Sen Robert Kennedy to announce he is running for President as an Independent, see the posts also, they know what he's about!
http://support.childrenshealthdefense.org/site/MessageViewer;jsessionid=00000000.app30028b?dlv_id=11607&em_id=10062.0&NONCE_TOKEN=CF5EDCAA21694948A980500BB4A2621F I yet to hear what he thinks of Dr Greer, but both fit well, so we all become aware to add to every `start up plan for earthlings bypassing resistance, as all stay consciously focused on peace-healing-restoration + harmony for all life on earth + space to stop these scars from repeating!
<bThanks for creating w/humanity's solutions!</b>
Please search these title's for link to Youtube, 1 below on top is nice update w/overview;
The Pentagon, THE COVERUP, and UAPs. The Real TRUTH and Why They’re Here NOW! Dr. Steven Greer
Mass Media Is Hiding This! The EMERGENCY Countdown on UFO’s, UAP’s and Congress! Dr. Steven Greer
Back TO # 1 PILLAR to align us w/in oneself! Please note we will be updating + welcome your comments!
I've been busy working on budgets to support good loans, so please stay w/us!
If have to Donate, please email me, kara,
Ref; Have to give... farmwuwei@gmail.com, thank you!
Lets understand the difference between agroecology that sustains life being most healthy, productive and most efficient vs Industrial Agriculture most toxic, as all can transition as we prioritize these communities closest to war+weather torn areas to start support! Compare notes to what you have or transitioning for ideas of what you think you want to take part in, w/what resonates w/you??
Lets begin sharing
Thanks to Emeritus Prof Miguel A. Altieri for sharing all that he does to guide us, thank you Sir, and writing this w/wife Prof Clara l. Nicholls, Alejandro Henao-Salazar, Ana C. Galvis-Marínez and Paul Rogé, which
we thank you all; Please note
Academia's many nice participant's and their offerings!
https://www.academia.edu/25570882/DIDACTIC_TOOLKIT_FOR_THE_DESIGN_MANAGEMENT_AND_ASSESSMENT_OF_RESILIENT_FARMING_SYSTEMS_TWN_Third_World_Network?email_work_card=view-paper Thank you for below; Miguel A. Altieri, Peter M. Rosset and Clara I. Nicholls!https://www.academia.edu/14887487/Biological_control_and_agricultural_modernization_Towards_resolution_of_some_contradictionsI'd like to add this issue below, that many appear to have controversy over,
from Emeritus Prof Guy McPherson, whom I respect highly! Thank you Sir! I share thoughts w/him on ending suffering, saving life from extinction, preventing scars on earth from repeating, balancing biosphere, need to monitor + guide `Aerosol Masking Effects aka Global Dimming, etc.
Trees Cannot Sequester Enough Carbon to Slow Abrupt Climate Change
Thank you both, for keeping us updated Guy, w/Paulene helping, see; https://guymcpherson.com/ <><><><>
From here what our your needs to go forward, I suggest a conversation of this transition? I repeat some from link below on start up plan thoughts, that may help.
LEARN YOUR LAND https://learnyourland.com/ and Dr Eric Berg pops up below also, whom I like;
Luli's Homestead • 122K views22:23
The Mind-Blowing Benefits of 4 Mushrooms
Dr. Eric Berg DC • 344K views6:17
3 Weeds You're Probably Not Eating
Learn Your Land • 387K views13:24
#1 Best Backyard Weed for Arthritis (RHEUMATOID, OSTEO & GOUT)
Dr. Eric Berg DC • 1.5M views6:14
Stinging Nettle — The Most Nutritious Plant On Earth?
Learn Your Land • 6.4M views15:27
Cancer Lives on Sugar AND...Something Else!!
Dr. Eric Berg DC • 3.9M views4:55
Poor Man's Honey -- DANDELION JELLY Recipe
emmymade • 686K views11:52
Is Eating Dandelions Good for You? | Super Foods: The Real Story
Together TV • 233K views3:12
DANDELION FLOWER JUICE - 115x Better Than the Roots & Leaves
Clean Food Living • 11K views10:36
The Power of Dandelions
Danu's Irish Herb Garden • 442K views18:23
Great Depression Cooking - Dandelion Salad
Great Depression Cooking • 2.6M views5:40
A Backyard Weed That Kills Cancer Cells – Dr. Berg
Dr. Eric Berg DC • 81K views1:4
`i come to talk story... I kara, share for the many unable and welcome all to create with us!
Whether you are a critical thinker or in the fog at times, as we are all human knowing such feelings!
We welcome you as we have crossed paths, so please take a few moments and rethink w/us so we all can continue our journeys, building one's path, as each walk into one's opening!
On top here i'd like to suggest our startup plan for you to create with, so please check back for updates, add + correct us...<>><><> An over view deeper to think about and share, take a breath of fresh air, give thanks to so many skilled people to guide us!
Dr Helen Caldicott for one, guiding us for so many years on NUCLEAR ENERGY AND WASTE DESTRUCTION, I THANK YOU lov! Photo below is especially for you! Always sharing your roses!
https://obrag.org/2022/05/bidens-nuclear-boondoggle-threatens-to-unravel-decades-of-progress/ https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/the-radioactive-legacy-of-us-led-war-in-iraq,17353 Thank you Dr Caldicott! We love you! Yet SO MANY STARTING NEW ONES-or TOO DAMAGED TO EVEN USE CONTINUE, YET TOXIC RADIATION FROM WASTE - ACCIDENTS, INCOMPLETE TRUTH TOLD FROM IAEA, ETC., CIRCULATE MOST OF EARTH!
YET NO ENFORCEMENT to end THEM, MANY are still using THEM!
Vs finding truth within, to
come back to natural enhanced communication, using diplomacy like Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Pres Putin has done prior to UN Security Council not staying in real time w/skilled or policy that still can, so together all end war that is ecologically destroying life on earth, as we all can rid toxic from earth-space! Ending all destructive toxic Nuclear and weapons of war, conserving energy, shifting to heal-educate experiencing true love!
Enjoying the creating ability all can have being one w/the natural enhanced world w/many skilled agroecologists to guide us!
Happy Spring as our yard w/over 22 fruit trees and small gardens come alive, I give thanks to you all! These beautiful flowers upfront fill this huge tree behind that ends up w/beautiful burgundy colored leaves !

I told you all I was going to get
a simple bullet list for our startup plan and I will soon be there + this page works toward that;Considering no one has to understand all this because I 'm sharing with very skilled people I respect, for you to decide if it makes sense to you, to self reflect w/them, and if so please take notes and rethink it all and share this, so all gain understanding to want to join in and do what can that resonates part time.
Please excuse my errors and repeating but still transitioning, trying to simplify so all understand, remember my desire to aid + ask you all as well to see + help us gain how to best transition into this start up plan understanding what all life will do adding also free energy, as
all please support Dr Greer's lab w/transparency - open source to reproduce this tech, that coverts already have had 50 -100 years using it for weapons, not for healing or for humanity to be able to end all toxic, as well all green alternatives!
https://siriusdisclosure.com/energy/the-new-earth-incubator-fund/# Experience his work;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mctxNflysVQ&t=35shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK1ZeucciQg&t=2908s START w/a `start up plan to enable us to create a transition that enhances one's natural potential aiding our communities to sustain us all, within naturally being able to enhance all communities on earth or space to have it's potential! Actually like TESLA (not MUSK'S) many are aware of, yet more from the air that surrounds us! Plus no more will those corrupt companies be able to w/hold their tech from our Prof's + students that for sure are at least 50 years behind, some say 100!
1- Conversation on priorities in the works to clarify, that which we all would use in such a start up plan grounded w/agroecological assessment planning, showing one's true enhanced natural potential for communities joining together.
As many need to define more details of when-how etc.. Ex; Dr Greer's desire to have a tech lab creating what covert's have had for over 50 years, but they don't share! They put it into weapons of war, vs Humanity having almost free energy for all life on earth + in space, to heal-remove toxic and replace all toxic that presently gives us our needs, including Green energy!
2- One only needs to show interest in our biosphere to want to save life and all be healthy without fear of misuse-abuse-weather damage, etc.. So all can heal and explore having gratitude for so many skilled to guide us! To be willing to self reflect w/them as you gain understanding and take part so we all make it more efficient to understand and share, doing what needed part time for our local and afar communities as we all prioritize where to start so simultaneously we can do several that are leaving the most negative effects on themselves-others locally and afar!
3- No better way than to welcome students-Prof's-people, to use communities as extended or only classrooms! Prioritizing utilizing skills to share what peace platforms are missing, same realization when each community can link and have hands on via a variety of ways, no reason for anyone to be left without such awareness to self sustain w/one's communities working transitioning w/a startup plan!
4- Overview list of `start up plans including; Agroecologicical assessment of what can be, showing what is, as all prioritize where to start w/those leaving most negative effects, people w/needs not met, so many start knowing via conversations what to be aware of so not go 10 steps forward and 5 back! Reestablish old + new markets connecting local cities-schools-caring facilities for all life to heal-educate to do one's part + stop external toxic inputs local + from afar, too self sustain + be resilient w/local grown-wild in season foods + medicine!
Trans boundary migration paths of large browsers are restored, for them to do their environmental services from working the ecology w/all species below them, working alongside us humans, as we all learn to `boon w/them not interfering. Letting their paths fuel human waterways, as well theirs.
Cooperatives in each community for all life, as a startup plan may have critical thinkers prioritizing afar, when yet locals stay local, so no life is left behind, Ex; wildlife rehabs back into the wild if can or rehabs to care for them.
Human self help education self reflecting taking part, gaining discipline over one's self sensory observation vs belief, understanding why we ill and what to do! Why do we misuse-abuse others and what to do, to be locked up or life sentences or put to death due to a whole social situation from experiences from many misusing-abusing, or taking past generations behaviors as normal, etc.. When police Prof's-community members, can get to know people in these meets as we suggest starting w/local grown wild potlucks introducing startup plans for all-add some live music-focus directed conversation-yet time for all to share and get addressed by skilled that the student's orchestrate and Prof's guide skilled knowing or getting to know one's community!! Seeing early signs of misuse-abuse-as we get to know each other and oneself! Using new items created to desensitize one wanting to injure self or another, and then take them to appropriate rehab to self educate and heal! No more needs for toxic substances or acts or weapons of war!
W/the Functional; www.ifm.org Dr's aiding one to heal without pharma, except for ER issues assessed right, no more will people suffer from many uneducated in Western Medicine, that can change curriculum + many are! Same cultural medicine folks as again conversations are shared! So people are cared for only until able to start healing oneself and sharing how to! If unable then they too can have support to also do one's part w/assistance 24-7 even, until changes for less help needed, so people calmly do what they can and enjoy it!! No more need for one to be alone uneducated suffering, even in hospitals, as many are, Ex; have w/toxic mandate of COVID as more are dying now from toxic vaccines then COVID! So also more can stay at home w/good guidance and community support! And when they need ER and more care good Dr's define the needs and they are created!
It's time to stop the scars from repeating, Humanity has solutions we just need to organize to link! Nabble is here for us all freely, so check them out and add for your community so all can link, leaving no one left in the fog!
Imagine trekking in the wild beauty, as we make connections to these markets, care for others unable + pick them for nice outing: For schools-rehab-hospitals-and more! Take an outing away from city's pollution and business to agroecological communities to see where and how your food and medicine is grown! Car pool or be picked up, go for a bike ride or horse and buggy etc. to enjoy the outing, stop at a farmer's market along the way w/park filled w/herbs that smell so fresh-live music-nice conversation getting updated or perhaps if needs still not met, you can ask one, etc.. or have foods delivered to you fresh if unable!
Imagine all the jobs as all transition along the way! Into the city's w/needs to structurally be cared for and adding non toxic ways, creative farming ways renting space, more plants in the work space for inside cafe's-juice bars, etc., aiding nutrition w/more windows and more parks w/outside vendors, freeing people of the pollution and congestion, to walk around during breaks! W/new designs for composting waste from all human and animal, taken out to the farms done right for set aside!!
This list goes on and what I say below, as more are transitioning from fossil fuels to Green energy, that also will be eliminated if Dr Greer gets all of us to support his lab for almost free energy to all earthlings and in space! So look at all this waste building solar-wind-Hydrogen, etc.. When it is not as efficient as Dr Greer's tech he is sharing from others to create with!! Plus this will be almost free, + 1st order of completion will not be controlled by any one? Then next people can patent their productions from 1st, but never 1st tech, that is for humanity to never be patented by any one, no more will anyone be left behind!
Ok, so above is a lot shorter than below link, and all the yada I've done working so hard, but loving it, knowing I have great supporters to aid all life! And once we get budget stabilized, some tech hired to help, we will clean it all up, more efficient so check back and help Please!
Please add your skilled issues w/Dr Greer's upcoming June conference w/US Gov supporters to him w/making peace + humanity, gaining free energy from coverts, to resolve issues of our biosphere, we all share. Join in, SEE HIS LINKS;
https://drstevengreer.kartra.com/page/dcpressconference2023Historic Disclosure Conference- Washington DC
June 10 - 12, 2023
Saturday June 10 - 9 - 5:30 &
Sunday June 11 - 9 - 5:30
- Presentations by Dr. Greer & Michael Schratt regarding crash retrieval cases, the black budget, the state of UFO Disclosure in Washington DC, Understanding the National Security State, Illegal Shadow Government.
Saturday Night- June 10 - Fundraising Dinner
Sunday - June 11 - 7:30 - 9:30 - DC Premiere of "The Lost Century" followed by the After-party
Monday June 12 - 2 - 3:30 - National Press Club Event, update listen now free!
Monday, June 12, 2023! Dr. Greer's Groundbreaking National Press Club Event! FREE to Watch!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDY7t6HihCwSee more following thanks to Dr Greer + US Gov's `Whistle Blower's program;
https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/state/2023/07/28/congress-ufo-hearing-florida-uap-hotspot-david-grusch-testimony/70481287007/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSeuq6HAJnIPlease check out more + share as we transition on this site;
http://i-come-to-talk-story-welcomes-all-as-we-appreciate-the-many-sk.22.s1.nabble.com/WHY-WE-DO-WHAT-WE-DO-Is-to-share-common-sense-we-all-need-to-prioritize-please-see-and-share-td7560524.htmlPeace + healing can happen if join in to understand! Vs be so sad seeing so many suffering to death from many unaware Dr-hospitals using outdated Western Medicine or profiting CORRUPTLY AS W/COVID PUSHING PROFITING TOXIC VACCINES AS WE SHARE IN OTHER POSTS, KILLING MORE THAN COVID! vs real time available help here now TO HEAL EVEN FROM VACCINES IF NOT TO LATE!
Your donation is appreciated! Email me, kara, also if I can suggest, please if interested; farmwuwei@gmail.com
Re; Have to give!Thank you!
Lov, kara j lincoln