GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..

                our other moves` in this forum, we could take a walk in the wild, rehash, rethink, go eye-to-eye for further signs of threads that many times don’t appear from afar. we put hands on, touch + apply organic intuitive response, with like via ecosystem subject matter. then come reflect + post in an exchange for self, another or for our community - locally + beyond, etc.
 so why is this different you may ask?

we've redirected a lot of stuff in thought, that we have to admit we created consciously or unconsciously, leaving negative effects on our self, which left us unaware of what we left on other life. or due to not being cooperatively - part time responsible, others incompletely left effects on others negatively.. so the results of ill effects on life/habitat we could sit here all day trying to go figure. Or fragment our conversation.

This is not efficient.

lets determine a focus, bring it to the cloth/table + then let it trigger so each of us clean up our own home work.

 You may say where do we even start with the folks still unaware of the negative effects left from their/our choices.. as well how to deal with the negative effects left..

especially when not visibly clear, stuck in layers, very fine threads worn, torn, yet connected leaving devastating effects.

              Here we can start by gathering folks to share like subject, eye-to- eye as we talk, self- observe, lay down what we do + make changes. vs. what we clearly see others doing. not just to blame but to organize those with solutions to address their perceptions of issues. + offer `tapering transition for folks to rethink:.

              Here we will show who is responsible for what, behind the shields, behind the layers of corporations/businesses or families, + put names on them. + get to the root of what, who, what we can do to obtain awareness to now address + remove what we may of took part producing.  If so make it right. clear the air within. Then put our mindbody together for those others + us misusing, interfering in others ability to self-sustain.

As we prioritize a sense of life right importance locally.  we hold locals accountable locally + afar.  actually see the missing links to accept this process, when folks hurt you in many ways + pain is deep + still at fore front.  Or those close to us are bothered by having to react to how we share input. thinking we should ask them what they think + involve them equally. Which is what some do but they fail to feel it. + are more sensitive due to various stresses that may be wearing one down. We don’t want to have folks to have to work their reaction to us. so we just keep talking to get clear so all is comfortable.

We can treat all as equal + just accept, without just identifying the scum they appear to be, while working thru sharing what felt.

why do we allow our self to be in a vulnerable situation. to allow another that was tilted, also from whatever, that they could not shield from.
Now this can get tongue-tying. + if not very clear then we fail to see the disassociated energy now produced + the effect of over bearing energy that persuades/has an effect on us, unless we strong to decipher the path we going down.

Now we have to view some early signs of this, step back + reflect, while those more experienced can knife throw it, while redirecting + using it. fueling solution of the situation.

please support Jeff`s petition repealing Monsanto Protection Act. Thursday, Sen. Merkley was blocked from introducing his amendment for a vote by Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt ...

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 1 comment
please if have difficulty signing petitions, try another or come back to Senator Jeff Merkley`s web page, for we need to stay with this process as it unfolds. please take a review of this Monsanto Protection Act; ... read more

Jeff Merkley + all, we have peaceful solutions now, please stop those programmed with misinformation ASAP...

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
I am writing to express my strong opposition to S.Res.65 and H.R.850--two measures that make war with Iran far more likely. The New York Times wrote that S.Res.65 and H.R.850 "could harm negotiations" and "make diplomatic efforts even harder."1 S.Res.65 would call for ... read more


in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Official MAM Statement. Please read. Organizers please Share in your event pages. We would like to remind everyone that MAM does not support violence or aggression towards property or people. Violence will only set us back. Please be clear this movement is non-violent. We want the worl... read more

i share what i propose to Commissioner Margaret Hamburg of US FDA on 5.17.2013..

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 1 comment
emailed to;, Barack Obama <>, Barack Obama <>, Barack Obama Fellowship <>, Secretary General Of UN <>, Senator Arnie Roblan <sen.arni... read more

on natural farms bees do fine..

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments read more

hey everyone how about checking in on a few issues so we all know where each at...

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
please see additions at beginning, how I have co-evolved with your good work + thanks! in_solidarity_we_unite_for_effciency....odt read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
thank you Yahoo, please lets do more of this sharing everyone... thank you Larry Jakes, for this is the type of conversation we need to continue; STOCKHOLM (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry issu... read more

how can we change this Monsonto Act along with the US Farm Bill..

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Lets start a dialog to see what we can define to share at rally; monocultures should go, lets look at some history + what we can do now; read more

when ways can work, i`ll repeat them + i could not of done it without you..

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
thank you for what you do! i co_evolve this in real time + cleaned it up a bit... in_solidarity_we_unite_for_effciency....odt peace is our option if we share what works! read more

my take of the screening of Food Inc... with such good folks in every community, solutions can be networked, we cannot accept dysfunction..

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
thank you all for i speak for us all as well i want you each to speak for yourself that was unable to follow thru. thank you Staples, as I run late for a meet, they where sweet to support MAM + me.. Claire + her associate, sorry forgot your name where so sweet to help out + donate for ou... read more

Gov entities need to merge as we restore our natural communities...

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
I share my email to Oregon Legislators, Fema, Barack Obama`s entities, UN Sec Ban Ki-moon; Hello, i'm new to you folks at fema + i've submitted a few other times sharing my thoughts, + you commented that you appreciated it + it was very good. but I would like to ask you now why is it y... read more

i invite those that want to speak science that represents respect for all life, so we all can be on same page...

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
what I would like is people not to be whiplashed as our students globally should know 1 good science of natural respect for all life. we have the right to co_evolve with our natural systems, as regulatory boards support this, as we all become aware + hold our self accountable + othe... read more

Oregon's Senator Jeff Merkley response to MAM...

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Dear Kara, Oregonians want to know what's in their food. And they should have the right to know. Consumers deserve full and accurate information so they can make the choices that are best for their families. Labeling genetically engineered (GE) products, which is already done in over 60 ... read more

i share my request to Office of Inspector General of National Science Foundation...

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
May 5, 2013 Hello, I last year had over heard a discussion about a conference preparation, wanting to help NSF define their purpose. this was from a teacher at OIMB. I tried to email but she never answered, perhaps did not get it, + I was busy + did not pursue. but at that time I wanted... read more

i share my request to Monsanto 5.5.2013 + ask you to do what you can + let us know so we can share...

in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Hello, I`m going to be rallying on May 25th, in the ` March Against Monsanto (MAM). why because I see so much negative controversy/people depleted/environments at risk/destroyed, over your services/products + I would like to speak to you about this. as I've told many it is many factors ... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 5 comments
not everyone is so lucky to come to the table with their own wild caught salmon/fresh natural grown food from saved seed, PLEASE SAY NO TO GMOS, NO TO MONSANTO EVERYWHERE 5.25.2013... not everyone is so fortunate to perceive the wisdom that is freely given to us all if we maintain ... read more

Women farmers of the world facing the lens from a different perspective...

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Viacampesina TV coming to your screen starting today! The mirror of our struggles March 8, 2013 Viacampesina TV is a mirror of our daily lives, ourdreams and our struggles. La ViaCampesina took the opportunity of its 20th anniversary to launch a new website, fullof voices,faces, peopl... read more

rule of law should encumber limits within the natural enhanced restorations, sharing with all..

in ISSUE; Idle No More..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments read more

Vdays success can continue people to people..

in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
i share my email to Hello, in attempting to connect with you, i`ve had some problems so i just moved on, knowing you are very busy with many projects. we also are in transition rethinking how best to reach out + we are presently exploring have you? our focus is to ... read more

people take a review of Fracking please..

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real! • | | 1 comment
how many of you bring this conversation up at your local potluck.. please see these folks info + take action; i share my additions.. Dear EPA Administrator Jackson, LTG Commander Van ... read more

peace can be obtained calmly, we have solutions to share as we unite in respect for all life..

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
i share a post that i did with Elders of the Tsek`ehne Nation + friends in BC Canada. please take the time to review, for others are saying the blue fin tuna has become toxic from Japans release of radiation. also some are selling it as if it is afar that has the i... read more

Obama Administration Official Provides Insights on U.S. Congo Policy..

in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Last week (Monday, February 11, 2013) at the Brookings Institution, outgoing Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Johnnie Carson, presented an outline of the Obama Administration's policy position on the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The purpose of Am... read more


in ISSUE; Idle No More..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
thank you my friend Dunn Wogu-owa Eggink as you share this + many postings; Traditional Leader Gilbert Chingee of the Tsek'ehne Nation has announced that they are Asserting their Inherent Sovereignty of their Traditional Territory to the Canadian Government. This Action must be taken due ... read more


in ISSUE; Idle No More..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
please see same posting above that is not bold, sorry technical error; thank you my friend Dunn Wogu-owa Eggink as you s... read more

The problem with arming rebels in Syria..

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real! • | | 3 comments
February 19, 2013 by Rebecca Griffin from Peace Action West. The Obama administration is reportedly revisiting the idea of arming rebels in Syria. Stephen Walt at Foreign Policy highlights some misconceptions about this potential approach to the conflict: This is the logic presented ... read more
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