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update 8.3.2013 before reviewing below;
this restructuring has been a challenge due to my co_evolving, I don`t know about yours??
I see so much waste in everyone pulling their own way. if we efficiently unite to focus direct to obtain our goals, they actually will happen much easier.
people have different neuro networks so all need to define what locally is reaching everyone + use it to link. no need to lay another path. rather students can co_evolve the subject matter as they restore their natural enhanced working communities to harmonize, self-empower all, as well co_evolve the curriculum so it continues to flow in real time with natural maintenance.
imagine if all the entities we all see merge simple administrative duties, office space, to start + go online to bring everyone together eye to eye locally. + with interchangeable roles all take a turn to post the communities updates. so now all come to the cloth/table + prioritize the local `plan land freshwater flow to sea use review.
yet each community individualizes. supporting others with like ecosystem/biomes to be triggered to bring home what works for own solutions. yet we as humans share priorities we can all identify with as we focus on what sustains us locally.
so how do we link globally such precision to be worked locally, with existing links already do_in, yet not all aboard? well I say add this to your global events, + let us focus direct together. for it is becoming more aware to me that it is this subject matter that has been lacking, for the networks appear to exist, just have to link them.
please come tell me your efficient way, vs. each going to as in or LinkedIn or the many other platforms that have very good ways from all, yet not channeling local priorities to those without, so misuse/abuse continues. where students can resolve, as we suggest here. as many then can better do their homework with hands on support, given by students/community members.
when yet I think if each local community collectively rethinks/repackage/downscale/prioritize as tallies reflect real time applications. starting with local natural food sovereignty, it will fuel how best to continue. so we all work toward responsible building of local, global + beyond communities.
no more where we get whiplashed with many modes of same science words. rather power is created with few words that all tongues can translate globally. + the structure we link will then hold us all accountable, so no one runs elsewhere + gets away with it. rather we all want to co_evolve + experience the beauty of `booning with our natural world, as we work with the local tapering transitions, as we gain facts to make wrongs right, rethink + choose directions to build our path as we walk it into our own openings. yet leave no footprints..
understanding how we co_evolve creatively by working the wild sensitively, for respect of all life, is a true art + science that all will enjoy.
please note I yet to take another review of below, for i`m reaching out awaiting feedback from some local school systems, to further get their opinions of what is already working to link with, before defining if we need to create new software for this platform.
when I look at Center for Biological Diversity web page, it blows me away to see all the skilled people + the many lawyers working for this change to simply preserve all endangered species to retain our genetic bio-diversity. if any of you have ever been in a lawsuit, you well know this can be very lengthy + expensive, not to mention a big gamble.
so to think that my ideas welcome people to want a tapering transition if understand, if we can organize a walkabout + reach out. as many have done over time bringing the global community together vs. facing these lawyers as they continue over the years, to actually support the biological diversity in a maintenance mode, vs. after the fact of interference/depletion/etc. is quite revolutionary.
no more do we want to address the ER mode or the prevention mode, rather we want to simply be in harmony with the natural world.
I think it is all in the wording + the organizing, as we gather many people to do this walkabout. exponentially more if we put the students to work with us. this is what will change our global market place from present corruption of delusion from disassociated energy, yet to be harnessed, to simply harness + channel the energy into creative sustainable exchanges..
I appreciate your feedback below, especially from those of you already collaborating events.
our combined` effect will make an unbelievable imprint changing the ways we perceive + respond due to the association + application of this understanding with the support of students + all walking side by side. so all reflect + feel our own energy as baggage becomes clear. fueling tools to rid it. as we remain present in the moment. building new neuro networks to maintain discipline over our self-sensory observation vs. belief, addressing our early signs.
this mode of thought is for all now, for with out us doing this ASAP, our children now will not gain the tools needed to walk into the future to handle it, for they only will learn this as we are truthful + in our discovery + unfolding`s of so much dysfunction, they also will dig into their own baggage + define themselves. what better education can anyone have then these exchanges.
+ I say exchanges for when the human species has dulled their sensors, + then another gives hands on, when one resharpens their sensors or even first time awareness, amazing energy of gratitude comes about, wanting to do their part.
this is the beauty of the human species potential, that then can gain much more sensitivity to all life, + that is why I say we can become aware to work our wild space that I feel have been set aside wrongly for tourism, developments without proper ecological assessments. when yet we need this wild to live on + work, as the Amazonians did/do well in their seasonal migrations. as I state in the project osic subcategory, in a document added, of the many studies completed from scientists, showing then the damage from bad developments, interfering in their livelihood.
this awareness from `booning with the wild land, in respect for all life can be maintained in every local community, globally. to link our genetic bio-diversity, giving us yet more fuel to co_evolve the human species with a mindbody clarity, many yet have experienced.
thank you, please share, as I`ve reached out to many. I await your feedback.
sincerely, kara j lincoln
peace is an option if we share it..
patches`+ pockets` everywhere are linking..
good folks are building this network by linking eye-to-eye..
sharing their bi`joy experiences of what works..
come talk..
we appreciate your participation..
i come to talk story
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