`sea life in balance:.

                we want to do what we can to become efficient so all negative acts interfering in other species, including our own, are not interfering in our ability to simply be one with the natural world.

such as the sonar effect, etc. on the whales having to change their pitch to adapt. or findings of brain tissue from dolphins + humans..

my natural urge to forage has been difficult to find beaches as in seaweeds/marine life not polluted or restricted due to nonsenseical restrictions. When as in this fight for marine reserves, legistics are not being realized as folks could be tested before licensed + a language between science + fisherfolks could be developed from the good from both that want to keep healthy local communites in balance ecologically.

simple techniques as in using small hooks when large females no longer exist. why did restrictive boards allow it. they ticketed/monitored, restricted fisher folks + observed the fish caught, why no early signs as in rock fish, as Jeff, a marine biologist states no longer very large females. + gleaning.

we can`t bite our elbows but we can talk to each other in a format that doesn’t interfere rather support those to share info. it amazes me when a good fisherman/lady fishes for years + sees same abundant, yet another say need to consider stopping fishing with a marine reserve. Want to define if need, + understand policy is difficult to change once had. Meanwhile many fisher folks would be interfered, having to stop fishing in these locations. Many websites to follow this process + invite you in to take part.

I`ve submitted thought to prioritize resources in more important understandings such as the communication process + define options with fisher folks in how balance can be maintained, then training in a `tapering process, etc.  welcome in those that go off shore + local for enforcing support of those not doing sustainable fishing. + or introduce as in keeping fish alive as in Brookings, so as to limit + monitor working together researching using commercial fish boats compensating, making up for the losses due to weather, damages, injuries, + restrictions incorrectly put in place. Define a process that makes good folks happy for their high risk to give us our food from the sea.

pollution, when found, that should hold folks accountable locally + beyond. as well bans on industries making them, supporting a `tapering transition. putting good energy across the board, fueling folks to self-sustain.

                this subcategory is about our local ability to come together + share what is + what we can now do. So we don't get lost in information of all happenings, but rather get fueled for triggering local solutions without fragmenting, when by having respect for all community – simple solutions can be found. + sharing them here in this medium gives others another perspective to consider.. + most important eye to eye sharing locally while in the act of do_ing. Sharing these bi`joy experiences trigger folks to fine tune their ecosystem – their misuse – their ability to define options in an exchange with those with sharp sensors that perceive early cues. allowing the disassociated energy to be redirected to fuel balance.

It is a nice bi`joy experience when folks work to leave natural space for us all to enjoy. Oregon has done this well for us to enjoy the parks, which allow individual foraging. beaches where other places restrict you from ocean property. Many good folks everywhere working with solutions, going beyond + living it, while part time collectively addressing negative misuse. link folks so as to make this a good tool for all. as mediums are set for folks to add input + be voted on.

                great white sharks are at times up to 14` or so at the south jetty. florence, Oregon area has nice spots coming into the rivers for viewing a variety of birds. seals go in the shallows + flop around.  Great woods for mushrooming.
A negative issues is not relocating the coyotes, hopefully those of you with this interest can take part vs. kill the coyotes to save the snowy plover.

                         it was nice to hear Susie + Mark from the Port of Siuslaw, arranging monthly meetings for folks to come together for aiding the understanding of marine reserves, wave energy, + agua culture, etc. off the pacific northwest. But these meetings give little time for public to take part as they agreed they would try to change this process. plus the harbor business has many issues over looked as well in Brookings. where local folks with options aren't worked with.

These are very early stages attempting to have advanced thought for off shore investments, leasing wave/tidal energy, etc. yet much is being irresponsibly done due to many issues + lack of support via the ports /ocean agencies/DFW still getting clear.

            after my personal experiences in Brookings with some community members revealing personal experiences of having natural reserves already in place. as they currently fish + are very aware of what life is their. their commercial + sports fishing livelihood would be interfered in further if the reserves came about.

To date 3.2.2011 i`ve given several comments for proposed marine reserves on the Oregon coast + issues/solution, i felt needed attention.. march 16, 2011 will be another international port of coos bay meeting to make a decision to give to governor - whether H will be voted on to have no marine reserve. Or one voted in.

             fish will migrate to the quiet area of cables for wave energy, as they will be protected to grow, if limiting ability to fish. the gulf of Mexico oil rigs show just this experience, where shrimp grow huge + no fishing is allowed near the rigs. so the working crew knows well what grows their. Plus this does not help fisher folks. as well off shore leasing for wave energy should be saved for locals, once land energy sources are cleaned up/defined/refurbished/recycling resources.

                      when we discovered folks could better utilize resources by collectively coming together. reviewing what already is proposed yet being unstable, such as commercial fisherman /women not receiving their maximums for already prohibited limits established. as well with the rough life of a commercial fishing industry, with higher fuel bill, having to go farther at a higher risk of bad weather + boat repairs. we feel it would be best to prioritize the port for this industry 1st + together focus on sustainable ways to better the commercial fisheries.

                    as to bring in the required tools. co-oping so as to utilize boats already in force as biologists work out agreements, along with fisher folks, so as to compensate for their limitations. as well for students + degreed folks to have hands on experience with the real world of what these folks experience. + recycle existing agencies as the fish + wildlife collect tickets + have history, rather then to put new enforcement measures in place. + as i stated folks locally in Brookings where also petitioning for a biologist to be removed due to his inaccurate testing. where if you folks come together part time as a community member, biologist/port/fisher folks/regulative board/researchers/community buying then no info gets stuck in head or files, rather a flow applied. so as not for some to succeed ahead of others left behind.

 we could assure this type of waste of energy wouldn't come about. as folks work together more closely.

              funds can be allocated toward organizing/recycling what is for local communities to reestablish a bases to build their economy on. + change policy so sports fisher folks are also regulated accordingly to the commercial industry. + add policy to enforce international waters + stop dragging unnaturally. Rather one on one with nature's way to maintain it's balance. + hook to be defined by knowing what is their + respecting the large female.

                     as well rethink testing, so no longer misinformation comes about from testing in wrong tide, wrong location, rather have standards + include 10 years or so of history with the local sea life that which migrates. observe + become aware of the natural patterns that the world weather changes are producing as well define our interference. before we just regulate or spend more resources on new products, when we can use existing folks that offer, such as new boats for more research. With their years of experience.

the fish logs should be a good example of how science is lived/adjusted with the natural world. a flowing science alive with real community people. as a great teaching tool, as it remains in real time as students learn from these real rexperiences.

                in this platform we want to expose issues such as intra-interpersonal that stand in the way as at Brookings port, where some local folks where simply tired of the commissioners + all the past problems. but when I brought to their attention, that we can't loose focus of the objective here, they where very helpful in sharing, as i continued to collect information + send it on to OPAC, after discussing with local folks. which I invite you also to do.

We want to approach community in harmony not in distress + then have to go out to sea in extreme weather conditions + be restricted more, etc. open your eyes + look into these good folks. together we need to support what sustains us. that is having our wild in balance + those not complying go back to school. Better tests formulated from these wise folks that have retained natural ways to stay within all species balance with respect.

                         i attempted to support the Port in it's outreach for bringing together new thoughts. but sadly people that had put great effort in got fired, + as i've stated  in my email to the governor, + few senators, along with Barack Obama, that many things interfere in good policy being created from all the community offerings. + it is wrong for ecological whores -  those that leave negative impact, yet their influence defines policy.

               this is wrong as well the bad science where students, degreed folks are isolated from the whole community. when all schools can open their doors + come into the community + support reality of what is + network eye-to-eye + define what can be. as we prioritize our ecological sustainability. meaning our food source, whom requires + brings in the dredging as in Brookings Port.

marine research can be done with flags for divers in water, etc. on days that support them where commercial fishing can respect if agreed upon for time for each, for fishing boats endure more weather then what a diver could efficiently work at. Positive solution can be had by both working together in real time. lessening so many folks non related in real daily events, interfering, delaying working folks from simply do_in their work.

Canada salmon farms have proven the diseased state left, in good folks attempts to stop them. our earth gives us much lessons from those that have already destroyed local life to those that keep it beaming.
once tools in place for commercial industry then they can sustain. then dredging is supplemented + now sports fishing can come about as well a healthy common sense of building functional exchanges as the community gains fuel to create economic productivity. making means to organize + get free from debt as good folks work together. building self-sustaining people empowered by nature, as we learn/share how to live within it`s boundaries as indigenous have. + now in places subsistence fishing is not allowed.

It is a true wealth when folks can forage for self from healthy ecosystems. this is what is our true medicine. We are living organisms dependent on this earth. the closer we get the better we feel.

To swim with a school of fish is a joy. anchoring in a bay/trekking in the bush
 where our natural sense restricts us vs. regulatory boards due to people polluting/abusing is the way for us to come together part time so as to share bi`joy experiences + stop policies that restrict us due to folks not being efficient with education + enforcement. A good example is the many marinas no longer allowing live aboard. when as a boat person loving to live on the water, we being aboard make it a safer + less risk for theft, as we watch for our community.  this gives us easier access to enjoy/forage the marine life.

please post needs + offerings, your do_in that works, as you do a walkabout sharing.  reality is - there are many reasons why issues are happening + when we share common denominators, we can overcome + regain harmony from ecological soundness of all ecosystems.

you folks creating with sustainable ways, share your bi`joy experiences.

              thank you, our combined` effect makes a difference..


by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Lets load the shit. + hit the road.... + hit the road.... it`s 12.12.2011 less than 40 degrees, horse tails the day before brings what seas, full moon bright + beautiful, as skipper limps, climbing to the higher deck, engine smokes, birds talking, sea lions squawking, as the w... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
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