place bulk school email list + community representitive with no school link here..

this is where we began as we invite all to help out..

please post links under comment so we email simultaneously our introductory email to project osic, if you have yet to do it.

     we welcome all to come to this forum + review project osic to support their local community restoration + become a working ecological sustainable community leaving no life left behind. as we all become a local, global + beyond responsible participant..

                 globally all have opportunity to post via this virtual tool, as we welcome all to help us build an archive showing this process of what is stumped, for others feedback, as well strategies + schematics of what works as we `boon with mother earth+ beyond..

thank you for sharing with your community as you welcome your students to share this project osic with you, as they come out of school room into community, use classroom for theory, etc. + together restore hands on assistance for all, then onto our `plan for you to make your `plan, as we share globally the review of like ecosystems/subject in a land/freshwater flow to sea use review..

please enjoy this forum + use it as a tool, as you post in appropriate subcatagorie your input, so as to make this a good archive for easy to search material as people with like subject/like ecosystem comes together + rethinks.

                      Nabble is happy for you also to create your own forum. but please still have a community representitive come post as we share what works along the process.

                     our combined` effect makes a difference.
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