a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience

                beautiful overview as we turn the corner from the north coming into Florence, Oregon. it is this perspective our pen pal can share local + afar as for patches` of unique - can be just around the corner.       

           it`s beautiful patches` like this
 that fuel us to do our over view, as we bring it to the cloth/table as we come together in a potluck in the wild
. a cloth/table discussion as we 1st meet. with each giving input as we do best to cover each + continue meets until all can be supported to be in the moment.

         we can go beyond an ER triage as we address feelings of importance. yet see how we can gather to collectively part time build our community, so all can self-sustain in harmony.

         As we become a local, global + beyond responsible participant. it fuels us to collectively part time network local + beyond supporting others to do the same.. so we all have the joy of sharing + exploring this unique planet + beyond.

              Sunita Narain, Director General of the Centre for Science and Environment, talks about the book 'First Food — see video of `A taste of India's biodiversity'..
                        Sunita speaks best of how we should all understand our local food


                            this is a `way that works best for us to find the `way that works..                
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