it is amazing what can happen at a potluck of fresh grown natural food, folks we can keep this good work going for their is more to do.
congradulations to all that worked hard for this, including many people from United States, even though they did not vote for this, which was wron...
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by Peace is real!
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(Brussels, September 2012) The European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) is one of the initiators of an unprecedented event, a European march to Brussels entitled "Good Food Good Farming March".
Member organizations of ECVC, Nyéléni Europe and other civil society groups are mobiliz...
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by Peace is real!
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i share what i wrote to President Barack Obama`s OFA in response to President Bill Clinton`s email to me;
as he tells me how urgent this is, to act now.
Bill, Barack, Michelle + Hillary not to mention all that support you in their work on both sides, as well your families,
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by Peace is real!
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by Peace is real!
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thanks Gillian + arf! arf! in sharing your communities offerings.. we hope all is well + love you!
Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
No doubt as you realized yourself, there are a number of interesting projects in Baja involved in Permaculture, organic food, low-impact construction, waste m...
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by Peace is real!
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Subject: my gov 1st meet.
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 05:19:18 -0400
this is a good ex; i see posts from 11 months ago. yet i just got an email
wednesday, after another one prior saying i was not accepted for
fellowship, from my previous request only to communicate from afar. so thi...
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by our combined` effect...
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Michelle, Barack + children please note i share here my concern to you, with all;
i know it seems very difficult at times to work hard addressing what we think is important, then little to know that another comes about with sharper sensors luckily + shows us just a bit more of reality for...
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by Peace is real!
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thank you Marion Nestle Will Allen, not to mention this list is very long.
please see Prof Marion Nestle`s article below on the US 2012 FARM BILL..
we have great admiration for you folks, your work, your respect for life + your ability to be clear. this is appropriate place ...
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by Peace is real!
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thank you Peace Action west for detail follow thru to work with;
I am writing to urge you to cosponsor Rep. Markey’s bill, H.R. 3974, the Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures Act of 2012 (the SANE Act).
The Cold War has been over for more than two decades, and yet we are still spending...
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by Peace is real!
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our combined` effect adds;
locals that work the land are valuable resources + project osic will work to ensure locals have self-reliance + build community with rights for survival. it is wrong to isolate any ecological corridor + sell property to anyone that divides natural biomes that loca...
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by Peace is real!
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please review our tapering transition;
we can stop the energy inefficiency of struggling, law suits, protesting aggressively, misinformation allowed to be applied when people go beyond natural limits - yet they are allowed to ecologically destroy.
by seriously ...
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by Peace is real!
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wow this was very hard, to address how we as people, that are subjected to so much fragmentation, can pool our resources. we have the ability to reflect + support each to interrelate, build community that helps each sort out their life. so as to build neural pathways that harmonize. where...
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by Peace is real!
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if we get accepted for the WASH For Life Grant we have ideals to cooperative pool our biomes` + put those that work at in charge as we create sound sustainable investments for locals. then when in need of more we put it out to the markets only if they come aboard in our tapering transition + ret...
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by Peace is real!
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please respond to: our combined` effect <>,
we invite you to partner with us as we pursue the WASH For Life Grant from the US AID/Div, application.
if we are not applicable, please come together with your offerings. so we may resolve t...
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by Peace is real!
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November 1, 2011
tags: budget, Development, diplomacy, foreign affairs, international affairs, senate
by Rebecca Griffin
This week, the Senate is planning to vote on the international affairs budget—money for everything from nuclear nonproliferation to vaccinations to conflict prevention to...
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by Peace is real!
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anyone interested in teleconferencing as you represent your local students. if so come to talk talk subcatagorie + leave us a comment + we will get in touch.
we are trying to leverage our combined` effect as we network. as we set up a base in every country, including the ...
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by Peace is real!
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if agree, go online to
Hi folks,
we need 24,999 signatures for the Obama Administration to act, this is the petition:
We want the Obama Administration to create the responsible role of
government, rid dysfunction + r...
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by Peace is real!
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I share with you our email to Barack, Merkely, DeFazio, Boehner..
Hello Folks,
please note we have opened our forum to the public.
come help make this a good tool;
Barack, Jeff, Peter, i do hope...
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Dear Folks of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction:
I thank Rebecca, from Peace Action West. as she has reminded me of much detail that makes me sick, that you folks are presently acting on.
I am writing to urge you to support a deficit reduction plan that cuts waste...
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by Peace is real!
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lucky us to have a community that cares..
thank you folks that have helped him out! You know who you are..
this is just another example of what community can do when we pool our thought:
Mike + JD at the fish shacks locally are offering fresh fish al...
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by Peace is real!
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i believe in gripping the moment with multi functional tasks.
Barack + Congress, please note:
will i give Barack $3.00 toward his campaign now, no.
will i support his responsible position now, yes.
i just yesterday after a lengthy IRS discussion with a very...
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this is so important because communites have an abundant of good
sensitive/skilled folks locally + beyond. pulling own way, etc.
i come to talk
patches talk
a virtual message board to bring us eye to eye..
link - still threading thru Google, just opened recently to...
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by Peace is real!
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I share with you a letter emailed to our President + Legislators..
Hello folks,
Barack is our president, whether completely right or not. this dysfuntional
entity can be restored if the respect for positions get regained. + in
order for yours to be also respected, we need to s...
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Being kicked out of dodge is real unless you want to battle with an idiot in makumbo list to work..
by Peace is real!
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i personally attempted to share with the port of Brookings, Oregon. after living on a boat their, part time volunteering supporting the community +welcomed the new director. which when originally 1st met at a meeting, i stated after my review of folks discussing him being voted in, t...
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this is what I sumitted along with signing Mark's petition, check out his blog below..
Congress must stop all drilling for oil when their is no way to stop the
leakage + you folks have allowed these companies to be nontransparent with
the truth of what takes place underwater. mishi dove in ...
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