen Caldicott and her Associates, a few is Arnie Gundersen at `Fair Winds, Prof Timouthy Mousseu, and more, so please do your homework and realize how the ocean life you eat, needs to be montiored as Tuna, seaweed and more!

   Also many places have more radiation then others and the Gov officials are not informing us correctly nor IAEA! This is so wrong for any earthling to support a legislator that does not tell the truth! Fukushimi Daichi accident in Japan is a great Ex: Where people are still misinformed of the Nuclear radiation coming down from the Moutntains w/rain, snow and more, as well the fields they eat from and how they clear the enviroment filing trash bags then to have it come down again, yet people think they got it all!

                 We earthlings must hold ourselves and others accountable, locally and afar!

  It is good to know your area and check it often so chidren know when to go outside and pay as well elders and those ill, as it accumulates! People don't realize an old Nuclear waste dump, mismanaged Nuclear plant the surrounding 100 miles peope are ill, Nuclear in route whether weapons or waste, and they too are wrongly being taken to other countrys to dump, which is totally irresponcible, not to mention still from testing areas around the earth and dumping has left us w/abundant Nuclear radiation circulating our earth, some places more then others!

  Please all, many communities have no clue yet of this danger, when everyone should be monitoring and do it the efficient way! Western Medicine has no clue to heal cancers, trust me many of us have watched terrible suffering /mor Chemo and mismanged curriculum that needs to change ASAP, and Functional Medicine; and traditional other Dr's have solutions to prevnt suffering and heal!

Do your homework w/this skilled, please and support them!

lov, kara speaking for our `combined effects...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments Thank you Dr Calicott for a life worth of continued sharing to help us all end Nuclear! Peace be with you! lov, kara speaking for our `combined e... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Thanks to Dr Helen Caldicott; read more
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