GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..

                our other moves` in this forum, we could take a walk in the wild, rehash, rethink, go eye-to-eye for further signs of threads that many times don’t appear from afar. we put hands on, touch + apply organic intuitive response, with like via ecosystem subject matter. then come reflect + post in an exchange for self, another or for our community - locally + beyond, etc.
 so why is this different you may ask?

we've redirected a lot of stuff in thought, that we have to admit we created consciously or unconsciously, leaving negative effects on our self, which left us unaware of what we left on other life. or due to not being cooperatively - part time responsible, others incompletely left effects on others negatively.. so the results of ill effects on life/habitat we could sit here all day trying to go figure. Or fragment our conversation.

This is not efficient.

lets determine a focus, bring it to the cloth/table + then let it trigger so each of us clean up our own home work.

 You may say where do we even start with the folks still unaware of the negative effects left from their/our choices.. as well how to deal with the negative effects left..

especially when not visibly clear, stuck in layers, very fine threads worn, torn, yet connected leaving devastating effects.

              Here we can start by gathering folks to share like subject, eye-to- eye as we talk, self- observe, lay down what we do + make changes. vs. what we clearly see others doing. not just to blame but to organize those with solutions to address their perceptions of issues. + offer `tapering transition for folks to rethink:.

              Here we will show who is responsible for what, behind the shields, behind the layers of corporations/businesses or families, + put names on them. + get to the root of what, who, what we can do to obtain awareness to now address + remove what we may of took part producing.  If so make it right. clear the air within. Then put our mindbody together for those others + us misusing, interfering in others ability to self-sustain.

As we prioritize a sense of life right importance locally.  we hold locals accountable locally + afar.  actually see the missing links to accept this process, when folks hurt you in many ways + pain is deep + still at fore front.  Or those close to us are bothered by having to react to how we share input. thinking we should ask them what they think + involve them equally. Which is what some do but they fail to feel it. + are more sensitive due to various stresses that may be wearing one down. We don’t want to have folks to have to work their reaction to us. so we just keep talking to get clear so all is comfortable.

We can treat all as equal + just accept, without just identifying the scum they appear to be, while working thru sharing what felt.

why do we allow our self to be in a vulnerable situation. to allow another that was tilted, also from whatever, that they could not shield from.
Now this can get tongue-tying. + if not very clear then we fail to see the disassociated energy now produced + the effect of over bearing energy that persuades/has an effect on us, unless we strong to decipher the path we going down.

Now we have to view some early signs of this, step back + reflect, while those more experienced can knife throw it, while redirecting + using it. fueling solution of the situation.

Irans Nuclear Program: Is a Peaceful Solution Possible?

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real! • | | 1 comment
Hello, although i'm late, perhaps my thought can trigger yours. i'm not a licensed journalist, but we have this forum in the building as we co_evolve solutions in our proposed project osic, to build working ecological sustainable communities + harmonize. we feel this is our life right. ... read more

funny how life can lead our path, when we just get clear we are building it as we walk it..

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real! • | | 1 comment
Hello, i know a few of you will enjoy this new book. to think a few thought our links where long, wow this could actually be the transmission code to our forefathers great great times ago. funny how i used to study a lot of this, due to all the dreams+ awake visions i would get that i would ... read more

we must act responsibly + speak for our local community as we gather with all people to care for local community..

in ISSUE; Idle No More..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
large energy farms are not the way. rather small local alternative energys as supplement + work within each local enhanced natural limits. see Miguel Altieri. you people have the power to unite + locally know your natural limits, so you can talk + taper off of free Trade that is not free.. don`t... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
please see what are neighbors are do_in; read more

Thank You for Your Email

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by info • | | 0 comments

Will Congress take on drones in 2013?

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
please see Peace Action West`s blog + our response; Happy New Year to you all! i can`t wait until the day we discuss transparency of diplomatic processes as we communicate with all, +... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
What do you call this, can come in many forms:. As Andy Larson wrote in his book African Wanderlust, An African employer Seth had his goods stolen + couldn`t figure out from whom. So he called in the witch doctor + he gathered all his employees. The doc drew a small circ... read more

thoughts to trigger thought about Harper`s First Nation Termination Plan 2012..

in ISSUE; Idle No More..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
take a review if yet to read; please see my review in progress, if interested. i will update if i think i can offer anything more. + i welcome others to do same in comment below.. ... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
please see; our combined` effects response; Happy solstice all! UN + the US gov is dysfunctional + needs our support; we can hold ourself + others accountable for we have solutions, when we communicate. ... read more

Thank You for Your Email

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by info • | | 0 comments

NIAC gets correction, how much more is left in need of this??

in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
i share an email update; Dear kara j, Chalk up another win for media accountability. Thanks to everyone who took action at to call out the Associated Press for its misleading article, "Graph Suggests Iran Working on a Bomb," we once again succeeded in stopping the ... read more

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in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by info • | | 0 comments

this is what US can do now, we hold you President Barack Obama accountable, see your Ghana Speech + we ask you to implement + co_evolve what is needed now with your co_sponsored PL 109-456..

in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
UN Sec Gen Ban Ki-moon, Barack, Congress + all, please, we ask you to review what the people are asking for that have put much thought into peace for Congo now; read more

i share what i post to Barack Obama, MyGov + UN world we want 2015, that i want now, how about you? what is your next` move..

in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
thank you for invite. i find it efficient, to see how i can trigger your thought to act ASAP. please note i don`t mean to be disrespecful in not properly titiling President Barack Obama or Sec Gen Ban Ki-moon, rather i state names for simplicity. i can`t ima... read more

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in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by info • | | 0 comments

good time to get to the root + simplify Fair Trade by tapering Free Trade which is costly to lives everywhere..

in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real! • | | 5 comments
Barack, Ban Ki-moon, People everywhere, as a person included in our human family, please join together now to stop these acts + support those ill + unaware, locally + afar. we all are part of this + must stop now with tapering transitions that are real. as man... read more

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in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by info • | | 0 comments

why do we need an arms trade treaty, listen to the DRC people..

in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
We ask all for your help.. together we can make a difference.. This is pretty crazy to see this get to this point. global leaders around the world + UN shame on you, those of you of the past shame on you, shame on us that have allowed you to act so irresponsible. ... read more

Thank You for Your Email

in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by info • | | 0 comments

some insight over time filled with many actors..

in ISSUE; Democratic Republic of Congo, those left forgotten, but not for long..
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
these stories are incredible, yet many work hard piecing it together to attempt to find a solution. while it appears others try to find a way to continue business at hand, without realizing how. environments are getting destroyed + hundreds of thousands of people are under distress;... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Posted: 26 Oct 2012 06:20 AM PDT The Iranians and their Hizbullah ally are sending warning signals about how they might fight a future war with the United States and Israel. The signals aren’t subtle—Tehran intends to retaliate for any attack on its nuclear facilities with blows against Ame... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Posted: 08 Nov 2012 08:02 AM PST It is an accident of fate that the quadrennial American exercise in selecting a president happens to coincide almost precisely with the anniversary of the 1979 seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. That episode unraveled the Carter Administration and left a ... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
International Food Sovereignty Day to Cool Down the Earth 5th December 2011, Durban, South Africa We call on all farmers’ movements and organizations, rural workers, landless people and all the food sovereignty movement to join us for an international day of m... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
I share an email i sent to all legislators, please do the same, for they appear to foolishly work on tallys, vs. common sense, at times, you can copy mine added to what Peace Action West researched. email: I am appalled that the Pentagon is planning a $53 million arms sale to a regime... read more
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