Senator Wyden + all work with us, all have options + want to live local, sharing what works, globally.
Why We Fight..
When yet now we calmly efficiently end the war mode, false green + toxic, economies by sharing what works.. Transparency is all a healthy able person needs.
Thank you folks that made this video telling your side of why we went into Iraq + more!
People do check it out to see another take of how the Military Industrial Complex worked then, as US Gov/people, need to make amends.
So we the people, ask how is it continuing? How has these terrible atrocities co_evolved, into what conscious humane sense of comprehending our real focus that needs to be addressed ASAP in every local community, globally.
I thought this would be appropriate pre thought for Senator Wyden`s visit on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at Egyptian Theater, as he promotes TPP.
For we suggest all welcoming ones students, as we shared before, to use one`s community as an extended classroom. So together all network, getting real w/the scars presently on the planet + beyond, + the toxic now happenings that responsible positions are permitting to continue to exceed the natural enhanced rule of law.
We suggest students to seek like ecosystems/seasons + subjects, so as to fuel options to bring home, as each community prioritizes. So no more is anyone left behind. As all go eye to eye, have a natural local grown wild food/animal/fish, potluck + sort this out.
For history has proven that our US Gov is out of control + those running the Military Industrial Complex are taking the resources wrongly. + As
Dr. Helen Caldicott states w/speakers at her last 2.28.2015 Symposium on Nuclear/War, etc. they showed in detail, how all these entities started w/good intent, got exaggerated into fantasy + set into motion. + Once in motion profiteers have kept it going, being trapped, paralleling the natural enhanced potential every local community has globally to work within the natural rules of law.
Enhanced as Prof Miguel Altieri speaks so well of, where our microbes our nourished, etc. As he knows well the global food crises we are in, as industrials w/ similar yields, yet leave toxic ill effects.
We know well in our continued assertion to stopping all GMOs. Showing people how to live local, so as to obtain ones own locally grown natural wild food/fish/animal sovereignty. That has no place for the Military Industrial Complex.
Rather we can restore working sustainable localized systems w/low impact, as all work w/ones students to orchestrate this exponentially, reaching out sharing what works/what doesn`t. As all restore the natural enhanced functionality of every local community.
As each then are the best to define `what is, to sustain the balance of the local genetic biodiversity, so the bio cultural ways that humans are best designed to live, can continue to be fueled. So now each community mindfully balances the natural world for our healthy migratory species to link, throughout the earth + beyond, once all responsibly acts.
Opening many positions, far superior inner/inter personally then a job working destroying ones community, as all correct + make amends locally + afar. From the abundant solution oriented options now available.
As Dan Rather stated in above video, giving limited information to cover the back sides, as in Iraq as example, of those starting the war, cannot be accepted.
Senator Wyden is this what you are doing? Do you realize the outcomes of what you offer? Are locals in charge of obtaining local sovereignty as our plan suggests to fuel everyone to do a local `plan, along w/a tapering transition, giving all transparency to then seek like ecosystem/season + subject. Knowing best how locals self direct, w/respect, love + gratitude as Dr. Emoto`s work shows us, that we can make an influence w/our inner tools being aware. So as to stop the toxic ill effects as he proved w/children`s cancerous thyroid tumors, that he healed. Knowing well using love + gratitude can change the water crystalline structures.
Which we feel if we can prioritize research ASAP, we can define how the nuclear radiation that is now on our planet, more so in some local communities than others, as the winds/currents, etc. move it around our planet.
For there is no boundary for radiation. + Today`s Science is incomplete + being manipulated, as the Military Industrial Complex takes precedence leaving no transparency for people globally to become aware of what all have unknowingly supported w/our tax dollars, etc.
Dr. Emoto`s work + other`s w/traditional engineering have proven w/respect, love + gratitude humans have the power within to make a difference in one` own health as well work exponentially w/one`s students to restore the truth. That is all anyone needs.
Our plan is to share sound science based on these ethnic values from traditional methods still being worked as skilled people technologically rethink + restore human`s potential for humanity has solutions. All just have to become aware of those that are trapped in parasitic social cancers, welcome them to one`s tapering transition, showing what
Prof. Miguel Altieri knows well what we need as a platform linking the biophysical, social sciences w/the ecology, as it defines for each community what can sustain it, as our proposed plan is to review ones capability to work ones seasonal biomes.
Now giving options for the ongoing natural disasters, let alone the human made, that are presently out of control, that all can harness once we organize to share links. For we have options globally + beyond to be worked.
see our `the sun will set spreadsheet + come link, as we continue to perfect this virtual tool + appreciate your help. Please see a variety of ways on our donate page, you can help your local community + yourself as you do your walkabout as you help us.
For now my friends are working at sharing what we know, please see
Chuck Hindmen`s facebook page of his work + these are some corrections to be made that is not being told, please note this comment from a friend w/many years experience w/radiation + ongoingly researches;
He looked at
Mid-America-Land-Restoration-Microbes-Probiotics (facebook). Wuz a video "Fukushima ☢ West Coast Impact", & watched it. Says never mind about a little Ce137 with all the "Natural" K40 around.
I blew my top, decided to do a little math.
K40 half life is 1.25 Billion years (that's B for billion).
Ce 137 half life is 30 year.
Half life denotes the activity of radioactive releases, as in how fast or slow.
If u divide 30 into 1.25 billion u get something just over 40 million. So Ce137 would put out 40 million more particles than K40, for any given period of time.
That's hard to get perspective on, so, in comparison:
If u put one gram of Ce137 in your left ear, and a little less than a third of a gram of K40 (for particle numbers equivalence) in your right ear, and if u could get the Ce137 to do one radioactive release per second, for 40 million seconds, then it would take just over 12 years for the K40, in your right ear, to fire it's very first shot. Wow, & they want to equivocate K40 in bananas, chips, etc. to radioactive Cesium? Talk about bulldozing your brains.
I have two other comparisons to add, & will later.
Soon we will be uploading a document that will explain more.
Please we want all to stay calm so efficiently all rethink + redirect ones energy back into oneself, edit, don`t just act, reflect w/many good folks, simply do_in, as together we continue to work at this.
For no more can we accept misinformation taken out of context, as above video stated was done, as people purposely falsely took real information from another time + made a factoid from it, as the US Gov told the American people wrongly of why we should go to war in Iraq.
We have many people rewriting history knowing well our people should not fight for the US + other militaries until they prove to us differently.
For one would only fight for the Now Global Military Industrial Complex. I don't think you want your children to do this, do your homework + see the many ill/dead + dying from it.
Thank you for what you can do for you + your community!
I'd like to add my comment + more, then what just submitted in writing to Sen Wyden due to lottery mode + my number was not chosen.
As well if video is available to review, please let me know. You can email, kara;
The speakers were great, along w/Senator Wyden, but the whole meet was fragmented + incomplete without overview perspective. Of all working together. + How best to do that, which i would like to address here.
The issues of water brought up from Native Indian representative as well JC in regards to fracking afar w/LNG. Not to mention i added as Jeff Reeves stated the salmon distress fund had yet to be compensated for few years back, let alone already fearing due to shortage of fresh water that salmon next year for commercial fishing may be in trouble.
Sen Wyden plans to pursue all development w/LNG as well TPP, but states will do it w/transparency where the TPP will be posted for a time period, but does not state if public will be able to add comment.
He feels it can be done the right way as solar + wind development. Which
i disagreed with, stating their should be no large grids anywhere, for they interfere in locals ability to maintain ones own local naturally grown wild food-fish-animal, sovereignty. i have seen the waste in research + resources, here in Oregon. As large grids also have been created. + Must stop, so only natural building w/localized systems w/low impact in respect for all life is restored w/locals working the local `plan working w/the local tapering transition. So people know exactly how they exceeded the natural enhanced limits + now prioritize ill toxic effects before new development. Knowing well students can have on the table investment opportunities, but now locals stay in control of ones local sovereignty for naturally grown wild food-fish + animal, for starters.
Which is what each local community can do by simply having such a potluck, so as to let this be the best local gauge to fuel priorities.
As each community welcomes ones students to help organize, network, working the local `plan.
So locals define what is best to develop after those developments negatively leaving toxic ill effects are resolved, working within the natural enhanced potential. Working w/in the natural rule of law as they welcome all to a tapering transition.
For what was major overlook is explaining where they are at. Meaning are they trapped in the parasitic social cancers, contributing or fodder fueling, yet to be aware how together we can harness these issues of the times, while making wrongs right. As US makes amends in the world. + Reallocate resources due to all supporting unknowingly the 1%. As all are welcomed to the local tapering transition, so sound science based on traditional engineered values, as Prof Miguel Altieri works with in his agro_ecology curriculum created w/indigenous still using, with similar yields as Industrial, yet leaves no toxic ill effects..
Giving understandings/options of how all can self sustain living local. As all harness this disassociated energy all have contributed to unknowingly as a few have purposely manipulated for profit. This needs to be explained how wrongs where, if they where, made right. Showing the observed trust, so all do not continue to repeat history that continually creates so many scars.
Humanity can get beyond this crises repeating itself, once we identify this critical parasitic condition leaving much illness + premature death, while others are simply lost in layers. As these ongoing unaddressed issues are too much for a healthy human neural network to process. Let alone in an ill or over loaded stressed state.
All must make space to check into ones behaviors daily, so as not to pass them on wrongly, as others think they are normal, which makes it easy to ride on others wave.
All please accept nothing less than transparency, + by welcoming ones students in every community. They can define the whos + whats, as worn torn missing links are replaced, rid, realizing how ones has yet to simply live.
Yes all can go beyond resolving, preventing + simply be, fueling exploration locally + afar.
Humanity has options + our earth + beyond gives great resources to heal + make all ill now comfortable.
Not all communities are so fortunate + have been destroyed + need to be prioritized to do an exchange. Aiding ones understanding to sharpen ones sensors, that only each can allow to dull. Defining how best to prioritize + restoring ones infrastructure to once again live local w/basic comforts + heal. Rid the radioactive waste left behind or nuclear plants mismanaged, leaking/landmines/stop deforestation + misuse/abuse, homeless + diseased left behind, as support is defined locally + afar, while yet locals + neighbors do the work reaching out to the next to do what it takes to regain local naturally grown, wild food-fish-animal sovereignty with neighbors, not aid from afar.
To fuel prioritization of what next as students focus direct eye to eye w/community. Bringing home options as one networks like ecosystem/season + subject.
This past left incorrectly managed, as in Ex; all the previous wars could of gotten Traditional Chinese Medicine. If transparency was made available.
For every illness by now would of been better off + now still can, w/the 300k vets not including their families that also got ill from the radioactive materials on their bodies/bags, brought back from the Iraq war. Which was done illegally, headed by Rumsfeld, as many in the Military themselves did not all know the corruption created falsely accusing Saddam Hussein, in order for others to gain control + profit..
As 300 tons of depleted uranium was used for bullets, then to have the wind carry radiation over the soldiers, when US bombed left over armory so the other side could not get it. + The 800k respirator outfits were flawed, contaminating them.
I told Sen Wyden as well all, to watch the videos, they speak for themself;
`Why We Fight, `Iraq For Sale, `No End In Sight + the Chinese that came into OR in 1880 w/herbal formulas `Kam WAh Chung, leaving no excuse.
As i told Sen Wyden, that Dr. Yun Wang could heal + help people be comfortable as well train the western medical field, utilizing our earth`s offerings, as communities plant collectively gardens to heal, vs profiting from pharmaceuticals, as is.
Not to mention
OR has a 211 program that Con Peter DeFazio told me about, that i then working w/homeless in Charleston, informed him as well supervisor of my 24/7 ideas formulated. For all the entities to help locally i had experienced did not know what the other one was doing. Leaving no medical detox, nor follow thru support for the developmentally disabled.Meanwhile we have loving community members that go out of their way when i would ask their help. + If all can organize working w/the local programs, then real help can be given + community gains a lot, by all enjoying giving a little. That was my addition of the 24/7 for many only need follow up support.
See more ideas on our Nabble site;
i come to talk story.
Yes Sen Wyden states health is a problem also, he is addressing each person`s comment in detail + some w/follow up help from staff.
My limited attempts to communicate via email have not been anymore then generalized in response to acknowledging receipt. + To think that the lottery mode gave him completeness in closure of his meet amazed me. They did not even address where to put our written comments, considering all they may add, as he could of stated he would do a follow thru before concluding this meet. + How it has fueled him to rethink in setting his state of priorities w/associates.
my previous emails from Con Peter DeFazio would state that he would agree w/me but others would not listen to him.
Many are well aware of this limited ability to communicate + be part of staying real w/the process.
This only proved to me my perception is right on w/my studies + know well that many have great detail + all need to organize to enable prioritization so as w/the students help, all can be put into perspective for people to become aware + act, vs. funnel hard work into a system that has no structure to interact w/transparency + must be changed. Due to it`s excessive waste on all life.
I could not thank him for his follow up of my emails, due to his generalized answers. So i asked him to support our US non profit being perfected as a virtual tool, sharing the process of living local, globally. As people link. Working at making this process of what i speak for many, to do, simply make it friendly so no longer does anyone give equal rights for parasites, Rather we welcome all to work together in local tapering transitions, to understand + heal the condition + simply be one w/the natural world as we create pristine beautiful creative I'd like to add my comment + more, then what just submitted in writing to Sen Wyden due to lottery mode + my number was not chosen.
As well if video is available to review, please let me know. You can email, kara;
The speakers were great, along w/Senator Wyden, but the whole meet was fragmented + incomplete without overview perspective. Of all working together. + How best to do that, which i would like to address here.
The issues of water brought up from Native Indian lady representing as well JC in regards to fracking afar w/LNG. Not to mention i added as Jeff Reeves stated the salmon distress fund had yet to be compensated for few years back, let alone already fearing due to shortage of fresh water that salmon next year for commercial fishing may be in trouble. Sen Wyden plans to pursue all development w/LNG as well TPP, but states will due it w/transparency where the TPP will be posted for a time period, but does not state if public will be able to add comment.
He feels it can be done the right way as solar + wind development. Which i disagreed with, stating their should be no large grids anywhere, for they interfere in locals ability to maintain ones own local naturally grown wild food-fish-animal, sovereignty.
i have seen the waste in research + resources, here in Oregon. As large grids also have been created. + Must stop, so only natural building w/localized systems w/low impact in respect for all life is restored w/locals working the local `plan working w/the local tapering transition. So people know exactly how they exceeded the natural enhanced limits + now prioritize ill toxic effects before new development. Knowing well students can have on the table investment opportunities, but now locals stay in control of ones local sovereignty for naturally grown wild food-fish + animal, for starters.
Which is what each local community can do by simply having such a potluck, so as to let this be the best local gauge to fuel priorities.
As each community welcomes ones students to help organize, network, working the local `plan.
So locals define what is best to develop after those developments negatively leaving toxic ill effects are resolved, working within the natural enhanced potential. Working w/in the natural rule of law as they welcome all to a tapering transition.
For what was major overlook is explaining where they are at. Meaning are they trapped in the parasitic social cancers, contributing or fodder fueling, yet to be aware how together we can harness these issues of the times, while making wrongs right. As US makes amends in the world. + Reallocate resources due to all supporting unknowingly the 1%. As all are welcomed to the local tapering transition, so sound science based on traditional engineered values, as Prof Miguel Altieri works with in his agro_ecology curriculum created w/indigenous still using, with similar yields as Industrial, yet leaves no toxic ill effects..
Giving understandings/options of how all can self sustain living local. As all harness this disassociated energy all have contributed to unknowingly as a few have purposely manipulated for profit. This needs to be explained how wrongs where, if they where, made right. Showing the observed trust, so all do not continue to repeat history that continually creates so many scars.
Humanity can get beyond this crises repeating itself, once we identify this critical parasitic condition leaving much illness + premature death, while others are simply lost in layers. As these ongoing unaddressed issues are too much for a healthy human neural network to process. Let alone in an ill or over loaded stressed state.
All must make space to check into ones behaviors daily, so as not to pass them on wrongly, as others think they are normal, which makes it easy to ride on others wave.
All please accept nothing less than transparency, + by welcoming ones students in every community. They can define the whos + whats, as worn torn missing links are replaced, rid, realizing how ones has yet to simply live.
Yes all can go beyond resolving, preventing + simply be, fueling exploration locally + afar.
Humanity has options + our earth + beyond gives great resources to heal + make all ill now comfortable. See more ideas on our Nabble site;
i come to talk story.
For no ecosystem can be isolated.
End the war mode, false green + toxic, economies.
I repeat, I told Sen Wyden the Native Indians have a good way that works as they simply use 4 steps;
They gather people, define what to do, do it then assess what went wrong before starting over.
SO to do TPP is wrong, for we need to first assess what needs our priorities now. + Every local community do_in ones local `plan can best decipher in priority what needs to be done for local life. Then as each gain ones locally grown, wild food-fish-animal sovereignty, only then will each know what is best in abundance to trade/w/neighbors locally or afar.
This process cannot be done by outsiders that are not local participants in the local `plan.
As well that which is taken locally to be transported afar. As JC said as in water from fracking taken from other communities, for the local proposed LNG, then have it transferred across the ocean, this is so inefficiently wrong w/life resources.
When yet US will discover as well the world, that each community will have different priorities as misuse/abuse from locals + afar make different happenings, depending on what developments done wrongly or right.
Students will log defining detail of whom, how + why, etc. For we have high priority to resolve the radioactivity that needs to stop ASAP globally + beyond. As it is cleaned up properly + life healed + managed consciously, as we have options.
Dr. Yun Wang has herbal formulas that target how one is affected, for although humans are an open book, each has different abilities to process. + Must be individualized in treatment. This is why we are suggesting Government to monitor professionally for radioactivity in each local community. Giving detail of what people are subjected too in order to get treatment fine tuned for each.
As swell prioritize relocating those more vulnerable as in pregnant mothers, children, frail + elderly. Not to mention all low celled species are affected, which is the beginning of our food chain, leaving our food, air, soil + water, to compile higher rates, which must be tested.
Each on these lists that will be customized for each community, as all fine tune, prioritizing, perfecting the 211 Oregon plan 24/7 as Ex; w/homeless + ill, including our vets. As
i asked for insurance to cover the Traditional Chinese Medicine that Dr. Yun Wang + others, could offer. Vs as the vets say as they take their funny pills that make them ill w/side effects. That if they did not have them they could easily take a gun + kill all in front of them. These people require all to make amends so the true root of their problem gets addressed so all can heal.
Watch the videos + they will show you what they are trying to survive with, as they gave their heart + soul to help when yet a few in the US + other Governments wrongly acted.
James Corbett offers detail w/another crises w/the corrupt banking industry. W/the Federal reserve Board + losses in 2008 that also was aware of 4 years before + now many work in the US Gov, running the economy. When they should've + still can become responsible participants making change, giving back resources. Not just go back to jail like the Icelanders did to their corrupt bankers, as they gave back their resources to the people that were stolen.
Rather that
transform this jail mode, so all come back into community, for no ones does these illegal acts on own.
Lets rethink w/Dr. Emoto`s work.
So now 1 sound science verbiage for all to incorporate daily into ones daily living, so as for all tongues to realize how we all are interdependent on our earth. + Each community is required to balance one`s genetic biodiversity to fuel the biocultural ways that work linking for our migratory species that sustain all life on earth..
For no ecosystem can be isolated.
So do please join in;
i come to talk story which is a site we have on Nabble, which welcomes all to do the same freely.
As well Google sight; which we are presently working to perfect, for all students within to come aboard + self direct, while focus directing w/ones community to do ones local `plan, allowing humanity to fuel. As we continue w/your support to perfect a means to link.
Sharing what works for everyone to mindfully live local, globally. Supporting all to become a local, global + beyond responsible participant. Holding oneself + others accountable locally + beyond, as each community rep stays in real time + links, networking so all on same page working together for our earth + beyond to share good story.
As students work together co_evolving oneself + ones curriculum as they give hands on working ones communities as an extended classroom.
Knowing no better lesson then to feel the transformation of energy as they aid those to simply sharpen ones sensors, then to feel the human spirit come alive, as one comes back wanting to do an exchange.
We continue to study/work w/great respect for Google`s as well Nabble`s technical support staff, + LibreOffice, as well locals in every community we connect with, helping us make our virtual platform a better tool. Reaching out to the world for all to link with, knowing well humanity has options. as they have given us support as a US non profit + as people helping people.
US/UN + other world governments along w/people need to make amends to all those still without, as well the many highly radioactive conditions left, not to mention distress + many ill/killed wrongly from those in the US Government that have built this Military Industrial Complex as time continued from past wars into the Vietnam + Iraq wars, etc. + know in every country.
It is wrong to manipulate science + that is know just what is being done as the American soldiers where lied too during war, as well the American people + even many in the US Government. Not to mention what UN + the rest of the world did wrongly as well those unaware + trapped, etc. + I ask what has co_evolved? Whom now is needed + best to aid what we say can be done + will be done by people working together.
Ending the war mode, false green + toxic, economies.
I repeat, I told Sen Wyden the native Indians have a good way that works as they simply use 4 steps;
They gather people, define what to do, do it then assess what went wrong before starting over.
SO to do TPP is wrong, for we need to first assess what needs our priorities now. + Every local community do_in ones local `plan can best decipher in priority what needs to be done for local life. Then as each gain ones locally grown, wild food-fish-animal sovereignty, only then will each know what is best in abundance to trade/w/neighbors locally or afar.
This process cannot be done by outsiders that are not local participants in the local `plan.
As well that which is taken locally to be transported afar. As JC said as in water from fracking taken from other communities, for the local proposed LNG, then have it transferred across the ocean, this is so inefficiently wrong w/life resources.
When yet US will discover as well the world, that each community will have different priorities as misuse/abuse from locals + afar make different happenings, depending on what developments done wrongly or right.
Students will loge defining detail of whom, how + why, etc. For we have high priority to resolve the radioactivity that needs to stop ASAP globally + beyond. As it is cleaned up properly + life healed + managed consciously, as we have options.
Dr. Yun Wang has herbal formulas that target how one is affected, for although humans are an open book, each has different abilities to process. + Must be individualized in treatment. This is why we are suggesting Government to monitor professionally for radioactivity in each local community. Giving detail of what people are subjected to in order to get treatment fine tuned for each.
As swell prioritize relocating those more vulnerable as in pregnant mothers, children, frail + elderly. Not to mention all low celled species are affected, which is the beginning of our food chain, leaving our food, air, soil + water, to compile higher rates, which must be tested.
Each on these lists that will be customized for each community, as all fine tune, prioritizing, perfecting the 211 Oregon plan 24/7 as Ex; w/homeless + ill, including our vets. As i asked for insurance to cover the Traditional Chinese Medicine that Dr. Yun Wang + others, could offer. Vs as the vets say as they take their funny pills that make them ill w/side effects. That if they did not have them they could easily take a gun + kill all in front of them.
These people require all to make amends so the true root of their problem gets addressed so all can heal.
Lets rethink w/Dr. Emoto`s work..
Dr. Emoto states;
The amount of energy or power of the prayer is determined by amount of people who collectively connect their pure hearts at the same time. He states, if our prayers and intentions are pure, with using water as medium, multi-dimensional power can take place.
Therefore, he requested that everyone around the world join together for a Simultaneous Global Prayer at exactly, a precise time for all to come together + pray for Fukushima people. + if you people do this on your own, use a converter as he did to be precise in delivery of ones energy. Link is below.
He spoke of this well known Einstein theory at his seminars:
E = MC2 Mass–energy equivalence by Albert Einstein
He believe the true meaning and power of this equation is
ENERGY = # of people x CONCSIOUSNESS2.
Sound science works w/the natural flow of life on earth + beyond + has yet to openly work w/supporting alternative ideas, such as Dr. Emoto + should, along w/the bio cultural traditional ways that work, developed from people living in respect w/the natural world, working with it, not prioritizing profit from what sustains all life.
I know how i felt taking part in this, as well i went to a beautiful performance in Port Townsend on Water Day, + every micro moment of the actors dress, makeup + movement was awesome. About a story after a nuclear explosion + i could only channel the energy to all for Water Day reaching out to those in need. It was the right thing for me to do.
Don`t get me wrong, i once studied paranormal + it made no sense for i could not make it happen. But the few times i knew i was doing it, it was very real..
So for those interested in studying, due to feeling your true potenital is blocked, then i suggest checking out Institute link i have on `the sun will set, spreadsheet on
*** Use this Time Converter Link to find out what time is in your time zone. fact that this beautiful diamond shaped water crystal formed from the same radiation water after the Hado of love & gratitude was imprinted, means that the Law of Nature settled into the water, that is, the influence of a radioactive material has been successfully removed says Dr. Emoto.
Sadly he died last year + left his work for us all to work with.
Where as if we truly work w/ones consciousness, which no one can do this alone. We should not ride on his wave or any ones, + weight one down, rather reach out to what you can do, from welcoming your students to network + prioritize your local community + develop your local `plan + do your part w/real hands on exchanges as you network, leaving no one left behind;
For harmony..
create better options knowing early signs working w/all life w/love + gratitude, showing you the way, locally + afar.
Ex; prioritizing what globally can effect all locally, while yet simultaneously others due local, here is just a few + once people share, all can prioritize;
As in tsunami warning signs working w/the sensitivity of animals. As is people would tune into Anne`s work at animal spirit one would awaken to how we work together best.
As in entire seasonal biomes being worked sensitively, building mental clarity + physical strength.. Working your true potential as the natural enhanced functionality of your ecological working sustainable community is restored.. + Rep links sharing what works/what doesn't, as we all clean up our misunderstandings. Using 1 global sound science that all tongues can use understanding what sustains us most efficiently as humans. As in the equality of all to understand love + gratitude, accepting nothing less.
As all hold oneself + others accountable. So no more anyone is left w/unawareness carrying misuse/abuse unknowingly. Rather take a micro moment + share. So all are supported to walk ones path as one builds it, walking into ones opening, leaving no footprint.
Amazing what can happen when each does ones homework.
I hope these thoughts fuels yours.
People stay calm for we do not have to fight, we just have to organize + make mindful choices, networking, so as not to stay isolated w/behaviors that cause misuse/abuse, when yet all can become aware + understand ones early signs. Working w/great inner tools as all work w/in the natural enhanced limits that our earth + beyond give us.
Thank you for taking part for you, your local + afar communities.
For as many are ill, trapped, fueling parasites, consuming, others are giving our children, young + old love, respect for all life, gratitude in simply living w/the natural world w/daily living where all is participating in joy + harmony.
+ Lynn says it best w/her love + dedication giving so much thought into how we can have everyone given the same. So please edit w/her offerings on what would work for you + your community + support all the good ways that work. + Contact your community, do a walkabout, welcome your representatives to be updated;
Why don't people see the importance of a Community Services jobs bill @$2,600.00/month with single payer?
It is time to create the Healing Arts & Transformation Service centers in every community for all the Body,mind spirit healers and lightworkers (both physical and 3d interactive programs) with FREE EDUCATION AND TRAINING Certificates for these Community Services that will put intentional focus on all the methods that can be learned for people to heal one's self and others.
We now have methods to heal MENTAL DISORDERS to help OUR Veterans and others who suffer from PTSD and other mental dis-eases;so, they too can become healthy Community Service men and women uniting all races, religions, teachers, schools 501c3, contractors and green groups in every community.
If anyone is getting ANGRY, SICK OR UPSET they can be taken to the Healing Arts & Transformation centers and Learn the methods, workshops and classes to find their answers to their life problems and ways to heal and transform their life.
These free education and training Healing Arts and Transformation Community Service centers can be open 24/7 and provide a plethora of PREVENTION AND REHABILITATION Community Service Job Certifications;ie, Medical Hypnosis (has an Insurance code and is proven to heal moderate to severe PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS), Shamanism, Spiritual dancing and all dancing from all cultures, Music and singing from all cultures is proven to be sound therapy with resonance, Art forms as therapies & color therapies, lightworkers communication arts, truth out journalists of the future and ascension teachers programs, body, mind spirit healers, Soul Therapy, Shiatsu, Massage Therapy , Hydro therapy ( all kids of water sports), all kinds of movement therapies (Yoga programs, Tai Chi- etc) , animal therapy, astrology, dream studies,Soul parenting,, Meditation programs instead of drugging,Russian Sports massage, (more sports -not guns, drugs, abuse and wars for aggressive youth), Flying kids, street theater, edible landscaping crews including ALL the naturopathic and homeopathic flowers and herbs (pot too), family constellation counseling, Multi-cultural arts, Dr. Carolynn Myss's Wisdom University, Mystery Schools and Metaphysical University online programs, Universal Laws, Rieiki, Energy Healers, Angel Therapy Practitioners programs (in 45 countries) from Doreen Virtue PhD in psychology, NIA, contact improv, theater therapy Dr. Vodders Lymphatic Drainage workshops, Polarity, Reflexology, Trager point, Cranial sacral therapy, Carpel Tunnel Relief Training, EFT, Soul purpose developmental programs, programs (in 214 countries-- thousands of hours free archives), In light Universal radio programs, Hay House radio programs, shift movement programs and UFO & USO studies, Renewable energies, recycling, infrastructure projects, housing for homeless and pollution clean up programs and more can be taught and given certificates for these needed NEW Earth Community Services to co-create OUR NEW PARADIGM. Basic Guaranteed Income at $2,600.00/month with single payer (with women's pro choice rights) for all to volunteer for the projects that resonate with their heart and Soul energies.
NESARA - National Economic Security and Reformation Act (signed by Pres. Bill Clinton Oct 10th 2000;BUT, We the people got 9/11 instead) can NOW be activated to shift the OLD fractional banking system, stop Wall street QE, shift statutory law-to common law (stop Citizens United) and change the taxation systems to give money to All individuals and groups that are working on Community Services that benefit the people and Mother Earth. The most pure document is at Time to end the problems we share related to economic parity, racial parity, gender parity and end warring, drugging, abuse, gun violence and destruction of mother earth. We are all connected on this planet. We can NOW co-create the Golden Age of Gaia with our ancient ancestors to Unite Humanity with our internet, social media for co-creating the Cities of Light, green and healing services;so that, Planet Earth can become the 33 planet to enter the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
Community services jobs bill @$2,600.00/month for these services with single payer (including Women's pro choice rights) will help UNITE OUR USA to lead the way for this Planet's Unity and shift.
Ultimately, our personal security and OUR NATIONAL SECURITY- derive from the security of our communities. Time to replace the old paradigm systems using GDP and dark money greedy plutocracy and go to GPI- Genuine Progress Indicator where all learn to cooperate with REAL POPULIST DEMOCRACY WHERE ALL ARE EXCITED TO BE PART OF THE FREE, EASY AND EQUAL VOTING systems to live and thrive together because WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS, WE ALL NEED HEALING AND MORE LOVE AND WE ARE ALL CONNECTED on our little home planet earth.
ps The Sec. of State office in every state has online manuals to download and write OUR LEGISLATION INITIATIVES -REFERENDUMS ETC. that will GIVE POWER TO ALL PEOPLE IN EVERY COMMUNITY . WE ARE THE GOVT.-not the top 1%.
Once we have the legislation for Community services jobs bill@$2,600.00/month with single payer info as above from one state we can circulate it to AFT- TEACHERS, GROUPS, HEALERS GROUPS, SCIENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS GROUPS ... the leaders of youth in the colleges & UNIVERSITIES, NAACP , NCLR,
Oprah, Katerina (Hispanic/ Latino TV) Human Rights groups, lightworker groups, peace groups, all churches, 501c3s, spiritual groups, head of MIT and Google, Linked In, Facebook, Apple.... GREEN GROUPS, PEACE GROUPS, UFO groups, occupy groups, alternative media groups,, women groups, league of women voters groups (help women change OLD paradigm politics and systems) all body,mind spirit groups, firemen, union groups to FOCUS OUR INTENTIONS ON CO-CREATING NEW POPULIST DEMOCRACY FOR ALL IN OUR NEW EARTH PARADIGM. Help UNITE OUR USA to lead this planet into World Healing , PEACE and Green projects.
I agree Lynn w/a lot on how we all continue to co_evolve + some you mention i hope have rid their multi level consumerism, as w/Oprah. When people need to know that they can restore observed trust, as locals define their needs + offerings, after joining in w/one`s community do_in one`s local plan.
Not a TPP that defines how to do it for another, thinking a community is unable if that is what you people are still doing. Or are you co_evolving.
Senator Wyden did not tell us any details of TPP + we the people will continue to reach out to the the world + inform all of how we can working together network. Our students can define what is natural + organic, as they prioritize the ill + dying, toxic ways to rid, giving hands on so all can sharpen ones sensors + gain healing ways that work.
Remember what we say, the 1% did not do this on their own, rather we did not do our homework + fuel them wrongly, by buying products + services that are not natural + they exceed the natural limits, leaving ill toxic effects as they interfere in local peoples ability to live local having local food-fish-animal natural wild sovereignty. Leaving us ill, toxic lands/water/air/soil, life dying, etc.
When yet the natural enhanced limits of every natural system, can now guide us to ecologically restore sustainable localized systems of low impact, as all can build ones working community, restoring one`s natural functionality for all to heal, define ones voice + simply live, self developing..
Lets tell all, as i share this w/ President Barack Obama, that we the people will not accept anything less, for no more can the past scars/dysfunction that exists now, continue to steal from our present ability to simply live, sharing what works globally. So all self direct + self manage as all do exchanges within the natural rule of law for every enhanced community..
For locals to obtain + maintain ones local naturally grown, wild food- fish-animal sovereignty, fueling priorities to be restored simultaneously. As each community welcomes ones students to use one's community as the best extended classroom.
Thank you Google for making `CLASSROOM for all students to become more efficient as all share in this process of making living local more friendly, globally.
Peace is our option know if we share what works, do have your students as a rep come reflect + link, bringing home thought to fuel you. Then you do the same share what works/what doesn`t, fueling others.
We ask you to please have patience + help us perfect this. + Come join in where best for you as you do your walkabout + share for your local community. Then have your rep come link, networking, so they come back eye to eye w/your community, no longer fragmenting, rather do_in your local `plan letting your ecological assessment define how your communities needs + offerings are best worked. Not people from afar or legislators that fragment. Rather work w/those that have proven to you that they are mindful local participants.
Those of us at thank you!
Re: This is why we say NO to TPP, for we have yet to assess what was done wrong, so we stop carrying these same bad behaviors forward, stealing from our moments.
Re: This is why we say NO to TPP, for we have yet to assess what was done wrong, so we stop carrying these same bad behaviors forward, stealing from our moments.