rejoin` a define of i do_in..

           enjoy a trek in the wild, have a bi`joy experience, stay calm + consider this.. not knowing how you have co_evolved, we will throw out some thought that we have been fortunate to have. use what jumps at you to give back an exchange to your self + others..

                now that we have had a chance to gather with old - new friends + neighbors, on whats, wheres, + hows in a `way do_in.. what deep inside of you surfaced.. where will you go next with your self.. don't let us throw you off your track, rather take the time once your affairs in order.  in a calm wild space reflect with what this triggers. take some notes, if need + sort them out, or take a break from them, for this may be helpful to rethink.
                  we suggest not to make any long term plans during this `transition, reviewing the do_ins` as you go thru each. which may be old hat + or 1st time..              
                  we place our own limitations. we allow it to happen. now you know.

      take a moment + enjoy the natural wonders around you, with feelings unfolding. share with friends + experience.. take note, follow up when convenient, sort, rid + bring to the moment. stay updated + check in as folks post. + post for your self or for your community.
                   we work best when we maintain discipline over our self-sensory observation vs. chasing belief..
                   we can be present + create each moment. check in with self. what you are experiencing in your mindbody fibers..
        do you stay in your head + adjust with body as feelings arise, addressing all early signs. or do you feel them + not respond to all. do you even feel them.. in micro seconds, minutes, or days, which is it.. in this moment take a feel of your energy in your body.. think about it. is it blocked.. in excess.. depleted.. or calm.                            
                   we feel energy mode is most efficient verbiage.
                   we are an open book + the status of our energy is a resultant of how we use our whole being allowing our inner tools to work efficiently, without us getting in the way.
         are you good at self-study, get a pal - rejoin' your self.. then once clear with subject matter to share, get a pen pal.

here we get serious of asking our self, how do i fit time for me. do a review once convenient + make a space within your existing schedule + do nothing as far as long term commitments.. rather be clear that you want to self-sustain, center + ground. as feelings come up, ASAP comfortable - address + edit early signs + bring all to calm. This is within our control at this stage. Fueling us to break all false dependency's producing negative effects on self + others. removing layers – boon` with natural life we are all interconnected with..
                        don`t allow such resistance when so many folks out there to reflect with. are your needs important, are you removing baggage. as you become present creating your moment. present addressing early signs within reasonable time. as you redirect to focus part time collectively with what sustains you. as you self-observe - defining your effects left on yourself + others. as well others negative effects you allow on your self.
            self-reliant on our ecological sustainability helps us sort out these layers. Is this ecosystem your choice to live in now. are you exploring locally + afar. are you now living as a local plugged in to what sustains you, even though temporary + happy to be their or plan to stay awhile. Are you part time collectively do_in.
                     we invite you to post your bi`joy experiences as they unfold.        

              For what is important is now. what we do now fuels us to be present in the moment.. only then can we walk in truth with our children, so together we unite + organize for each local community to part time efficently comprehend, understand + deal with the mess that exists in pockets` locally + afar left without.

by Peace is real! • | | 3 comments
proposal_project_osic_fundraising_for_resources_to_do....odt nuclear_US_repository_planed_2048.pdf read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
locally we may be very fortunate to live in these patches` with great reflection as we are truthful with our self + feel the grounding energy. only then can we become a responsible local, global + beyond participant. for self - able + unable, to be equal.. there are many good... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
lets reach out to wherever we are linked + see how we can come aboard + resolve efficiently; Syria via @peaceactionwest http://c... read more
by ready • | | 0 comments
Please do not reply, this email box is not monitored. To contact Ready Campaign please follow this link [ ]. You may update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences page [ https://public.g... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
I want to take this moment to thank a few that have fueled my direction. thank you Jenny Pell + Miguel Altieri for your sensitive interaction with life on this earth... you are 2 fine people + your actions alone carry energy for many to work. which is very beneficial if we go ... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Folks, as I reach out to legislators locally + afar, along with President Barack Obama + Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, I ask all of you to self-observe + it is this moment of time to dig deep + help us reduce this present footprint, derived from the disassociated energy that we all have taken part ... read more
by ready • | | 0 comments
We suggest you let us trigger some thought, as i submitted this proposal to many including Barack Obama + Kim Jong_Un, i think you can do the math... although I`ve co_evolved this a bit from original sent to them.. but i continue to attempt to share so it is up to them to update. Barack ... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments as Padma states when tried to get into conference, unable due to all the bankers in line, so i add comment; Hello Folks, w... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
please contact FDA + your legislators + tell them how wrong this is. for i`ve told Peter this is wrong we even have to waste our energy to tell them in their responsible role, which now is dysfunctional. this is my response from Congressman Peter DeFazio; Dear Ms. Lincoln: Thank you ... read more

this is the reality of where it all starts for good healthy living, that we all can locally take part in..

in build a community that supports everyone to understand our local/global obligations..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
let me start with an old tao quote to aid this tapering transition; food is better then medicine, energy is better then food, + nothingness is better than energy.. we all now are in these transitions + will be in, but we can together simplify this process... read more

this is serious for us to prioritize a structure that works within our natural enhanced limits..

in build a community that supports everyone to understand our local/global obligations..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
only then do we reap the benefits to gain the sensitivity to self-reflect + rejoin our center, so we gain total peace within ourself, without leaving a footprint. here we want to share the process of simple living; see Masonobo Fukuoka`s 2012 documentary on how simple our co... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 2 comments
Ratifying the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START).. Limiting the deployment of the MX missile and B-2 bomber.. Eliminating funding for the nuclear "Bunker Buster" and "Reliable Replacement Warhead".. Ensuring funding for key nuclear non-proliferation prog... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Barack, in your responsible position, please take a review to see what else can be addressed here for simple respect for all life. if we share awareness names cannot hurt us, but sadly many children get effected as well those sensitive in adult bodies. as responsible respectful people we c... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
May peace be with you All! each moment gives us a new fresh breath of air. so please lets come together in solidarity; i can handle playing, although my 2 year old grandson is a tough boss, heavy work load with big equipment. we have a road crew that is building communities + today t... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
a good example to make this simple is to trigger your thought to act in this petition below, but 1st please read my thoughts added below on 12.24.2012 in response to this petition below; Hello, thank you for what you do + for what we can do together as we have this opportunity to share wha... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
we just have to share in our walkabout, for many are preoccupied, not realizing the footprint left. for we have solutions to avoid this. why would we want to work hard at changing policys as in demanding l... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
please come take a review of our website + do it as we suggest starting from the top. it has a `way of filling in neuro networks. to add what can be done so we efficiently use virtual tools such as Nabble`s to bring people together in their local communities eye to eye, as in here below; Unit... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 1 comment
Acción Guatemala posted in La Via Campesina Acción Guatemala 12:02pm Oct 16 Via Campesina press statement World Food Day: Agribusiness investments are destroying small-scale family farmers and peasants (Rome, 15th October 2012) At the press conference that took place today in Ro... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Hi folks, please consider some ideas for Oct 13, 2012 event: review this posting i did as i make few corrections here, + we all know the work needed + the goodness happening in fragments; http://i-come-to-talk-s... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
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