a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience

                beautiful overview as we turn the corner from the north coming into Florence, Oregon. it is this perspective our pen pal can share local + afar as for patches` of unique - can be just around the corner.       

           it`s beautiful patches` like this
 that fuel us to do our over view, as we bring it to the cloth/table as we come together in a potluck in the wild
. a cloth/table discussion as we 1st meet. with each giving input as we do best to cover each + continue meets until all can be supported to be in the moment.

         we can go beyond an ER triage as we address feelings of importance. yet see how we can gather to collectively part time build our community, so all can self-sustain in harmony.

         As we become a local, global + beyond responsible participant. it fuels us to collectively part time network local + beyond supporting others to do the same.. so we all have the joy of sharing + exploring this unique planet + beyond.

              Sunita Narain, Director General of the Centre for Science and Environment, talks about the book 'First Food — see video of `A taste of India's biodiversity'..
                        Sunita speaks best of how we should all understand our local food


                            this is a `way that works best for us to find the `way that works..                
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
thank you Port Townsend folks for sharing some time with us, it has been a great pleasure to visit. we have so many good people sharing great offerings as all focus together to do what is best to simply respect our natural world + all life in it. the trees + gardens are beautiful here ... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
have a local natural potluck, actually discuss palm oil, do you use it?? please stop + realize what you support, for our choices locally contribute to these destructive measures afar for all life.. please see; http://farmlandgrab.org/post/view/21643 read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
i share what is no longer my `way.. 2.1.2013 Please close my subscription to the DCCC. this is not responsible gov, this is not even close to democracy, when legislators make yourself get paid for the rest of your life, whether you continue to work in gov or not, as well such high s... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
please see Dr. Helen Caldicott`s work, regarding radiation in Japan + nuclear weapons being made in US + was, + is being used in middle east; http://www.prx.org/pieces/65198 http://www.prx.org/pieces/91325-dr-helen-caldicott-nuclear-power-is-not-the-ans read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Via Campesina Africa Solidarity Statement on the farmworkers mobilization in South Africa (Maputo 14th January 2013) - During the month of November last year, the world watched farmworkers strikes, particularly those working in vinyards, in the Western Cape Province, in South Africa. They wer... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Barack, this is uncalled for that the public should have to be interrupted to respond + prevent. when the regulatory boards should be do_in their job to not allow such dysfunction. all species have been subjected to toxic substances leaving many ill, as well our environments. why c... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Happy New Year to all as we invite it like a gentle breeze, it appears as negative issues rise with some having difficulty processing, i reach out for all to share with them when can. as i see many good happenings taking place to be fueled by; some are staying preoccupied in ... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
thanks John, this is great introduction; see his you tube video on Capitalism + Socialism: Crash coarse world history... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3u4EFTwprM&feature=em-subs_digest-vrecs ok lets grip the moment. i recently a few times have offered to Walmart, as a fund ra... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
if Walmart +like businesses are to continue at all, they must rethink.. Support the Walmart Black Friday Strikers! Fellow occupier, it's time to take a stand and support the workers who are standing up to live better throug... read more

New Widget Promotes Public Safety in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy..

in natural` or not` disaster preparedness to create upon:.
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Posted by Bev Godwin, Director, Federal Citizen Information Center Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies on November 5th, 2012 Share on print Share on email Share on favorites Share on facebook Share on twitter More Sharing Services To use the widget on your own site, ... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 1 comment
Business at hand needs to continue as we address early signs. please see La Via Campesina`s response to project ProSavannah; http://viacampesina.org/en/index.php/main-issues-mainmenu-27/agrarian-reform-mainmenu-36/1321-land-grabbing-for-agribusiness-on-mozambique-unac-st... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by f3235735 • | | 4 comments
by f3235735 • | | 0 comments
Naive people who have been brainwashed of the reality of current events as well as historical facts should wake up. The awakening will happen when the stuff hits the fan because for many that is what it will take. There are none so BLIND as those who WILL NOT see. Deny facts and keep y... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
friends, it is time to talk reality so we go figure, not be lost in emotional delusion as we simply go about our way, or be lost in riding on others wave, when yet their is another `way to help us rethink responsibly + now is the time to come together + show what best resources each have to m... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
Hello, please see our thoughts we share as we gather in a potluck. https://plus.google.com/u/0/112351116961105163900/posts/hqseLKDWTFs#112351116961105163900/posts don`t forget to watch Bill Schieffer in the presidential debate tonight... read more
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
in a `way potluck, it is these over views that can be addressed with early signs as we network. please see what we do today as we appreciate linking with `Just Foreign Policy + ask Bill Scheiffer to rethink with as he moderates the upcoming Presidential debate 10.22.2012; ... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by Peace is real! • | | 0 comments
it is here at our potluck, if so lucky to have produced small farmed diverse natural food, as we are sorry so many are still hungry, yet it is here we gather the detail as we share these thoughts + realize how locally + afar folks are working in need of all to support. please review + support... read more
by info • | | 0 comments
by info • | | 0 comments
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