tally sheet for project osic, keeping it simple as we respect all life..

hi young + old,

    i can`t wait to see your additions as you edit ours for starts + add to this list that we will continue to update as we finish project osic pdf part 1+ 2.

          meanwhile you can work with these in progress, adding your notes. or help us locate schools, reps emails for no schools + for no communities. + post in school subcategory + watch for our updates.

lets see how you can make tallies customize for your community, as it triggers others..  via your GPS location sharing ecosystem type/subject. + log priorities for restoring our communities to be kept in retrospect, as we share here in building this archive. with a sound sense of harmony knowing we have covered all bases + left room for the unexpected. leaving no fear based misinformation, nor the ability to just ride on anothers` wave..

rather we want to make space to include the harmony that many are fortunate to have built as they live simple natural lives..

                           this needs to be real for each local community..

to trigger all others to make sure all bases covered as each co_evolve as we see tallies of issues totaled + solutions reducing the tallies as people experience applications that fuel us to continue.

  which gives great incentives to network as a pen pal or give a continued educational credit + experience eye to eye the many good applications in place.

as you see your tallies of conservation services increase, not to mention real explorations sharing bi`joy experiences, posted locally for you. + we invite your representive to come post here in appropriate subcategories.

               + tell us if more subcategories are needed as well co_evolve or delete others as we continue to simplify + get out of the fog, not to mention so much yada yada, blame kara for that.

    we can reflect with good energy from those fueled by simply living natural lives with hands on daily with what sustains them. music fills the air as art is lived as good science integrates common sense with good gauges. as we carry great inner/other tools that we want to share here in this archive.

   trigger thought for students + community to work together in a language that works best. with not just present curriculum, but calmly co_evolve with your community + your real natural world`s enhanced ability within natural limits, that the school staff + all, works with you as a team effort.

    so please add comments below as you work with yourself, your students + your community. then after finished with all`s review, which we will give time for all to review. students will organize it to define how this most efficiently can be a good tool. + do it with your students as they network with other local schools/communities here.

i continue to upload this document with updates, as i keep working at it. so watch for changes, this last upload 1.7.2013;


            see how we can simplify by creating positive acts to replace issues + taper down what should be rid, if it never should of been created. so we isolate that which needs more research to rid the toxic waste properly, along with the global issues still needing to be broken into segments, so together we part time find those solutions as well, as you start with threads connected to your local community...

          if we don`t settle for second best, we get our choice, if we don`t leave a footprint..

                  this is a true bi`joy experience + now is the time to do this..
celebrate along the `way, as we experience these ethnic tools, that have created many unique cultures.

           this is a fine balance of art + science at it`s best as we efficiently address all life.

please remember we have put this out for those best with most resources to use + if no response we will continue + make this a great tool to share with our human family on earth..

                            our combined` effect will make a big difference..

by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
12.3.2012 Hi Timothy, i discovered your site from an invite to a meet on Free Trade/Fair Trade regarding Baracks present negotiations. thank you + all, for sharing your stories, it is a very nice site. i`m not as fortunate as your Hero Susan for i write to many words, which i`m wor... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
for those of you so fortunate to have this Fair Trade awareness, not to mention tools to be living it, as you reflect with us your responsible `ways, thank you! for even some Fair Trade should be rethought for conscious trade.. it doesn`t take brain surgery to go figure once we ... read more
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