our energy.. what a simple recipe can awaken.

                              without a 'way, their is only a false sense of reality..

  Define your retreat + do it.. explore habitats with species you are drawn to.. define your subject matter of interest, while applying in a habitat of interest, pursue your path as you walk it into your opening..

 post.. find a pen pal, which fuels your process to part time come together collectively. sharing your focus, in an exchange for others to do the same:.
       India tiger, elephant.. Africa elephant, giraffe.. Sumatra orangutan, elephant, tiger.. N. Thailand elephant… do we edit these out from being left in our genes from living with these large mammals, or just too many jungle books as a child..  

IFeatured Article
Spontaneous Evolution: New Scientific Realities Are Bringing Spirit Back into Matter
by Bruce Lipton, PhD
            Quote `The new science of epigenetics, however, says that genes do not control our life; our perceptions, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes actually rewrite our genetic code. Through our perceptions, we can modify every gene in our body and create thirty thousand variations from every gene just by the way we respond to life.

            i come to talk story, shares info by networking our exchanges.. so we continue to enjoy exploring our interests.. while we responsibly do an exchange with our self + coop with others part time locally + beyond.. in a focus for customizing our do_ins (remember to share if come up with more appropriate do_in, put it up for discussion).

+ plan` to give space to co_evolve, change mindset if needed + naturally restore our living space energy efficiently.  So we become present in creating our moment.
             be clear with the how too of living within your skin `boon with the natural world. + better understand your fuel source - energy grid that sharp sensors perceive + apply in the now. vs. the many that live with the feeling to believe it is the future 1 should live for.. or a belief that takes you from being present staying within your comfort, creating your moment.. or afterlife, etc..  

does our electromagnetic energy,, process long before our cognitive ability to perceive. Our inner tools perform unbelievably if we maintain sharp sensors.
               we can understand this clarity if we further support research for co_evoling:
             with life on earth, star dust composition, space..  + simultaneously apply on earth our findings for energy efficiency.. part time cooperatively prioritizing all life to self sustain, as we rid suffering from misuse.. + better prepare for natural occurrences that when not prepared become very destructive.

With sharp young + old minds we can make sensitive equipment within natures realm to detect it`s cycles. As we pool our thought.

We are a living organism, animals sense changes, i think we can regain some of ours.

  this takes a plan` to build our comfort,  a space fueling creative expression, fresh natural variety of food, meaning nothing toxic, vs. get lost in deciphering organic, etc. , rather fuel for thought.. a calm space with basic simple daily living in check, along with our ability to self-express, so we can concentrate our focus, collaborate + act on what perceived. Which actually grounds + builds community so we can self-develop harmony for our self so as not to interfere in natures ability to sustain.

How many of us have this ability. No matter how bad my life has been either from my own misuse or others. I`m fortunate + plug away at being positive + continuing on. being so appreciative of the goodness so many have yet so many patches` of people living - limiting themselves from what is, misusing. So as hard as I work to remove my baggage I look up + it is scary to see others with so much more.

But then if this did not exist, I guess I would be free of this network, for no need to share good things, because everyone would be aware of them. sadly they are not. for folks are very aware + they just have not had the opportunity to reflect with energy they could understand to set them free of self-abusing.

self-observe, openly reflect, give + receive perceptions from others, + allow it to trigger you to make space + see what is pertinent for you to become aware of.  sort out your whole mindbody vs. chase your head.. as we relearn to live from the many sensitive we can reflect with. with this clarity you may relocate. motion is the 1 known we all have + when we can maintain a calm energy flow within us.. this allows us maximum ability to achieve + rid our needs, fueling our explorations.. responsibly living local + beyond, awakening to what is.
          have you experienced your energy emanating from yours + others eyes. Can you see the muscular balance/imbalance on both sides of face, in result of mindbody use, balancing + processing what you perceive... feel the energy from another, emanating from 1 eye more then the other + associate with how you/they perceive + apply information most efficiently..

          i`ve enjoyed + suggest do_in self-massage to tune into blocked/abundant/depleted energy + balance your whole mindbody.. become aware of organic instinct directed massage/acts, as simple common sense, as we become aware + rid baggage that previously left us enslaved to our own misuse..

          Jacobson`s training is interesting..
 to recognize tension + eliminate.. feel how we translate pure energy (17k fibers going to brain, 200 heat preceptors, volts of tension, energy blocked, restricted, depleted, excess, etc.) into the words, beliefs programmed states as we have. how one is soothed by nurturing, supplements, when yet another withstands incredible pain + sustains on own, as in child birth, enduring suffering, chi gong abilities,  feeling the pain + managing it vs. blocking the pain, etc.

retrospect of where we are in the bigger picture, the scale of the universe. star dust as perpetual fuel with existence of right medium resulting in energy variation? Crazy to think folks are so clear with space research yet so many left unable to focus due to misuse.

             folks enjoy sharing your bijoy walkabout..

Do we really have ability to perceive in the future mindset now, with sharp sensors. vs. just reading in full language what our insight enables, reflecting with what is in the moment. then actually guessing, assuming, reading what could be + thinking that is to be. why bother with this babble. If it takes you away from your moment.

Heres a few other folks i`ve enjoyed reviewing their work..

Leon Hammer  - quote,` help one accept own destiny or define the hardware to co_evolve. what we consist of to transfer information, yet our feelings are helpers + without them we would only be fragmented + unable to balance..

Leon Hammer had success in working with acupuncture points, incorporating it with, after he did western family psychotherapy + realized it was incomplete.
             producing fuel for interpersonal exchange, along with his friendship, listening + caring, created `out of my head + into my heart, article. along with Dragons Rising acupuncture school in Gainsville, Florida.

Our basic needs fulfilled, as Leon shares experience from helping those regain harmony when never had; joy, passion, pleasure, to be nurtured + fulfilled, growth + change, change in values, ecological soundness with sense of self, humanity..  retreat from many activities that consume time + energy, conserving energy to revitalize mental power to focus + restore vital energy needed for whole being..

  what fuels depletion.. understanding denial of own need for nurturing.. excessive drain caring for others.. don`t manage fear by avoiding joy.. lack of faith always moving forward without rest, with no sense of safety in retreat..

 Nicola Mcfadzean was very helpful with sorting out foods easier to digest while mother was so weak.. except the cost + disorganization of required forms, from business she worked for, was very inefficient + very expensive. Why do people charge so much for natural awareness. when helping such ill folks.

 to define where to start, our choices daily that leave effects, tuning into priority with transparency modes; blood sugars, hormones, specifics.. once we`ve misused knowingly or not, after being with a history of western medical folks with no success of becoming aware of misuse.. folks remain so frail, unable to get support.. help is a lot easier then trial + error, we don`t have to reinvent the wheel, for all humans are a like. but why then when dying it is so much suffering.

I still can`t believe how they give fluids when you can`t  process them + you continue to put on weight. During this discovery process of are you alive, are you working, will you continue to work. or do they know it is all over, yet family or protocol of patients wishes have to be enforced, etc. it`s no fun watching your loved one that had series of steroids over several years. then successfully taper off + replace with herbal formulas then to end up again back in the hands with ER western medicine.

            They said no steroids . but the fuids + the way she died ended up with her gaining I believe 30-40 pounds in 22 days as I watched each day get worse. Foolishly worse. Until the last day when she had the ugliest facial expression + that night all over. Amazing how we can go thru so much then 1 more face to top off a bad experience to go away with.

So it doesn`t get better if you wait too long. but yes I believe many things can make it easier to manage bad health, even if can`t improve. You can be more comfortable.

support  is needed for folks to center, ground + heal what can. redirecting aggression/programming/misinformation into harmony for self + global family.

 efficiently we can heal self if address early signs. may take a bit but our inner tools if supported do good work… to when + how one can reprogram from doctor mode of fragments to doctor mode of self-help + social restructuring for a team to prevent, intervene + monitor within folks mindset/budget, takes a bit to sort out.

all can part time help build community + that sets a shared focus, giving much support. especially if start with what sustains you.

we have offered here many options thru our do_ins.   that are friendly when `boon with natural world that all can obtain vs. excessive cost.. by you making this a tool that works for you, it gives much reward as i`ve discovered..  
go beyond ER or prevention into harmony with creativity flowing from prioritizing 1good science. students come into the community as your classroom. help yourself while helping others. perceive reality at a younger age of our ability for self-control.

          Witness/aid misuse.  so as to truly live + nurture life starting at a very young age. For self + others vs. spend so much time preoccupied in being lost or busy helping others , leaving no sense for self, etc. when we can do both simultaneously part time in a nice healthy perspective. with out leaving a footprint on other life.

young + old share the uniqueness of our earth + beyond now. Fill your life with joy as we together part time help others remove their suffering. gain self-satisfaction - fuel you to continue to explore. This is how we are designed.

It amazes me how much aggression continues. How much suffering from misuse i see. When yet i see so much bijoy in my walkabout with the natural world.

in the plan` do_in navigate experience the earth + beyond via the variety of beautiful ecosystems. restructure  your mindset within natural potential. it is amazing the creative energy folks have once center + ground within the natural world. once `boon no over population issue. rather as a species our biorhythms/cycles sync with needs being met, for what is, before producing unwanted children.. children are then taught to nurture themselves/others as so much love is exchanged.

in a `way pots with spices in heaps.. as beaming oil glistens as it cooks.. in open earthen jars at the fresh market, potluck meals of abundant, farms organic with live variety, foraging diversity, as folks come together + share building community for all to harmonize.. as in Bellingham, Wa when small farmers donated for a community meal, Backyard Abundance was sweet + very aware young  group of students, supporting natures ways, aiding others to become aware.

all cues present themselves as we share in a potluck mode in old growth, farmers markets, etc. indicators expose themselves, with visual colors of natural grown fresh food, the variety everyone should have. life beams energy, smiles on faces, body language in simple do_in expresses all. music fills the air.. a motion not noticed when focused with group in workshops by doing perhaps…

signs to balance + support community, families… regaining harmony as you give feedback throughout the day, throughout the year, as each experience being present creating their moment.

network sharing part time how to - with abundance of energy, redirect more detailed thought to do_ins.. your work is no longer multi-tasking, rather stress free interchanges, where all interrelate, focus part time together, yet free of codependence.

Rather respect how we are all interconnected + interdependent. Yet build individual creative expression.. go with your flow.

communicating when in need, going beyond the existing laws that never should have been created.  work to rid them with others..  in time sensitive/skilled assessment + guidance with direct feedback… for self to reflect - to self actualize + `boon with… as we part time do for others to do same.

this on a regular bases creates celebration of music, art of simple living + motion, fueling us to rest + continue on with more clarity / physical endurance.. checking in with self more regularly + reflecting back to what felt, what experienced, not just words or mental chatter..

in pri`performance we uncover what is an obstacle.. an alternative experience of mime, music - addressing all our sensors.
a movement.  to better define what is the real issue here we are missing, as we used up all normal channels to define. + try to be in real time with early cues.. on location of unknown, we co_evolve with + make new discoveries with our hidden tools, etc.

this is to fuel your being, not enslave or interfere in your ability to co_evolve. we`ve all been their + in this process hope to expose solution for the issue at hand..

 it is this lack of self identifying + acknowledging that leaves no positive means of do_in for our children.. or whom we interrelate with, to truly understand us. + develop these tools of good communication. nothing is concrete, nor are we interested in the existing system that supports inefficiency such as law suits, etc. so if you have to send me to your lawyer, perhaps this is not the exchange for you.

developing sensitivity is nice. reestablish skills needed for non-interference… supporting + allowing nature to regain it`s ability to sustain itself. So as to restore soundness within our self… our human ability to restore our whole being… as we maintain self-sensory observation vs. belief… fueling our ability to go within + reprogram… responsibly balance + calm the tensions long overdue or yet to be aware of.. that created our aggressive, ill states, we have accepted as normal.
it may take a bit but it is nice to catch up with self.
          this is where we are more likely to meet folks do_in all kinds of things. even contributing to the military based economy because they have family + would not know what to do if faced with losing a job. So as with a person smoking, don`t tell them to just quit, work on mobilizing ways to strengthen their understanding of calming themselves…

             only then can our biological process work on the behaviors needing change. in all do_ins folks are specifically tuning into an issue that a lot are misusing over, + it triggers bells + whistles. unless approached with something familiar. this is why all do_ins are introduced to support the way of understanding.

        a way`do_in gives us the joy of seeing our fruits from our work.. a potluck in wild lands that are old growth, + or restored.. possibly in progress to connect, expand, refurbish, etc… as we trek/bike motion to those unable with food + updates as we bring back them or their  feedback. as in the solomon islands folks carried bed + folks to market, to be part of or to keep an eye on them, as they worked or played…

         this gives us an ability to share humanely as we enjoy the wild natural lands, observing/interacting body language in do_in our bijoy walkabout sharing. eating, light discussion or catching up, music + celebrate a nice outing, mobile + weather protected… each time go to new location as you experience what you are working for.        

         at each do_in cloth/table sets the stage, your preference + have a prioritized discussion, support those weakest. there is energy for all…

          patches` recycling pretty cloth for your comfort.. wrap yourself with a big hug as if it was from all those that have died, + presently exist, that you love… considering even when near, you don`t find time to express…  if you still have them make time. it is a true bijoy experience to co_evolve together. vs. observing once loved ones gone + how really short time is. it`s strange that it appears always after we make a bad judgment call, that we easily can see how easy we could of prevented it. but many times too late. grip the moment if you have the opportunity.

          use this cloth/patch under a beautiful old tree.. use it for focus, cultural patterns with sensitivity, passed on from loved ones. as i have enjoyed a tiny patch sewed on a sheet used as a child, from mom.  

spread the cloth out to share this organic foundation, for other sisters + brothers of our extended family yet to meet, as we share this planet equally (even though it may be for some in thought alone, but it is a start)… as we join together in soft spoken words, few tears, laughter… + pick up the pieces + catch up… we can correct our mistakes + go on, for you know your situation… so lets see how we can better it, as we share choices, rid our needs + exchange creative offerings, locally + beyond.

        table cloth nice with art from young + old (have arts to express with for young or unable + feel the vibration in place of their do_in) tables set with colors, + if fresh or sea we take samples of life in jars to visit us as we view if healthy + then put back. teaching us tools to be in the wild, collect + return safely as we monitor what we believe in…

        how tos shared as we trek, putting right botanical leaves in shoes for snakes, learning + using natures offerings for prevention/insect bites, etc. learning to identify as we collect/grow our food + medicines, in the preparation for this potluck…

each person can feel gratitude from taking part in what they enjoy, sharing lil bits - adding up from all as community  is built so not dependent on any..  a family shared experience…
warm summer day, enjoy. Pick a citrus combo, freshly juice, leaving chunks, flavored with fresh thai lemon basil herbs ground + sweetened with hony or steevia leaves (they don`t leave the after taste as the powder does.) Sprinkle in zest from rinds + leaf of peppermint with few violet flowers frozen in ice cubes floating, fresh from our garden. Add water kefir. Num..

instantly if sensations need adjustment, body relays a signal, it is this, which could be a very subtle signal from body + mind yet to be known by many. This sensation, cue or subtle signal tells us to adjust focus or body movement in order for body + mind to efficiently function best by calming that sensation.  When not calm, then become tense. Small tensions accumulate.

 It is this level of tension that is important for each to define within comfort range. Natural tension holds us together allowing our body to function properly. Other wise we wouldn`t move our mouth to eat or pick up our food or walk. Unless we are the unfortunate that are unable to receive messages to our brain about our body leaving us with inabilities..

But for us that are working correctly, that do get up in the morning feeling aches + pains, lucky us, to once again have the chance to stretch in all directions, up down side ways, around in equal use with left + right directions. light pounding/massage/tapping. Allowing us to remove this tension that perhaps we wrongly didn`t rid the day before. That hopefully we learn to discipline so as not to accumulate it, wearing out ourselves faster then normal. But lucky us to know this ugliness can be removed + do it within an enjoyable experience.

Whether in a doorway with rubber bands as mom`s friend Margaret did, whom was unable to walk much + she jamed herself in so as not to fall + went for a cross country ski movement everyday. + off in electric car to enjoy life. Even though her body was broken in many ways due to self abuse not truly understood.. as well abuse from those trying to repair + continued the damaged. It was her physical body broke. She had to come to reality of the weight of it + the effect it left on her mind.

 In her 80`s she felt perhaps unable to provide for herself that her time was up. she was a very kind sensitive lady. Very loving + enjoyed helping others. Age alone truly does not matter unless you are in a insurance issue for support, hospital work etc.. which sadly is incomplete, When doctors define if one should live or not because they haven`t  got the resources to support them. When we have the skills on this planet to support one to regain harmony while others support their care.
Especially the community when family is unskilled or unable to provide what is needed. Not because perhaps not capable but because of the lack of experience of responsibly caring for self. Leaving one unclear of priorities for self.

Why.. We are not cooperatively fueled as a whole, we either become codependent on others near, which prevent us from knowing what self sustainability is. Or we think living cooperatively prevents us from being one with our self.

Especially if those breaking away from a life of allowing others to influence,  or over cautious of not allowing it to happen. Or as long as we stay unclear we don`t support the ability of achieving skills to reflect with, so as to gain experience needed to efficiently use self.

Which allows us to cooperatively focus locally + beyond responsibly, remaining open. Enabling energy efficiency to fuel our needs + offerings as we continue to explore ourselves as we interrelate with our choices.

So simple yet so unavailable to many on this planet that have yet to use self efficiently + to do. Due to those unaware contributing to the dysfunctional entities that feed off life`s natural resources including humans. Muttling the energy, leaving mixed signals, interfering in self`s ability to discipline efficiently. Compile many folks + huge effects produced unknowingly.

It is this efficiency that we can gain, so as an individual we can interrelate responsibly. Redirecting this energy, prioritizing harmony for self + coop with our choice of focus whether locally or beyond.

Not just local do we have to focus. Rather local + beyond, we have to be responsible + this is what we hope to share. As we observe others in do_in, as they go anywhere + remain centered + grounded. Sharing potential as well the limitations needed to be removed. As we develop a natural plan` to `boon within the limitations required to sustain an ecosystem with all it`s indigenous life. to the best one can. without fear based misinformation.

 Many diverse species + cultures to explore, that have developed themselves by working within the local unique habitat. By working within these limitations naturally.  That each specifically offer.

We can interrelate to reintroduce ways that work so we become part of the natural world - which sustains itself. By identifying the resistance + removing it.

What ever the reason, individually we can bring ourselves to a calm state if we work together respecting the fact that all life deserves, to use tools within. which human potential offers us now on this planet + beyond. As well all species. For it is all harmonizing together that produces efficiency for each.

That includes managing wildlife, bringing it into balance, even if various wildlife hunts for food, etc. are allowed, after all measures to relocate, etc.

To truly use this energy from our existence in real time to see how together we can cooperatively enjoy being one with life.

Margaret`s decision to go to assisted living, regained the energy from the support of others, allowing her to do what she loved best + that was to help others. which living alone made it so she had all she could do to help her broken body, let alone house chores, etc..

 But where is the natural plug in for the folks that have lost their ability or never saw it, to plug into the natural world, working part time for community. realizing once our ecosystems sustain life. then it sustains our ability to live.

Especially when so many folks on this planet are in ill states of mind + body yet to have the support to develop the undeveloped child within. What are you doing, they are trying to survive. + have to deal with others attempting to see it their way. yet rather then to give freedom to plug into their human potential, they force a way that doesn`t work. so more layers to deal with.

We have continued chaos around the planet continually by more folks not responsibly participating. Excessively folks waste natural resources from not allowing themselves to self develop. Students can aid this support for folks to remove layers so they find a way to get back to themselves. In this experience young students will better find themselves.

Vs. the much information crammed yet no self to be found.

Sadly many weaken them self by thinking that at an older age it is perhaps time to go, or too young, unable. When in reality as long as we are alive, our being efficiently strives to balance, creating new cells within our body everyday. Allowing us the ability to interrelate + together life is better.

Sort out shapeless sensations into feelings that can be put into words that have same definition. vs.

 Ex: peace negotiations thinking talking same language, yet not on same shade of color, leaving all to understand differently from the other, what to do, yet not understand why things don`t work.

We can define how our sensations evolved into words, from accepted behaviors familiar with, passed down from past generations as they `boon with their particular ecosystems.

 We can regain the balance within our chosen ecosystems. As Masnubu Fukuoka`s followers + others are doing with folks to restore our planet`s depleted unproductive earth. Allowing nature to restore life.

Reflecting with balanced folks help us answer the misinformation we store unknowingly within as baggage. Which if left to accumulate becomes dead weight needing a lot of energy to process.

Working with early signs allows us to redirect light energy to prevent producing unnecessary tensions.

 So as to work within our human limitations which allows us to be a whole being vs. fragmenting, chasing left or right brain out of synch with body. Failing to, in the moment, prevent tension from building as we ignore our body, interfering in our internal happenings in progress at the time.

 Ignoring our subtle cues + signals that inform us of our need to adjust energy either in physical motion or the words we speak. that we need to take responsible action for. So as to prevent the deprived, excess or blocked states of natural flowing energy required by our whole being everyday.. Preventing ill states by adjusting with early signs ASAP comfy.  

If continued unacknowledged produces diseased or unrepairable states of health as Leon Hammer`s work has so clearly stated in his life`s continued work. + many yet to recognize + appreciate. to work with in - regaining natural balance allowing body to heal itself. As well those working to assist others to do the same.

It can be difficult to clear out baggage, yet to get clearer on other baggage. Sorting out the sore spots. Calming it so as to move on.

center + ground, be aware of the earth below our feet + the life next to us. As well at the end of our focus.

Don`t accept tensions beyond normal to restrict the awesome creative living energy from living in the moment.
                   Experience every day as we joyfully do our chosen desires, ridding our needs – sharing our offerings, free to explore locally + beyond. Cooperatively building a network that provides for us as we self develop within our potential. Changing mindsets that enslave us. sharpen our sensors so as to experience our own self inflicted tensions. That when left to accumulate numb us from our ability to perceive our needs + offerings as well those we step on without noticing, in our attempts to survive.

We can go beyond just surviving as many have. We can network cooperatively, eye to eye to pen pals with this virtual forum.

+ yes still have energy day or night, to appreciate all species natural offerings, around us or explore afar. Local + migratory happenings. Enjoying the transition of seasons in the many different ecosystems offerings.

can be a task at times but to bring ourselves back to calm is appreciated, once we work with harmonizing our perceptions. knowing what to apply. sorting out stuff, once we allow ourselves to truly work with all signals within. As well loved ones we choose + make it simple by acknowledging what we experience.

Customize it to our responsible reality to work with it as a friend, adjusting + fine tuning. Editing our needs + offerings can only be clear if we calm + scan our body in real time, working with whole being.

Our space enriched by linking the trans-boundary trail for all life. by planting ground cover to retain moisture in the soil, feeding life at microbial level, composting our table scraps deep within. Plants to supply food for us + attract species to also live + assist in balance of unwanted such as mosquitoes as we provide water + shelter for the small critters that eat them.

Not to mention the joy of watching them raise their family. 3 young squirrels I just discovered are running in circles around the big oaks playing, lucky them to have such a nice home. Plus the tiny frogs popping out from where i water around the house with rocks to retain the moisture. It`s little things that do add up daily that give us bijoy experiences..

Boy have I allowed issues of others to take me away from experiencing them when I was younger. when you have to observe farther up in nests where mother protects, etc.. or closer because so tiny. It is this sensitivity of daily ridding table scraps to build your local soil + being one with them that you truly can enjoy. sharing water brings life.

No need for endangerment of any species if we allow natural resources to be shared by all in a healthy ecosystem that sustains itself.

no chasing belief of what think is right, yet ignore body’s shapeless sensations as they stay unknown to some + others respond to them as beautiful bells as they continue to fall in to words like a gentle rain. When ignored lead to states of exhaustion. Leaving dull sensors with no energy to make good responsible choices in the moment. Eyes closed to life, continuing enslavement, as patterns of not understanding what happens, repeats itself.

 If i can`t do it now, plan` for it, even telling nice story energizes us now to enable us to find a way to cooperatively make it happen.

How many have lost loved ones without knowing their true character because they where unable to self develop.
We can change our mindset, by prioritizing cooperatively, interrelating, reflecting, networking, allowing self to define the missing link within, while focusing with skilled in do_ins.

Review a recipe, edit with the unique offerings you may bring into it. Or simply appreciate it for what it is. What better way can the kids learn a bunch of skills as well their roots. Eat the food the past generations of grandparents ate, feel how their energy put it together or was depleted from it. See how they `boon with their environment in their time + compare with our time. Creating with what was passed on to them, good and bad.

one assuming they communicated, yet the other left with a different impression, due to the mixed signals we get from being enslaved by exhaustion. which never allow some to have the energy to go beyond survival skills. to actually take time to go back within themselves. to reflect with those shapeless displaced energies, that have deviated from the normal pathways of energy, producing excess, blocked or deficient energy.

If left produces pain in various points thru out the body. Which Leon Hammer`s work which has been greatly appreciated is very clear in how our body when respected performs very well + we all share as humans the same basic degenerative state of aging if cared for correctly. Those unaware are left with damage unrepairable at early ages + need the support network to prevent further suffering, yet still allow their abilities, needs + offerings to be shared in a comfortable way.

Share so those limited can truly define another way with support to live independently if can + part time coop to build community. Not to mention the folks on this planet that have no support networks established. This we address in the next` move do_in  to network + come together + make what works so locally folks prevent + maintain self-sustainability as we experience our true potential now..

At the beginning of becoming aware of a natural healthy state of being, when perhaps behaviors of struggling has been taken as normal. these points are sore, one has to massage gently, just starting, you will feel sensations heighten in various places of body. Although it is more efficient to start getting energy open under arms down into hands + then massage your hands + feel the energy between your hands + allow that energy to balance. Do-in picture book is very helpful + simple as well sensitive input clarifies when best to seek skilled support.

             As soon as you start massage energy starts moving + as you cover entire body you will feel various sore spots pop out from displaced energy not a bruise or injury.  If follow thru to massage the sensations, they will calm, some right away, depending on overall effect left from time unacknowledged. Some need deeper massage clockwise if pain deep to rid excess energy. If shallow light counter clockwise to bring in energy where deficient. Some may take months + more efficient to reflect with skilled to minimize this time by working with other means naturally + define issues that need prioritizing.

Like focus on foods, sleep + bowel movements which Jeff from Taoist studies of Chi Gong have brought to attention.

  Ancient folks on this planet discovered this long ago as they observed nature + became one with it. Learning from all species. They call these acupuncture points along pathways in which energy naturally flows. If we rid this displaced energy by massaging sore points out + better yet massage to prevent them from developing. Getting in touch with a calm body + mind instantly or as soon as comfortable + go to + rid this tension out of context. Get a grip of what so important that keeps you from listening to early signs + adjusting. Or inability to communicate with self + others that love you + together figure another way that works without resistance, but rather harmony.

We can prevent this energy from effecting our internal healthy state which has it`s own limitations for each. Each morning we can check in with our body + mind + calm this tension. Allow natural flow to regain harmony. Center + allow this displaced energy to find it`s place. Vs jump up with this resistance + chase belief in head of what you think you should do, while you are ignoring these subtle sensations within.

Allowing them to accumulate more tension until you get exhausted + then stop. This is to late + does incredible damage to the natural workings of the body. Leaving overload of work on our immune system, allowing us no or low defense to fight off the excessive or even normal amount of dangerous microbes that live in us + around us daily. Which when calm + preventing tension from accumulating our bodies does very well maintaining balance of good + bad microbes, preventing disease.

We can fight it + still be a carrier of microbes that has a negative effect on others weak. So no one lives totally independent, we are all interconnected + must live in harmony cooperatively.

 Only then when calm will we be able to process information. Signals transmitted between mind + body in true time, by developing sensations, feelings into words we can grip + use constructively. True nuts + bolts to use, not just prioritize function but to do it energy efficiently so as not to be destructive on body leaving effects on mind. by dulling sensors, preventing us from communicating with our self. not to mention be considerate of others. Leaving us with mixed signals.

Have networking cooperatively available, locally + beyond to reflect with + experience the harmony of simple living. Creatively flowing, each in own rhythm as we cooperatively share this earth + beyond. Then it is within human nature that each of us are capable of reflecting + defining our needs + offerings. So as to not unconsciously leave any negative effects on self as well our environment locally + beyond.

Living simply, each taking responsibility allowing natural energy to stay within our human limitations, yet sharing the uniqueness of each in our world + beyond, which is limitless.

Not man made bad science, which can`t be biodegradable or recycled, unable to rid, yet used. + if can`t use in 1 area easily run to another + take advantage of simple beautiful humans, with the beauty + innocence of a child. yet that child undeveloped within. That welcomes neighbors with open arms. Not realizing how destructive the undisciplined human mind can be, to many that know no other way of living.

As well the many skilled in communicating, yet another deluded energy in attempts to control + goes beyond human limitations, takes control + disrupts natural balance.

How many folks on this planet + beyond live with, yet to know, how to maintain sharp sensors, to prevent this.. Allowing natural energy to come in + flow with it, sharing creative energy potential we all have, when right – left brain in synch with body. Allowing our self to self-sustain perceiving universal energy along with organic local in season earthly offerings at a price that inspires us all to get a reality check of our energy exchanges + change our sense of priorities. So as to take responsibility for self + also share in networking so others can do same. Not repeat the excessive waste, but go within + remove self from inefficiencies.

We cooperatively can efficiently produce by working with our natural ecosystems. Once a plan` is put in motion defining ways that work. Allowing us + all species within to sustain ourselves. Freeing our codependency on any one place. Yet allowing us means to responsibly explore + further our self-development.

For whatever the reason, before we lose someone or another species near + far, in our life. Let`s take a look deeper within ourselves + do an internal check as we reflect with a few folks that are willing to share with us ways that work. We don`t have to reinvent the wheel. Humans have lived forever with unique needs + offerings. Our objective here with i come to talk story is to make ours + others more easily available for young + old to reflect with, so as to self-develop with our necessary tools within.

If we are so fortunate to have them in working order. If not we unite to cooperatively network what can work for maintaining that which we can`t + define a solution now. For life can quickly put us all in that state needing support.

Versus having to edit and redirect the sadness have a chat with self about loved one gone and make it right with what you see now. How you could of made it better and can now with self and others. + do it.

Leaving incomplete communication just lies as resistance, tensions building into baggage offering excess weight and steals energy from the moment to carry it. Mudding the issues. Get together + simply state what is with loved ones + together get a reality check supporting each to redirect energy to remove that baggage. So as to bring it all to harmony, redirecting the sadness into reality of energy needed for chores, joys + personal exploration. So as to not miss the moment`s opportunities presenting themselves now.

Amazing how some people have had the knowledge to live simple, whereas other folks do the best they can with what they perceive and the community allowed them to remain fragmented then as well in some areas still. vs. simple sharing of how tos to build a whole being in harmony.

This is the time we take a better look at this and share simplicity of common sense. Utilizing the earth`s natural offerings, vs. processed which many have gotten influenced by from those wanting to gain with their tunnel vision. Without looking at it`s effect on others, as well all plants and animals surrounding. Destroying all in its path as well at end of focus.

With our continued use of these products - come continued abuse to the environment, which produces them.

We can take responsibility for ourselves now as we reeducate our self with a natural organic way of living,  that has always been here. We just get influenced + forget about our self. Or due to the pressures of others get loaded down. This is why we need to reach out and share cooperatively to folks locally and beyond. To regain a sense of self, regain a sense of community. one that prioritizes wild land, etc. remember.

What better place to start then with RECIPES:
     No one should wait to pass down a recipe box or book. Or wait until they pass away. Rather share it, young and old merge energies and create with it as we continue to eat together.

Oh, look, I didn`t realize mom got the CREAM PUFF from grandma. It`s so nice to make a note about who gave it to you on the recipe card.  

1 c flour,
 did they think of the glycemic index then, get confused with it, when if eat balance protein with whole natural carbo, it is not an issue.. As well the unique offerings in varieties of whole grains, seeds + nuts. Especially when so many issues going on confusing, with attempts to survive when yet others excessively wasteful.

Most people had good sense at the beginning to plant, harvest and not process out the nutrients. Soaked & sprouted with right processor to grind it and then knead it, kept their hands in it some how, + didn`t give it all to technology. Common sense would conserve + not waste.

 Stay grounded.  Stone ground flour milled locally + fresh in refrig if not used right away. looses nutrients in 13 hrs. keep them in the food, so as to gain vital balanced nutrition are body needs daily. As well grown organically/naturally made sense. How did we lose this simple practice that worked. Do you know who and when your flour was ground. do you store in refrig. So many local  jobs to make simplicity available cooperatively.

 Look at the history of these tools that don`t work passed on and one uses without knowing. ex; if contains lead or other toxins. Once aware please give away with note that should not be used for food consumption. Good old human nature allows us to think and do without thinking of other life. We can get out of the out of sight out of mind mode and share awareness. If you take the time to do that, it can help us with our own lessons.
So many good choppers with good blades and motors to coop, that are safe.

¾ c water,
 little did gram know how one would pollute our fresh water or the reality that many on this planet are with out or have to chemically treat or boil first. Being raised with a toilet and fresh water from sink, all you see is people working hard to pay for it all, you never think about it, why not start early and responsibly share why we work. to our loved ones. So they see whole picture of what sustains us.

So many opinions, at such a cost variance. Without it we`re dead in a short time. Too much and it feel very uncomfortable and leaves effects undetectable by most doctors.many folks not living by sea don`t realize the need for iodine either. Sea salts, seaweeds, fermented foods such as miso, tamari or soy sauce used for centuries from folks around the planet. We are fortunate to have this technology to communicate with our planetary neighbors and get to know how they adapted efficiently to the many diverse ecosystems and their offerings in which they harmonized with to self develop.

still many do not know how processed packaged and canned foods have way to much salt for daily consumption. being part of your coop you reassure that good products are offered.

Uprisings, the whole grain bakers cookbook, has many great details on these issues + encourage folks to achieve taking more responsibility for what goes on in their lives. To regain power over our food, our work, our health + well –being, in short our personal, social + economic existence. Quote ` To achieve this, we heartily encourage these + other kinds of uprisings in all areas of our lives.`

¼ lb butter, (i saw how mom`s other recipes added pork fat or lard) many think this is good to include in your diet, I prefer hemp oil or grapseed oil. Or if good butter made into ghee. + yes that occasional food with just good butter.

                   mom knew every cows name as she visited in daily chores on the farm. Hard for her to understand when i told her about how cows are abused and the products produced effected by it. Hormone levels, antibiotics, synthetic drugs, to stimulate unnatural cycles for cow to produce milk, where as in other countries and with aware people they utilize products from natural production of milk for young.  

 Do you know where your dairy products come from. How animals raised. Your eggs. Nothing more exciting to me then to regularly take a nice visit to the farms that produce our products. Believe me after committing to this project + living in an area where it is not readily available, it is a constant editing to get back close to the producers. Many people are yet to live in harmony within a local sustainable community that works efficiently. Vs. transporting from afar, + even then if no mindset of having diversity with nutritional species, they allow themselves to have same variety week after week.

Vs. skilled folks putting so much skill into each aspect of farming producing species that offer higher nutrients, fresher means for us to eat.

 Believe me for many years i had no clue accept for memories of mom talking about it. Folks raised with good farming skills don`t realize how fortunate they are. when they go to stores, carried bad communication skills such as assuming, anticipating or judging without facts. Mom took as a known - that all cows would be treated the same as her family did.

Good butter is only butter to eat, if can discipline and enjoy flavor along. Made into ghee is a treat the way it brings a shine + flavors out. Making ghee is nice way to preserve butter without refrigeration and also remove a lot of animal residuals, synthetic additives etc.. heat points make a difference with the use of each oil, peanut being able to get hottest without toxic effect. See  temperature for each oil. Cooking with grapeseed oil offers good omega oils. + eat fresh wild salmon occasionally.. As well industrial hemp seed + extra virgin olive oil`s offerings, if not cooking with, dribbling on when finished, even though many say you can.

Others think they know best to add animal fat, as an Eskimo maybe, but saturated fat is 70% of illness says book,  'Younger Next Year'.. illnesses we can prevent.

I offer some recipe thoughts when folks due an exchange either gathering folks for a bi'joy walkabout sharing or offering as a fund raiser. Let us know if interested.

Baking with a variety of oils: sunflower, safflower, seeds + nuts, gives unique added quality to different grains etc.. palm oil producers destroy habitats in Sumatra, so we don`t support any product where life is interfered with, so check out where + how produced..

Plus it is very bad that US does not grow industrial hemp. So please support it. it has a successful history producing much.

 In a world of opinions, we aim to open doors for us to focus and make good decisions by do_in our homework. experiencing the taste + feelings left. Not just short term pleasure but the actual health effects within as well from those that took part in producing it. Living simple energizes + allows one to stay open so as to realize how important each of us are. + with out us following thru daily, responsibly, working within the design of i, together we can do nothing without more work load on the other.

Not to mention limit use of pork fat, i know how good it tastes. i remember eating it in a nice home grown tomato sandwich, gram used to make.  Gram not knowing then the harmful effects of eating animal fat, especially when not flowing as she held in secrets, not knowing the harm that does.  then as many on to margarine with more preservatives unnatural to human body, which is no good..

 I`m sure that along with grams suppression of resistance with certain foods, both those that may have no effect on a healthy circulated body, as well those processed as she would try stuff unaware never thinking they would due such damage to whole food by processing + packaging. These folks as her that respected life couldn`t imaging people doing this for greed, to transfer farther + store longer. Or as in stripping the grains into fine pastries for pure taste. caused the build up of waste within her. as she carried forward fear from her father`s ways.

Most likely why she was afraid to tell doctors of her growth on her breast and when did, to late. Cancer already spread. She continued to suffer under the care of her family and doctors not realizing alternatives for simple comfort. that could of resolved real issues that were left unattended. such as fears, constipation, nutrition, pain, effects of drugs, some family taking advantage out of control, etc.. leaving more work load on those that tried.

 Nothing worse then feeling discomfort and not knowing how to decipher so as to resolve it. Vs. calling loved one + simply stating what is, which we all experience within different degrees, some more disciplined then others to prevent it. I see now it didn`t take a brain surgeon`s skills. It took sensitivity with oneself, to not be stressed, so situation gets looked at and followed thru responsibly. Simple how tos that when focus together with few minds can easily be prevented + resolved ASAP when it does occur.

Yun Wang with his simple sensitivity + skill as a Traditional Chinese Medical doctor/acupuncturist/instructor/researcher in Seattle, Wa has shared with me many ways that work. using natural herb formulas. sadly he was abused as mothers` western doctors looked at him + us as fools. Yet they worked. He was very helpful in many ways to us during mothers` suffering. I thank him very much, he is a beautiful person with simple pure clarity.

Again good old human nature does not give us simple common sense to follow, that gets easily wiped out with resistance and overpowered by others influence, when one not aware of staying centered and grounded. Child and adult equally growing together. Or just a lot of resistance from others + overloaded + to weak to figure it out. We can`t allow folks to hold fast with not wanting to be a burden. I can`t tell you how hard it was to support mom to be independent + the joy i got from when mother did allow us to help, after seeing her do to much with so little energy. folks rethink this.

It`s sad when pressures relieve us, only then we can see what could have been easier. This is why cooperative community support is very helpful, when yet so much of the social structure, people from all avenues, living out of real time with interpersonal issues themselves.

Amazing the lessons we can learn in the acts of do_in responsibly. Many fortunate to become centered + grounded early in life, others lucky to develop child within at later date. Others become aware after personal tragedies. As well those unfortunate that die before truly experiencing the harmony of living, as they continue to struggle while under the influence of the misguidance of unskilled degree people. those attempting to gain own sense of well being, from the fragmented support of attempting to treat symptoms only, truly not doing their homework. thinking nothing else to do. vs. simply saying they refuse to continue their study.

Which doesn`t support one to become unaware of how they continually misuse + produce own resistance. It could be as simple as ignoring those subtle tensions + allowing a lot of little things to go on at once. Which with community support could prevent. Same with manipulation amongst family members yet to be clear as Hepa laws prevent doctors from sharing with family, if patient not agreeing. Making it hard to be clear what is truly going on.

Oh, and don`t forget to take your frozen compost if don`t compost yourself, it has truly created nice soil around my space. allowing us to grow nice plants, giving shelter + food to local critters, attracting more, which is a joy. accept for when 3 big peacocks come. they would be high in the pine trees + also come down + lay on nice ferns, but  they really didn`t break any. There is compact ways to do it in small spaces. I saved compost in large yogurt bucket + then when full took to woods + buried. Nice experience to recycle + enjoy land even if living on a boat. answers appear when reflecting with sensitive just living simply.

 If truly staying for a while, many nice herbs, fruit trees + perennial eatable species can be planted. Violets, thai lemon, basil, peppermint, etc.

People think twice when experiencing the need to leave your family, so many valuable lessons to learn by simply sharing.  So many good ways carried forward from family ways. Now days we have the ability to work thru negativity for all. so don`t settle for it as normal. rather work at replacing with positive acts. Discuss all avenues and be clear why you think it important to move away from family.  + once think you clear, share with all, you may feel differently and decide not to go. Or go together. or go + volunteer to experience then get clear. So your life is stable to still communicate good. this is a small planet + if truly pursuing yourself it should be very good, fueling you to have good bonds with family, no matter what the distance.. what is difficult is if you don`t have the support to unfold yourself. then time goes by fast + you can`t seem to self-develop. Then family is pulling you back + your own sense is trying to define other means. so it is best to get support to work thru this ASAP.

Traveling is for exploring ourselves, when yet to do it locally. by sharing feelings in time we all grow. Home, if lucky enough to have one is for applying our experiences, sharing with loved ones, locally or afar. + find time to meet. Not running from them, for whatever the reason, confront them ASAP comfortable for all involved. Yes we continue to grow by ridding our needs + networking our offerings.

with undressed baggage we end up stealing from the moment.. our potential unique experiences, become a stopping point to clean house + many don`t get beyond. as we juggle baggage from past. we can create a self + simultaneously do all.

I can`t see repeating words when they`ve been said well + suggest you to review this article.

in Discovery 10-2004 `The Inuit paradox`, by Patricia Gadsby; from Patricia Cochran, an Inupiat, meaning real people, of Alaska, (whose organization was/is? involved in pollution monitoring disseminating food-safety information to native villages.) + Harold Draper, a bio-chemist + expert in Eskimo nutrition..

Many of us are not as fortunate to experience indigenous cultural up bringing, totally in harmony. As well many of the young natives are not listening to elders. Especially when we`ve been raised with fragments of application, being 1 with our natural world. Having taken for granted; hard working parents doing for us rather with us, toilet paper, flush toilets, + processed food where elders could not imagine how one would take whole food + remove the nutrients out of it, as well the negative effect of the processing itself, etc. especially to make a profit off it. long term storage was a priority that came with greed.

Meanwhile we all stayed preoccupied in our attempts to survive. Where many younger generation become bewildered in our search for our self, leaving fragments of natural living incomplete, as in failing to pick up the unique how tos from grandmother`s root cellar mode.  As her fragments of repression where carried forward, suppressed in her attempts to survive.

This is why still patches` of land use misused from the past + present, folks are still carrying baggage + it blocks ones filters from perceiving what is our now mode + staying in the present. Each generation can help us get clear.  We can self- observe, stop the programming, redirect + not just accept this as our cultural offerings to continue. We can edit the baggage out + learn from these experiences as together we can build a self. Living local wherever we choose. Using this + the many good projects as a tool.

We can gain insight into the origin of our varied behaviors passed down. Take responsibility. The human mind has an array of distortions that we accept, before being lucky to bounce into those efficiently using themselves, to reflect with, giving us insight of our human potential.

Yes, even the baggage building aggressive modes, can be calmed once one accepts harmony as the natural way. We can gain instinct directed behaviors from our own hands calming the imbalanced energy within.  as we respond to early cues. Conserving our vital energy. Keeping us mentally sharp to have our needs + offerings met in real time + have a reserve for when we dull our sensors, blocking our receptors. + filters receiving mixed signals. we have a baseline to compare to + not accept any state but a calm one + work back to it.

In this project we reflect with folks along the `way that share how tos, by us interacting for our shared focus for sustainability. `boon with our core wilderness in tact + or in stages of becoming:.
         with ongoing potlucks we reflect in season, as we observe these old growth areas, heads up issues noticed from local living… food for nums + shared thought… we lightly observe our self – our interrelations, our early signs + act on them with constructive feedback.. following up in appropriate do_ins, if not addressed + resolved in the moment, which can take micro-seconds, if we listen, see + share what we truly feel…

        reaching out to those unable, all participating, delivering food in hikes, bikes + bringing back feedback. + in acts of other mediums in a pri`performance to give us another mode to use as a creative tool for self-discovery. as we use all sensors in a skit as issues are acted out + enhanced with mime, music + motion.
There is no reason for anyone to have aggression beyond a healthy ego. It is good folks that can tolerate a lot + still be calm, that you want to reflect with. too many short sighted folks are over powering others + this is what needs to change.

We welcome folks into a `tapering transition as folks perceiving solution support those leaving the negative effects. as we all that produced this negativity together by using the products/services, can now say no + define alternatives. As together we support all to calm + come back as a local. part time building community for all to become a local, global + beyond participant that harmonizes.

             we can understand how to self-observe + stop our self- abuse.  we can clean up the negative footprints from our self + on our habitat we`ve left unknowingly. vs. staying in delusional layers blaming + not dealing with own backyard.
as in research where we are left to believe that pharmaceutical companies are the answer with more drugs through out he world.  where the burden of disease producing death could be prevented. Statistics we don`t want to use because we know filters of each are not aligned to truly assimilate an application from them. So usually they just project more fear + misinformation.

Many living now are programmed with information not conducive to our human design.

It can only be prevented when we are allowed the scenario to take responsibility + make changes. Which is the best + only need I can see for our military is to recycle it`s stuff. Yes end. So we have only local supports to redirect + rehab. All these war resources  can go into education.  so folks can clean up our own baggage.  each come aboard as individuals simply do_in local mode, as a participant. Sharing resources for development, prioritizing the core wilderness that sustains us, producing migratory path/trail for all life as we continue to state.

Whether planted + foraged fields supplying our food, as in the good Green Movement from many in past + present. such as book `Food Becomes Blood + Flesh -The origin of Blood Cells, by Dr. Keiichi Mirishita.  His earlier days of research as a physiologist, asking the question, as he was walking next to a pond seeing tadpoles.

`If it is true that blood is produced in the bone marrow, where is the blood of a tadpole produced without having a bone marrow? `
          He knew instantly by tuition that the secret of life was hidden right there. His new theory of cell birth filled the gap between Darwin`s + Oparin`s evolution theories. True nature of life lies in its incessant change (development); life was born from substance, which has been developing into higher life. He has proven how food becomes blood + flesh, + the blood (blood corpuscle) is differentiated into somatic cells. Reverse differentiation from somatic cells + blood cells occurs depending on condition.

This new theory was approved in the relation among food, blood + cancer cells, which opened the road to the diet cure of cancer + proceeded to have great success defining via blood testing why young people acted the way they did as they consumed processed food. + he continued to heal cancer patients with change of diet.
His theory  (Natural Medical Science) is a principle of health to awake the nature inside us + at the same time it is a principle of action to aim at harmony with the outside nature. We are a product of nature + without `boon of nature, it cannot survive. In order to complete the natural span of it`s life, the `disease of nature must be healed first.  

Any optimistic view on the present situation of human beings cannot be allowable. Yet if we make efforts to recover the green, (little did he know how bad folks would exploit the green movement which is incorrect as in Al Gores.) we can avoid starvation, exhaustion of natural resources or crises of war to be caused by them. This aim is at the peace + prosperity of human beings, says Dr. Morishita.

His work has been difficult to locate, so please let us know if any one finds it.

It is a balanced eco-system that gives such offerings.  this is our true medicine. fueled from our core wilderness areas that are left to self-sustain with corridors linking them to others.

We are fortunate to network or live as a local, with these folks living along the way in sustainable habitats. As well the displaced from the many war torn areas + homes of conflict can in mind - network now + solutions will be found to once again define a home that works. this will fuel supporting them to heal as we all part time define how best to support them until they can.

Please visit us in the next` move do_in to do just this.

For like ecosystems are in abundant on this planet, similar to one`s homeland, if can choose. Which is a life right for all to be able to explore another + share this earth together. which is what we all will continue to work at.
We have the mental ability to make new circuits for peace as we link to the many creative movements to support all.

                respecting one`s experimental history, where all memories, emotions + meaning are aroused in us from our perceptions (as Jose Delgado, a neuroscientist from Yale Univ., states from Discover 10-2004 issue `The Myth of Mind Control by John Horgan).  one can go to archive of Discover + review. From same article (Michael Merzenich’s research at Univ of San Francisco, has helped us understand how plastic neurons really are) our neural circuits keep shifting `massively + continuously` not only as being children but throughout our lives.

 So those raised in distraught areas, homes removed + no sense of self developed via struggles, can shift + rethink with us. As we all carry baggage of disassociated energy left from incomplete processing. + many have died suffering from it. With aggressive dysfunctional behaviors presently still happening, many feel they cannot figure it out. Depleting ones energy.

Which is exactly what this sharing will do. Utilize the goodness from past + present folks enjoying this life, sharing ethnic cultures + simple living experiences in harmony.

Starting with a way` fresh grown natural local food + scenic energy of a potluck in the wild which speaks for itself!
              + folks that get hung up on buying organic, don`t get stuck here, it is so confusing, when natural is good, accept those that say natural + use toxins when growing. rather look at the distance, the Fair Trade, the local hands on + in is where it is at. Wild crafting local perennials + keeping them healthy. + if your energy is not respected, all the good work with food/natural medicine is out the window.

As you enjoy life around you, allow it to absorb you, `boon with it. Experience the life force within, be one with that which sustains us. Efficiently use the energy that is freely given to us in a self perpetual motion as long as we are alive. So use it to release the tensions + calm self which is our natural state. Only in this state can we become one with life.

 Yes free! Even to those that allow others to control them or not yet aware of our inner tools when we correctly use right + left brain in synch with body, which allows brain to scan + instantly if sensations needing adjustment, body relays a signal, it is this, which could be a very subtle signal from body + mind yet to be known by many. This sensation, cue or subtle signal tells us to adjust focus or body movement in order for body + mind to efficiently function best by calming that sensation.  When not calm, then become tense.

 It is this level of tension that is important for each to define within comfort range. Natural tension holds us together allowing our body to function properly. Other wise we wouldn’t move our mouth to eat or pick up our food or walk. Unless we are the unfortunate that are unable to receive messages to our brain about our body leaving us with inabilities..

Or we think we have juggled baggage as we rid it + then our moment releases the resultant left undone, so do your homework + don`t settle for having to bat these experiences as they occur. Rather say ok now what`s going on + make space to reflect with it. don`t let it consume your moment. for many threads still attached can be others yet to be worked + you don`t have to be responsible for it. so don`t get confused by it. rather suggest it to another + they can define what it triggers. or by the discussion you may see it is still yours to work..

But for us that are working correctly, that do get up in the morning feeling aches + pains, lucky us, to once again have the chance to stretch in all directions, up down side ways, around in equal use with left + right directions. Allowing us to remove this tension that we wrongly didn’t rid the day before. That hopefully we learn + discipline so as not to accumulate it, wearing out ourselves faster then normal. But lucky us to know this ugliness can be removed + do it. as we make better choices putting our energy 1st.

+ yes still have energy day or night, to appreciate all species natural offerings, around us or explore afar. Local + migratory happenings. Enjoying the transition of seasons in the many different ecosystems offerings.

 can be a task at times but to bring ourselves back to calm is appreciated, once we work with harmonizing our left + right brain, sorting out stuff, once we allow ourselves to truly work with all signals within. As well loved ones we choose + make it simple by acknowledging what we experience. Customize it to our responsible reality to work with it as a friend, adjust + fine tune. Edit ridding needs + offerings can only be clear if we calm + scan our body in real time, working with whole being.

We as humans, the design of i, is uniquely designed to be comfortable 100%. Please don`t accept anything else. Yet look around you + see what is within your means to nurture.
            Our harmony is not to be at the expense of another life.
            Our space can be enriched by planting ground cover to retain moisture in the soil, feeding life at microbial level, composting our table scraps deep within. Plants to supply food for us + attract species to also live + assist in balance of unwanted such as mosquitoes as we provide water + shelter for the small critters that eat them. Not to mention the joy of watching them raise their family.

3 young squirrels i just discovered are running in circles around the big oaks playing, lucky them to have such a nice home. Plus the tiny frogs popping out from where i water around the hose with rocks to retain the moisture. it`s little things that do add up daily.

Boy have i allowed issues of others to take me away from experiencing them younger, when you have to observe farther up in nests where mother protects, etc.. or closer because so tiny. It is this sensitivity of daily ridding table scraps + being one with them that you truly can enjoy, what sharing water brings to life.

Life that brings you to reality check when one suffers. Drop all + go back to whole being limitations, reflect to see what part never understood + we all bypassed or in detail reflect with skilled in overview so as to choose missing links that prevent one from maintaining self control. Which usually is easily detected in overview of what part of whole natural living have we failed to harmonize in.

No need for endangerment of any species if we allow natural resources to be shared by all in a healthy ecosystem that sustains itself. Where we work as part of resolution + work within it`s limitations vs. part of problem of going beyond + interfering in the natural life to simply be.

 This is why we allow ourselves to stress without knowing, we yet to decipher these signals which if left become symptoms. controlling our self.

When we can maintain discipline of sensory self-observation vs. belief.

 Simply meaning stay in tune with a centered mind + body, ground as a whole being, always aware of earth below our feet, leaving no tracts behind, allowing sharp sensors to remain with mental clarity + energy.

Vs. chasing belief of what think is right, yet ignore body`s shapeless sensations as they stay unknown to some + others respond to them as beautiful bells as they continue to fall in to words like a gentle rain.  Whether yours to keep or rid. When ignored lead to states of exhaustion. Leaving dull sensors with no energy to make good responsible choices in the moment. Eyes closed to life, continuing enslavement, as patterns of not understanding what happens, repeats itself.

             If we can`t do it now, plan for it, even telling nice story energizes us now to enable us to find a way to cooperatively make it happen.

What a treat to have the advantage to share a meal with a loved one, new friend, or getting to know your neighbor, locally or beyond, of all species.

 How many have lost loved ones without knowing their true character because they where unable to self-develop. Or you with them.  yet so many fortunate to of shared in their joys + struggles, with their needs and offerings.

We can change this mindset, by prioritizing cooperatively, interrelating, reflecting, networking, allowing self to define the missing link within in, while focusing with skilled in workshops by doing.

     Start with a common denominator, we all love good food. Review a recipe as a start. edit with the unique offerings you may bring into it. Or simply appreciate it for what it is. What better way can the kids learn a bunch of skills as well their roots. Eat the food the past generations of grandparents ate, feel how their energy put it together or was depleted from it. See how they booned with their environment in their time + compare with our time. Creating with what was passed on to them, good and bad. See how nature recycles thru the missing words in a written recipe.

Lets ask ourselves are we lucky enough to have yet another real experience or do we do it with uncompleted, deluded of fragments of memory only. Or the few fortunate to still be in the same house, space or bowl or two, alive with vivid actions being one with, still in real time.
As in the few unfortunate experiences where we couldn’t find the energy to interrelate, or actually didn’t even know the definition of this type of harmonizing energy exchange where one shares deep from within. Once we went into our own left- right brain synching with body, being clear, allowing all sensations that are shapeless to fall into words + get clear or in the sharing process get clear + in real time with circumstances stay updated.

 vs one assuming they communicated yet the other left with a different impression, due to the mixed signals we get from being enslaved by exhaustion which never allow some to have the energy to go beyond survival skills to actually take time to go back within themselves to reflect with those shapeless displaced energys, that have deviated from the normal pathways of energy, producing excess, blocked or deficient energy.

If left produces pain in various points thru out the body. Which Leon Hammer’s work which has been greatly appreciated is very clear in how our body when respected performs very well + we all share as humans the same basic degenerative state of aging if cared for correctly. Those unaware are left with damage unrepairable at early ages + need the support network to prevent further suffering, yet still allow their abilities, needs + offerings to be shared in a comfortable way.

We need to bring out a dialog so those limited can truly define another way with support to live independently if can. Not to mention the folks on this planet that have no support networks established. This we address in a plan  to network + come together + make what works so locally folks prevent + maintain self-sustainability as we experience our true potential now..

  At the beginning of becoming aware of a natural healthy state of being, when perhaps behaviors of struggling has been taken as normal + these points are sore, one has to massage gently, just starting, you will feel sensations heighten in various places of body. Although it is more efficient to start getting energy open under arms down into hands + then massage your hands + feel the energy between your hands + allow that energy to balance. Do-in picture book is very helpful + simple as well Leon’s input clarifies when best to seek skilled support.

 As soon as you start massage energy starts moving + as you cover entire body you will feel various sore spots pop out from displaced energy not a bruise or injury.  If follow thru to massage the sensations, they will calm, some right away, depending on overall effect left from time unacknowledged. Some need deeper massage clockwise if pain deep to rid excess energy. If shallow light counter clockwise to bring in energy where deficient. Some may take months + more efficient to reflect with skilled to minimize this time by working with other means naturally + define issues that need prioritizing.

Like focus on foods, sleep + bowel movements which Jeff from Taoist studies of Chi Gong have brought to our attention.

  Ancient folks on this planet discovered this long ago as they observed nature + became one with it. Learning from all species. They call these acupuncture points along pathways in which energy naturally flows. If we rid this displaced energy by massaging sore points out + better yet massage to prevent them from developing. Getting in touch with a calm body + mind instantly or as soon as comfortable + go to + rid this tension out of context. Get a grip of what so important that keeps you from listening to early signs + adjusting. Or inability to communicate with self + others that love you + together figure another way that works without resistance, but rather harmony.

We can prevent this energy from effecting our internal healthy state which has it’s own limitations for each. Each morning we can check in with our body + mind + calm this tension. Allow natural flow to regain harmony. Center + allow this displaced energy to find it’s place. Vs jump up with this resistance + chase belief in head of what you think you should do, while you are ignoring these subtle sensations within. Allowing them to accumulate more tension until you get exhausted + then stop.  Or they become numb + you continue on misusing. This is to late + does incredible damage to the natural workings of the body. Leaving overload of work on our immune system, allowing us no or low defense to fight off the excessive or even normal amount of dangerous microbes that live in us + around us daily. Which when calm + preventing tension from accumulating our bodies does very well maintaining balance of good + bad microbes, preventing disease.

We can fight it + still be a carrier of microbes that has a negative effect on others weak. So no one lives totally independent, we are all interconnected + must live in harmony cooperatively. Adding probiotics to our diet can do just this.

 Only then when calm will we be able to process information. Signals transmitted between mind + body in true time, by developing sensations, feelings into words we can grip + use constructively. True nuts + bolts to use, not just prioritize function but to do it energy efficiently so as not to be destructive on body leaving effects on mind, by dulling sensors, preventing us from communicating with our self, not to mention be considerate of others. Leaving us with mixed signals.

 Have networking cooperatively available, locally + beyond to reflect with + experience the harmony of simple living. Creatively flowing, each in own rhythm as we cooperatively share this earth + beyond. Then it is within human nature that each of us are capable of reflecting + defining needs to rid + offerings to exchange. So as to not unconsciously leave any negative effects on self/another, as well our environment locally + beyond.

Living simply, each taking responsibility allowing natural energy to stay within our human limitations, yet sharing the uniqueness of each in our world + beyond, which is limitless.

Make life what you want it to be, if you don`t no one else will. Just be aware not to leave any footprints + stop your misuse as you maintain harmony + that will fuel continued exploration. then all can be accomplished. But it does take some time, so celebrate along the way`+ part time continue to rid your baggage, bring future to now + all will fuel you to be present taking part in creating your moment. as you make your path into your opening as you walk it.

      thank you, our combined effect` makes a difference..

      especially when self-satisfied.. we can then truly beam an energy all can understand.. as we share in  a bi'joy walkabout..
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