We welcome your feedback!
Ebola can be resolved by students making/sharing w/WHO/CDC + given to all communities 1 video/paper, of stick art how tos. No reason for so many funds to be used wastefully when yet this is not done. CDC has a lot of good understandings as well WHO, so why is no one doing this??
We do not support vaccines anywhere, but many do think they prevent a lot of disease.
http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/ see our updates for over view + corrections;
A lot of research has been done in labs, if interested see a few Facebook sites that share this;
Ebola virus
Vesicle (biology and chemistry)
Viral hemorrhagic fever
This list goes on so don`t get lost in it, keep it simple + work w/skilled so you take care of yourself + have good tools/medicine for early signs at hand as you communicate w/loved ones/neighbors/community to care for each other, as you rethink what is needed. Especially now when so many through out the world are trying to help your build + care for your community.
I appreciate knowing what works from traditional ethnic ways working w/plants + animals, etc. as well we can`t ignore the good work done by the world`s scientists, especially if they continued their research from an ethnic base respecting all life. To us that is sound science that can strengthen the science that is fragmented/harming w/side effects, especially when people w/degrees are mismanaging pharmaceutical drugs as well need to go back to school + learn from the rest of the world do_in natural indigenous medicine.
So together we gain understanding of keeping it simple so all can grow local natural wild food/fish/animal + medicine. Sharing in harmony ending the war mode + false green economies that interfere in the life that sustains us all.
Peace is our option if we focus direct together + not over ride any one`s voice, rather support each to define.
Our combined `effects + `affects can make a difference as we all become local, global + beyond mindful participants..
1 Comment
Re: Please see lessons to stop Ebola + other viruses globally, their is a way if we work together..