about us..

Hello folks,
        this is truely from the reflection from                  

   our combined` effect that i speak with + for those unable...
 i, kara j lincoln, you may know me as kareje, my influence, as the world winds flow thru me + my mate mishi (russian name) or many know as maurice yudin, along with our extended family have done over time to make this happen.

           we welcome all of you that has reflected your goodness to make this happen, to come aboard + make this a usable tool. as well update your story, your offerings as you work to rid your needs, to trigger others thought as well in an exchange...

yes, we will continue to simplify + reduce words, as acts show themself. but any of you that know me, i did my best, under extreme pressures. + will continue to edit. but we know with your help we will whiz this out + make it into words that are very powerful as we gain acts shared from them. as we live local natural simple lives + share what works.

enjoy + do read 1st time in the subcatagories in their order for easiest comprehension. sorry for so much yada, but time to get moving on!

peace should of been long ago with all the good folks working at it.

see subcatagory below for the sale of our boat tzegunka, if know of any interested parties, please share!

peace, kara + mishi

by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
thank you folks for those of you asking for our experiences; for there are many + with visiting many countries. + many experiences where not to pleasant as in Maurice (some know him as Mishi, his Russian name) over 50 years ago, experiencing in Russia as a child people throwing tomatoe... read more
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