Please share this + review it all. Sorry for errors but we continue to work w/limitations + ask for your donations.
We release this now for all to fit your deadlines in acting mindfully. + Please see the video of Quietly Into Disaster at + see how we add others work to bring it up to date w/more sad news.
Thank you for what you can do + please contact me if i can explain further, kara!
Please review our work adding your link on our spreadsheet or contact me directly. We ask for your support to do what works, as well donations for us to perfect our work + to reach out to all to live local, globally.
We are reaching out w/a Google Adgrant as a US 501.c3 non profit, today`s total ads shown since Feb sharing our work, is 2,035,452.
As good is this is, we need donations to gain proper work conditions, good example i just lost a nice post due to internet going down as i went to send this. You would think i would learn to save it wouldn`t you! Bucket!
Barack we need your help + everyone if we all are to survive this global health crises from people prioritizing profits over ecological sustainable sound science, that can be made w/1 Global verbiage, so all on same page.
It just so happens President Barack Obama is answering questions on Twitter right now, so here goes guy + you do have some explaining to do, for i know how much of this i have given you over time + NO excuse to still prioritize profit over ecological soundness, if in fact the TPP is doing just that. But for here now we are addressing Nuclear Contamination;
You talk about bucket, well this is a big time issue that faces us all + needs our priority focus along w/resources from all. + You people in responsible roles have consumed a lot of resources that should of gone toward the research + disposal of this waste. Not allow it to go into other products like to Iraq in bullets, etc. + What are you going to do about it? We need truth, research, transparence + all resources focused as we end all Nuclear fissionable material as well research to rid waste. As well End all Arms Industries for weapons of war. As well stop all large grids/distribution w/large wires as we all can naturally build w/ecological priority w/localized systems of low impact.
Are you all going to be part of the continued problem w/codependency as people pull the strings or are you going to mindfully act, supporting all to learn early signs to maintain discipline over ones self sensory observations vs belief causing misuse/abuse. So all can efficiently deal w/this problem now?
Our suggestions, we add here, so please share, for as Dr. Caldicott says it is not over until we are, so don't give up + Barack we ask for your answer to our review + please share w/all Govs/UN/Geneve + people that can go beyond priorities of profit + mindfully act ASAP;
Humanity_at_work.odt People we have the tools of the times to act. Thank you Nabble, LibreOffice + Google!
Do your homework, see what others are do_in to be efficient w/consumption so as to have mental space to support research for the Nuclear contamination solutions.
Did you see the swiss working at foil for windows + roofs, that supposedly sustain all of ones needs. i yet to find, or these guys link below. Point is all must say NO to those profiting over our ecological soundness + welcome them into your local tapering transition, showing them how they are destroying what sustains all life + work for transparency + research to resolve these serious priority issues in every community.
Together we can go figure, those unable to comprehend one subject pursue another to help out, Ex; talk to them help make it better when people focus cheaply to recycle w/in nature`s enhanced limits + also talk to those abusing it. But remember do not make any long term plans until you + your family along w/your community get real prioritizing what globally + locally affect you locally.
Ex; some can explore alternative natural building, start accumulating what others are do_in very well as they live simply in respect to all life. Gather options as w/alternative energy only once downscale + working w/local `plan, reviewing entire biome(s) w/neighbors, leaving co_dependencies of toxic modes, etc. Allow No distribution energy systems on large scale, especially when Ex; Senator Merkley has not responded to any nuclear material i have sent him or any other legislator/President. So the large energy farms also are not taking into consideration the negative effects of this Nuclear contamination reality. But don`t stop researching + organizing your self reliance + do welcome all in, for we want all to come around to work w/transparency. See what others are do_in + keep it simple, while others work on more complicated issues, then all share together as students focus with you, networking; How about create a song/inspire some rethinking, w/mindful fun even, help direct children slowly into natural awareness to live w/realities or move on to southern hemisphere + help from their, define those that have not sold out using sound science + please tell them we want to support them for research;
Little_pot_poppers_wbroken_handle_in_old_barn_wood_box.odt Thank you for what you can do! Our combined `effect makes a difference! + Do check back for updates. + Please add them as well.
love us at, thanks Fritz + all of you that support us!
Re: Our answer + others update to `Quietly Into Disaster, video, what we can do together..
Re: Our answer + others update to `Quietly Into Disaster, video, what we can do together..
Re: Our answer + others update to `Quietly Into Disaster, video, what we can do together..