Real solutions w/Agroecology guiding as we all prioritize community startup plans...

Please all check back as we transition and help make our platform the best ever for all to gain understanding, that these people at La Via Campesia aiding earthlings, have been abused enough w/others wrongfully via land-sea-fresh water grabbing, and deserve the respect for energy exchanges they give! Especially when many of us have or had no clue we participated!

            I, kara ask all to please do your homework, gather your neighbors far and wide, as we no longer can just live local! Choose a rep in interchangeable roles so all learn responsible efficient community work, and join in, as our intent is to aid your understanding, sharing skilled!

       For your community to find what works for you! To want to take part locally and afar, prioritizing where most negative effects now on earth-space are happening to the most! So your critical thinking w/us, can have a conversation for debate if needed and then do what resonates w/you to become whole, doing your part locally grounded while critically thinking afar!!

       I appreciate archives offering video's - photo's - music live, so we may add to upcoming Introduction - Message board and Archive, being worked! As well when done you can post sharing more and your contact info and introduction, so people get to know who best to help assess where and who willing to share hands on for one to experience, fees, etc. and we thinking like an earth to plot where your at for contact?  

Thank you, for adding suggestions, please comment, or if want to remain private, email kara;

Peace be with you!

lov, kara speaking for our combined `effects...

by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments Thank you all! This is very good! lov, kara speaking for our combined `effects... read more
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