a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..

                 in other do_ins we got clear right! clear maybe their, but now we need to stay present in the moment, so we carry clarity with us thru out our day, with what ever we are do_in, + always best to share in thought before our acts for our communities locally + afar..
                    lets live as a local where ever we are fortunate to be. 

for we must become aware of the reality of what responsible positions are not doing + the CO2 effects from this supposedly are not as bad as fracking/coal/fossil fuel related investment, etc;


         we share what works thru our good virtual tools, that Nabble here can offer freely, to us all. + if you make your own, please have a rep come post for your community + help us build this archive.

       we are not a market place for stuff, rather we want bi`joy experiences that reach out sharing for all, from the work we ground locally. that fuels your offerings to rid your needs + others.. for we have much prioritized work to do in every community. so as to not steal from our moment rather collaborate so we collectively address all.. + working with our students in our proposed project osic, can better do just this...        

    this is about gathering sensitive/skilled to translate what the local earth speaks.. so we can then live within it`s natural enhanced borders, giving respect to those species to regain balance within our self + within our ecosystems, + we are so fortunate to reflect afar  + bring home what works;

look up Masonoba Fukuoku`s many offerings;

       `water doesn`t come from the skys, it comes from our the results of our plantings..

                    clay seed balls

                                         food forest;


       as we reflect via like ecosystem/subject with many creative solutions, fueled from prioritizing our function, energy efficiently, as we live local, it fuels us to explore.

  see these folks great work;


  efficient housing to sustain strong conductivity + good foundation prone to extreme weather events, to trigger your thought.. we start w/earth builder..




                   we invite all to help us here build this archive, for all to use as a good tool..


   so all are supported to come to the cloth/table platform + together we listen + allow all to speak, so together we prioritize what we need to do, starting from where we are at.
            not ride on others wave. rather search + network as we share like ecosystem/thought, then bring home + apply once we rethink for our local biome.

          create your patches`  message board - building marine/fresh water + land cooperatives:.

                  please make a good communication cloth/table platform, post on your local message board, to come together eye to eye. for all your local folks to understand, as we share this process + create local communities to harmonize + link..

       + don`t forget to have your rep stay in real time with us, for all to build + enjoy this archive as a great tool.


CSA Growing Crazy Farm Fall Boxes

in `earth supporting life:. thank you farmers..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
I'm posting for Sarah, she is working at her internet. thank you Sarah + Joe Humphries for your season of very nice goods, as they wait at Coos Bay Farmers Market for their last box of the season to be picked up. they are located in Roseburg + delivery to the market here in Coos B... read more

Noaa, F+W, National Fisheries, CG, please engage with the Commercial/sports fisherfolks..

in `sea life in balance:.
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
i'd like to share my discussion with a Mike On F/V Behmer, whom you folks may already know. i've told him + others about soon to hear upcoming changes of the Mag Stevens Act along with another open comment period as you stated Deb. they resisted iniatially + stated it won't h... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
permaculture, agro-ecology + perennial natural food forrests.. are ethical design system's for creating human environments that are ecologically sound & economically viable. It integrates innovative science into the conscious development of cultivated ecosystems that have the ... read more

Nutrient recycling with living machine for homestead - old ways that work - permaculture..

in `compost, the magic of critters being allowed to do their work:.
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Martin Naylor martinwnaylor at yahoo.com.au Thu Sep 8 02:51:03 EDT 2005 Previous message: [permaculture] Nutrient recycling with living machine for homestead Next message: [permaculture] Nutrient recycling with living machine for homestead Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thre... read more

`we can define a way to share the ocean `s resources, yet keep it sustainable:.

in `sea life in balance:.
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Hi Cristen, emailed 1.11.2011 Considering each fisher folk i talk to adds to this thought, i thought i would share along the way with you. for you to send on to management/superior folks. i would think OFW would have a data bank of fish perm... read more

ports prioritized for commercial fishing - that fuels our food to eat + for thought, to lead our path on land + sea.

in `sea life in balance:.
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
in sharing some thoughts worked in 2009... 10.12.09_emailed_to_people%2C_we_can%27t_accept_anything_less_than_harmony%2C_plot_wild_for_wild.doc 10.18.09_heceta_head_responce.doc 11.09_Noaa_dr_jane.doc 1... read more

we need a local, global + beyond perspective for our understanding + direction to go in organically..

in `space to nurture life:.
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
just to start collecting what some are doing.. i've seen a lot of inefficiency with NASA, + more efficiency with Russian space applications:. Future of Space Program May Depend on Private Space Transportation Adam Summers July 31, 2009, 10:37pm Members of a subcommittee of the Revi... read more

seed saving gathering port townsend, wa 1.31.2010

in `seeds, if ya don`t save them, you`re yet to be a true farmer..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Seedy Saturday, An Old Fashioned Seed Exchange by Julie Jaman photos by Julie jaman The Saturday morning about 25 people spent with Steve Baker at the old fashioned seed exchange was an unexpected pleasure. Steve is very knowledgeable about growing local spice and ... read more

check out compost toilet - humanurehandbook.com

in `compost, the magic of critters being allowed to do their work:.
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Library - http//practicalactionconsulting.org/consulting/itc.home as icometotalkstory folks use said material please edit accordingly to subject matter via subforums for easy access, ex: if focusing on local air quality + use information from this library, then take out + apply in that catago... read more
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