This is how simple life can be, to be beautiful if we share what works...


                    No one can take us from being `one w/the universe in harmony, except ourselves!


    This is how we are born if healthy, and then if not programmed from behaviors taken as normal, from past generations doing their best trying to survive their times of scars! Then on to now the many children having children an children helping parents! Let alone the now 40% more children to age 18 committing suicide due to COVID toxic wrong mandates from powers at be that did and still doing a planned profiting event, by putting fear into many, which is not truth!

  Please we want you to see some truth of what many experience not allowing such fear based misnformation to interfere in one's ability to `boon w/the natural world and enjoy it, as we do all we can to protect it, informing you of Humanity's solutions we love!

                                Thank you Nabble for allowing us to continue, as well your decisions to continue!

  Please all realize you too can have Nabble to organize your community and link w/your choices, as well don't forget to share w/us-correct us, share our offerings and join  in , as we all welcome Donations to enable us to continue to share and learn from you all! Thank you and if have to give, please email me, kara; Please Ref; Donation, have to give! And we will talk more!

        I want you all to see Shelley and James work I respect at,`The Trust Technigue, please! They not only aid your commuication w/wildlife and your pets to be healthy, they also aid you to go deep and self reflect in their simple process for you to do the same!

   Between these people and Dr. Steven Greer sharing meditation-remote viewing and so much more to communicate w/Interstellular Civilizations, supporting Dr. Greer's campaign to end illegal UFO and Free Energy Technology secrecy. I feel `The Trust Technique can keep us all grounded to do what resonates w/each of us! Especially when new information can feel muttled?


     I know so well when feeling so good about sharing Humanity's solutions w/you all, then to experience Dr. Greer's hard work and his staff I also respect, sharing more of a planned fake alien attack from Coverts, w/Human made crafts designed from alien craft crashes w/bodies! Supposedly to scare us like planned COVD toxic mandates have done, for powers at be to profit more, as people falsely then support more of their work and Military weapons of war to protect us, which is totally wrong!

      We are working to transition all weapons of war, and to even aid better understanding of a weapon for a fair kind hunt to wild life for purpose, that many yet to learn, having many dangerous weapons, not needed no where on earth or in space!!

    It is only a programmed ill state from so many scars left on earth and those now in space wanting more weapons of war, that we all must stop! People working togehter can share in healing, no matter what they have done? Please let's all have empathy and respect to stop these worn torn pieces still leaving so many on earth suffering and dying prematurely!

   Together w/startup plan created upon, that you will see more coming soon as we continue to transition this platform here, as we all can change local and afar priority commmunities leaving most negative effects now, by folowing these skilled we all are forunate to have guide us above and below;
     Including connecting the socio-economic-education-ecological-politcal and much more enviromental time sensitive needs to come together vs fragment, ASAP, as we are working hard to do this and welcome your help, to share science of common sense to be mindfully acted on! While celebrating along the way w/gratitude for so many to guide us!

   I'm personaly sharing our startup plan, soon more here on Nabble, that Emertius Prof Miguel Altieir and his associates , see the subcategorie and learn more as share more and he knows best to guide us, as it is not just about agricutlure, transitioning toxic Industrial Ag! It is also a healthy way of living in these serious prioritiy needs, as many more then some are seriously affected by climate change-Nuclear use-more toxic we will show as we welcome each to do one's startup plan, guided to show what is and what can be! By joining neighbors far and wide, even entire Continents w/neighbors realizing peace is the way vs interfering in other's ability to simply live and be self reliant in harmony, having social networks in time of ER happenings, not to mention the joy of a simple local natural potluck focus directing and enjoying the natural world, `booning w/it, w/follow up meets, welcoming all! Getting real w/self and others, locally and afar!

      There is no better peace plan or tourism plan then to share hands on w/those living it, adding some live music, great food, discussing w/all, and skilled students orchrestrating this, w/Prof's help using communities as extended or only classrooms, then to co_evolve w/community the much needed curriculums to live in the present w/good common sense science facts!

    Not allowing profiteers to misguide us, rather welcome them to learn good investments, as then local plans we created for you to create upon, ( we will share more soon so check back and add-correct us) as we soon share more, from local reps you all choose and do it in interchangable roles. So all members know what it takes to have a good rep, (not to mention vote out those in US Gov and every Gov-entity, if they do not listen wisely, not just to our ignorance but to support us to gain awareness of these truths!!!) Then they too can step down and gain truths being a mindful community participant learning from all as we network as one!

            Showing Humanity we share and more, have solutions long over due to respect and learn from, to end these scars from repeating, which takes us all back to simple understanding!

   I've asked Emeritus Prof Guy McPherson, Jamen Shively and Dr Ye Tao to have a conversation, as they did a very nice analysis of MEER project, and now I believe we all need to rehink w/Dr. Greer to get real w/alien Free energy tech, before as I once thought to just support the MEER project on earth! When yet I do support their skills to work together to see who and how best to do what locally assisting until we have this Free energy which never should have been taken by Coverts as is now!

    I also now behind the scenes share w/few Gov's listening, as they are redirecting many others w/this simple truth, yet so many yet to know! Same we trying to end wars! That is all it takes is understanding from Humans, to feel the life energy and love of being Human, to aid long over due ER locations and to start the healing processes needed by many lost in the fog!

 We all are needed to do one's part, and to give to each other support, so please join in and add yours, while sharing ours, as we continue to complete a nice Intro-archive and message board w/Nabble!

      Not to mention if have children chasing games on computer w/weapons of war thinking it is fun, and thinking it is rest,  yet to realize how many do not have aware parents to guide them to know it only should be a game of the past done wrong, so not repeat it? Yet many wars now still leaving many dead and suffering, and Military bases  as US are leaving unhealthy conditions to all life in their path, as well leaving toxic Military equipment behind that children play on and get ill from Nuclear radiation or blown up w/land mines!

    While the 62 Defense Industry's profit, from us being fools as I speak for myself for many years unaware, as they love to see war and lobbyists selling more to legislators and designers of such toxic war games and movies etc., profiting over healhy working communities! This we will end w/your help, please!  

   This transition above from both can help you all sort out what best works for you and your family to get real w/the nautral potenial all Humans have if healthy and fortunate to be guided w/awareness from us all! If not healthy, my older posts can share much more w/Functional Medicine Dr's and researchers I respect, aiding people to heal 4 stage diseases, when Western Medicine can only say nothing else to do! But we and they share being tired of suffering watching people die wrongly! Or even like Dr Buttar or others supporting autism showing how to make change, look back at my older posts and do connect w/them, please! Do you realize how happy a parent is when they see their child change from severe autistic ways, it is unbelievably a gift, yet these Dr's get condemed, even loose their license for aiding healing, as antivaxers as I! You can locate them Internationally;


   As they know well Western Medicine is toxic and can change curriculum and learn from Functional Medicine and more! I also and many have lived through family suffering to death, from them needing to change curriculum! Not all are bad, many keep learning, so best to know who and what studies your Dr's are aware of and share w/them welcoming them to join in with people I suggest here to help you regain your natural state to heal you!! If they don't agree, then you contact them yourself!

   Sadly I was too late w/a brother unable to free himself or I from unskilled Dr's and a powerful pharma profiting system! But Dr Yun Wang has helped transition many tapering off such toxic ways w/others we worked with, I as an intermediary in between as many people do not know themselves to share w/Dr's! Especaily hard is those mentally ill, mistreated w/psychotropic drugs! When w/healthier wise assessment of true needs, can taper off and into other natural customized formulas specific to each, as w/Dr.Yun and his wife Dr. Nancy Wang, as she helps, which I thank them both! They are located in Seattle, WA, USA willing to also aid;

 Same as Functional Dr's too via tele or webinar to save on funding, if unable to locate one locally through network, etc.?

 I also have great respect for Dr. Leon Hammer and he is still writing, born in 1924! He offers a free little class that is sweet, please see more, as he co_evolved Traditional Chinese Medicine, as a family psychiatrist in Western Mediine for 55 yrs knowing it alone did not work, until he studied from a Master, the many pulses and more of Eastern Medicine and then made changes to that, knowing what to do when from all;

   See your alternative Medicines and go back to true traditional way, indigeus to your local area and create with them, but caution as many have lost them! And many can help from afar if have no local connections!

          Please check back for updates, as we all have great desires to save life on earth and explore the universe's offerings to become aware of our true Human potential and mindfully participate saving life on earth first, without interference to any being and share peace to all beings on earth and in space!

I thank you all for what you do! And many more behind the scenes in Gov's are doing very good work to transition, so please work w/all you can!
lov, kara, speaking for our `combined effects...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
This is a very nice Trust Technique for all to have! Thank you Shelly and James! lov, kara, speaking for our `combined effects... read more
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