Please do check back for updates as we add, thank you as well! Nothing is more important then when crises happen, when yet all Military should help by co_evolving their destructive ways, to go get resources, closest to help that is needed to get needs met and give hands on help! Not kill life as they do and profit, yet we the people have allowed it for too long!
It is time to stop those scars from repeating please, we can do it with lov! Yes, aid transitioning even to those that do the worse damage! It's time to calm ourselves and not fight for peace or ruin our health by getting pi....!
This is a few ways that work, if webinar or series over, check them out by going to their website for each Dr;
REPLAY 3.24.23 2 DAYS + lots of free info to download: ><><>< ><<>><<><>><
Register NOW For A Limited-Time FREE Viewing Of This Groundbreaking 9-Part Documentary Series.
April 10th - 18th, 2023
These are good free series! Thank you! You can still purchase and share in link below the cancer link, please see starting today 2.21.23 a free series on ending cancer. So if have one ill or yourself a must see, as this is not new, but sadly not everyone aware. Too many young and old are suffering and dying when we don't have to, we all have choices! Please share! When series done check out his web sight for more; I shared above w/Emerits Prof Miguel Altieri as he has shared so much to guide us, see a few; As well Dr Eric Berg, Dr Buttar, and all I share here as now days they know exactly what chemical creates what disturbance from processed foods or how grown w/toxins, injuring a human body let alone in one's environment, and to think still needing to share agroecological assessments in a start plan we are working on, is amazing, as many do not even no the word! But we do not quit!
Check back and add-correct!
Short version below here on top, is what I feel is needed in a Conversation for all Earthlings to take part! Longer read sharing people and links below as you read on, of who I respect to best guide us! Please check back, as we continue to add and share, as you all add your thoughts, by gathering having your conversation to add to this now!
On top here is what I'm suggesting to you all, and welcome you to join into MAPA webinars below!
But first see this good news from Dr Steven Greer. Many don't realize how Covert actions are taken place, see more in link below what Gov has decided to do, in these conversations; REALIZE PLEASE; if we can get this tech from coverts and create, it solves all the issues of the times and more exploration;
Register and go live and or webinar on 10 + 11th, pay fee. Than 12th is free webinar of PRESS CONFERENCE about those 2 days prior, see more, Jun-10-12;
Please add Dr Greer's upcoming June conference w/making peace + humanity gaining free energy from coverts. SEE HIS LINKS, VIDEOS + NEW UPCOMING; Disclosure Conference- Washington DC
June 10 - 12, 2023
Saturday June 10 - 9 - 5:30 &
Sunday June 11 - 9 - 5:30
- Presentations by Dr. Greer & Michael Schratt regarding crash retrieval cases, the black budget, the state of UFO Disclosure in Washington DC, Understanding the National Security State, Illegal Shadow Government.
Saturday Night- June 10 - Fundraising Dinner
Sunday - June 11 - 7:30 - 9:30 - DC Premiere of "The Lost Century" followed by the After-party
Monday June 12 - 2 - 3:30 - National Press Club Event This message is for government whistleblowers - those who were part of government, military or corporate projects/events related to UFOs.
What may seem like a minor event or piece of information may be critical to Dr. Steven Greer defining another piece??
With the signing of the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) in December 2022, there is whistleblower protection for those who participated in programs involving UFOs – of extraterrestrial or human origin.
Dr. Greer is working closely with very trusted highly placed individuals in the government about this issue.
He is putting out a call for first hand witnesses to these projects.
Please contact him at
A trusted member of his team will contact you and, as appropriate, you will be able to speak with Dr. Greer.
Dr. Greer will connect you to this government team who will make sure your testimony is taken seriously and is used with utmost discretion to bring out the truth on this issue.
Your information will be handled by Dr. Greer with complete confidentiality.
Witnesses and whistleblowers may be currently employed by the government or former government employees and/or government contractors. Those with documents, information and /or materiel are also being requested to come forward.
Dr. Greer will personally bring such witnesses to the highest authorized officials eager to gain information on the UFO issue.
What may seem like even minor events or information may prove critical to solving this problem of secrecy.
Please note, Dr Greer says one can remain unanimous! This is nice link of Dr Greer giving you an idea of his CE5 App.. You can learn more about CE5 and his current feature-films at;
See some true people working this more then anyone can imagine;<>><><><><><>

MAPA, Massachusett Peace Action, 1.19.23 7-EST (see their youtube site for webinar replays or FB for some.
Yemen War Powers Resolution: Past, Present, and Future
For years, Massachusetts Peace Action and the Raytheon Antiwar Campaign have supported the passage of a Yemen War Powers Resolution, to end US participation in the Saudi-led war. The conflict, begun in March of 2015, has been called the world's worst humanitarian crisis by the United Nations and has never been authorized by Congress.
We've had successes and failures along the way. Though the Saudi bombings from the air have stopped, the blockade that causes so much damage through man-made famine continues. In a new year, with a new Congress, it's time to examine how that efforts to end this war have gone, and where we go from here. To do so we'll be joined by two experts, Dr. Aisha Jumaan and Hassan El-Tayyab.
Jan 19, 2023 07:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) <><><>><<>><>
`i come to talk story...I kara, share for the many unable and welcome all to create with us! I repeat in start up plan posted, pinned on top!
Whether you are a critical thinker or in the fog at times, as we are all human knowing such feelings!
We welcome you as we have crossed paths, so please take a few moments and rethink w/us so we all can continue our journeys, building one's path, as each walk into one's opening!
On top here i'd like to suggest our startup plan for you to create with, so please check back for updates, add + correct us...<>><><> an over view deeper to think about and share;
I told you all I was going to get
a simple bullet list for our startup plan and I will soon be there, considering no one has to understand all this because I 'm sharing with very skilled people I respect for you to decide if it makes sense to you, to self reflect w/them, and if so please take notes and rethink it all and share this, so all gain understanding to want to join in and do what can that resonates part time. Please excuse my errors and repeating but still transitioning, trying to simplify so all understand;
Startup plan to enable us to create a transition that enhances one's natural potential aiding our communities to sustain us all within naturally being enhanced to it's potential!
1- Conversation on priorities in the works to clarify, that which we all would use in such a startup plan grounded w/agroecological assessment planning, showing one's true enhanced natural potential for communities joining together. As many need to define more details of when-how etc.. Ex; Dr Greer's desire to have a tech lab creating what covert's have had for over 50 years, but they don't share! They put it into weapons of war, vs Humanity having almost free energy for all life on earth + in space, to heal-remove toxic and replace all toxic that presently gives us our needs, including Green energy!
2- One only needs to show interest in our biosphere to want to save life and all be healthy without fear of misuse-abuse-weather damage, etc., so all can heal and explore having gratitude for so many skilled to guide us! To be willing to self reflect w/them as you gain understanding and take part so we all make it more efficient to understand and share, doing what needed part time for our local and afar communities as we all prioritize where to start so simultaneously we can do several that are leaving the most negative effects on themselves-others locally and afar!
3- No better way than to welcome students-Prof's-people, to use communities as extended or only classrooms! Prioritizing utilizing skills to share what peace platforms are missing, same realization when each community can link and have hands on via a variety of ways, no reason for anyone to be left without such awareness to self sustain w/one's communities working transitioning w/a startup plan!
4- Overview list of startup plans including; Agroecologicical assessment of what can be, showing what is, as all prioritize where to start w/those leaving most negative effects, people w/needs not met, so many start knowing via conversations what to be aware of so not go 10 steps forward and 5 back! Reestablish old + new markets connecting local cities-schools-caring facilities for all life to heal-educate to do one's part + stop external toxic inputs local + from afar, too self sustain + be resilent w/local grown in season foods + medicine!
Trans boundary migration paths of large browsers are restored, for them to do their environmental services from working the ecology w/all species below them, working alongside us humans, as we all learn to `boon w/them not interfering. Letting their paths fuel human waterways, as well theirs.
Cooperatives in each community for all life, as a startup plan may have critical thinkers prioritizing afar, when yet locals stay local, so no life is left behind, Ex; wildlife rehabs back into the wild if can or rehabs to care for them.
Human self help education self reflecting taking part, gaining discipline over one's self sensory observation vs belief, understanding why we ill and what to do! Why do we misuse-abuse others and what to do, to be locked up or life sentences or put to death due to a whole social situation from experiences from many misusing-abusing, or taking past generations behaviors as normal, etc.. When police Prof's-community members, can get to know people in these meets as we suggest starting w/local grown wild potlucks introducing startup plans for all-add some live music-focus directed conversation-yet time for all to share and get addressed by skilled that the student's orchestrate and Prof's guide skilled knowing or getting to know one's community!! Seeing early signs of misuse-abuse-as we get to know each other and oneself! Using new items created to desensitize one wanting to injure self or another, and then take them to appropriate rehab to self educate and heal! No more needs for toxic substances or acts or weapons of war!
W/the Functional; Dr's aiding one to heal without pharma, except for ER issues assessed right, no more will people suffer from many uneducated in Western Medicine, that can change curriculum + many are! Same cultural medicine folks as again conversations are shared! So people are cared for only until able to start healing oneself and sharing how to! If unable then they too can have support to also do one's part w/assistance 24-7 even, until changes for less help needed, so people calmly do what they can and enjoy it!! No more need for one to be alone uneducated suffering, even in hospitals, as many are, Ex; have w/toxic mandate of COVID as more are dying now from toxic vaccines then COVID! So also more can stay at home w/good guidance and community support! And when they need ER and more care good Dr's define the needs and they are created!
It's time to stop the scars from repeating, Humanity has solutions we just need to organize to link! Nabble is here for us all freely, so check them out and add for your community so all can link, leaving no one left in the fog!
Imagine trekking in the wild beauty, as we make connections to these markets, for schools-rehab-hospitals-and more! Take an outing away from city's pollution and business to agroecological communities to see where and how your food and medicine is grown! Car pool or be picked up, go for a bike ride or horse and buggy etc. to enjoy the outing, stop at a farmer's market along the way w/park filled w/herbs that smell so fresh-live music-nice conversation getting updated or perhaps if needs still not met, you can ask one, etc.. or have foods delivered to you fresh if unable!
Imagine all the jobs as all transition along the wayinto the city's w/needs to structurally be cared for and adding non toxic ways, creative farming ways renting space, more plants in the work space for inside cafe's-juice bars, etc., aiding nutrition w/more windows and more parks w/outside vendors, freeing people of the pollution,and congestion, to walk around during breaks! New designs for composting waste from all human and animal, taken out to the farms!!
This list goes on and what I say below, as more are transitioning from fossil fuels to Green energy, that also will be eliminated if Dr Greer gets all of us to support his lab for almost free energy to all earthlings and in space! So look at all this waste building solar-wind-Hydrogen when it is not as efficient as Dr Greer's tech! Plus his will be almost free?
Ok, so above is a lot shorter than below and all the yada I've done working so hard, but loving it, knowing I have great supporters to aid all life! And once we get some tech hired to help we will clean it all up!
Also see and will edit all more efficient so check back and help; thank Nabble and Google for their help! They are free for you!Take a breath of fresh air please! Then decide to come back and read some more or just start gathering w/above sharing! Define a rep as all take turns, and if I can answer more now until we finish a nice Introduction-archive and message board here w/Nabble, as I just have not had the time to keep studying but we will utilize all their good tech they continue to create to aid us all!
Peace be with you! Please if want to correct me or add please do below in comment, or edit on Google Document link above, or if want to privately or gather w/a group via a webinar, or want to Donate and have to give, then please email me, kara;
If you want to continue, read on, please do!
I asked Dr Greer but he did not answer yet about giving % to one supporting lab, and I said that is only fair, or I asked if he only wants donations? I know the billionaires he has refused are due to them wanting to control and profit so people have to pay more! Dr Greer wants transparency so no more; biosphere abuse, or millions cutting trees due to no fuel source, that this would all replace! So no more suffering left without!
I'd like to see all earthlings make just a nice gain from the investment, not a killing profiting over others not able to get it! I'm asking if you are interested, let me know for the startup plan and or go to Dr Greer for his lab details to help him?
All the Green Deals being signed, I thought to be more efficient than oil, but perhaps because people are running out of oil, trying also to survive? I'm asking Dr Greer how he can negotiate his production in the lab of energy vs Steam Methane Reforming if that is what people are doing? It is great for energy efficiency, but unfortunately, quite damaging to the environment. For every kilogram of hydrogen produced with this method, as much as 7 kilograms of CO2 is released.
People need help rethinking to equate how much you need to make and the biosphere needs to be prioritized? I think if all can be self reliant, prioritizing not using toxic, yet being efficient is the way to go! So to think about this, one can help by not sticking one's neck out committing, then Dr Greer does get this very cheap free energy nontoxic means for all, same the environment! So one can make small % 's another way knowing also not much funds go out for fuel or green energy anymore? Rather you can create w/his almost free energy!
Germany to say they are putting 10.2 billion in Green Hydrogen tech is outdated, when it comes to Greer's ideas, I think and I ask him to confirm.
If you don't have to pay a lot for energy as Dr Greer speak's of from this tech made into this (lil box we call it until tech defines name?) for all from 0 energy-electromagnetic fusion-Tesla's and more, etc., look already how no one then needs to make more money that way to pay for small price of fuel, for all one's needs! It is shifting consciousness?
Transitioning helps prioritizing, I hope to stop conflict w/neighbors vs 1 strike on Ex: Dubai Nuclear plant and it's all over for many!
Look at the healing and the math, it is a win win for all, to do on to others as what you would like;
Construction equipment recycling bombed out areas-giving people not food from afar but support them to go back to their agroecological ways as they did Ex; in Yemen and others in conflict, needing ASAP;
Healing ability-sanitation-good food-water-night sleep-no more fear another bomb is coming, list is long! That is what communities can do by joining together ecologically the biomes, going beyond political boundaries! To further decide on an overall view of where best to create watershed areas to stop flooding and killing life, preserving water-farming compost from waste, setting aside humans and animals, building rich black soil where best? Same utilize agroforestry to plant for profits, have diverse crops for food and medicine, nutrients, and for those forests to house the microbes-insects to rid pests we humans produce and pollinate the food so no external inputs but skills, w/agroecology!
This is how a startup plan can be created.
So please, we welcome skilled agroecologist's to guide us all, so we all self reflect part time aiding our communities locally and afar to do this!
The Industrial Agriculture is a huge contributor to climate-toxic everything, bringing in fertilizers-pesticides-aerosol spraying-processing foods and people working them get ill-air in communities is toxic for all, depletes soil and more toxic we eat from foods grown in it, these lists are long and people profiting! We need to prioritize profit, but not over health, the children have autism due to these heavy metals and more! I am glad to share Dr Buttar's link and others sharing skills to aid autism, this can end, they can change, we all did that to them by marketer's selling more toxic!
Sadhguru aided farmers in India, as many committed suicide a lot over Monsanto's GMO, how they controlled them and they loss profits, unable to use their own seeds, etc. etc.. but planting agroforestry, plants in the forest, they making 300-800% profits! India Gov is making good policy for forests to do this the right way! I've told you all this before!
Trees are not to be just planted, they change the soil chemistry for complex life and destroy the environment more if not done right, but preserving forests and creating, if not having agroecological systems in place that is very valuable to create them! And to create treks of farmers' markets-nice parks w/herbs smelling-music for people and children to learn to respect the earth, and gather and purchase getting away from the cities toxic air-enjoying the day out, having diversity!
How many species of fruits and veg's do you have? Latin American agroecologists and many around the world have k's, that is why so many are in the fog, so ill in many ways and other country's w/no nutrients, rather processed foods! More profiteers for saving foods on shelves etc..
This is how we can make peace on earth by removing toxic, same in space, recreating these skilled farming communities and starting there to rebuild cities! Little bits of empathy-lov, skilled planning prioritizing basic comforts all humans deserve, same they need to also have their large browser trans boundary migration paths in check alongside them so they too do their ecological part, recycling, $'s invested, and it fuels energy within all, to be safe w/neighbors, and to stop being puppets for other's afar when yet nice cooperative rehabs for all to heal and become educated as schools train w/these communities knowing what locally is to prioritized!!
This way we all get real w/our footprints holding self and others accountable locally and afar!
Emeritus Prof Miguel Altier's links here are nice, and we can also give more land to them but also they then skillfully teach others so each rep from entire biome's merging communities ecologically go beyond political borders and all join in, still w/Gov's learning priorities of listening to good reps in interchangeable roles, so we all learn where our places are that best resonate w/one's needs!
Then all have a very nice time joining in creating w/each other bringing in skilled if need to aid planning of where best to do what for the betterment of all!
Miguel's link shows a simple overview, I repeat it again below it is so clear for new combers as many have no clue of what agroecology is or even permaculture that uses this science;
Who will feed us in a planet of crisis?
Look at this great work as Humanity has solutions to create with! YouTube video
See Our link of our suggestion to have this conversation and why we do what we do as we transition our platform and share our startup plan w/these agroecologically skilled communities in need of help, to enable them to then share their skills, so we add and self reflect joining w/neighbors to ecologically cross political boundaries creating agroecological needs to be met, best where for the betterment of all!
Please share this page here if it resonates w/you;
I speak for life on earth, w/limited skills as I still learn! Space I not skilled w/except it too along w/earth is filled w/toxic!
We as living organisms have limitations w/life and it is a short time here on earth! But sensitivity is required to nurture all life at the beginning and if one show signs of going beyond one's flesh limitations, due to not having ability to self reflect w/early signs seeing it experienced by others, it can be hard?
This is why it is nice to have common sense, so developed people have children to want to nurture and do aid one to self develop, so they build one's path into open's opening, not another's! W/good regulations by being a role model themselves!
Right now on earth-space we have no common sense regulations! People can agree in policy to not leave toxic, then those making policy lie-have lobbyists buy them out and manipulate leaving harm interfering in one's life or many! Using toxic Nuclear leaving waste that is harmful all over earth-space as well using weapons of war is the example!
Another is toxic Industrial Agriculture! The list is long here, but I choose the largest footprints leaving the most scars on earth-space!
So what do we do? Startup plans can aid efficiency, if done w/skilled assessments speaking the same language of science, and since Dr Greer's tech of energy from Tesla stolen from US Gov says Dr Greer, and aliens is new to many, yet more then 50 years old plus used by covert's creating w/alien crashed crafts using it for profits not given openly like Dr Greer wants to do once he has support getting a lab to recreate it w/good skilled proving ways that work to replace all the existing alternative energy's people are aware of, as well the energy's that have polluted our earth due to no good regulations done by skilled!
Let's ask ourselves why we do not share earth-space freely w/life that can regulate most efficiently for all life! As in ecologically assessing the startup plans vs working w/political boundary's, so then people skillfully define where best for how many people to live as they choose? Yes free to choose as they work into their choices! Plus part time working w/skilled to regulate transitioning from such a toxic state all is in!
This then means why does 1 have control differently then how skilled would control by allowing the ecology to set the regulations? Meaning priority's should be in place so those working the ecosystems stay present w/transitioning w/making efficient changes due to Ex; severe weather effecting more then others due to results of lack of regulations in past, and it will take some time to know clearly these patterns and how they will shift!
Ok, so Defense Industry's all are supported within their needs and budget made from producing toxic producing products but supported to transition into life supporting tools, recycling properly what can! That is done by all earthlings according to a % of what each has?
Ok, so people say what do we do w/people that don't follow such ecological rules and want to Ex: continue what they doing, controlling the Congo Mine for themselves, or as in Ukraine US Gov + NATO wanting Russian Property to do what? Meanwhile wars continue from both and many more on earth-space!
Ok, so regulations w/what means and who defines them? Skilled people should, that understand what it takes to sustain an earthling in this present time, from before birth to being self reliant whether ill-disabled or healthy! But a cooperative measure to aid all to also part time participate to empower all to explore earth-space in priority of cleaning up toxic, to aid suffering and stop scars from repeating but how?
Once we gain skilled understanding and defense Industry's are regulated along w/prioritizing startup plans simultaneously defining where to start giving the support in a variety of ways!
Ex; product can be made to spray that does no harm but prevents one from injuring self or another, sure even if Defense Industry's stop building weapons of war and Nuclear as is, there still will be many w/weapons, so we need to have them gain understanding of how they can also transition w/earthlings skilled support! Each startup plan would require the skilled assessment of each side speaking their truth until more skilled are added to the conversation to aid understanding of who is misinformed on what? So agreements can be made! To come back into the overall ecological plan of it defining who many live where doing what needed t sustain the ecosystems people choose to be in? Yes choose as they work their way freely w/support if need? So now people are exploring - going back home-healing where best w/what and how?
Not put to death by old mindsets or in prison for life, when good rehab can be done!
If we look at so called terrorists they are mostly a resultant of other's misuse-abuse! Presently do you see those people like Bush and Cheney come forth and admit truth? NO, architects and engineers for 911, seeing the lawyers now in court, where US Gov does not even want to admit there was `thermite, an explosive substance put in building for a controlled demolition long before 911! So 1 of many lies US Gov does! Yet FEMA + NIST still don't admit; Early on note; We all can organize these conversations to show more truth, giving those resisting support to truly express, where they have not had the chance as in after 911, when many more killed wrongly!
Ok, back to our objective to share earth space w/all life that follows the rule of the land over themselves, for the betterment of all who choose to lie within the lands limitations! When one is I don't agree to putting them in a straight jacket to control them, nor heavily dose w/psychotropic drugs, rather skilled Dr's can give some healthier more sensitive ways. So police in community's know their people again supported so they carry no weapons, rather some dose of spray to sedate until they can get w/ skilled sensitive Dr's to aid them to rehab the right way, not as now being done!
Nor as now w/profiteers in pharma's drugs! Do you see all the new positions and skills to learn-jobs fairly paid, or volunteers gaining credits from schools transitioning students to have hands on volunteering using startup plans in community's to gain prerequisites before they graduate? Whether young or old, aiding them to transition also from what is in each community to what can be? Again students choose their subject w/good guidance from schools transitioning for their local community's!
Do you see the importance of reps in interchangeable roles for one's community's merging ecologically w/neighbors, no more controlled by political boundary's or delusions from old mindsets, as young minds w/critical thinking to stay in the present are needed whether young or old? What is important is they are skilled and to maintain good skills co_evolving in real time, it require's good health, so as to be on top of how best to naturally enhance what is needed, due to again each startup plan shifting to weather-inability for transitioning support requiring hands on, etc.?
Vs needs for a Governing body to monitor such regulations in need for each startup plan! So as to now communicate what resources can be shared that are abundant yet regulated so planned? As well unable to plan due to the still ongoing needs from the transitional work needed from damage done, etc..
But w/skilled collaboration staying present, in each startup plan, whether it is an entire continent or small island isolated, it is the ecological natural work done giving all earthlings environmental services, then to create w/regulations within that skilled assessment, that one will follow in that particular location, that become known common sense, being sensitive to all living organism's.
Whether a microbe in soil, planting location for diversity of food and for medicine, or wild animals doing their ecological part by also being free w/their trans boundary migration paths they know best and try to allow them to guide us, working along side of us, next w/water for all, for humans or aliens that visit! These roles will be defined, and a joyous time for all to be appreciated for what skills they have or want to learn, and % of what one chooses to do when or where, and yes each volunteer part time for the transitional period of where they chose to do what best for the betterment of all on earth or space?
People can flow or they can create chaos, that is why w/good self reflecting w/skilled choices sharing the energy of flowing in harmony from choosing their subjects to be with, life can be very harmonious for all when have the support to explore!!
So now where is role for Governing agency's? Some don't want hands on in the dirt staying w/local thought only, some are good at communicating as in fair trade w/known abundance that should be regulated or better planned, so other's already having these skills for local resources as w/agroecologist's knowing what needed for each community's biome assessment from joining together, to naturally enhance the startup plan, staying in real time w/it, for the betterment of all joined as well for the earth!
It is good to update who is needed where on our earth-space and many have such skills from long ago still living w/traditional skilled practices co_evolving in real time as agroecologist's have. Yet many have not been respected for their skills and profiteers have stolen land-sea-freshwater, from them, and that will stop, as more gain this understanding of how it interferes in one's ability to simply live and that won't be excepted from community's once all do their part falling into place saving the life that nurtures all life, to share the earth-space w/simple respect and empathy!
I think I've said enough as their are so many skilled people much more then i to guide us, and all should and can develop gratitude, thanking such skilled now available, so thank you all for fine tuning these threads to simplify more as we all deserve to have basic comforts-work into choices and celebrate along the way! Having the ability to understand what works restoring heavy working communities!
To experience lov when like Pres Putin, is seeing how even Ukraine is being abused by the US Gov and NATO, using them to get to him, as they have misinformation and to see them listen to Mr Zelensky shows how emotionally unaware they are, to give all these resources, whether outdated or not, to one willing to die for victory is a true sad sight to witness, seeing such unskilled people, not all but many in US Gov positions, NATO and UN Security Council is truly in need of transitioning w/skilled policy's regulating, as I state above and more specified for each startup plan! This is how he truly is a unique gentleman, and it is people like him to lead diplomatic conversations to update policy's, who ever decides to recycle what is and continue to transition, but to be truthful w/what was and what can be, to resolve peacefully for the betterment of all locally and afar, not just to satisfy delusion, even when good people w/heart did what they thought was best!
This is where empathy and lov, comes in to play, to set one straight! I have faith in the human design, that all one needs is to understand, and they do much more then some can imagine!
I hope this shares some insight to create upon! And do when have time see more detail below as well the other subcategory's we recently started adding, and do check back as we continue to transition a nice intro-archive and message board showing this hands on ability's for all to go see and feel another way of life, as humans are fortunate to have if healthy! For if unable they too will enjoy much more then before, when they too can take part making this happen working into their choices, finding other ways to heal, being appreciated for taking part!!
We welcome Donations if have to give, to see this happen faster reaching out to all earthlings, also wanting to aid the startup plans w/good loans that work for each!!
Thank you all for this read and please share so all join in!
Please contact me, kara; if I can further explain or if want to Donate?
Thank you all, for making time to review this, make space please, gather notes and do a little and come back for updates, it is heavy material if we want to all get it right, and we need your help by you holding yourself and others accountable, locally and afar w/us all doing the same!!
I want you all to know I speak for many unable to realize so much of what we use and products we choose have blood threads attached, so we learn and share to resolve these long over due scars from repeating! I now once you understand it will heal-self educate, as well aid you to find the real you if yet to? If you have, you too will want to share and do your part;
I speak for the many without basic comfort, no food-water-fresh air-good soil to grow-no means to ask for help-no means to have a good night sleep from cold rains, or quiet nights as children scared from bombs and toxic smoke from them as well fires they start burning down villages! As their communities where blown up as in to be replaced by Ex; a Congo mine, or because so called fake leaders put in from US Gov-NATO and more profit over people fighting as Defense Industry's and more corrupt control them! And some of these people in Gov actually think they need to fight, having no clue as they interfere more!
I speak for the worse Ex; Rwandan Rebels M23, where men unable to control their sexual habits rape children-women in front of their children and husbands, and even shoot them in their vagina, that disrupts entire community's as men cannot face the reality they could not help, so all is tron up! Women walk up to 100 miles to have Dr Denis Mukwege sew them up, and help them in peace, as they go back home disowned from the communities and then it happens all over again!
I speak for even more tortured like when M23 rebels put a woman as they did 1 of many, a 15 year old in a hole in the ground w/no clothes for 90 days! each day she was raped, got pregnant-still raped each day and then they aborted the baby as she had a big belly, not sure how old baby was? Her best friend also in the hole they killed and left them both in the hole. Dead girl in their for 6 weeks as each day the other one was raped!
Each community will share truth, so we all realize no more can we support these blood threads to continue! We can all untie them so all gain peace! I speak for those not being listened too that still trying to talk to UN Security Council that is broken-outdated w/few skilled over worked unable to hold self and others accountable, no ecological policy that is real as US Gov - NATO pollute in all they do w/Military as well Industrial Agriculture creating toxic that circulates our earth to some more then others! Due lobbyists and medias being paid to shut up, more misinformation is told, or ill people delusional create conflicts to continue and more profit over more toxic Nuclear use as is, when waste now is not properly exposed on big majority of earth-space continuing to kill and make ill! While weapons of war that must be stopped and transitioned into life giving tools need to be done by us all, please! ASAP!
Ecologically on earth + space Humanity has no regulatory support in place to stop toxic that is killing our complex life that sustains our food source, and when it dies Humans will become extinct on earth! Unless you are fortunate w/cultural traditional ways as w/agroecological systems that still continue! If it wasn't for them, all the biodiversity some are fortunate to have would be gone like here in US and many other places, due to lack of good science common sense, failing to heal, nurture, and educate w/such great skills!
I repeat our biosphere is in Intensive Care! We need all to understand so serious energy comes from lov, empathy ad peaceful conscious sharing! Dr Greer knows 1% of us putting out conscious thought can change the entire communities, it was proven in India as ER patient numbers went down, killings stopped in the street, stealing replaced w/kindness and more!
The power us Humans have has yet by all to be tapped into and no better time then now to learn how to maintain sharp sensors, as we all can gain discipline over our self sensory observations vs the many beliefs causing our sensors to become dull, leaving foggy brains-misuse-abuse!
Please all take a breath of fresh air along this read! We need all to want o do their part and sure transitions for those needed can be hard, but if we volunteer allowing oneself to reflect w/skilled beaming w/energy, we then all feel it and will want to do the same!
We are fortunate to have Humanity w/skills to admit when they wrong, as we Welcome all to join in this `Conversation! Allowing skills to surface that can guide us to want to learn more, and there is no better job then to have the freedom to explore without long term commitments, so each of us then find ourselves and choose great skills to learn to satisfy our desires learning leaving no ill effects on any life as we lower our footprints to part time prioritize local and afar startup plans that are leaving the most negative effects on most life!
Then while also doing what can locally and afar, to support all to follow one's path one build's into one's opening!! Simultaneously we can support many at one time so please find your space that resonates, gather your friends-loved one-communities locally and afar and start your `Conversations creating with us!
Please check back for updates to enable more to join in and share! Please read and do a little at a time and go back to you!
This is the most efficient way we feel can work best for us all on earth, and to then explore space, riding toxic from both!
Thank you all for continuing this read and share it!
Our `startup plan being created, can help all of humanity rethink as we ground ourselves, using skilled agroecologist's as w/Emeritus Prof Miguel Altieri and Associates at SOCLA and more, local and beyond if need? To enhance one's communities to it's natural potential, after we get clear on how to prioritize suggestions;
Dr Helen Caldicott's w/Nuclear contamination already not cared for, and in high risk now of accidents?
Dr Ye Tao and Emeritus Professor Guy McPherson who did a really nice analysis of what is time sensitive when working on MEER project to be applied, as well Prof Guy on how we cannot go cold turkey ending fossil fuels from oil companies and all of us?
So many of us have been filled w/misinformation, so please make space and read all, take notes, take a breath of fresh air and come back and finish, join in and share w/all skilled aiding understanding, from not good to just plant many trees to not good to shut off fossil fuel use from us all including companies, we need skilled to guide us more!
W/my limited skills, I would think to make an energy unit is one thing as Dr Greer speaks of, which is great, but before fossil fuels can be turned down to off, in regards to Aerosol Masking Effect, that needs in itself a monitoring device to calibrate the transition going to this energy Dr Greer is talking about? Thank you Pauline Schneider and Prof Guy McPherson!
This is why a `conversation is needed among skilled to rethink w/Dr Greer's well documented proof showing what energy can be created in his lab. This tech w/lab, updating and translating old tech many are using in schools now is another job needed. As all face local Gov's resistance if have? Sharing the variety of free energy from earth, or almost free to all in transparency! For each then to do what they want, but never taking 1st line of basic energy tech plans and controlling them! Coverts have had them for at least 50 years and putting the tech into defense not giving to Humanity!
Plus in `Conversation w/Dr Yun Wang as a Chinese Dr who has agreed, and I'd like to hear all of you answer same Dr Buttar and others w/their own research and Functional Medicine;, that worked hard to realize one can resolve the high risk of people dying and getting ill, from COVID toxic vaccines and show how one must do it. (not sure of fee) as they say more deaths and injury's are from vaccines, maybe not right away but does come, then from COVID 19 and others.They show you in video truth of their findings of who did all this corruption and how, etc. and others with them!
All these people I share offer hard work and great proof!
Thank you Dr Wang, Dr Buttar and all! I'd love to see Dr Helen, Prof Clara and husband Prof Miguel, Dr Ye, Prof Guy, and Assoc. w/their skills and more from Gov's, talk to Dr Greer w/his tech and I believe it will be 2 different languages. That is why I ask above and you all to take part so others also can be brought in to help translate and fine tune this, so Humanity is on same page, with out so much misinformation!, which I use here, Thank you Nabble! I yet to truly enjoy all their offerings that will be worked more, so please have patience and check back for updates! As I want this to be a nice archive and message board so we all link, leaving no one left behind!!
Jamen Shively's would be good to have this `Conversation needed, w/his platform of `Conversations, shared to all, which I've asked him to update me w/A Welcome Page, of how new people can navigate first time to join in?
Or contact him for specifics as he really has done a nice job w/many organizing and logging people's events;
Jamen W Shively <>
See Ex; As he shares;
Here is a personal welcome to Kindred Spirits I have recorded, 2 minutes long: Thank you Jamen and your helpers! It will be an honor for you to meet all of these people I suggest allowing them and Assoc's to guide us!
To help all expose this and create even more efficiently, as we critically prioritize, working globally allowing all to freely speak their piece to save life on earth skillfully, ending fragmentation! Addressing many priority issues simultaneously, as all try to funnel-pin pointing, as we all need to focus to bring it to priority of who what-where and when to help restore, as in creating w/our startup plans being worked, so we all understand what is leaving most negative effects on earth-space effecting most!
each do please, w/what and where resonates most to do it most efficiently, for self and for Humanity and the complex life that sustains us all, starting allowing w/the large ancient or updated that work, browser trans boundary migration paths to fuel the startup plan, so all life does ones ecological participation, alongside us, not in eco-parks, to make healthy working communities happen, and this is my opinion, feeling if your ancient or present working pathways are not real then these lessons from those communities, `booning with them have much to teach us, as communities then restore finding great fuel from building real pillars to our earth infrastructures needed for all life to heal, become conscious to self sustain knowing we all are interdependent on our biosphere being in check, which presently is in Intensive Care! And we will not quit until all of this is in it's natural wild state!!
please we need to focus and I'm happy to be corrected while you all join in! I thank `Nabble here for allowing me to create and share, and once our budget gets stabilized, as I never realized how messed up our banking systems really are, same politicians, along w/my inability to do my part! And how we need to weed them out! While many good people can then surface staying in the present w/good policies hearing clearly what needed from reps w/communities joining together to do one's startup plan, creating what works best for each skillfully, no more fragmented left behind!!
I agree w/Pres Eisenhower's final message to charge people, when he left office; Spit out the bread, look away from the circus, and take some responsibility! See more; "Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals," Eisenhower said in his address.
"Maintaining U.S. military forces in the so-called 'Greater Middle East' doesn't contribute to stability -- it contributes to instability," Bacevich says. "It increases anti-Americanism. So why persist in the belief that maintaining all these U.S. forces scattered around the globe are necessary?"
We as many, won't fight for peace, we want to move beyond the much dysfunctional using Nuclear as is, and weapons of war! Welcome all in to gain understanding how where ever they are used they destroy local and afar! Continents have yet to realize how the currents of the earth work, requiring healthy compounds to serve other's as in winds blowing life death compounds from sands of the deserts to our Amazon rain forest for our survival!
do you know how much toxic is being circulated? Including Nuclear waste and stock piles of it on earth and space?
Does your community's monitor-share w/women planning a child-children-frail, HELLO! Realizing Gov's-IAEA withhold facts, Japan is good EX: people still eating from fields, streets filled w/waste coming down from Mountains-homes-on shoe strings of children as `Fairewinds tested from contaminated after Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear accident, yet Gov still is not held accountable from other Govs or international UN and more!
Arnie and Dr Helen went there first hand! see more updates!
Fairewinds Energy Education Retweeted - Twitter
Lakota Man
·Sep 14.22
They said if I went inside their church and kneeled before their god, that someday I would see his face, in paradise. So I went outside, to the valley of ancient monuments, Navajo county, and the Creator revealed herself, to me. For rainbows are — her spiritual messengers.
Thank you, Lakota Man!
There is no more efficient way then to prepare for bad weather w/such skills, as well learn why we all destroy the complex life, more then some allowed to do it, why? Why do we allow what sustains our food source, which sustains us all!, to be destroyed by Industrial Military Complex and Industrial Agriculture, as biggest contributors to severe climate changes!
The species are dying at a fast rate and Humans will follow when have no food!
It is a crime against Humanity for profiteers to continue to develop weapons of war and nuclear as is, yet UN Dept's continue to fragment, why? We need to address these fragments of worn torn pieces, where unskilled are filling outdated positions, etc.!
Did any of you hear this listening to US congress-senate-House w/Mr Zelensky speaking? I was never so speechless, if any one knows me I rarely shut up! On twitter i had spoke before it, but to actually see all these people smile and clap w/standing ovations when he would speak of never giving up fighting for victory w/Biden giving another billion plus, making it what over billions, see links! It took me a bit but then I did say my 2 cents and I was ashamed of us all for allowing such lack of consciousness and believe they are doing anything good on earth-space! I feel adding Dr Greer's lab w/all rethinking, once heads come together in present old tech, as we share Dr Greer's also old alien tech along w/Tesla's controlled by corrupt for last 50 years Plus, as he has really good documentation, and says it best working w/great helpers-whistle blowers, sharing in link's of his `Breaking News, below!
He desires transparency to further share proven free variety's of energy to Humanity, or almost free covering basics to do this? As the lab I believe he wants it in Virginia, most likely by his home, and people he respects as well people applying and proving skills, will create the tech that Covert's have had for over 50 years yet keep it from us for how we all really could use it. Plus Humanity will have access to the lab viewing via webinars, etc. Then people I repeat can produce products and services from it at their will, but never taking away first line of power to Humanity!
Defense industry's, US Gov + others, more Corps, corrupt, do not give it to Humanity to resolve all our time sensitive needs on earth-space to rid toxic, heal, rid allowing any weapons of war and toxic Nuclear as is, and clean up the waste on earth-space!
This is how we can end these scars from repeating, end them all and make peace; Many Gov entities are not telling the truth of how toxic Nuclear radiation is on earth-space, yet UN does not prioritize, holding people accountable! Same ending sanctions, same ending all weapons of war - Nuclear, same ending Industrial Agriculture, for starters! UN does not stop US Gov from doing these crimes, same NATO doing these crimes against Humanity, same No one should manufacture weapons of war or Nuclear as is, never and NO MORE, it is destroying our biosphere and life on earth! What gives US Gov and others' rights to do this and as well not be held accountable for policy's agreed upon, when 1 side breaks them, who does what about that? NOT UN? Same putting in puppet Gov's, like Mr. Zelensky?
Sorry you people wanting weapons yet to learn, they are a programmed toxic way that does not work, and ~we the people cannot allow our earth-space to continue such misuse and abuse!
Yet many really feel like they where chosen, Congo another good Ex of such corruption, and many in Africa and the rest of the world! Look at how people are suffering, it is a crime against Humanity and we aim to stop it, meaning all of us w/common sense! And do it peacefully!
Look at the funds US Gov takes from US citizens, leaving so many people and wildlife left behind, everywhere a Military Base exists!! As well prints falsely $'s to give more weapons to Ukraine when they all lied, and did not follow thru w/policy's agreed upon w/Russia, in past, yet what did UN do? Nothing to prevent this war!!
Sadly Pres Putin exhausted all efforts to make new agreements, yet look at the results of UN Security Council, very few support him because they have no truth of history of abuse to him and his people! Did UN speak up, NO! Yet I've seen some of your logs and some of your people did good work, yet UN did not hold accountable those corrupt? You do nothing or very little!
As well US Gov controls medias to lie for more profits.Dr Greer's work and staff of over 800 whistle blowers do a great job showing proof of all they say!
Same Space Force, as Dr Greer states over 58 Corps coverts that create alien tech, as well stolen from Tesla, w/solutions for our earth-space time sensitive needs, yet Humanity does not get it, Defense Industry's and profiteers do!
Meanwhile people are fighting for the wrong reasons wasting energy distracted from the truth and Defense Industry's like that and profiteers, as they are sick individuals, unskilled, not realizing how they really destroy what sustains their livelihood also!
What does UN do? Nothing but repeat same old stories` Climate Change, we need help, 2030 plans many won't even make it to that date, dying as they are? Yes all life on earth is suffering due to all of this, and it is time to stop listening to irresponsible people like those of you fragmenting! Well we have heard that too long and few telling the truth for a long time, and still now Humanity has solutions!
SO `we the people will work at more efficiently sharing what works! And we hope Gov's and all join in! Bypassing political boundaries and ecologically joining in so skilled assess what is most efficient way to save life on earth, ending such toxic on earth-space!
Most important as
I shared w/Kremlin before going into Ukraine, that no one is listening to aid Pres Putin to recreate new truth in updated policies, even shake hands and hug, following through! So all of this war would have been prevented, same all the others in conflict, and we start sharing how to transition it all here w/your help!!
Yes, aid good and bad! As we prioritize simultaneously many communities once we know who-where-what and how to stop ASAP those leaving the most negative effects on all life!
HELLO LIFE IS SUFFERING IN ALL SPECIES! DYING PREMATURELY! Please if yet to see, join the Congo Vigil, see the truth of past and present that is just getting worse! Realize how numb we have become to daily use electronics w/the blood on them from this in the Congo still enslaved, as the world steals from their mines, rapes their women in front of the children and husband, then shoots into their vagina, put women buried in the dirt, then each day a new person comes to rape them, these atrocity's continue due to Corrupt and Incompetent in UN-US Gov and other Govs-NATO and us people's inability to sharpen our sensors to feel their pain! Same w/Ukraine as these same profiteers kill, when Pres Putin tried to respect International Policy's w/these Dysfunctions, yet very few listened and now we must all recreate-give hugs-shake hands and reunite, sure share truth but then do our jobs that make a difference to heal the many still in trauma and suffering!
We all can build our ability to maintain sharp sensors, being sensitive to the effects we all leaveon ourselves and any life on earth+space! We can maintain discipline over our self sensory observations vs belief causing so much misuse-abuse! Become aware of the effects please you leave, we leave and all, so as to hold self and other's accountable locally and afar!
Please See Dr Greer's subcategory on right side of page, for more and his link above w/his Breaking News to start, please, before running w/agroecological assessments grounding in our startup plan, that we want you also to see their many Ex's also in their subcategory on right side w/agroecological skilled assessments, so we don't go 10 steps forward and 5 back!!
When I say subcategory I mean go back to 1st page and see them in right column, as I've started again to post, but this archive and message board will be cleaned up along w/a nice introduction, as we want to give good support in fair loans to agroecological farms in need, as well show them where they are so all can have hands on experiences and more sharing!!
We feel these are the pillars to build a good foundation for every community to have needs met from caring for those misusing-abusing, those left behind as well stop the acts that produce such situations and much more as our communities can be designed to withstand weather, learn early signs to adjust to and full fill one's enhanced potential! See more of thanks to Miguel sharing agroecological reality's from many they work with and so many to choose from to rethink with!
I repeat!
Who will feed us in a planet of crisis: Look at this great work as Humanity has solutions to create with! I suggest no one should do anything until we have this conversation ASAP, knowing reality of truth being told and acted on energy most efficiently, and Dr Greer's free tech energy lab will w/your support have answers for us all! Plus at a cost 1/10th of what he states the funds put into his Breaking News about Fusion so called new reality's, that are very very energy inefficient, where he could use a lot less funding and earth-space, our biosphere we all share, would be treated w/respect for all life! Cleaned up, people and wildlife healed, so each do their ecological part w/gratitude and enjoyment as we celebrate creatively along the way! Then we can explore the universe!
Please I hope you listen to this page and look at all these people's great work, don't fragment please and just listen to one or the other, as we all need to help figure this out! So we do it most energy efficiently w/respect to all life!!
But first please see a lady that deserves all our respect and aid if can? See a video she did long ago that is still relevant now, `If you love this planet? For no matter what we choose to do, if we do not prioritize our earthling's sustainability, as in saving the complex life that fuels our food source, as I repeat, it is dying rapidly daily and faster by toxic Industrial Agriculture and the Military Industrial complex as US Gov-Corps-UN and more profit over not even caring about such complex life, or misinformed people of these entity's and more! Look at Japan, Gov allows people to eat contaminated food from Fukishmi Diachi accident, and they live in contaminated environments! Dr Caldicott shared a story of that on Twitter stating we all will be subjected to the same, and many are now, if you look at 100 mile radius around Nuclear plants in US, many cancers!
Then many unskilled Western Dr's profit or unskilled and more die with Chemo, vs see Dr Buttar's subcategory and more, as they aid people to care for their 4 stage diseases, and others w/their research and Functional Medicine;
Not to mention they will tell you in video truth of Corrupt COVID 19 and more w/all toxic vaccines, as well Dr Buttar and Dr's are ending disease on earth, as well heal autism knowing the toxic that causes it! And helping showing how also more are dying from toxic vaccines and the Dr's recently got it figured out, after a lot of work knowing also how a person can heal, as they get toxic vaccines, even now 6 month old babies and up, policy was changed, as US Gov is so controlled by profits from pharma and more, same lying media!!
Senator Kennedy is fighting it in court and more are, Internationally! Sure many care but can't do it alone! Together we can!
Dr Helen Caldicott as pediatrician 40 years ago and still working to help us stop Nuclear and weapons of war, she did this video trying to help us all understand the danger behind Nuclear use as is, showing what medical side effects happen w/Nuclear bombs! I suggest viewing as an adult if have sensitive children, as it is not a pretty sight!
If you love this planet, please see this video and share! Dr Helen I can't thank you enough for all you do and have done!
Please all, work w/what resonates and prioritize where the priority is to start, we will let ya know about such a `conversation so skilled can guide us as we all add our 2 cents, defining local or afar communities leaving most negative effects on most??
Want floods to kill all your wildlife and people as happened around the earth? Or want agroecological watershed areas planned and built w/neighbors so water stays in the ground? Same do you still have only seasonal water that kills your crops or do you want agroecological planning for water to stay in the ground, and do this startup plan assessment so you have local grown wild food-medicine, stops pest, diversify species in planting to give you more species as can imagine, end all toxic pesticides and fertilizers needing nothing but skills, and much more w/creating upon our startup plan, so please take time to review our recent posts on new subcategories, from right hand list!
This is earthling's answers to common sense, take time to view the links, and while watching it think of what we all can do, once we put our heads together, please in a `conversation would be nice. That is in the planning!
I thank all of these people and you Prof Altieir, for the hard work all doing!
He has shared a lot of nice documents, you can see in his subcategory;
Professor Miguel Altieir - Agroecology and Climate Change We all have no need to fragment our priorities when we gain some common sense and fueled w/energy by sharing Humanity's Solutions now, that have been here for years, and they still co_evolve w/real time! So Imagine adding what we say and wow!! We just need to organize to understand and then act on it, while sharing w/communities to widen the biome(s), knowing well for all, where best to do what in this `startup plan, you can create with and share w/us and more, what can work for you or what you see prioritizing w/your critical thinking communities afar?
The startup plan is a great peace plan to share skilled, that many are not even thinking about? Bring it to the table please and share this, same w/tourism, no better way then to have a local wild gown potluck and add some space for all to share, live music, w/follow up meets, sharing on a nice local farm so people get real w/what is needed, and share it taking it or taking it home!
Also as w/Saudi Gov's we sharing plans to make peace! Yemen once had agroecological farming communities, so they can help! To add such thought w/startup plan, from cities they planning to farming communities-pathway's trekking-biking- what ever, horse and buggy to aid those unable to have a nice outing, as they choose, stopping at cities markets w/live music, herb gardens and more w/farmers markets, people sharing common sense, even cart delivery to office or homes, then on to nice paths to other markets and on to farms, realizing when young and old become aware, then markets open to school lunches-hospitals-care centers-homeless no more, and more jobs working into successful career! W/a huge variety of agroecological whole foods! And more a way of life, many yet to know, and all their work is from sharing skills alone, nothing toxic comes in, like with Industrial Agriculture polluting communities and all workers!
Add composting of entire cities and black soil appears!
I do think it is more efficient to cognitively comprehend, if we put this all into a startup plan assessment sharing real Ex's that I hope our `conversation ideas will clarify more, vs fragment into different subjects then link, what do you think? Ex; sharing email on composting, vs associating it with startup plan, so people see how they can enjoy a day at a agroecological community knowing where and how their foods come from as well a way of life! And seeing efficiently trekking trails-aiding unable, for variety's of transport to get to farmers' markets and on to cities in parks w/such smells of herb garden's live music, and nice `conversations aiding locals to be in tune locally and afar and more w/follow up meets!
I yet to share w/Pachamama this and will, who has many great ideas as many do, but it is time to act w/understanding most efficiently by uniting, prioritizing and simplifying!
Please go beyond political boundaries and ecologically define in startup plan assessment who and where and when best to do what for local communities and the betterment of all life on earth!
We cannot just live local no more, rather people yet to be aware that entire Continents contribute to moving life-death compounds both healthy and toxic circulating around the earth, so we must become aware and do one's part that resonates!
When our budget gets real we will show this on our message board here as techs aid us to clean this up, efficiently, so join in and use Nabble freely, don't blame them for my bad editing please! They offer a lot of nice work, and I thank you Nabble for it!!
If can Donate and have to give please email me, kara; Ref; I want to help, So earthlings see reality of our earth and space filled w/Nuclear toxic and more! Yet learn what to do about it! No more can we just live local, but we can all prioritize, welcome Gov's and even those and us all unknowingly, as we continue to damage our biosphere, to join in and you will realize how many simply are not aware of how all participate, in destroying this sensitive complex life, that sustains our food source, let alone massive communities w/high risk Nuclear and Weapons of war!
Peace be with you and thank you all, I have great gratitude for the work from you all!
Emeritus Professor Miguel Alteiri in past and now, as well his wife Dr Clara Nicholls and the association they work with; SOCLA! See also Geoff Lawton's work in Jordan and more w/his `Permaculture Research! Dr Helen Caldicott and her associates at `FairWinds and `Dr Timothy Mousseou, Dr Robert Kennedy, and more, as well Dr Greer and his many great staff!
I want to also thank Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and Crown Prince Hamdan Fazzi and their fathers, for their support in more ways then one, in sharing ideas here, for us and them, to rethink w/these thoughts from us all, as together we make both of our's nicer, and make peace for all of Humanity! Using it to add to their peace platform, as well tourism and education, for all!! They both care very much, of all our plans to succeed, working w/Humanity!!
I've taken this time to work offline to rethink what best we can do, to aid your understanding, to keep it simple! So let me know your ideas! Our idea of making this happen, is w/people I respect to guide us!! I invite you to welcome yours and we all join in a `conversation.
Please see this, it is my thoughts on such a conversation I'm emailing out to all involved here soon, if have some additions please add!
Once have time?
A few questions please, I still yet to get answers I think are needed to guide us all in our transitions?
I understand Dr Greer, you have been talking to a few about creating a lab that would be transparent, to offer to people that can prove tech of a variety of energy's you are speaking of, from Tesla as well US Gov manipulating w/Covert's that created upon alien crashed crafts and injured alive aliens, and one's own invention within criteria required at lab?
My question please Dr Greer, and all to suggest, are you preferring to have all donations to build this lab, or willing to give a % of what, to one? vs a loan, etc.? Are you interested in joining another's lab if they willing to do as you seek? I understand your plans then would have open viewing freely to all via some online source and you would continue to assess interested offerings that people have proven to work, that want also to be given to Humanity, at possibly a low fee to cover expenses, same all of you!
I'm working on a budget, as well sharing w/a few listening, so please all let me know your thoughts here?
I'm not sure Dr Greer, if you are aware of Aerosol Masking Effect aka Global Dimming, but Emeritus Prof Guy McPherson explains it more, here is a few thoughts on it below in links of his. The point is how will your tech ideas you want to see perfected transition with this Aerosol monitoring I think is needed to guide us all, not just fuel company's unable to go cold turkey and quit, but my limited awareness understand it is from all of us that needs to be regulated skillfully?
Dr Greer, it appears in your upcoming documentary to promote more understanding, I hope you speak on this, as well this is just one of the subjects, skilled would need to be transitioned w/such skilled guidance, and I'm sure many? As we earthlings are interdependent on the natural world, and to become so conscious as Interplanetary beings are without such natural ways here, also takes some further understandings! Not to mention Mr Elon Musk trying to tell all about not waiting to react to AI, rather be proactive, he and Mr Hawkins feel it will take down Human civilization due to it now having a sense of itself and the inability for humans to control it!
So even add from such a `conversation more of these subjects elaborated on, of how to transition w/them, w/lab's objectives, if you get your way Dr Greer, as I hope this conversation can sync us all, as I'm sure it would continue to co_evolve us all to fine tune an efficient way to do this?
W/my limited skills, I would think to make an energy unit is one thing as Dr Greer you speak of, which is great, but before fossil fuels can be turned down to off, in regards to Aerosol Masking Effect, that needs in itself a monitoring device to calibrate the transition going to this energy source's effects left on earth, when no one no longer needs fossil fuels-or any alternative energy as in solar-wind generators-electricity-natural gas-coal, etc.?
Not to mention good students, young and old, w/Prof's aiding all to communicate, focus directing this understanding to communities using them as extended or only classrooms, so as to minimize policy restrictions and start making what needed to do it, as well work it out w/those profiting, on all this toxic no more needed, as priority's gain acceptance and people want to help make this happen!
See please Prof Guy's sharing; Plus would such a section sharing transitional how to/subjects, be part of the lab or this work could maybe be part of many other labs if they agree w/subject matter and link? Or is it best to keep it all together?
This is one subject Prof Guy and Dr Ye, can offer, of many, so maybe even some of these people want to take part in sharing more? Dr Greer I respect your good team, but to do this lab, I have no clue of who is doing what, except you have said, you already have a few proven projects. As well you yourself have been offered positions to join, and seen what some of the covert's have done and still doing, that offered you to join in and you said no, for no amount of money will you join them, due to them then wanting to control you!
I respect Dr Greer, his intent to keep this as low cost as possible for Humanity. Then I understand once no one can have a patent on this first line giving openly at some low fee to all, then each can do what they want w/producing products-services, yet never stop another from having basics to have this energy source.
Same w/transitioning off grids, I've seen in past w/coop housing, unable that have built off grid completely in Port Townsend, WA, they had to comply, but yes I not updated with what they went thru to resolve, as the community still exists?
I had asked you all before to think about this conversation, not sure if got email or even tweet, about talking about this syncing in thought, so all earthlings on same page, as in our ideas of a startup plan grounded w/agroecological systems assessments, as communities join to seriously see how to create with skilled guiding what can be enhanced naturally!
But what communities to start, is also part of the conversation of where-who-how leaving the most negative issues on earth-space? So simultaneously many startup plans can be created by communities we focus on? I also asking Dr Clara and Prof Miguel, how best to support who first w/agroecological systems to use as Ex's that we also can hep in a variety of ways, so as to then have them as they do normally as in Campesino to Campesino go share skills only as not external toxic inputs are used! So then w/good awareness shared as in an introduction and message board-archive i'm planning w/techs, and each I see doing their own sharing as well and more, to be able to sync vs go in so many wasted directions? So time sensitive needs get done, as we focus together, and sure those able locally then do at that level, when other critical thinking does afar also?
Why I say this is because Humanity needs grounding from the great many traditional cultures that have perfected agroecological systems long ago and still living with them co_evolving, yet many been abused; land-sea-freshwater grabbed around the earth, as La Via Campesina no well! Dr Clara Prof of traditional agroecology I'm asking to guide me to whom best in need of help yet can be best used to aid others in this startup plan support to aid them how?
I appreciate very much all the great work both Dr Clara, Prof Miguel have completed and shared w/me, thank you! Once budget and tech come about, we will organize this, and now Jamen has done just that on his Conversation platform offering many subjects to save life on earth! I will participate Jamen, I just had too many errors and had to focus, but thank you for your nice work w/your tech group!
I feel we need to focus w/real time needs most efficiently to stop the Nuclear as is, and I will invite Dr Helen Caldicott to this conversation if all agree to take part? As a means to support peace platform ending all weapons of war, and this can be away, as I now talk to a few Gov's listening.
Have you all seen her video 40 years ago, `If you love this planet! Please see and share: Mr Elon Musk stated AI is more dangerous then Nuclear, same not enough children being born! So many priorities from many will be rethought, as we need skilled to guide, please! But first I feel we need this `conversation of why to do what and how it can change one's startup plans w/common sense, not lost in science outdated!?
I suggest rethinking who all needs to be in this `conversation skillfully to help, so all earthlings can also speak their peace, to gain clarity to understand?
Point is we don't want to do something going 10 steps forward, and each person 's offering to my Ex; of startup plan will then rethink w/all to see how plan would co-evolve? Vs starting and doing and then we see new tech energy and go back 5 steps to make changes!
This way in `conversation each of you skilled can rethink your part or suggest other's needed to add their part, before all can simply do this transition restoring priority healthy working communities on earth-space!
Who and where to do the perhaps virtual `conversation? Jamen Shively has a nice tech platform doing just this, logging very nicely, where i'm not organized nor yet to finish budget, but it is getting done!
I 'd like Prof Clara and Prof Miguel to guide me on who best to support that has agroecological communities to be used in the Introduction sharing what needed and how resolved most efficiently w/such a energy tech Dr Greer feels his lab can produce! W/ideas of sharing transitional Ex's, budget and time lines projected, etc.? This way in our budget we are working at to help, we get an idea as I feel it more important to give support-whether a very good loan term or what, to these skilled people as a major pillar for every community's startup plan infrastructure being transitioned! Utilizing what is old information yet long over due to create upon!
Same Dr Ye + Prof Guy, you comprehending your tech w/Dr Greer and see how both of you co_evolve, same all of us, in what we do??
We welcome all to join in this `conversation and please check back for updates?
Please also, if have to Donate contact me, kara, it will help us organize a nice Introduction planned-archive and message board here on Nabble, as well I thank Google for their Adgrant and site that also is in transition, as we reach out globally and will do better w/help, to almost every country Google can reach as well reach out other ways!!
I'm over worked to use all Nabble and Google, offer, as they too can do same for you freely, so you link w/us and w/what resonates for you to want to do your part for our biosphere and life on earth-space, ending toxic, supporting healing and consciousness to use common sense and love, we all can learn!! Not to mention reach out faster to all earthlings to gain understanding and want to do one's part to help w/communities locally and afar, most efficiently, part time, until you fall in love w/a new exploration!!
Can this really happen? It is already being enjoyed by many in a variety of ways working at it! Replacing anxiety from fear to celebrating along the way!
Let's not forget to add these folks below, I respect also, as well you all above and more you welcome, into the `conversation!
If you all check them out if yet to, it is a true eye opener for humans and our animals, sharing sensitivity of love and conscious exchanges, before we even get to the `conversation! Please see and share, as we can keep this simple!!
These folks are special! About Us -The Trust Technique; › aboutus
See some real photos of the power from our minds! I thank you late Dr Emoto and followers doing his work;
Dr Leon Hammer, I welcome you to take part and all of you; Dr Yun Wang, same, he has agreed to join in knowing well how every community can grow their own food as medicine and be able to know for what major illnesses each community has uniquely, as well using same local grown herbs differently in each community;
Our earth gives us wealth of energy if we care for it w/love!
Please all, we can create a better life, Nabble offers freely for you to organize and link;
For self, family, our communities locally and afar, putting our large browser trans boundary migration paths in order if not, for the betterment of all of us and all species, to do their ecological part along side us all! For all life to be free to heal and understand to want to take part, to continue to explore this beautiful natural wild earth and beyond, that can be enhanced to it's natural potential ridding toxic, restoring, and lets do it in priority please! This way we all can simultaneously aid many w/hands on part time, supporting startup plans needed, w/what resonates w/you, ending these many time sensitive needs on earth-space!
Thank you! If I can clarify please post or email, or if want to privately tell me something, kara;
Peace is real, we just need to organize to share it!lov, kara j lincoln speaking for our combined `effects...
`i come to talk story...