`impact we leave, balancing the species..

to start off i thank you for the support to get this far.

            in Florence, Or. south jetty area + the Siuslaw river, our 5 mile or so bicycle ride, we've come upon a dead coyote. looks like a yearling female with beautiful thick coat. it appears from state volunteers that due to supporting the endangered snowy plover, which is become bothered from not having enough sand due to the original attempt to save the dune grass. while in Astoria a European grass was planted which has overtaken the dunes.

         the rangers are watching the coyotes + if they come close they kill them + keep close eye for mothers ready to have young.

1 mistake following another is loosing the objective of our initial focus to conserve/respect all life without leaving negative effect.

         you say no funds to relocate, so lets network + allow folks to reestablish the species in a local area + give folks the rights to relocate them.. posting awareness for the folks using the property presently with 3 different entities involved.

this is an example of this network, to resolve by putting our heads together:. such as folks that enjoy hunting for their food. they have the skill to dart the coyote for relocation. while students along with skilled networking can involve the local community. to come together for required tools from the community recycled tool shed for relocating/researching,


~6000 sea lions/seals that came in south of Heceta Head Lightlhouse in Oregon, as beautiful this picture is, there is already too many eating the salmon.. + a few years later I just see several at Simpson reef, so they do migrate. as well too many around port docks from folks feeding inviting. Making it a high risk being close to young + frail getting trapped, + hassle to live on docks. They are very powerful + can be aggressive + jump very quick up on dock next to you. Here in Charleston as of 1-10-2011 they are attempting with frozen pellets to relocate them away from the docks where folks walk.

Thanks to the folks here working together at 3.5.2011 a new dock is made off the path under a walkway, free of harm to those that stay above it, while yet a few come back to the dock, but the maintenance crew is staying with them, attempting with respect to keep them off the docks without hurting them.

it pays off to keep enforcing the resident ones that have gotten spoiled from folks feeding them. while others migrate quite some distance..
              relocation of these along with non-native cormorants is 1 solution to restoring a healthy stock of salmon. we don't have to do a slaughter as in the Caldron dolphins. we can develop cooperatives for solutions + get clear with an assessment with the  trawling/dragging boats along with all that catch the salmon + other species food,  to define if they should be in a `tapering transition, etc. + open to subsistent hunt to balance each species.

folks still here have lived in the days of balance. they see how it has gotten out of hand from inefficient ideologies. it is wrong to protect all species without an application of balance to `boon with them.
           folks that find their joy trekking + photographing as well those with motorized vehicles can focus with us + post when they see signs of a coyote, or other species in question. as well support a resolution to make it easier to go in to catch them. this scheduled focus can be posted on our local `patches message board along with this virtual network. for folks to come together for peaceful resolution.. until locals can rethink. + then post results.

we welcome folks to volunteer tools/sensitivities/skills + come forth to define relocation spots, to preserve life. please post your offerings, so we may have those skilled to come together rewriting policy to allow our communities to balance with respect to all life..

                   thank you, our combined ` effect makes a difference..

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thank You Sierra for bringing this to my attention! People, Ask your representative to support funding and implementation of the Lacey Act!Take Action! Take Action! Stop illegal logging and illegal trade! If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a s... read more
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